/* * Copyright 2007-2012 Hidekatsu Izuno, Shunsuke Mori * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package net.arnx.wmf2svg.gdi.svg; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.parsers.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import net.arnx.wmf2svg.gdi.*; import net.arnx.wmf2svg.util.Base64; import net.arnx.wmf2svg.util.ImageUtil; /** * @author Hidekatsu Izuno * @author Shunsuke Mori */ public class SvgGdi implements Gdi { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SvgGdi.class.getName()); private boolean compatible; private Properties props = new Properties(); private SvgDc dc; private LinkedList saveDC = new LinkedList(); private Document doc = null; private Element parentNode = null; private Element styleNode = null; private Element defsNode = null; private int brushNo = 0; private int fontNo = 0; private int penNo = 0; private int patternNo = 0; private int rgnNo = 0; private int clipPathNo = 0; private int maskNo = 0; private Map nameMap = new HashMap(); private StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); private SvgBrush defaultBrush; private SvgPen defaultPen; private SvgFont defaultFont; public SvgGdi() throws SvgGdiException { this(false); } public SvgGdi(boolean compatible) throws SvgGdiException { this.compatible = compatible; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = null; try { builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { throw new SvgGdiException(e); } DOMImplementation dom = builder.getDOMImplementation(); doc = dom.createDocument("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg", null); InputStream in = null; try { in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("SvgGdi.properties"); props.load(in); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SvgGdiException("properties format error: SvgGDI.properties"); } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // no handle } } } public SvgDc getDC() { return dc; } public String getProperty(String key) { return props.getProperty(key); } public Document getDocument() { return doc; } public Element getDefsElement() { return defsNode; } public Element getStyleElement() { return styleNode; } public void placeableHeader(int wsx, int wsy, int wex, int wey, int dpi) { if (parentNode == null) { init(); } dc.setWindowExtEx(Math.abs(wex - wsx), Math.abs(wey - wsy), null); dc.setDpi(dpi); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); root.setAttribute("width", "" + (Math.abs(wex - wsx) / (double) dc.getDpi()) + "in"); root.setAttribute("height", "" + (Math.abs(wey - wsy) / (double) dc.getDpi()) + "in"); } public void header() { if (parentNode == null) { init(); } } private void init() { dc = new SvgDc(this); Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); root.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); root.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"); defsNode = doc.createElement("defs"); root.appendChild(defsNode); styleNode = doc.createElement("style"); styleNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); root.appendChild(styleNode); parentNode = doc.createElement("g"); doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(parentNode); defaultBrush = (SvgBrush) createBrushIndirect(GdiBrush.BS_SOLID, 0x00FFFFFF, 0); defaultPen = (SvgPen) createPenIndirect(GdiPen.PS_SOLID, 1, 0x00000000); defaultFont = null; dc.setBrush(defaultBrush); dc.setPen(defaultPen); dc.setFont(defaultFont); } public void animatePalette(GdiPalette palette, int startIndex, int[] entries) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: animatePalette"); } public void arc(int sxr, int syr, int exr, int eyr, int sxa, int sya, int exa, int eya) { double rx = (Math.abs(exr - sxr) - 1) / 2.0; double ry = (Math.abs(eyr - syr) - 1) / 2.0; if (rx <= 0 || ry <= 0) return; double cx = Math.min(sxr, exr) + rx; double cy = Math.min(syr, eyr) + ry; Element elem = null; if (sxa == exa && sya == eya) { if (rx == ry) { elem = doc.createElement("circle"); elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + dc.toAbsoluteX(cx)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + dc.toAbsoluteY(cy)); elem.setAttribute("r", "" + dc.toRelativeX(rx)); } else { elem = doc.createElement("ellipse"); elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + dc.toAbsoluteX(cx)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + dc.toAbsoluteY(cy)); elem.setAttribute("rx", "" + dc.toRelativeX(rx)); elem.setAttribute("ry", "" + dc.toRelativeY(ry)); } } else { double sa = Math.atan2((sya - cy) * rx, (sxa - cx) * ry); double sx = rx * Math.cos(sa); double sy = ry * Math.sin(sa); double ea = Math.atan2((eya - cy) * rx, (exa - cx) * ry); double ex = rx * Math.cos(ea); double ey = ry * Math.sin(ea); double a = Math.atan2((ex-sx) * (-sy) - (ey-sy) * (-sx), (ex-sx) * (-sx) + (ey-sy) * (-sy)); elem = doc.createElement("path"); elem.setAttribute("d", "M " + dc.toAbsoluteX(sx + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(sy + cy) + " A " + dc.toRelativeX(rx) + "," + dc.toRelativeY(ry) + " 0 " + (a > 0 ? "1" : "0") + " 0" + " " + dc.toAbsoluteX(ex + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(ey + cy)); } if (dc.getPen() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen())); } elem.setAttribute("fill", "none"); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void bitBlt(byte[] image, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, long rop) { bmpToSvg(image, dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, dw, dh, Gdi.DIB_RGB_COLORS, rop); } public void chord(int sxr, int syr, int exr, int eyr, int sxa, int sya, int exa, int eya) { double rx = (Math.abs(exr - sxr) - 1) / 2.0; double ry = (Math.abs(eyr - syr) - 1) / 2.0; if (rx <= 0 || ry <= 0) return; double cx = Math.min(sxr, exr) + rx; double cy = Math.min(syr, eyr) + ry; Element elem = null; if (sxa == exa && sya == eya) { if (rx == ry) { elem = doc.createElement("circle"); elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + dc.toAbsoluteX(cx)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + dc.toAbsoluteY(cy)); elem.setAttribute("r", "" + dc.toRelativeX(rx)); } else { elem = doc.createElement("ellipse"); elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + dc.toAbsoluteX(cx)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + dc.toAbsoluteY(cy)); elem.setAttribute("rx", "" + dc.toRelativeX(rx)); elem.setAttribute("ry", "" + dc.toRelativeY(ry)); } } else { double sa = Math.atan2((sya - cy) * rx, (sxa - cx) * ry); double sx = rx * Math.cos(sa); double sy = ry * Math.sin(sa); double ea = Math.atan2((eya - cy) * rx, (exa - cx) * ry); double ex = rx * Math.cos(ea); double ey = ry * Math.sin(ea); double a = Math.atan2((ex-sx) * (-sy) - (ey-sy) * (-sx), (ex-sx) * (-sx) + (ey-sy) * (-sy)); elem = doc.createElement("path"); elem.setAttribute("d", "M " + dc.toAbsoluteX(sx + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(sy + cy) + " A " + dc.toRelativeX(rx) + "," + dc.toRelativeY(ry) + " 0 " + (a > 0 ? "1" : "0") + " 0" + " " + dc.toAbsoluteX(ex + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(ey + cy) + " z"); } if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc.getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } } parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public GdiBrush createBrushIndirect(int style, int color, int hatch) { SvgBrush brush = new SvgBrush(this, style, color, hatch); if (!nameMap.containsKey(brush)) { String name = "brush" + (brushNo++); nameMap.put(brush, name); styleNode.appendChild(brush.createTextNode(name)); } return brush; } public GdiFont createFontIndirect(int height, int width, int escapement, int orientation, int weight, boolean italic, boolean underline, boolean strikeout, int charset, int outPrecision, int clipPrecision, int quality, int pitchAndFamily, byte[] faceName) { SvgFont font = new SvgFont(this, height, width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strikeout, charset, outPrecision, clipPrecision, quality, pitchAndFamily, faceName); if (!nameMap.containsKey(font)) { String name = "font" + (fontNo++); nameMap.put(font, name); styleNode.appendChild(font.createTextNode(name)); } return font; } public GdiPalette createPalette(int version, int[] entries) { return new SvgPalette(this, version, entries); } public GdiPatternBrush createPatternBrush(byte[] image) { return new SvgPatternBrush(this, image); } public GdiPen createPenIndirect(int style, int width, int color) { SvgPen pen = new SvgPen(this, style, width, color); if (!nameMap.containsKey(pen)) { String name = "pen" + (penNo++); nameMap.put(pen, name); styleNode.appendChild(pen.createTextNode(name)); } return pen; } public GdiRegion createRectRgn(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { SvgRectRegion rgn = new SvgRectRegion(this, left, top, right, bottom); if (!nameMap.containsKey(rgn)) { nameMap.put(rgn, "rgn" + (rgnNo++)); defsNode.appendChild(rgn.createElement()); } return rgn; } public void deleteObject(GdiObject obj) { if (dc.getBrush() == obj) { dc.setBrush(defaultBrush); } else if (dc.getFont() == obj) { dc.setFont(defaultFont); } else if (dc.getPen() == obj) { dc.setPen(defaultPen); } } public void dibBitBlt(byte[] image, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, long rop) { bitBlt(image, dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, rop); } public GdiPatternBrush dibCreatePatternBrush(byte[] image, int usage) { // TODO usage return new SvgPatternBrush(this, image); } public void dibStretchBlt(byte[] image, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, long rop) { this.stretchDIBits(dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, sw, sh, image, Gdi.DIB_RGB_COLORS, rop); } public void ellipse(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey) { Element elem = doc.createElement("ellipse"); if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc .getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } } elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX((sx + ex) / 2)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY((sy + ey) / 2)); elem.setAttribute("rx", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeX((ex - sx) / 2)); elem.setAttribute("ry", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeY((ey - sy) / 2)); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void escape(byte[] data) { } public int excludeClipRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { Element mask = dc.getMask(); if (mask != null) { mask = (Element)mask.cloneNode(true); String name = "mask" + (maskNo++); mask.setAttribute("id", name); defsNode.appendChild(mask); Element unclip = doc.createElement("rect"); unclip.setAttribute("x", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(left)); unclip.setAttribute("y", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(top)); unclip.setAttribute("width", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeX(right - left)); unclip.setAttribute("height", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeY(bottom - top)); unclip.setAttribute("fill", "black"); mask.appendChild(unclip); dc.setMask(mask); // TODO return GdiRegion.COMPLEXREGION; } else { return GdiRegion.NULLREGION; } } public void extFloodFill(int x, int y, int color, int type) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: extFloodFill"); } public void extTextOut(int x, int y, int options, int[] rect, byte[] text, int[] dx) { Element elem = doc.createElement("text"); int escapement = 0; boolean vertical = false; if (dc.getFont() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getFont())); if (dc.getFont().getFaceName().startsWith("@")) { vertical = true; escapement = dc.getFont().getEscapement()-2700; } else { escapement = dc.getFont().getEscapement(); } } elem.setAttribute("fill", SvgObject.toColor(dc.getTextColor())); // style buffer.setLength(0); int align = dc.getTextAlign(); if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_CENTER|TA_RIGHT)) == TA_RIGHT) { buffer.append("text-anchor: end; "); } else if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_CENTER|TA_RIGHT)) == TA_CENTER) { buffer.append("text-anchor: middle; "); } if (compatible) { buffer.append("dominant-baseline: baseline; "); } else { if (vertical) { elem.setAttribute("writing-mode", "tb"); } else { if ((align & (TA_BOTTOM|TA_TOP|TA_BASELINE)) == TA_BASELINE) { buffer.append("dominant-baseline: baseline; "); } else { buffer.append("dominant-baseline: text-before-edge; "); } } } if ((align & TA_RTLREADING) == TA_RTLREADING || (options & ETO_RTLREADING) > 0) { buffer.append("unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl; "); } if (dc.getTextSpace() > 0) { buffer.append("word-spacing: ").append(dc.getTextSpace()).append("; "); } if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.setLength(buffer.length()-1); elem.setAttribute("style", buffer.toString()); } elem.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); if ((align & (TA_NOUPDATECP|TA_UPDATECP)) == TA_UPDATECP) { x = dc.getCurrentX(); y = dc.getCurrentY(); } // x int ax = (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(x); int width = 0; if (vertical) { elem.setAttribute("x", Integer.toString(ax)); if (dc.getFont() != null) width = Math.abs(dc.getFont().getFontSize()); } else { if (dc.getFont() != null) { dx = dc.getFont().validateDx(text, dx); } if (dx != null && dx.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dx.length; i++) { width += dx[i]; } int tx = x; if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_CENTER|TA_RIGHT)) == TA_RIGHT) { tx -= (width-dx[dx.length-1]); } else if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_CENTER|TA_RIGHT)) == TA_CENTER) { tx -= (width-dx[dx.length-1]) / 2; } buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < dx.length; i++) { if (i > 0) buffer.append(" "); buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteX(tx)); tx += dx[i]; } if ((align & (TA_NOUPDATECP|TA_UPDATECP)) == TA_UPDATECP) { dc.moveToEx(tx, y, null); } elem.setAttribute("x", buffer.toString()); } else { if (dc.getFont() != null) width = Math.abs(dc.getFont().getFontSize() * text.length)/2; elem.setAttribute("x", Integer.toString(ax)); } } // y int ay = (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(y); int height = 0; if (vertical) { if (dc.getFont() != null) { dx = dc.getFont().validateDx(text, dx); } buffer.setLength(0); if(align == 0) { buffer.append(ay + (int)dc.toRelativeY(Math.abs(dc.getFont().getHeight()))); } else { buffer.append(ay); } if (dx != null && dx.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dx.length - 1; i++) { height += dx[i]; } int ty = y; if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_CENTER|TA_RIGHT)) == TA_RIGHT) { ty -= (height-dx[dx.length-1]); } else if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_CENTER|TA_RIGHT)) == TA_CENTER) { ty -= (height-dx[dx.length-1]) / 2; } for (int i = 0; i < dx.length; i++) { buffer.append(" "); buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteY(ty)); ty += dx[i]; } if ((align & (TA_NOUPDATECP|TA_UPDATECP)) == TA_UPDATECP) { dc.moveToEx(x, ty, null); } } else { if (dc.getFont() != null) height = Math.abs(dc.getFont().getFontSize() * text.length)/2; } elem.setAttribute("y", buffer.toString()); } else { if (dc.getFont() != null) height = Math.abs(dc.getFont().getFontSize()); if (compatible) { if ((align & (TA_BOTTOM|TA_TOP|TA_BASELINE)) == TA_TOP) { elem.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString(ay + (int)dc.toRelativeY(height*0.88))); } else if ((align & (TA_BOTTOM|TA_TOP|TA_BASELINE)) == TA_BOTTOM) { elem.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString(ay + rect[3] - rect[1] + (int)dc.toRelativeY(height*0.88))); } else { elem.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString(ay)); } } else { if((align & (TA_BOTTOM|TA_TOP|TA_BASELINE)) == TA_BOTTOM && rect != null) { elem.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString(ay + rect[3] - rect[1] - (int)dc.toRelativeY(height))); } else { elem.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString(ay)); } } } Element bk = null; if (dc.getBkMode() == OPAQUE || (options & ETO_OPAQUE) > 0) { if (rect == null && dc.getFont() != null) { rect = new int[4]; if (vertical) { rect[0] = x-(int)(width * 0.85); if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_RIGHT|TA_CENTER)) == TA_RIGHT) { rect[1] = y-height; } else if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_RIGHT|TA_CENTER)) == TA_CENTER) { rect[1] = y-height/2; } else { rect[1] = y; } } else { if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_RIGHT|TA_CENTER)) == TA_RIGHT) { rect[0] = x-width; } else if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_RIGHT|TA_CENTER)) == TA_CENTER) { rect[0] = x-width/2; } else { rect[0] = x; } rect[1] = y; } rect[2] = rect[0] + width; rect[3] = rect[1] + height; } bk = doc.createElement("rect"); bk.setAttribute("x", Integer.toString((int)dc.toAbsoluteX(rect[0]))); bk.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString((int)dc.toAbsoluteY(rect[1]))); bk.setAttribute("width", Integer.toString((int)dc.toRelativeX(rect[2] - rect[0]))); bk.setAttribute("height", Integer.toString((int)dc.toRelativeY(rect[3] - rect[1]))); bk.setAttribute("fill", SvgObject.toColor(dc.getBkColor())); } Element clip = null; if ((options & ETO_CLIPPED) > 0) { String name = "clipPath" + (clipPathNo++); clip = doc.createElement("clipPath"); clip.setAttribute("id", name); clip.setIdAttribute("id", true); Element clipRect = doc.createElement("rect"); clipRect.setAttribute("x", Integer.toString((int)dc.toAbsoluteX(rect[0]))); clipRect.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString((int)dc.toAbsoluteY(rect[1]))); clipRect.setAttribute("width", Integer.toString((int)dc.toRelativeX(rect[2] - rect[0]))); clipRect.setAttribute("height", Integer.toString((int)dc.toRelativeY(rect[3] - rect[1]))); clip.appendChild(clipRect); elem.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#" + name + ")"); } String str = null; if (dc.getFont() != null) { str = GdiUtils.convertString(text, dc.getFont().getCharset()); } else { str = GdiUtils.convertString(text, GdiFont.DEFAULT_CHARSET); } if (dc.getFont() != null && dc.getFont().getLang() != null) { elem.setAttribute("xml:lang", dc.getFont().getLang()); } elem.setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"); if (compatible) { str = str.replaceAll("\\r\\n|[\\t\\r\\n ]", "\u00A0"); } elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str)); if (bk != null || clip != null) { Element g = doc.createElement("g"); if (bk != null) g.appendChild(bk); if (clip != null) g.appendChild(clip); g.appendChild(elem); elem = g; } if (escapement != 0) { elem.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + (-escapement/10.0) + ", " + ax + ", " + ay + ")"); } parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void fillRgn(GdiRegion rgn, GdiBrush brush) { if (rgn == null) return; Element elem = doc.createElement("use"); elem.setAttribute("xlink:href", "url(#" + nameMap.get(rgn) + ")"); elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(brush)); SvgBrush sbrush = (SvgBrush)brush; if(sbrush.getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(sbrush.createFillPattern(id)); } parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void floodFill(int x, int y, int color) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: floodFill"); } public void frameRgn(GdiRegion rgn, GdiBrush brush, int width, int height) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: frameRgn"); } public void intersectClipRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: intersectClipRect"); } public void invertRgn(GdiRegion rgn) { if (rgn == null) return; Element elem = doc.createElement("use"); elem.setAttribute("xlink:href", "url(#" + nameMap.get(rgn) + ")"); String ropFilter = dc.getRopFilter(DSTINVERT); if (ropFilter != null) { elem.setAttribute("filter", ropFilter); } parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void lineTo(int ex, int ey) { Element elem = doc.createElement("line"); if (dc.getPen() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen())); } elem.setAttribute("fill", "none"); elem.setAttribute("x1", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(dc.getCurrentX())); elem.setAttribute("y1", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(dc.getCurrentY())); elem.setAttribute("x2", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(ex)); elem.setAttribute("y2", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(ey)); parentNode.appendChild(elem); dc.moveToEx(ex, ey, null); } public void moveToEx(int x, int y, Point old) { dc.moveToEx(x, y, old); } public void offsetClipRgn(int x, int y) { dc.offsetClipRgn(x, y); Element mask = dc.getMask(); if (mask != null) { mask = (Element)mask.cloneNode(true); String name = "mask" + (maskNo++); mask.setAttribute("id", name); if (dc.getOffsetClipX() != 0 || dc.getOffsetClipY() != 0) { mask.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + dc.getOffsetClipX() + "," + dc.getOffsetClipY() + ")"); } defsNode.appendChild(mask); if (!parentNode.hasChildNodes()) { doc.getDocumentElement().removeChild(parentNode); } parentNode = doc.createElement("g"); parentNode.setAttribute("mask", name); doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(parentNode); dc.setMask(mask); } } public void offsetViewportOrgEx(int x, int y, Point point) { dc.offsetViewportOrgEx(x, y, point); } public void offsetWindowOrgEx(int x, int y, Point point) { dc.offsetWindowOrgEx(x, y, point); } public void paintRgn(GdiRegion rgn) { fillRgn(rgn, dc.getBrush()); } public void patBlt(int x, int y, int width, int height, long rop) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: patBlt"); } public void pie(int sxr, int syr, int exr, int eyr, int sxa, int sya, int exa, int eya) { double rx = (Math.abs(exr - sxr) - 1) / 2.0; double ry = (Math.abs(eyr - syr) - 1) / 2.0; if (rx <= 0 || ry <= 0) return; double cx = Math.min(sxr, exr) + rx; double cy = Math.min(syr, eyr) + ry; Element elem = null; if (sxa == exa && sya == eya) { if (rx == ry) { elem = doc.createElement("circle"); elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + dc.toAbsoluteX(cx)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + dc.toAbsoluteY(cy)); elem.setAttribute("r", "" + dc.toRelativeX(rx)); } else { elem = doc.createElement("ellipse"); elem.setAttribute("cx", "" + dc.toAbsoluteX(cx)); elem.setAttribute("cy", "" + dc.toAbsoluteY(cy)); elem.setAttribute("rx", "" + dc.toRelativeX(rx)); elem.setAttribute("ry", "" + dc.toRelativeY(ry)); } } else { double sa = Math.atan2((sya - cy) * rx, (sxa - cx) * ry); double sx = rx * Math.cos(sa); double sy = ry * Math.sin(sa); double ea = Math.atan2((eya - cy) * rx, (exa - cx) * ry); double ex = rx * Math.cos(ea); double ey = ry * Math.sin(ea); double a = Math.atan2((ex-sx) * (-sy) - (ey-sy) * (-sx), (ex-sx) * (-sx) + (ey-sy) * (-sy)); elem = doc.createElement("path"); elem.setAttribute("d", "M " + dc.toAbsoluteX(sx + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(sy + cy) + " L " + dc.toAbsoluteX(sx + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(sy + cy) + " A " + dc.toRelativeX(rx) + "," + dc.toRelativeY(ry) + " 0 " + (a > 0 ? "1" : "0") + " 0" + " " + dc.toAbsoluteX(ex + cx) + "," + dc.toAbsoluteY(ey + cy) + " z"); } if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc .getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } } parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void polygon(Point[] points) { Element elem = doc.createElement("polygon"); if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc .getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } if (dc.getPolyFillMode() == WINDING) { elem.setAttribute("fill-rule", "nonzero"); } } buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { buffer.append(" "); } buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteX(points[i].x)).append(","); buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteY(points[i].y)); } elem.setAttribute("points", buffer.toString()); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void polyline(Point[] points) { Element elem = doc.createElement("polyline"); if (dc.getPen() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen())); } elem.setAttribute("fill", "none"); buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (i != 0) buffer.append(" "); buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteX(points[i].x)).append(","); buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteY(points[i].y)); } elem.setAttribute("points", buffer.toString()); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void polyPolygon(Point[][] points) { Element elem = doc.createElement("path"); if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc .getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } if (dc.getPolyFillMode() == WINDING) { elem.setAttribute("fill-rule", "nonzero"); } } buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { buffer.append(" "); } for (int j = 0; j < points[i].length; j++) { if (j == 0) { buffer.append("M "); } else if (j == 1) { buffer.append(" L "); } buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteX(points[i][j].x)).append(","); buffer.append((int)dc.toAbsoluteY(points[i][j].y)).append(" "); if (j == points[i].length - 1) { buffer.append("z"); } } } elem.setAttribute("d", buffer.toString()); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void realizePalette() { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: realizePalette"); } public void restoreDC(int savedDC) { int limit = (savedDC < 0) ? -savedDC : saveDC.size()-savedDC; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { dc = (SvgDc)saveDC.removeLast(); } if (!parentNode.hasChildNodes()) { doc.getDocumentElement().removeChild(parentNode); } parentNode = doc.createElement("g"); Element mask = dc.getMask(); if (mask != null) { parentNode.setAttribute("mask", "url(#" + mask.getAttribute("id") + ")"); } doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(parentNode); } public void rectangle(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey) { Element elem = doc.createElement("rect"); if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc .getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } } elem.setAttribute("x", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(sx)); elem.setAttribute("y", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(sy)); elem.setAttribute("width", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeX(ex - sx)); elem.setAttribute("height", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeY(ey - sy)); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void resizePalette(GdiPalette palette) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: ResizePalette"); } public void roundRect(int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, int rw, int rh) { Element elem = doc.createElement("rect"); if (dc.getPen() != null || dc.getBrush() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getPen(), dc .getBrush())); if (dc.getBrush() != null && dc.getBrush().getStyle() == GdiBrush.BS_HATCHED) { String id = "pattern" + (patternNo++); elem.setAttribute("fill", "url(#" + id + ")"); defsNode.appendChild(dc.getBrush().createFillPattern(id)); } } elem.setAttribute("x", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(sx)); elem.setAttribute("y", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(sy)); elem.setAttribute("width", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeX(ex - sx)); elem.setAttribute("height", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeY(ey - sy)); elem.setAttribute("rx", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeX(rw)); elem.setAttribute("ry", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeY(rh)); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void seveDC() { saveDC.add(dc.clone()); } public void scaleViewportExtEx(int x, int xd, int y, int yd, Size old) { dc.scaleViewportExtEx(x, xd, y, yd, old); } public void scaleWindowExtEx(int x, int xd, int y, int yd, Size old) { dc.scaleWindowExtEx(x, xd, y, yd, old); } public void selectClipRgn(GdiRegion rgn) { if (!parentNode.hasChildNodes()) { doc.getDocumentElement().removeChild(parentNode); } parentNode = doc.createElement("g"); if (rgn != null) { Element mask = doc.createElement("mask"); mask.setAttribute("id", "mask" + (maskNo++)); mask.setIdAttribute("id", true); if (dc.getOffsetClipX() != 0 || dc.getOffsetClipY() != 0) { mask.setAttribute("transform", "translate(" + dc.getOffsetClipX() + "," + dc.getOffsetClipY() + ")"); } defsNode.appendChild(mask); Element clip = doc.createElement("use"); clip.setAttribute("xlink:href", "url(#" + nameMap.get(rgn) + ")"); clip.setAttribute("fill", "white"); mask.appendChild(clip); parentNode.setAttribute("mask", "url(#" + mask.getAttribute("id") + ")"); } doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(parentNode); } public void selectObject(GdiObject obj) { if (obj instanceof SvgBrush) { dc.setBrush((SvgBrush) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SvgFont) { dc.setFont((SvgFont) obj); } else if (obj instanceof SvgPen) { dc.setPen((SvgPen) obj); } } public void selectPalette(GdiPalette palette, boolean mode) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: selectPalette"); } public void setBkColor(int color) { dc.setBkColor(color); } public void setBkMode(int mode) { dc.setBkMode(mode); } public void setDIBitsToDevice(int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, int startscan, int scanlines, byte[] image, int colorUse) { stretchDIBits(dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, dw, dh, image, colorUse, SRCCOPY); } public void setLayout(long layout) { dc.setLayout(layout); } public void setMapMode(int mode) { dc.setMapMode(mode); } public void setMapperFlags(long flags) { dc.setMapperFlags(flags); } public void setPaletteEntries(GdiPalette palette, int startIndex, int[] entries) { // TODO log.fine("not implemented: setPaletteEntries"); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, int color) { Element elem = doc.createElement("rect"); elem.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); elem.setAttribute("fill", SvgPen.toColor(color)); elem.setAttribute("x", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(x)); elem.setAttribute("y", "" + (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(y)); elem.setAttribute("width", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeX(1)); elem.setAttribute("height", "" + (int)dc.toRelativeY(1)); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void setPolyFillMode(int mode) { dc.setPolyFillMode(mode); } public void setRelAbs(int mode) { dc.setRelAbs(mode); } public void setROP2(int mode) { dc.setROP2(mode); } public void setStretchBltMode(int mode) { dc.setStretchBltMode(mode); } public void setTextAlign(int align) { dc.setTextAlign(align); } public void setTextCharacterExtra(int extra) { dc.setTextCharacterExtra(extra); } public void setTextColor(int color) { dc.setTextColor(color); } public void setTextJustification(int breakExtra, int breakCount) { if (breakCount > 0) { dc.setTextSpace(Math.abs((int)dc.toRelativeX(breakExtra)) / breakCount); } } public void setViewportExtEx(int x, int y, Size old) { dc.setViewportExtEx(x, y, old); } public void setViewportOrgEx(int x, int y, Point old) { dc.setViewportOrgEx(x, y, old); } public void setWindowExtEx(int width, int height, Size old) { dc.setWindowExtEx(width, height, old); } public void setWindowOrgEx(int x, int y, Point old) { dc.setWindowOrgEx(x, y, old); } public void stretchBlt(byte[] image, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, long rop) { dibStretchBlt(image, dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, sw, sh, rop); } public void stretchDIBits(int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, byte[] image, int usage, long rop) { bmpToSvg(image, dx, dy, dw, dh, sx, sy, sw, sh, usage, rop); } public void textOut(int x, int y, byte[] text) { Element elem = doc.createElement("text"); int escapement = 0; boolean vertical = false; if (dc.getFont() != null) { elem.setAttribute("class", getClassString(dc.getFont())); if (dc.getFont().getFaceName().startsWith("@")) { vertical = true; escapement = dc.getFont().getEscapement()-2700; } else { escapement = dc.getFont().getEscapement(); } } elem.setAttribute("fill", SvgObject.toColor(dc.getTextColor())); // style buffer.setLength(0); int align = dc.getTextAlign(); if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_RIGHT|TA_CENTER)) == TA_RIGHT) { buffer.append("text-anchor: end; "); } else if ((align & (TA_LEFT|TA_RIGHT|TA_CENTER)) == TA_CENTER) { buffer.append("text-anchor: middle; "); } if (vertical) { elem.setAttribute("writing-mode", "tb"); buffer.append("dominant-baseline: ideographic; "); } else { if ((align & (TA_BOTTOM|TA_TOP|TA_BASELINE)) == TA_BASELINE) { buffer.append("dominant-baseline: baseline; "); } else { buffer.append("dominant-baseline: text-before-edge; "); } } if ((align & TA_RTLREADING) == TA_RTLREADING) { buffer.append("unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl; "); } if (dc.getTextSpace() > 0) { buffer.append("word-spacing: " + dc.getTextSpace() + "; "); } if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.setLength(buffer.length()-1); elem.setAttribute("style", buffer.toString()); } elem.setAttribute("stroke", "none"); int ax = (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(x); int ay = (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(y); elem.setAttribute("x", Integer.toString(ax)); elem.setAttribute("y", Integer.toString(ay)); if (escapement != 0) { elem.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + (-escapement/10.0) + ", " + ax + ", " + ay + ")"); } String str = null; if (dc.getFont() != null) { str = GdiUtils.convertString(text, dc.getFont().getCharset()); } else { str = GdiUtils.convertString(text, GdiFont.DEFAULT_CHARSET); } if (dc.getTextCharacterExtra() != 0) { buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < str.length() - 1; i++) { if (i != 0) { buffer.append(" "); } buffer.append((int)dc.toRelativeX(dc.getTextCharacterExtra())); } elem.setAttribute("dx", buffer.toString()); } if (dc.getFont() != null && dc.getFont().getLang() != null) { elem.setAttribute("xml:lang", dc.getFont().getLang()); } elem.setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"); if (compatible) { str = str.replaceAll("\\r\\n|[\\t\\r\\n ]", "\u00A0"); } elem.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str)); parentNode.appendChild(elem); } public void footer() { Element root = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (!root.hasAttribute("width") && dc.getWindowWidth() != 0) { root.setAttribute("width", "" + Math.abs(dc.getWindowWidth())); } if (!root.hasAttribute("height") && dc.getWindowHeight() != 0) { root.setAttribute("height", "" + Math.abs(dc.getWindowHeight())); } if (dc.getWindowWidth() != 0 && dc.getWindowHeight() != 0) { root.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + Math.abs(dc.getWindowWidth()) + " " + Math.abs(dc.getWindowHeight())); root.setAttribute("preserveAspectRatio", "none"); } root.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round"); root.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd"); if (!styleNode.hasChildNodes()) { root.removeChild(styleNode); } else { styleNode.insertBefore(doc.createTextNode("\n"), styleNode.getFirstChild()); } if (!defsNode.hasChildNodes()) { root.removeChild(defsNode); } } private String getClassString(GdiObject obj1, GdiObject obj2) { String name1 = getClassString(obj1); String name2 = getClassString(obj2); if (name1 != null && name2 != null) { return name1 + " " + name2; } if (name1 != null) { return name1; } if (name2 != null) { return name2; } return ""; } private String getClassString(GdiObject style) { if (style == null) { return ""; } return (String) nameMap.get(style); } private void bmpToSvg(byte[] image, int dx, int dy, int dw, int dh, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int usage, long rop) { if (image == null) { // TODO return; } image = ImageUtil.convert(dibToBmp(image), "png", dh < 0); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("data:image/png;base64,"); buffer.append(Base64.encode(image)); String data = buffer.toString(); if (data == null || data.equals("")) { return; } Element elem = doc.createElement("image"); int x = (int)dc.toAbsoluteX(dx); int y = (int)dc.toAbsoluteY(dy); int width = (int)dc.toRelativeX(dw); int height = (int)dc.toRelativeY(dh); if (width < 0 && height < 0) { elem.setAttribute("transform", "scale(-1, -1) translate(" + -x + ", " + -y + ")"); } else if (width < 0) { elem.setAttribute("transform", "scale(-1, 1) translate(" + -x + ", " + y + ")"); } else if (height < 0) { elem.setAttribute("transform", "scale(1, -1) translate(" + x + ", " + -y + ")"); 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bfOffBits += biSize; int biBitCount = (dib[14] & 0xff) + ((dib[15] & 0xff) << 8); long clrUsed = (dib[32] & 0xff) + ((dib[33] & 0xff) << 8) + ((dib[34] & 0xff) << 16) + ((dib[35] & 0xff) << 24); switch (biBitCount) { case 1: bfOffBits += (0x1L + 1) * 4; break; case 4: bfOffBits += (0xFL + 1) * 4; break; case 8: bfOffBits += (0xFFL + 1) * 4; break; case 16: bfOffBits += (clrUsed == 0L) ? 0 : (0xFFFFL + 1) * 4; break; case 24: bfOffBits += (clrUsed == 0L) ? 0 : (0xFFFFFFL + 1) * 4; break; case 32: bfOffBits += (clrUsed == 0L) ? 0 : (0xFFFFFFFFL + 1) * 4; break; } data[10] = (byte) (bfOffBits & 0xff); data[11] = (byte) ((bfOffBits >> 8) & 0xff); data[12] = (byte) ((bfOffBits >> 16) & 0xff); data[13] = (byte) ((bfOffBits >> 24) & 0xff); System.arraycopy(dib, 0, data, 14, dib.length); return data; } }