package co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.config; import static*; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.oio.OioFileFactory.*; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.AssertUtil.*; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.PropertiesUtil.*; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.StringUtil.*; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.appid.AppIdRegistry; import; import; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.oio.File; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.repo.local.LocalRepoHelper; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.repo.local.LocalRepoManager; /** * Configuration of CloudStore supporting inheritance of settings. * <p> * See {@link Config}. * * @author Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at codewizards dot co */ public class ConfigImpl implements Config { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigImpl.class); private static final long fileRefsCleanPeriod = 60000L; private static long fileRefsCleanLastTimestamp; // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY_LOCAL = '.' + APP_ID_SIMPLE_ID + ""; // private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY = '.' + APP_ID_SIMPLE_ID + ".properties"; /** * @deprecated We should only support one of these files - this is unnecessary! */ @Deprecated private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY_VISIBLE = APP_ID_SIMPLE_ID + ".properties"; private static final String PROPERTIES_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = ""; // *NOT* dependent on AppId! private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_FORMAT_FOR_FILE_HIDDEN = ".%s." + APP_ID_SIMPLE_ID + ".properties"; /** * @deprecated We should only support one of these files - this is unnecessary! */ @Deprecated private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_FORMAT_FOR_FILE_VISIBLE = "%s." + APP_ID_SIMPLE_ID + ".properties"; private static final String TRUE_STRING = Boolean.TRUE.toString(); private static final String FALSE_STRING = Boolean.FALSE.toString(); private static final LinkedHashSet<File> fileHardRefs = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private static final int fileHardRefsMaxSize = 30; /** * {@link SoftReference}s to the files used in {@link #file2Config}. * <p> * There is no {@code SoftHashMap}, hence we use a WeakHashMap combined with the {@code SoftReference}s here. * @see #file2Config */ private static final LinkedList<SoftReference<File>> fileSoftRefs = new LinkedList<>(); /** * @see #fileSoftRefs */ private static final Map<File, ConfigImpl> file2Config = new WeakHashMap<File, ConfigImpl>(); private static final class ConfigHolder { public static final ConfigImpl instance = new ConfigImpl( null, null, new File[] { createFile(ConfigDir.getInstance().getFile(), PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY_VISIBLE) }); } private final ConfigImpl parentConfig; private final WeakReference<File> fileRef; protected final File[] propertiesFiles; private final long[] propertiesFilesLastModified; protected final Properties properties; private static final Object classMutex = ConfigImpl.class; private final Object instanceMutex; private long version = 0; protected ConfigImpl(final ConfigImpl parentConfig, final File file, final File [] propertiesFiles) { this.parentConfig = parentConfig; if (parentConfig == null) fileRef = null; else fileRef = new WeakReference<File>(assertNotNull(file, "file")); this.propertiesFiles = assertNotNullAndNoNullElement(propertiesFiles, "propertiesFiles"); properties = new Properties(parentConfig == null ? null :; propertiesFilesLastModified = new long[propertiesFiles.length]; instanceMutex = properties; // Create the default global configuration (it's an empty template with some comments). if (parentConfig == null && !propertiesFiles[0].exists()) { try { AppIdRegistry.getInstance().copyResourceResolvingAppId( ConfigImpl.class, "/" + PROPERTIES_TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME, propertiesFiles[0]); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } /** * Get the directory or file for which this Config instance is responsible. * @return the directory or file for which this Config instance is responsible. Might be <code>null</code>, if already * garbage-collected or if this is the root-parent-Config. We try to make garbage-collection extremely unlikely * as long as the Config is held in memory. */ protected File getFile() { return fileRef == null ? null : fileRef.get(); } private static void cleanFileRefs() { synchronized (classMutex) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - fileRefsCleanLastTimestamp < fileRefsCleanPeriod) return; for (final Iterator<SoftReference<File>> it = fileSoftRefs.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final SoftReference<File> fileRef =; if (fileRef.get() == null) it.remove(); } fileRefsCleanLastTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } /** * Gets the global {@code Config} for the current user. * @return the global {@code Config} for the current user. Never <code>null</code>. */ public static Config getInstance() { return ConfigHolder.instance; } /** * Gets the {@code Config} for the given {@code directory}. * @param directory a directory inside a repository. Must not be <code>null</code>. * The directory does not need to exist (it may be created later). * @return the {@code Config} for the given {@code directory}. Never <code>null</code>. */ public static Config getInstanceForDirectory(final File directory) { return getInstance(directory, true); } /** * Gets the {@code Config} for the given {@code file}. * @param file a file inside a repository. Must not be <code>null</code>. * The file does not need to exist (it may be created later). * @return the {@code Config} for the given {@code file}. Never <code>null</code>. */ public static Config getInstanceForFile(final File file) { return getInstance(file, false); } private static Config getInstance(final File file, final boolean isDirectory) { assertNotNull(file, "file"); cleanFileRefs(); File config_file = null; ConfigImpl config; synchronized (classMutex) { config = file2Config.get(file); if (config != null) { config_file = config.getFile(); if (config_file == null) // very unlikely, but it actually *can* happen. config = null; // we try to make it extremely probable that the Config we return does have a valid file reference. } if (config == null) { final File localRoot = LocalRepoHelper.getLocalRootContainingFile(file); if (localRoot == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("file is not inside a repository: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); final ConfigImpl parentConfig = (ConfigImpl) (localRoot == file ? getInstance() : getInstance(file.getParentFile(), true)); config = new ConfigImpl(parentConfig, file, createPropertiesFiles(file, isDirectory)); file2Config.put(file, config); fileSoftRefs.add(new SoftReference<File>(file)); config_file = config.getFile(); } assertNotNull(config_file, "config_file"); } refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(config_file); return config; } private static File[] createPropertiesFiles(final File file, final boolean isDirectory) { if (isDirectory) { List<File> files = new ArrayList<>(); File metaDir = createFile(file, LocalRepoManager.META_DIR_NAME); if (metaDir.isDirectory()) files.add(createFile(metaDir, PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_PARENT)); files.add(createFile(file, PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY)); files.add(createFile(file, PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY_VISIBLE)); files.add(createFile(file, PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME_FOR_DIRECTORY_LOCAL)); // overrides the settings of the shared file! return files.toArray(new File[files.size()]); } else { return new File[] { createFile(file.getParentFile(), String.format(PROPERTIES_FILE_FORMAT_FOR_FILE_HIDDEN, file.getName())), createFile(file.getParentFile(), String.format(PROPERTIES_FILE_FORMAT_FOR_FILE_VISIBLE, file.getName())) }; } } private void readIfNeeded() { synchronized (instanceMutex) { for (int i = 0; i < propertiesFiles.length; i++) { final File propertiesFile = propertiesFiles[i]; final long lastModified = propertiesFilesLastModified[i]; if (propertiesFile.lastModified() != lastModified) { read(); break; } } } if (parentConfig != null) parentConfig.readIfNeeded(); } private void read() { synchronized (instanceMutex) { logger.trace("read: Entered instanceMutex."); try { properties.clear(); version = 0; for (int i = 0; i < propertiesFiles.length; i++) { final File propertiesFile = propertiesFiles[i]; logger.debug("read: Reading propertiesFile '{}'.", propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath()); final long lastModified = getLastModifiedAndWaitIfNeeded(propertiesFile); if (propertiesFile.exists()) { // prevent the properties file from being modified while we're reading it. try ( LockFile lockFile = LockFileFactory.getInstance().acquire(propertiesFile, 10000); ) { // TODO maybe system property for timeout? final InputStream in = castStream(lockFile.createInputStream()); try { properties.load(in); } finally { in.close(); } } } propertiesFilesLastModified[i] = lastModified; version += lastModified; } } catch (final IOException e) { properties.clear(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private void write() { synchronized (instanceMutex) { logger.trace("read: Entered instanceMutex."); try { // TODO We should switch to another Properties implementation (our own?! didn't I write one, already? where do I have this code?!) // Using java.util.Properties causes the entries' order to be randomized and all comments in the file to be lost :-( // Which of the multiple files is used? We overwrite this, if it's only one. File propertiesFile = getSinglePropertiesFile(); if (propertiesFile == null) propertiesFile = propertiesFiles[propertiesFiles.length - 1]; // the last one has the last word ;-) logger.debug("write: Writing propertiesFile '{}'.", propertiesFile.getAbsolutePath()); try ( LockFile lockFile = LockFileFactory.getInstance().acquire(propertiesFile, 10000); ) { // TODO maybe system property for timeout? final OutputStream out = castStream(lockFile.createOutputStream()); try {, null); } finally { out.close(); } } // TODO should we set propertiesFilesLastModified[...] to prevent re-reading?! would be more efficient - but then, we rarely ever write anyway. } catch (final IOException e) { properties.clear(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private File getSinglePropertiesFile() { File result = null; for (final File propertiesFile : propertiesFiles) { if (propertiesFile.exists()) { if (result == null) result = propertiesFile; else return null; // multiple in use } } // if (result == null) // none in use, yet => choose the .* one (the first) // result = propertiesFiles[0]; // now using the local file by default (the last) return result; } /** * Gets the {@link File#lastModified() lastModified} timestamp of the given {@code file} * and waits if needed. * <p> * Waiting is needed, if the modification's age is shorter than the file system's time granularity. * Since we do not know the file system's time granularity, we assume 2 seconds. Thus, if the file * was changed e.g. 600 ms before invoking this method, the method will wait for 1400 ms to make sure * the modification is at least as old as the assumed file system's temporal granularity. * <p> * This waiting strategy makes sure that a future modification of the file, after the file was read, * is reliably detected - causing the file to be read again. * @param file the file whose {@link File#lastModified() lastModified} timestamp to obtain. Must not be <code>null</code>. * @return the {@link File#lastModified() lastModified} timestamp. 0, if the specified {@code file} * does not exist. */ private long getLastModifiedAndWaitIfNeeded(final File file) { assertNotNull(file, "file"); long lastModified = file.lastModified(); // is 0 for non-existing file final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Check and handle timestamp in the future. if (lastModified > now) { file.setLastModified(now); logger.warn("getLastModifiedAndWaitIfNeeded: lastModified of '{}' was in the future! Changed it to now!", file.getAbsolutePath()); lastModified = file.lastModified(); if (lastModified > now) { logger.error("getLastModifiedAndWaitIfNeeded: lastModified of '{}' is in the future! Changing it FAILED! Permissions?!", file.getAbsolutePath()); return lastModified; } } // Wait, if the modification is not yet older than the file system's (assumed!) granularity. // No file system should have a granularity worse than 2 seconds. Waiting max. 2 seconds in this use-case // in this rare situation is acceptable. After all, this is a config file which isn't changed often. final long fileSystemTemporalGranularity = 2000; // TODO maybe make this configurable?! Warning: we are in the config here - accessing the config is thus not so easy (=> recursion). final long modificationAge = now - lastModified; final long waitPeriod = fileSystemTemporalGranularity - modificationAge; if (waitPeriod > 0) {"getLastModifiedAndWaitIfNeeded: Waiting {} ms.", waitPeriod); try { Thread.sleep(waitPeriod); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } return lastModified; } @Override public long getVersion() { long result; synchronized (instanceMutex) { readIfNeeded(); result = version; } if (parentConfig != null) result += parentConfig.getVersion(); return result; } @Override public String getProperty(final String key, final String defaultValue) { assertNotNull(key, "key"); refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(); final String sysPropKey = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key; final String sysPropVal = System.getProperty(sysPropKey); if (sysPropVal != null) { logger.debug("getProperty: System property with key='{}' and value='{}' overrides config (config is not queried).", sysPropKey, sysPropVal); return sysPropVal; } final String envVarKey = systemPropertyToEnvironmentVariable(sysPropKey); final String envVarVal = System.getenv(envVarKey); if (envVarVal != null) { logger.debug("getProperty: Environment variable with key='{}' and value='{}' overrides config (config is not queried).", envVarKey, envVarVal); return envVarVal; } logger.debug("getProperty: System property with key='{}' is not set (config is queried next).", sysPropKey); synchronized (instanceMutex) { readIfNeeded(); return properties.getProperty(key, defaultValue); } } @Override public String getDirectProperty(final String key) { assertNotNull(key, "key"); // TODO should we really take system properties and environment variables into account?! final String sysPropKey = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key; final String sysPropVal = System.getProperty(sysPropKey); if (sysPropVal != null) { logger.debug("getProperty: System property with key='{}' and value='{}' overrides config (config is not queried).", sysPropKey, sysPropVal); return sysPropVal; } final String envVarKey = systemPropertyToEnvironmentVariable(sysPropKey); final String envVarVal = System.getenv(envVarKey); if (envVarVal != null) { logger.debug("getProperty: Environment variable with key='{}' and value='{}' overrides config (config is not queried).", envVarKey, envVarVal); return envVarVal; } refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(); synchronized (instanceMutex) { readIfNeeded(); return (String) properties.get(key); } } @Override public void setDirectProperty(final String key, final String value) { assertNotNull(key, "key"); // TODO really prevent modifying values? Or handle system props + env-vars differently? final String sysPropKey = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key; if (System.getProperty(sysPropKey) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "System property with key='%s' overrides config. The property '%s' can therefore not be modified.", sysPropKey, key)); } final String envVarKey = systemPropertyToEnvironmentVariable(sysPropKey); if (System.getenv(envVarKey) != null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "Environment variable with key='%s' overrides config. The property '%s' can therefore not be modified.", envVarKey, key)); } refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(); synchronized (instanceMutex) { readIfNeeded(); if (value == null) properties.remove(key); else properties.put(key, value); write(); } } @Override public String getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString(final String key, final String defaultValue) { assertNotNull(key, "key"); refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(); final String sysPropKey = SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key; final String sysPropVal = trim(System.getProperty(sysPropKey)); if (! isEmpty(sysPropVal)) { logger.debug("getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString: System property with key='{}' and value='{}' overrides config (config is not queried).", sysPropKey, sysPropVal); return sysPropVal; } final String envVarKey = systemPropertyToEnvironmentVariable(sysPropKey); final String envVarVal = trim(System.getenv(envVarKey)); if (! isEmpty(envVarVal)) { logger.debug("getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString: Environment variable with key='{}' and value='{}' overrides config (config is not queried).", envVarKey, envVarVal); return envVarVal; } logger.debug("getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString: System property with key='{}' is not set (config is queried next).", sysPropKey); synchronized (instanceMutex) { readIfNeeded(); String sval = trim(properties.getProperty(key)); if (isEmpty(sval)) return defaultValue; return sval; } } @Override public long getPropertyAsLong(final String key, final long defaultValue) { final String sval = getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString(key, null); if (sval == null) return defaultValue; try { final long lval = Long.parseLong(sval); return lval; } catch (final NumberFormatException x) { logger.warn("getPropertyAsLong: One of the properties files %s contains the key '%s' (or the system properties override it) with the illegal value '%s'. Falling back to default value '%s'!", propertiesFiles, key, sval, defaultValue); return defaultValue; } } @Override public long getPropertyAsPositiveOrZeroLong(final String key, final long defaultValue) { final long value = getPropertyAsLong(key, defaultValue); if (value < 0) { logger.warn("getPropertyAsPositiveOrZeroLong: One of the properties files %s contains the key '%s' (or the system properties override it) with the negative value '%s' (only values >= 0 are allowed). Falling back to default value '%s'!", propertiesFiles, key, value, defaultValue); return defaultValue; } return value; } @Override public int getPropertyAsInt(final String key, final int defaultValue) { final String sval = getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString(key, null); if (sval == null) return defaultValue; try { final int ival = Integer.parseInt(sval); return ival; } catch (final NumberFormatException x) { logger.warn("getPropertyAsInt: One of the properties files %s contains the key '%s' (or the system properties override it) with the illegal value '%s'. Falling back to default value '%s'!", propertiesFiles, key, sval, defaultValue); return defaultValue; } } @Override public int getPropertyAsPositiveOrZeroInt(final String key, final int defaultValue) { final int value = getPropertyAsInt(key, defaultValue); if (value < 0) { logger.warn("getPropertyAsPositiveOrZeroInt: One of the properties files %s contains the key '%s' (or the system properties override it) with the negative value '%s' (only values >= 0 are allowed). Falling back to default value '%s'!", propertiesFiles, key, value, defaultValue); return defaultValue; } return value; } @Override public <E extends Enum<E>> E getPropertyAsEnum(final String key, final E defaultValue) { assertNotNull(defaultValue, "defaultValue"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Class<E> enumClass = (Class<E>) defaultValue.getClass(); return getPropertyAsEnum(key, enumClass, defaultValue); } @Override public <E extends Enum<E>> E getPropertyAsEnum(final String key, final Class<E> enumClass, final E defaultValue) { assertNotNull(enumClass, "enumClass"); final String sval = getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString(key, null); if (sval == null) return defaultValue; try { return Enum.valueOf(enumClass, sval); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException x) { logger.warn("getPropertyAsEnum: One of the properties files %s contains the key '%s' with the illegal value '%s'. Falling back to default value '%s'!", propertiesFiles, key, sval, defaultValue); return defaultValue; } } @Override public boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(final String key, final boolean defaultValue) { final String sval = getPropertyAsNonEmptyTrimmedString(key, null); if (sval == null) return defaultValue; if (TRUE_STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(sval)) return true; else if (FALSE_STRING.equalsIgnoreCase(sval)) return false; else { logger.warn("getPropertyAsBoolean: One of the properties files %s contains the key '%s' with the illegal value '%s'. Falling back to default value '%s'!", propertiesFiles, key, sval, defaultValue); return defaultValue; } } private static final void refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(final ConfigImpl config) { final File config_file = assertNotNull(config, "config").getFile(); if (config_file != null) refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(config_file); } private final void refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs() { if (parentConfig != null) parentConfig.refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(); refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(this); } private static final void refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(final File config_file) { assertNotNull(config_file, "config_file"); synchronized (fileHardRefs) { // make sure the config_file is at the end of fileHardRefs fileHardRefs.remove(config_file); fileHardRefs.add(config_file); // remove the first entry until size does not exceed limit anymore. while (fileHardRefs.size() > fileHardRefsMaxSize) fileHardRefs.remove(fileHardRefs.iterator().next()); } } @Override public Map<String, List<String>> getKey2GroupsMatching(final Pattern regex) { assertNotNull(regex, "regex"); refreshFileHardRefAndCleanOldHardRefs(); final Map<String, List<String>> key2Groups = new HashMap<>(); populateKeysMatching(key2Groups, regex); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(key2Groups); } protected void populateKeysMatching(final Map<String, List<String>> key2Groups, final Pattern regex) { assertNotNull(key2Groups, "key2Groups"); assertNotNull(regex, "regex"); if (parentConfig != null) parentConfig.populateKeysMatching(key2Groups, regex); synchronized (instanceMutex) { readIfNeeded(); for (final Object k : properties.keySet()) { final String key = (String) k; if (key2Groups.containsKey(key)) continue; final Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(key); if (matcher.matches()) { final int groupCount = matcher.groupCount(); final List<String> groups = new ArrayList<>(groupCount); for (int i = 1; i <= groupCount; ++i) // ignore group 0, because this is the same as key. groups.add(; key2Groups.put(key, Collections.unmodifiableList(groups)); } } } } }