package co.codewizards.cloudstore.local; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.jdo.JDOHelper; import javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.jdo.listener.DeleteLifecycleListener; import javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEvent; import javax.jdo.listener.StoreLifecycleListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.repo.local.AbstractLocalRepoTransactionListener; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.repo.local.LocalRepoTransaction; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.AutoTrackChanged; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.local.persistence.AutoTrackLocalRevision; /** * JDO lifecycle-listener updating the {@link AutoTrackChanged#getChanged() changed} and the * {@link AutoTrackLocalRevision#getLocalRevision() localRevision} properties of persistence-capable * objects. * <p> * Whenever an object is written to the datastore, said properties are updated, if the appropriate * interfaces are implemented by the persistence-capable object. * @author Marco หงุ่ยตระกูล-Schulze - marco at codewizards dot co */ public class AutoTrackLifecycleListener extends AbstractLocalRepoTransactionListener implements StoreLifecycleListener, DeleteLifecycleListener { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AutoTrackLifecycleListener.class); private final Map<Object, Date> oid2LastChanged = new HashMap<>(); private boolean defer; @Override public LocalRepoTransactionImpl getTransaction() { return (LocalRepoTransactionImpl) super.getTransaction(); } @Override protected LocalRepoTransactionImpl getTransactionOrFail() { return (LocalRepoTransactionImpl) super.getTransactionOrFail(); } @Override public void setTransaction(final LocalRepoTransaction transaction) { if (! (transaction instanceof LocalRepoTransactionImpl)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("transaction is not an instance of LocalRepoTransactionImpl!"); super.setTransaction(transaction); } @Override public void preStore(final InstanceLifecycleEvent event) { // It seems, this method is always invoked whenever something is about to be written // into the database - no matter, if it's a new object being persisted, a detached // object being attached or a persistent object having been modified and being flushed. // Therefore, we do not need AttachLifecycleListener and DirtyLifecycleListener. // Marco :-) onWrite(event.getPersistentInstance()); } @Override public void postStore(final InstanceLifecycleEvent event) { } @Override public void preDelete(final InstanceLifecycleEvent event) { // We want to ensure that the revision is incremented, even if we do not have any remote repository connected // (and thus no DeleteModification being created). getTransactionOrFail().getLocalRevision(); final Object oid = JDOHelper.getObjectId(event.getPersistentInstance()); oid2LastChanged.remove(oid); } @Override public void postDelete(final InstanceLifecycleEvent event) { } private void onWrite(final Object pc) { // We always obtain the localRevision - no matter, if the current write operation is on // an object implementing AutoTrackLocalRevision, because this causes incrementing of the // localRevision in the database (once per transaction). final long localRevision = getTransactionOrFail().getLocalRevision(); final Date changed = new Date(); final Object oid = JDOHelper.getObjectId(pc); if (!defer && oid != null) { // there is no OID, yet, if the object is NEW (not yet persisted). final Date oldLastChanged = oid2LastChanged.get(oid); oid2LastChanged.put(oid, changed); // always keep the newest changed-timestamp. if (oldLastChanged != null) { logger.debug("onWrite: skipping (already processed in this transaction): {}", pc); return; // already processed in this transaction. } } if (pc instanceof AutoTrackChanged) { logger.debug("onWrite: setChanged({}) for {}", changed, pc); final AutoTrackChanged entity = (AutoTrackChanged) pc; entity.setChanged(changed); } if (pc instanceof AutoTrackLocalRevision) { logger.debug("onWrite: setLocalRevision({}) for {}", localRevision, pc); final AutoTrackLocalRevision entity = (AutoTrackLocalRevision) pc; entity.setLocalRevision(localRevision); } } /** * Notifies this instance about the {@linkplain #getTransaction() transaction} being begun. * @see #onCommit() * @see #onRollback() */ @Override public void onBegin() { defer = true; getTransactionOrFail().getPersistenceManager().addInstanceLifecycleListener(this, (Class[]) null); } /** * Notifies this instance about the {@linkplain #getTransaction() transaction} being committed. * @see #onBegin() * @see #onRollback() */ @Override public void onCommit() { defer = false; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final PersistenceManager pm = getTransactionOrFail().getPersistenceManager(); for (final Map.Entry<Object, Date> me : oid2LastChanged.entrySet()) { try { final Object pc = pm.getObjectById(me.getKey()); if (pc instanceof AutoTrackChanged) { final Date changed = me.getValue(); logger.debug("onCommit: setChanged({}) for {}", changed, pc); final AutoTrackChanged entity = (AutoTrackChanged) pc; entity.setChanged(changed); } } catch (final JDOObjectNotFoundException x) { logger.warn("onCommit: " + x, x); } } final int oid2LastChangedSize = oid2LastChanged.size(); oid2LastChanged.clear(); final long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; if (duration >= 500)"onCommit: Deferred operations took {} ms for {} entities.", duration, oid2LastChangedSize); else logger.debug("onCommit: Deferred operations took {} ms for {} entities.", duration, oid2LastChangedSize); } /** * Notifies this instance about the {@linkplain #getTransaction() transaction} being rolled back. * @see #onBegin() * @see #onCommit() */ @Override public void onRollback() { defer = false; oid2LastChanged.clear(); } }