package com.tom_roush.pdfbox.contentstream.operator; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * An Operator in a PDF content stream. * * @author Ben Litchfield */ public final class Operator { private final String theOperator; private byte[] imageData; private COSDictionary imageParameters; /** map for singleton operator objects; use {@link ConcurrentHashMap} for better scalability with multiple threads */ private static final ConcurrentMap<String,Operator> operators = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Operator>(); /** * Constructor. * * @param aOperator The operator that this object will represent. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the operator starts with "/". */ private Operator(String aOperator) { theOperator = aOperator; if( aOperator.startsWith( "/" ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operators are not allowed to start with / '" + aOperator + "'"); } } /** * This is used to create/cache operators in the system. * * @param operator The operator for the system. * * @return The operator that matches the operator keyword. */ public static Operator getOperator( String operator ) { Operator operation; if( operator.equals( "ID" ) || operator.equals( "BI" ) ) { //we can't cache the ID operators. operation = new Operator( operator ); } else { operation = operators.get( operator ); if( operation == null ) { // another thread may has already added an operator of this kind // make sure that we get the same operator operation = operators.putIfAbsent( operator, new Operator( operator ) ); if ( operation == null ) { operation = operators.get( operator ); } } } return operation; } /** * This will get the name of the operator. * * @return The string representation of the operation. */ public String getName() { return theOperator; } /** * This will print a string rep of this class. * * @return A string rep of this class. */ @Override public String toString() { return "PDFOperator{" + theOperator + "}"; } /** * This is the special case for the ID operator where there are just random * bytes inlined the stream. * * @return Value of property imageData. */ public byte[] getImageData() { return this.imageData; } /** * This will set the image data, this is only used for the ID operator. * * @param imageDataArray New value of property imageData. */ public void setImageData(byte[] imageDataArray) { imageData = imageDataArray; } /** * This will get the image parameters, this is only valid for BI operators. * * @return The image parameters. */ public COSDictionary getImageParameters() { return imageParameters; } /** * This will set the image parameters, this is only valid for BI operators. * * @param params The image parameters. */ public void setImageParameters( COSDictionary params) { imageParameters = params; } }