package com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.measurement; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSObjectable; /** * This class represents a number format dictionary. */ public class PDNumberFormatDictionary implements COSObjectable { /** * The type of the dictionary. */ public static final String TYPE = "NumberFormat"; /** * Constant indicating that the label specified by U is a suffix to the value. */ public static final String LABEL_SUFFIX_TO_VALUE = "S"; /** * Constant indicating that the label specified by U is a postfix to the value. */ public static final String LABEL_PREFIX_TO_VALUE = "P"; /** * Constant for showing a fractional value as decimal to the precision specified by the D entry. */ public static final String FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_DECIMAL = "D"; /** * Constant for showing a fractional value as a fraction with denominator specified by the D entry. */ public static final String FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_FRACTION = "F"; /** * Constant for showing a fractional value without fractional part; round to the nearest whole unit. */ public static final String FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_ROUND = "R"; /** * Constant for showing a fractional value without fractional part; truncate to achieve whole units. */ public static final String FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_TRUNCATE = "T"; private COSDictionary numberFormatDictionary; /** * Constructor. */ public PDNumberFormatDictionary() { this.numberFormatDictionary = new COSDictionary(); this.numberFormatDictionary.setName(COSName.TYPE, TYPE); } /** * Constructor. * * @param dictionary the corresponding dictionary */ public PDNumberFormatDictionary(COSDictionary dictionary) { this.numberFormatDictionary = dictionary; } /** * This will return the dictionary. * * @return the number format dictionary */ @Override public COSDictionary getCOSObject() { return this.numberFormatDictionary; } /** * This will return the type of the number format dictionary. * It must be "NumberFormat" * * @return the type */ public String getType() { return TYPE; } /** * This will return the label for the units. * * @return the label for the units */ public String getUnits() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("U"); } /** * This will set the label for the units. * * @param units the label for the units */ public void setUnits(String units) { this.getCOSObject().setString("U", units); } /** * This will return the conversion factor. * * @return the conversion factor */ public float getConversionFactor() { return this.getCOSObject().getFloat("C"); } /** * This will set the conversion factor. * * @param conversionFactor the conversion factor */ public void setConversionFactor(float conversionFactor) { this.getCOSObject().setFloat("C", conversionFactor); } /** * This will return the value for the manner to display a fractional value. * * @return the manner to display a fractional value */ public String getFractionalDisplay() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("F", FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_DECIMAL); } /** * This will set the value for the manner to display a fractional value. * Allowed values are "D", "F", "R" and "T" * @param fractionalDisplay the manner to display a fractional value */ public void setFractionalDisplay(String fractionalDisplay) { if ((fractionalDisplay == null) || FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_DECIMAL.equals(fractionalDisplay) || FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_FRACTION.equals(fractionalDisplay) || FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_ROUND.equals(fractionalDisplay) || FRACTIONAL_DISPLAY_TRUNCATE.equals(fractionalDisplay)) { this.getCOSObject().setString("F", fractionalDisplay); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must be \"D\", \"F\", \"R\", or \"T\", (or null)."); } } /** * This will return the precision or denominator of a fractional amount. * * @return the precision or denominator */ public int getDenominator() { return this.getCOSObject().getInt("D"); } /** * This will set the precision or denominator of a fractional amount. * * @param denominator the precision or denominator */ public void setDenominator(int denominator) { this.getCOSObject().setInt("D", denominator); } /** * This will return the value indication if the denominator of the fractional value is reduced/truncated . * * @return fd */ public boolean isFD() { return this.getCOSObject().getBoolean("FD", false); } /** * This will set the value indication if the denominator of the fractional value is reduced/truncated . * The denominator may not be reduced/truncated if true * @param fd fd */ public void setFD(boolean fd) { this.getCOSObject().setBoolean("FD", fd); } /** * This will return the text to be used between orders of thousands in display of numerical values. * * @return thousands separator */ public String getThousandsSeparator() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("RT", ","); } /** * This will set the text to be used between orders of thousands in display of numerical values. * * @param thousandsSeparator thousands separator */ public void setThousandsSeparator(String thousandsSeparator) { this.getCOSObject().setString("RT", thousandsSeparator); } /** * This will return the text to be used as the decimal point in displaying numerical values. * * @return decimal separator */ public String getDecimalSeparator() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("RD", "."); } /** * This will set the text to be used as the decimal point in displaying numerical values. * * @param decimalSeparator decimal separator */ public void setDecimalSeparator(String decimalSeparator) { this.getCOSObject().setString("RD", decimalSeparator); } /** * This will return the text to be concatenated to the left of the label specified by U. * @return label prefix */ public String getLabelPrefixString() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("PS", " "); } /** * This will set the text to be concatenated to the left of the label specified by U. * @param labelPrefixString label prefix */ public void setLabelPrefixString(String labelPrefixString) { this.getCOSObject().setString("PS", labelPrefixString); } /** * This will return the text to be concatenated after the label specified by U. * * @return label suffix */ public String getLabelSuffixString() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("SS", " "); } /** * This will set the text to be concatenated after the label specified by U. * * @param labelSuffixString label suffix */ public void setLabelSuffixString(String labelSuffixString) { this.getCOSObject().setString("SS", labelSuffixString); } /** * This will return a value indicating the ordering of the label specified by U to the calculated unit value. * * @return label position */ public String getLabelPositionToValue() { return this.getCOSObject().getString("O", LABEL_SUFFIX_TO_VALUE); } /** * This will set the value indicating the ordering of the label specified by U to the calculated unit value. * Possible values are "S" and "P" * * @param labelPositionToValue label position */ public void setLabelPositionToValue(String labelPositionToValue) { if ((labelPositionToValue == null) || LABEL_PREFIX_TO_VALUE.equals(labelPositionToValue) || LABEL_SUFFIX_TO_VALUE.equals(labelPositionToValue)) { this.getCOSObject().setString("O", labelPositionToValue); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must be \"S\", or \"P\" (or null)."); } } }