package com.tom_roush.pdfbox.filter; import android.util.Log; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Decompresses data encoded using the zlib/deflate compression method, * reproducing the original text or binary data. * * @author Ben Litchfield * @author Marcel Kammer */ final class FlateFilter extends Filter { private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 16348; @Override public DecodeResult decode(InputStream encoded, OutputStream decoded, COSDictionary parameters, int index) throws IOException { int predictor = -1; final COSDictionary decodeParams = getDecodeParams(parameters, index); if (decodeParams != null) { predictor = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.PREDICTOR); } try { if (predictor > 1) { int colors = Math.min(decodeParams.getInt(COSName.COLORS, 1), 32); int bitsPerPixel = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.BITS_PER_COMPONENT, 8); int columns = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.COLUMNS, 1); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); decompress(encoded, baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); Predictor.decodePredictor(predictor, colors, bitsPerPixel, columns, bais, decoded); decoded.flush(); baos.reset(); bais.reset(); } else { decompress(encoded, decoded); } } catch (DataFormatException e) { // if the stream is corrupt a DataFormatException may occur Log.e("PdfBox-Android", "FlateFilter: stop reading corrupt stream due to a DataFormatException"); // re-throw the exception throw new IOException(e); } return new DecodeResult(parameters); } // Use Inflater instead of InflateInputStream to avoid an EOFException due to a probably // missing Z_STREAM_END, see PDFBOX-1232 for details private static void decompress(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException, DataFormatException { byte[] buf = new byte[2048]; int read =; if (read > 0) { Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); inflater.setInput(buf,0,read); byte[] res = new byte[2048]; while (true) { int resRead = inflater.inflate(res); if (resRead != 0) { out.write(res,0,resRead); continue; } if (inflater.finished() || inflater.needsDictionary() || in.available() == 0) { break; } read =; inflater.setInput(buf,0,read); } } out.flush(); } @Override protected void encode(InputStream input, OutputStream encoded, COSDictionary parameters) throws IOException { DeflaterOutputStream out = new DeflaterOutputStream(encoded); int amountRead; int mayRead = input.available(); if (mayRead > 0) { byte[] buffer = new byte[Math.min(mayRead,BUFFER_SIZE)]; while ((amountRead =, 0, Math.min(mayRead,BUFFER_SIZE))) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, amountRead); } } out.close(); encoded.flush(); } }