package co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public final class DebugUtil { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugUtil.class); private static final long KIB = 1024L; private static final long MIB = KIB * 1024; private static final long GIB = MIB * 1024; private static final long TIB = GIB * 1024; private DebugUtil() { } public static void logMemoryStats(Logger logger) { if (logger == null) logger = DebugUtil.logger; if (! logger.isInfoEnabled()) return; final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); runtime.gc(); // max: limit of maximum allocatable memory allowed to the VM. Likely specified by -Xmx... final long max = runtime.maxMemory(); // allocated: memory currently allocated by the VM (requested from and granted by the OS). Might be less than 'max'. final long allocated = runtime.totalMemory(); // used: memory in use by Java objects (hence we invoke gc() above, otherwise this doesn't say anything useful). final long used = allocated - runtime.freeMemory(); // available: how much this JVM can still use for future objects -- with or without the need to allocate more from the OS. final long available = max - used;"logMemoryStats: max={}, allocated={}, used={}, available={}", getHumanReadableSize(max), getHumanReadableSize(allocated), getHumanReadableSize(used), getHumanReadableSize(available)); } private static String getHumanReadableSize(final long size) { if (size >= TIB) return String.format("%.1f TiB", (double) size / TIB); if (size >= GIB) return String.format("%.1f GiB", (double) size / GIB); if (size >= MIB) return String.format("%.1f MiB", (double) size / MIB); if (size >= KIB) return String.format("%.1f KiB", (double) size / KIB); return String.format("%d B", size); } }