package com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.digitalsignature; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSObjectable; /** * A signature build dictionary as specified in the PDF Signature Build Dictionary Specification. * * The signature build properties dictionary provides signature properties for the software * application that was used to create the signature. * * @see <a href=""> *</a> * * @author Thomas Chojecki */ public class PDPropBuild implements COSObjectable { private COSDictionary dictionary; /** * Default constructor. */ public PDPropBuild() { dictionary = new COSDictionary(); dictionary.setDirect(true); // the specification claim to use direct objects } /** * Constructor. * * @param dict The signature dictionary. */ public PDPropBuild(COSDictionary dict) { dictionary = dict; dictionary.setDirect(true); // the specification claim to use direct objects } /** * Convert this standard java object to a COS dictionary. * * @return The COS dictionary that matches this Java object. */ @Override public COSDictionary getCOSObject() { return dictionary; } /** * A build data dictionary for the signature handler that was * used to create the parent signature. * * @return the Filter as PDPropBuildFilter object */ public PDPropBuildDataDict getFilter() { PDPropBuildDataDict filter = null; COSDictionary filterDic = (COSDictionary)dictionary.getDictionaryObject(COSName.FILTER); if (filterDic != null) { filter = new PDPropBuildDataDict(filterDic); } return filter; } /** * Set the build data dictionary for the signature handler. * This entry is optional but is highly recommended for the signatures. * * @param filter is the PDPropBuildFilter */ public void setPDPropBuildFilter(PDPropBuildDataDict filter) { dictionary.setItem(COSName.FILTER, filter); } /** * A build data dictionary for the PubSec software module * that was used to create the parent signature. * * @return the PubSec as PDPropBuildPubSec object */ public PDPropBuildDataDict getPubSec() { PDPropBuildDataDict pubSec = null; COSDictionary pubSecDic = (COSDictionary)dictionary.getDictionaryObject(COSName.PUB_SEC); if (pubSecDic != null) { pubSec = new PDPropBuildDataDict(pubSecDic); } return pubSec; } /** * Set the build data dictionary for the PubSec Software module. * * @param pubSec is the PDPropBuildPubSec */ public void setPDPropBuildPubSec(PDPropBuildDataDict pubSec) { dictionary.setItem(COSName.PUB_SEC, pubSec); } /** * A build data dictionary for the viewing application software * module that was used to create the parent signature. * * @return the App as PDPropBuildApp object */ public PDPropBuildDataDict getApp() { PDPropBuildDataDict app = null; COSDictionary appDic = (COSDictionary)dictionary.getDictionaryObject(COSName.APP); if (appDic != null) { app = new PDPropBuildDataDict(appDic); } return app; } /** * Set the build data dictionary for the viewing application * software module. * * @param app is the PDPropBuildApp */ public void setPDPropBuildApp(PDPropBuildDataDict app) { dictionary.setItem(COSName.APP, app); } }