package com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.fdf; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.awt.AWTColor; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import; /** * This represents a Square FDF annotation. * * @author Ben Litchfield * @author Johanneke Lamberink */ public class FDFAnnotationSquare extends FDFAnnotation { /** * COS Model value for SubType entry. */ public static final String SUBTYPE ="Square"; /** * Default constructor. */ public FDFAnnotationSquare() { super(); annot.setName( COSName.SUBTYPE, SUBTYPE ); } /** * Constructor. * * @param a An existing FDF Annotation. */ public FDFAnnotationSquare( COSDictionary a ) { super( a ); } /** * Constructor. * * @param element An XFDF element. * * @throws IOException If there is an error extracting information from the element. */ public FDFAnnotationSquare( Element element ) throws IOException { super(element); annot.setName(COSName.SUBTYPE, SUBTYPE); String color = element.getAttribute("interior-color"); if (color != null && color.length() == 7 && color.charAt(0) == '#') { int colorValue = Integer.parseInt(color.substring(1, 7), 16); setInteriorColor(new AWTColor(colorValue)); } String fringe = element.getAttribute("fringe"); if (fringe != null && !fringe.isEmpty()) { String[] fringeValues = fringe.split(","); if (fringeValues.length != 4) { throw new IOException("Error: wrong amount of numbers in attribute 'fringe'"); } float[] values = new float[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { values[i] = Float.parseFloat(fringeValues[i]); } COSArray array = new COSArray(); array.setFloatArray(values); setFringe(new PDRectangle(array)); } } /** * This will set interior color of the drawn area. * * @param color The interior color of the circle. */ public void setInteriorColor(AWTColor color) { COSArray array = null; if (color != null) { float[] colors = color.getRGBColorComponents(null); array = new COSArray(); array.setFloatArray(colors); } annot.setItem(COSName.IC, array); } /** * This will retrieve the interior color of the drawn area. * * @return object representing the color. */ public AWTColor getInteriorColor() { AWTColor retval = null; COSArray array = (COSArray) annot.getDictionaryObject(COSName.IC); if (array != null) { float[] rgb = array.toFloatArray(); if (rgb.length >= 3) { retval = new AWTColor(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } } return retval; } /** * This will set the fringe rectangle. Giving the difference between the annotations rectangle and where the drawing * occurs. (To take account of any effects applied through the BE entry for example) * * @param fringe the fringe */ public void setFringe(PDRectangle fringe) { annot.setItem(COSName.RD, fringe); } /** * This will get the fringe. Giving the difference between the annotations rectangle and where the drawing occurs. * (To take account of any effects applied through the BE entry for example) * * @return the rectangle difference */ public PDRectangle getFringe() { COSArray rd = (COSArray) annot.getDictionaryObject(COSName.RD); if (rd != null) { return new PDRectangle(rd); } else { return null; } } }