/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.hwpf.dev; import org.apache.poi.util.Internal; /** * Helper functions for the record transformations. Used during model classes * autogeneration. * * @author Glen Stampoultzis (glens at apache.org) * @author Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver at apache dot org) */ @Internal public class RecordUtil { public static String getBitFieldFunction( String name, String bitMask, String parentType, String withType ) { String type = getBitFieldType( name, bitMask, parentType ); String retVal = new String(); if ( withType.equals( "true" ) ) { retVal = type + " "; } if ( type.equals( "boolean" ) ) { retVal += "is" + getFieldName1stCap( name, 0 ); } else { retVal += "get" + getFieldName1stCap( name, 0 ); } return retVal; } public static String getBitFieldGet( String name, String bitMask, String parentType, String parentField ) { String type = getBitFieldType( name, bitMask, parentType ); String retVal = null; if ( type.equals( "boolean" ) ) retVal = name + ".isSet(" + parentField + ");"; else retVal = "( " + type + " )" + name + ".getValue(" + parentField + ");"; return retVal; } public static String getBitFieldSet( String name, String bitMask, String parentType, String parentField ) { String type = getBitFieldType( name, bitMask, parentType ); String retVal = null; if ( type.equals( "boolean" ) ) if ( parentType.equals( "int" ) ) { retVal = getFieldName( name, 0 ) + ".setBoolean(" + parentField + ", value)"; } else { retVal = "(" + parentType + ")" + getFieldName( name, 0 ) + ".setBoolean(" + parentField + ", value)"; } else { if ( parentType.equals( "int" ) ) { retVal = getFieldName( name, 0 ) + ".setValue(" + parentField + ", value)"; } else { retVal = "(" + parentType + ")" + getFieldName( name, 0 ) + ".setValue(" + parentField + ", value)"; } } return retVal; } public static String getBitFieldType( String name, String bitMask, String parentType ) { byte parentSize = 0; byte numBits = 0; int mask = (int) Long.parseLong( bitMask.substring( 2 ), 16 ); if ( parentType.equals( "byte" ) ) parentSize = 8; else if ( parentType.equals( "short" ) ) parentSize = 16; else if ( parentType.equals( "int" ) ) parentSize = 32; for ( int x = 0; x < parentSize; x++ ) { int temp = mask; numBits += ( temp >> x ) & 0x1; } if ( numBits == 1 ) { return "boolean"; } else if ( numBits < 8 ) { return "byte"; } else if ( numBits < 16 ) { return "short"; } else { return "int"; } } public static String getConstName( String parentName, String constName, int padTo ) { StringBuffer fieldName = new StringBuffer(); toConstIdentifier( parentName, fieldName ); fieldName.append( '_' ); toConstIdentifier( constName, fieldName ); pad( fieldName, padTo ); return fieldName.toString(); } public static String getFieldName( int position, String name, int padTo ) { StringBuffer fieldName = new StringBuffer( "field_" + position + "_" ); toIdentifier( name, fieldName ); pad( fieldName, padTo ); return fieldName.toString(); } public static String getFieldName( String name, int padTo ) { StringBuffer fieldName = new StringBuffer(); toIdentifier( name, fieldName ); pad( fieldName, padTo ); return fieldName.toString(); } public static String getFieldName1stCap( String name, int padTo ) { StringBuffer fieldName = new StringBuffer(); toIdentifier( name, fieldName ); fieldName.setCharAt( 0, Character.toUpperCase( fieldName.charAt( 0 ) ) ); pad( fieldName, padTo ); return fieldName.toString(); } public static String getType1stCap( String size, String type, int padTo ) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append( type ); result = pad( result, padTo ); result.setCharAt( 0, Character.toUpperCase( result.charAt( 0 ) ) ); return result.toString(); } protected static StringBuffer pad( StringBuffer fieldName, int padTo ) { for ( int i = fieldName.length(); i < padTo; i++ ) fieldName.append( ' ' ); return fieldName; } private static void toConstIdentifier( String name, StringBuffer fieldName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++ ) { if ( name.charAt( i ) == ' ' ) fieldName.append( '_' ); else fieldName.append( Character.toUpperCase( name.charAt( i ) ) ); } } private static void toIdentifier( String name, StringBuffer fieldName ) { for ( int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++ ) { if ( name.charAt( i ) == ' ' ) fieldName.append( Character.toUpperCase( name.charAt( ++i ) ) ); else fieldName.append( name.charAt( i ) ); } } public RecordUtil() { } }