/* Rot13.java simple NanoVM implementation of the internet rot13 algorithm */ import java.io.*; class Rot13 { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println("NanoVM - rot13/rot5 example"); System.out.println("Please enter text to be encoded/decoded ..."); while(true) { if(System.in.available() != 0) { int chr = System.in.read(); // convert char if required if((chr >= 'A') && (chr <= 'Z')) { chr += 13; if(chr > 'Z') chr -= 26; } else if((chr >= 'a') && (chr <= 'z')) { chr += 13; if(chr > 'z') chr -= 26; } else if((chr >= '0') && (chr <= '9')) { chr += 5; if(chr > '9') chr -= 10; } // and return it to sender System.out.print((char)chr); } } } }