package; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.AssertUtil.*; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.Util.*; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.Uid; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.dto.Error; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.dto.RemoteException; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.dto.RemoteExceptionUtil; import; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.ExceptionUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class InverseInvoker implements Invoker { /** * Timeout (in milliseconds) before sending an empty HTTP response to the polling client. The client does * <i>long polling</i> in order to allow for * {@linkplain #performInverseServiceRequest(InverseServiceRequest) inverse service invocations}. * <p> * This timeout must be (significantly) shorter than {@link ObjectManager#EVICT_UNUSED_OBJECT_MANAGER_TIMEOUT_MS} to make sure, the * {@linkplain #pollInverseServiceRequest() polling} serves additionally as a keep-alive for * the server-side {@code ObjectManager}. */ private static final long POLL_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 15L * 1000L; // 15 seconds /** * Timeout for {@link #performInverseServiceRequest(InverseServiceRequest)}. * <p> * If an inverse service-request does not receive a response within this timeout, a {@link TimeoutException} is thrown. * <p> * Please note, that the {@code invoke*} methods (e.g. {@link #invoke(Object, String, Object...)} or * {@link #invokeConstructor(Class, Object...)}) can take much longer, because the other side will return * a {@link DelayedMethodInvocationResponse} after a much shorter timeout (a few dozen seconds). This allows * the actual method to be invoked to take how long it wants (unlimited!) while at the same time detecting very * quickly, if the other side is dead (this timeout). */ private static final long PERFORM_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 3L * 60L * 1000L; // 3 minutes is more than enough, because we have DelayedMethodInvocationResponse private final IncDecRefCountQueue incDecRefCountQueue = new IncDecRefCountQueue(this); private final ObjectManager objectManager; private final LinkedList<InverseServiceRequest> inverseServiceRequests = new LinkedList<>(); private final Set<Uid> requestIdsWaitingForResponse = new HashSet<Uid>(); // synchronized by: requestId2InverseServiceResponse private final Map<Uid, InverseServiceResponse> requestId2InverseServiceResponse = new HashMap<Uid, InverseServiceResponse>(); private final ClassInfoMap classInfoMap = new ClassInfoMap(); private volatile boolean diedOfTimeout; public static InverseInvoker getInverseInvoker(final ObjectManager objectManager) { assertNotNull(objectManager, "objectManager"); synchronized (objectManager) { InverseInvoker inverseInvoker = (InverseInvoker) objectManager.getContextObject(InverseInvoker.class.getName()); if (inverseInvoker == null) { inverseInvoker = new InverseInvoker(objectManager); objectManager.putContextObject(InverseInvoker.class.getName(), inverseInvoker); } return inverseInvoker; } } private InverseInvoker(final ObjectManager objectManager) { this.objectManager = assertNotNull(objectManager, "objectManager"); } @Override public ObjectManager getObjectManager() { return objectManager; } @Override public <T> T invokeStatic(final Class<?> clazz, final String methodName, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(clazz, "clazz"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); return invokeStatic(clazz.getName(), methodName, (String[]) null, arguments); } @Override public <T> T invokeStatic(final String className, final String methodName, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(className, "className"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); return invokeStatic(className, methodName, (String[]) null, arguments); } @Override public <T> T invokeStatic(final Class<?> clazz, final String methodName, final Class<?>[] argumentTypes, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(clazz, "clazz"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); return invokeStatic(clazz.getName(), methodName, toClassNames(argumentTypes), arguments); } @Override public <T> T invokeStatic(final String className, final String methodName, final String[] argumentTypeNames, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(className, "className"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); final MethodInvocationRequest methodInvocationRequest = MethodInvocationRequest.forStaticInvocation( className, methodName, argumentTypeNames, arguments); return invoke(methodInvocationRequest); } @Override public <T> T invokeConstructor(final Class<T> clazz, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(clazz, "clazz"); return invokeConstructor(clazz.getName(), (String[]) null, arguments); } @Override public <T> T invokeConstructor(final String className, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(className, "className"); return invokeConstructor(className, (String[]) null, arguments); } @Override public <T> T invokeConstructor(final Class<T> clazz, final Class<?>[] argumentTypes, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(clazz, "clazz"); return invokeConstructor(clazz.getName(), toClassNames(argumentTypes), arguments); } @Override public <T> T invokeConstructor(final String className, final String[] argumentTypeNames, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(className, "className"); final MethodInvocationRequest methodInvocationRequest = MethodInvocationRequest.forConstructorInvocation( className, argumentTypeNames, arguments); return invoke(methodInvocationRequest); } @Override public <T> T invoke(final Object object, final String methodName, final Object ... arguments) { assertNotNull(object, "object"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); if (!(object instanceof RemoteObjectProxy)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("object is not an instance of RemoteObjectProxy!"); return invoke(object, methodName, (Class<?>[]) null, arguments); } @Override public <T> T invoke(final Object object, final String methodName, final Class<?>[] argumentTypes, final Object... arguments) { assertNotNull(object, "object"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); return invoke(object, methodName, toClassNames(argumentTypes), arguments); } @Override public <T> T invoke(final Object object, final String methodName, final String[] argumentTypeNames, final Object... arguments) { assertNotNull(object, "object"); assertNotNull(methodName, "methodName"); final MethodInvocationRequest methodInvocationRequest = MethodInvocationRequest.forObjectInvocation( object, methodName, argumentTypeNames, arguments); return invoke(methodInvocationRequest); } private <T> T invoke(final MethodInvocationRequest methodInvocationRequest) { assertNotNull(methodInvocationRequest, "methodInvocationRequest"); InverseMethodInvocationResponse inverseMethodInvocationResponse = performInverseServiceRequest( new InverseMethodInvocationRequest(methodInvocationRequest)); assertNotNull(inverseMethodInvocationResponse, "inverseMethodInvocationResponse"); MethodInvocationResponse methodInvocationResponse = inverseMethodInvocationResponse.getMethodInvocationResponse(); while (methodInvocationResponse instanceof DelayedMethodInvocationResponse) { final DelayedMethodInvocationResponse dmir = (DelayedMethodInvocationResponse) methodInvocationResponse; final Uid delayedResponseId = dmir.getDelayedResponseId(); inverseMethodInvocationResponse = performInverseServiceRequest( new InverseMethodInvocationRequest(delayedResponseId)); assertNotNull(inverseMethodInvocationResponse, "inverseMethodInvocationResponse"); methodInvocationResponse = inverseMethodInvocationResponse.getMethodInvocationResponse(); } final Object result = methodInvocationResponse.getResult(); return cast(result); } @Override public void incRefCount(final ObjectRef objectRef, final Uid refId) { incDecRefCountQueue.incRefCount(objectRef, refId); } @Override public void decRefCount(final ObjectRef objectRef, final Uid refId) { incDecRefCountQueue.decRefCount(objectRef, refId); } private String[] toClassNames(Class<?> ... classes) { final String[] classNames; if (classes == null) classNames = null; else { classNames = new String[classes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) classNames[i] = classes[i].getName(); } return classNames; } public Object getRemoteObjectProxyOrCreate(ObjectRef objectRef) { return objectManager.getRemoteObjectProxyManager().getRemoteObjectProxyOrCreate(objectRef, new RemoteObjectProxyFactory() { @Override public RemoteObjectProxy createRemoteObjectProxy(ObjectRef objectRef) { return _createRemoteObjectProxy(objectRef); } }); } private RemoteObjectProxy _createRemoteObjectProxy(final ObjectRef objectRef) { final Class<?>[] interfaces = getInterfaces(objectRef); final ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); return (RemoteObjectProxy) Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces, new RemoteObjectProxyInvocationHandler(this, objectRef)); } private Class<?>[] getInterfaces(final ObjectRef objectRef) { ClassInfo classInfo = classInfoMap.getClassInfo(objectRef.getClassId()); if (classInfo == null) { classInfo = objectRef.getClassInfo(); if (classInfo == null) throw new IllegalStateException("There is no ClassInfo in the ClassInfoMap and neither in the ObjectRef! " + objectRef); classInfoMap.putClassInfo(classInfo); objectRef.setClassInfo(null); } final ClassManager classManager = objectManager.getClassManager(); final Set<String> interfaceNames = classInfo.getInterfaceNames(); final List<Class<?>> interfaces = new ArrayList<>(interfaceNames.size() + 1); for (final String interfaceName : interfaceNames) { Class<?> iface = null; try { iface = classManager.getClassOrFail(interfaceName); } catch (RuntimeException x) { if (ExceptionUtil.getCause(x, ClassNotFoundException.class) == null) throw x; } if (iface != null) interfaces.add(iface); } interfaces.add(RemoteObjectProxy.class); return interfaces.toArray(new Class<?>[interfaces.size()]); } /** * Invokes a service on the client-side. * <p> * Normally, a client initiates a request-response-cycle by sending a request to a server-side service and waiting * for the response. In order to notify client-side listeners, we need the inverse, though: the server must invoke * a service on the client-side. This can be easily done by sending an implementation of {@code InverseServiceRequest} * to a {@code InverseServiceRequestHandler} implementation on the client-side using this method. * * @param request the request to be processed on the client-side. Must not be <code>null</code>. * @return the response created and sent back by the client-side {@code InverseServiceRequestHandler}. * @throws TimeoutException if this method did not receive a response within the timeout * {@link #PERFORM_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS}. */ public <T extends InverseServiceResponse> T performInverseServiceRequest(final InverseServiceRequest request) throws TimeoutException { assertNotNull(request, "request"); if (diedOfTimeout) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("InverseInvoker[%s] died of timeout, already!", objectManager.getClientId())); final Uid requestId = request.getRequestId(); assertNotNull(requestId, "request.requestId"); synchronized (requestId2InverseServiceResponse) { if (!requestIdsWaitingForResponse.add(requestId)) throw new IllegalStateException("requestId already queued: " + requestId); } try { synchronized (inverseServiceRequests) { inverseServiceRequests.add(request); inverseServiceRequests.notify(); } // The request is pushed, hence from now on, we wait for the response until the timeout in PERFORM_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS. final long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (requestId2InverseServiceResponse) { boolean first = true; while (first || System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp < PERFORM_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS) { if (first) first = false; else { final long timeSpentTillNowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp; final long waitTimeout = PERFORM_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS - timeSpentTillNowMillis; if (waitTimeout > 0) { try { requestId2InverseServiceResponse.wait(waitTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { doNothing(); } } } final InverseServiceResponse response = requestId2InverseServiceResponse.remove(requestId); if (response != null) { if (response instanceof NullResponse) return null; else if (response instanceof ErrorResponse) { final Error error = ((ErrorResponse) response).getError(); RemoteExceptionUtil.throwOriginalExceptionIfPossible(error); throw new RemoteException(error); } else { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final T t = (T) response; return t; } } } } } finally { boolean requestWasStillWaiting; // in case, it was not yet polled, we make sure garbage does not pile up. synchronized (requestId2InverseServiceResponse) { requestWasStillWaiting = requestIdsWaitingForResponse.remove(requestId); // Make sure, no garbage is left over by removing this together with the requestId from requestIdsWaitingForResponse. requestId2InverseServiceResponse.remove(requestId); } if (requestWasStillWaiting) { synchronized (inverseServiceRequests) { inverseServiceRequests.remove(request); } } } if (request.isTimeoutDeadly()) diedOfTimeout = true; throw new TimeoutException(String.format("InverseInvoker[%s] encountered timeout while waiting for response matching requestId=%s! diedOfTimeout=%s", objectManager.getClientId(), requestId, diedOfTimeout)); } public InverseServiceRequest pollInverseServiceRequest() { final long startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (inverseServiceRequests) { boolean first = true; while (first || System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp < POLL_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS) { if (first) first = false; else { final long timeSpentTillNowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimestamp; final long waitTimeout = POLL_INVERSE_SERVICE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS - timeSpentTillNowMillis; if (waitTimeout > 0) { try { inverseServiceRequests.wait(waitTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { doNothing(); } } } final InverseServiceRequest request = inverseServiceRequests.poll(); if (request != null) return request; }; } return null; } public void pushInverseServiceResponse(final InverseServiceResponse response) { assertNotNull(response, "response"); final Uid requestId = response.getRequestId(); assertNotNull(requestId, "response.requestId"); synchronized (requestId2InverseServiceResponse) { if (!requestIdsWaitingForResponse.contains(requestId)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("response.requestId=%s does not match any waiting request!", requestId)); requestId2InverseServiceResponse.put(requestId, response); requestId2InverseServiceResponse.notifyAll(); } } @Override public ClassInfoMap getClassInfoMap() { return classInfoMap; } }