/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.hssf.util; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Color; /** * Intends to provide support for the very evil index to triplet issue and * will likely replace the color constants interface for HSSF 2.0. * This class contains static inner class members for representing colors. * Each color has an index (for the standard palette in Excel (tm) ), * native (RGB) triplet and string triplet. The string triplet is as the * color would be represented by Gnumeric. Having (string) this here is a bit of a * collusion of function between HSSF and the HSSFSerializer but I think its * a reasonable one in this case. * * @author Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org) * @author Brian Sanders (bsanders at risklabs dot com) - full default color palette */ public class HSSFColor implements Color { private static Map<Integer,HSSFColor> indexHash; /** Creates a new instance of HSSFColor */ public HSSFColor() { } /** * This function returns all the colours in an unmodifiable Map. * The map is cached on first use. * * @return a Map containing all colours keyed by <tt>Integer</tt> excel-style palette indexes */ public final static Map<Integer,HSSFColor> getIndexHash() { if(indexHash == null) { indexHash = Collections.unmodifiableMap( createColorsByIndexMap() ); } return indexHash; } /** * This function returns all the Colours, stored in a Hashtable that * can be edited. No caching is performed. If you don't need to edit * the table, then call {@link #getIndexHash()} which returns a * statically cached imuatable map of colours. */ public final static Hashtable<Integer,HSSFColor> getMutableIndexHash() { return createColorsByIndexMap(); } private static Hashtable<Integer,HSSFColor> createColorsByIndexMap() { HSSFColor[] colors = getAllColors(); Hashtable<Integer,HSSFColor> result = new Hashtable<Integer,HSSFColor>(colors.length * 3 / 2); for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { HSSFColor color = colors[i]; Integer index1 = Integer.valueOf(color.getIndex()); if (result.containsKey(index1)) { HSSFColor prevColor = (HSSFColor)result.get(index1); throw new RuntimeException("Dup color index (" + index1 + ") for colors (" + prevColor.getClass().getName() + "),(" + color.getClass().getName() + ")"); } result.put(index1, color); } for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { HSSFColor color = colors[i]; Integer index2 = getIndex2(color); if (index2 == null) { // most colors don't have a second index continue; } if (result.containsKey(index2)) { if (false) { // Many of the second indexes clash HSSFColor prevColor = (HSSFColor)result.get(index2); throw new RuntimeException("Dup color index (" + index2 + ") for colors (" + prevColor.getClass().getName() + "),(" + color.getClass().getName() + ")"); } } result.put(index2, color); } return result; } private static Integer getIndex2(HSSFColor color) { Field f; try { f = color.getClass().getDeclaredField("index2"); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // can happen because not all colors have a second index return null; } Short s; try { s = (Short) f.get(color); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return Integer.valueOf(s.intValue()); } private static HSSFColor[] getAllColors() { return new HSSFColor[] { new BLACK(), new BROWN(), new OLIVE_GREEN(), new DARK_GREEN(), new DARK_TEAL(), new DARK_BLUE(), new INDIGO(), new GREY_80_PERCENT(), new ORANGE(), new DARK_YELLOW(), new GREEN(), new TEAL(), new BLUE(), new BLUE_GREY(), new GREY_50_PERCENT(), new RED(), new LIGHT_ORANGE(), new LIME(), new SEA_GREEN(), new AQUA(), new LIGHT_BLUE(), new VIOLET(), new GREY_40_PERCENT(), new PINK(), new GOLD(), new YELLOW(), new BRIGHT_GREEN(), new TURQUOISE(), new DARK_RED(), new SKY_BLUE(), new PLUM(), new GREY_25_PERCENT(), new ROSE(), new LIGHT_YELLOW(), new LIGHT_GREEN(), new LIGHT_TURQUOISE(), new PALE_BLUE(), new LAVENDER(), new WHITE(), new CORNFLOWER_BLUE(), new LEMON_CHIFFON(), new MAROON(), new ORCHID(), new CORAL(), new ROYAL_BLUE(), new LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE(), new TAN(), }; } /** * this function returns all colors in a hastable. Its not implemented as a * static member/staticly initialized because that would be dirty in a * server environment as it is intended. This means you'll eat the time * it takes to create it once per request but you will not hold onto it * if you have none of those requests. * * @return a hashtable containing all colors keyed by String gnumeric-like triplets */ public final static Hashtable<String,HSSFColor> getTripletHash() { return createColorsByHexStringMap(); } private static Hashtable<String,HSSFColor> createColorsByHexStringMap() { HSSFColor[] colors = getAllColors(); Hashtable<String,HSSFColor> result = new Hashtable<String,HSSFColor>(colors.length * 3 / 2); for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { HSSFColor color = colors[i]; String hexString = color.getHexString(); if (result.containsKey(hexString)) { HSSFColor other = (HSSFColor)result.get(hexString); throw new RuntimeException( "Dup color hexString (" + hexString + ") for color (" + color.getClass().getName() + ") - " + " already taken by (" + other.getClass().getName() + ")" ); } result.put(hexString, color); } return result; } /** * @return index to the standard palette */ public short getIndex() { return BLACK.index; } /** * @return triplet representation like that in Excel */ public short [] getTriplet() { return BLACK.triplet; } // its a hack but its a good hack /** * @return a hex string exactly like a gnumeric triplet */ public String getHexString() { return BLACK.hexString; } /** * Class BLACK * */ public final static class BLACK extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x8; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 0, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "0:0:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class BROWN * */ public final static class BROWN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x3c; public final static short[] triplet = { 153, 51, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "9999:3333:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class OLIVE_GREEN * */ public static class OLIVE_GREEN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x3b; public final static short[] triplet = { 51, 51, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "3333:3333:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class DARK_GREEN * */ public final static class DARK_GREEN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x3a; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 51, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "0:3333:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class DARK_TEAL * */ public final static class DARK_TEAL extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x38; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 51, 102 }; public final static String hexString = "0:3333:6666"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class DARK_BLUE * */ public final static class DARK_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x12; public final static short index2 = 0x20; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 0, 128 }; public final static String hexString = "0:0:8080"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class INDIGO * */ public final static class INDIGO extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x3e; public final static short[] triplet = { 51, 51, 153 }; public final static String hexString = "3333:3333:9999"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class GREY_80_PERCENT * */ public final static class GREY_80_PERCENT extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x3f; public final static short[] triplet = { 51, 51, 51 }; public final static String hexString = "3333:3333:3333"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class DARK_RED * */ public final static class DARK_RED extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x10; public final static short index2 = 0x25; public final static short[] triplet = { 128, 0, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "8080:0:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class ORANGE * */ public final static class ORANGE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x35; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 102, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:6666:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class DARK_YELLOW * */ public final static class DARK_YELLOW extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x13; public final static short[] triplet = { 128, 128, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "8080:8080:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class GREEN * */ public final static class GREEN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x11; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 128, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "0:8080:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class TEAL * */ public final static class TEAL extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x15; public final static short index2 = 0x26; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 128, 128 }; public final static String hexString = "0:8080:8080"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class BLUE * */ public final static class BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0xc; public final static short index2 = 0x27; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 0, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "0:0:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class BLUE_GREY * */ public final static class BLUE_GREY extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x36; public final static short[] triplet = { 102, 102, 153 }; public final static String hexString = "6666:6666:9999"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class GREY_50_PERCENT * */ public final static class GREY_50_PERCENT extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x17; public final static short[] triplet = { 128, 128, 128 }; public final static String hexString = "8080:8080:8080"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class RED * */ public final static class RED extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0xa; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 0, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:0:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIGHT_ORANGE * */ public final static class LIGHT_ORANGE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x34; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 153, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:9999:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIME * */ public final static class LIME extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x32; public final static short[] triplet = { 153, 204, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "9999:CCCC:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class SEA_GREEN * */ public final static class SEA_GREEN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x39; public final static short[] triplet = { 51, 153, 102 }; public final static String hexString = "3333:9999:6666"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class AQUA * */ public final static class AQUA extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x31; public final static short[] triplet = { 51, 204, 204 }; public final static String hexString = "3333:CCCC:CCCC"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIGHT_BLUE * */ public final static class LIGHT_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x30; public final static short[] triplet = { 51, 102, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "3333:6666:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class VIOLET * */ public final static class VIOLET extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x14; public final static short index2 = 0x24; public final static short[] triplet = { 128, 0, 128 }; public final static String hexString = "8080:0:8080"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class GREY_40_PERCENT * */ public final static class GREY_40_PERCENT extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x37; public final static short[] triplet = { 150, 150, 150 }; public final static String hexString = "9696:9696:9696"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class PINK * */ public final static class PINK extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0xe; public final static short index2 = 0x21; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 0, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:0:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class GOLD * */ public final static class GOLD extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x33; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 204, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:CCCC:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class YELLOW * */ public final static class YELLOW extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0xd; public final static short index2 = 0x22; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 255, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:FFFF:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class BRIGHT_GREEN * */ public final static class BRIGHT_GREEN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0xb; public final static short index2 = 0x23; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 255, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "0:FFFF:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } } /** * Class TURQUOISE * */ public final static class TURQUOISE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0xf; public final static short index2 = 0x23; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 255, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "0:FFFF:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class SKY_BLUE * */ public final static class SKY_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x28; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 204, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "0:CCCC:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class PLUM * */ public final static class PLUM extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x3d; public final static short index2 = 0x19; public final static short[] triplet = { 153, 51, 102 }; public final static String hexString = "9999:3333:6666"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class GREY_25_PERCENT * */ public final static class GREY_25_PERCENT extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x16; public final static short[] triplet = { 192, 192, 192 }; public final static String hexString = "C0C0:C0C0:C0C0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class ROSE * */ public final static class ROSE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x2d; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 153, 204 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:9999:CCCC"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class TAN * */ public final static class TAN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x2f; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 204, 153 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:CCCC:9999"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIGHT_YELLOW * */ public final static class LIGHT_YELLOW extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x2b; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 255, 153 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:FFFF:9999"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIGHT_GREEN * */ public final static class LIGHT_GREEN extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x2a; public final static short[] triplet = { 204, 255, 204 }; public final static String hexString = "CCCC:FFFF:CCCC"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIGHT_TURQUOISE * */ public final static class LIGHT_TURQUOISE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x29; public final static short index2 = 0x1b; public final static short[] triplet = { 204, 255, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "CCCC:FFFF:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class PALE_BLUE * */ public final static class PALE_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x2c; public final static short[] triplet = { 153, 204, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "9999:CCCC:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LAVENDER * */ public final static class LAVENDER extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x2e; public final static short[] triplet = { 204, 153, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "CCCC:9999:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class WHITE * */ public final static class WHITE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x9; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 255, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:FFFF:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class CORNFLOWER_BLUE */ public final static class CORNFLOWER_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x18; public final static short[] triplet = { 153, 153, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "9999:9999:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LEMON_CHIFFON */ public final static class LEMON_CHIFFON extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x1a; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 255, 204 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:FFFF:CCCC"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class MAROON */ public final static class MAROON extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x19; public final static short[] triplet = { 127, 0, 0 }; public final static String hexString = "8000:0:0"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class ORCHID */ public final static class ORCHID extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x1c; public final static short[] triplet = { 102, 0, 102 }; public final static String hexString = "6666:0:6666"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class CORAL */ public final static class CORAL extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x1d; public final static short[] triplet = { 255, 128, 128 }; public final static String hexString = "FFFF:8080:8080"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class ROYAL_BLUE */ public final static class ROYAL_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x1e; public final static short[] triplet = { 0, 102, 204 }; public final static String hexString = "0:6666:CCCC"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Class LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE */ public final static class LIGHT_CORNFLOWER_BLUE extends HSSFColor { public final static short index = 0x1f; public final static short[] triplet = { 204, 204, 255 }; public final static String hexString = "CCCC:CCCC:FFFF"; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return triplet; } public String getHexString() { return hexString; } } /** * Special Default/Normal/Automatic color. * <p><i>Note:</i> This class is NOT in the default HashTables returned by HSSFColor. * The index is a special case which is interpreted in the various setXXXColor calls. * * @author Jason * */ public final static class AUTOMATIC extends HSSFColor { private static HSSFColor instance = new AUTOMATIC(); public final static short index = 0x40; public short getIndex() { return index; } public short [] getTriplet() { return BLACK.triplet; } public String getHexString() { return BLACK.hexString; } public static HSSFColor getInstance() { return instance; } } }