package; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSFloat; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSObjectable; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.Matrix; import com.tom_roush.pdfbox.util.awt.AffineTransform; import; /** * A Pattern dictionary from a page's resources. */ public abstract class PDAbstractPattern implements COSObjectable { /** Tiling pattern type. */ public static final int TYPE_TILING_PATTERN = 1; /** Shading pattern type. */ public static final int TYPE_SHADING_PATTERN = 2; /** * Create the correct PD Model pattern based on the COS base pattern. * @param resourceDictionary the COS pattern dictionary * @return the newly created pattern resources object * @throws IOException If we are unable to create the PDPattern object. */ public static PDAbstractPattern create(COSDictionary resourceDictionary) throws IOException { PDAbstractPattern pattern; int patternType = resourceDictionary.getInt(COSName.PATTERN_TYPE, 0); switch (patternType) { case TYPE_TILING_PATTERN: pattern = new PDTilingPattern(resourceDictionary); break; case TYPE_SHADING_PATTERN: pattern = new PDShadingPattern(resourceDictionary); break; default: throw new IOException("Error: Unknown pattern type " + patternType); } return pattern; } private final COSDictionary patternDictionary; /** * Creates a new Pattern dictionary. */ public PDAbstractPattern() { patternDictionary = new COSDictionary(); patternDictionary.setName(COSName.TYPE, COSName.PATTERN.getName()); } /** * Creates a new Pattern dictionary from the given COS dictionary. * @param resourceDictionary The COSDictionary for this pattern resource. */ public PDAbstractPattern(COSDictionary resourceDictionary) { patternDictionary = resourceDictionary; } /** * Convert this standard java object to a COS object. * @return The cos object that matches this Java object. */ @Override public COSDictionary getCOSObject() { return patternDictionary; } /** * This will set the paint type. * @param paintType The new paint type. */ public void setPaintType(int paintType) { patternDictionary.setInt(COSName.PAINT_TYPE, paintType); } /** * This will return the paint type. * @return The type of object that this is. */ public String getType() { return COSName.PATTERN.getName(); } /** * This will set the pattern type. * @param patternType The new pattern type. */ public void setPatternType(int patternType) { patternDictionary.setInt(COSName.PATTERN_TYPE, patternType); } /** * This will return the pattern type. * @return The pattern type */ public abstract int getPatternType(); /** * Returns the pattern matrix, or the identity matrix is none is available. */ public Matrix getMatrix() { COSArray array = (COSArray) getCOSObject().getDictionaryObject(COSName.MATRIX); if (array != null) { return new Matrix(array); } else { // default value is the identity matrix return new Matrix(); } } /** * Sets the optional Matrix entry for the Pattern. * @param transform the transformation matrix */ public void setMatrix(AffineTransform transform) { COSArray matrix = new COSArray(); double[] values = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(values); for (double v : values) { matrix.add(new COSFloat((float)v)); } getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.MATRIX, matrix); } }