// $Id: UMLCollaborationDiagram.java 16659 2009-01-19 21:57:24Z tfmorris $ // Copyright (c) 1996-2009 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.uml.diagram.collaboration.ui; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.beans.PropertyVetoException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.Action; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.argouml.i18n.Translator; import org.argouml.model.Model; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.DiagramSettings; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.collaboration.CollabDiagramGraphModel; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.static_structure.ui.FigComment; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionAddAssociationRole; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionAddMessage; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.ActionSetMode; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.FigMessage; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.RadioAction; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram; import org.argouml.util.ToolBarUtility; import org.tigris.gef.base.Editor; import org.tigris.gef.base.Globals; import org.tigris.gef.base.Layer; import org.tigris.gef.base.LayerPerspective; import org.tigris.gef.base.LayerPerspectiveMutable; import org.tigris.gef.base.ModeCreatePolyEdge; import org.tigris.gef.graph.GraphModel; import org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig; import org.tigris.gef.presentation.FigNode; /** * The base class of the collaboration diagram.<p> * * Defines the toolbar, provides for its initialization and provides * constructors for a top level diagram and one within a defined * namespace.<p> * * @author agauthie@ics.uci.edu */ public class UMLCollaborationDiagram extends UMLDiagram { /** * Logging. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(UMLCollaborationDiagram.class); //////////////////////// // actions for toolbar private Action actionClassifierRole; private Action actionGeneralize; private Action actionAssociation; private Action actionAggregation; private Action actionComposition; private Action actionUniAssociation; private Action actionUniAggregation; private Action actionUniComposition; private Action actionDepend; private Action actionMessage; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // contructors /** * This constructor is used to build a dummy collaboration diagram so * that a project will load properly. * @deprecated for 0.28 by tfmorris. Use * {@link #UMLActivityDiagram(String, Object, GraphModel)}. */ @Deprecated public UMLCollaborationDiagram() { try { setName(getNewDiagramName()); } catch (PropertyVetoException pve) { } // TODO: All super constrcutors should take a GraphModel setGraphModel(createGraphModel()); } /** * The constructor. * * @param collaboration the collaboration aka namespace for the diagram * @deprecated for 0.28 by tfmorris. Use * {@link #UMLActivityDiagram(String, Object, GraphModel)}. */ @Deprecated public UMLCollaborationDiagram(Object collaboration) { this(); setNamespace(collaboration); } /** * @return the number of UML messages in the diagram */ public int getNumMessages() { Layer lay = getLayer(); Collection figs = lay.getContents(); int res = 0; Iterator it = figs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Fig f = (Fig) it.next(); if (Model.getFacade().isAMessage(f.getOwner())) { res++; } } return res; } /** * Method to perform a number of important initializations of a * <em>CollaborationDiagram</em>.<p> * * Each diagram type has a similar <em>UMLxxxDiagram</em> class.<p> * * Changed <em>lay</em> from <em>LayerPerspective</em> to * <em>LayerPerspectiveMutable</em>. This class is a child of * <em>LayerPerspective</em> and was implemented to correct some * difficulties in changing the model. <em>Lay</em> is used mainly * in <em>LayerManager</em>(GEF) to control the adding, changing and * deleting layers on the diagram... * * @param handle the collaboration from the UML model * @author psager@tigris.org Jan. 24, 2002 */ public void setNamespace(Object handle) { if (!Model.getFacade().isANamespace(handle)) { LOG.error( "Illegal argument. Object " + handle + " is not a namespace"); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal argument. Object " + handle + " is not a namespace"); } super.setNamespace(handle); CollabDiagramGraphModel gm = createGraphModel(); gm.setCollaboration(handle); LayerPerspective lay = new LayerPerspectiveMutable(Model.getFacade().getName(handle), gm); CollabDiagramRenderer rend = new CollabDiagramRenderer(); // singleton lay.setGraphNodeRenderer(rend); lay.setGraphEdgeRenderer(rend); setLayer(lay); } // TODO: Needs to be tidied up after stable release. Graph model // should be created in constructor private CollabDiagramGraphModel createGraphModel() { if ((getGraphModel() instanceof CollabDiagramGraphModel)) { return (CollabDiagramGraphModel) getGraphModel(); } else { return new CollabDiagramGraphModel(); } } /** * Get the actions from which to create a toolbar or equivalent * graphic triggers. * {@inheritDoc} */ protected Object[] getUmlActions() { Object[] actions = { getActionClassifierRole(), null, getAssociationActions(), getActionGeneralize(), getActionDepend(), null, getActionMessage(), //this one behaves differently, hence seperated! }; return actions; } private Object[] getAssociationActions() { Object[][] actions = { {getActionAssociation(), getActionUniAssociation() }, {getActionAggregation(), getActionUniAggregation() }, {getActionComposition(), getActionUniComposition() }, }; ToolBarUtility.manageDefault(actions, "diagram.collaboration.association"); return actions; } /** * After loading the diagram it is necessary to connect * every FigMessage to its FigAssociationRole. * This is done by adding the FigMessage * to the PathItems of its FigAssociationRole. */ public void postLoad() { super.postLoad(); if (getNamespace() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The namespace of the collaboration diagram is not set"); } Collection messages; Iterator msgIterator; Collection ownedElements = Model.getFacade().getOwnedElements(getNamespace()); Iterator oeIterator = ownedElements.iterator(); Layer lay = getLayer(); while (oeIterator.hasNext()) { Object me = oeIterator.next(); if (Model.getFacade().isAAssociationRole(me)) { messages = Model.getFacade().getMessages(me); msgIterator = messages.iterator(); while (msgIterator.hasNext()) { Object message = msgIterator.next(); FigMessage figMessage = (FigMessage) lay.presentationFor(message); if (figMessage != null) { figMessage.addPathItemToFigAssociationRole(lay); } } } } } /* * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram#getLabelName() */ public String getLabelName() { return Translator.localize("label.collaboration-diagram"); } /** * @return Returns the actionClassifierRole. */ private Action getActionClassifierRole() { if (actionClassifierRole == null) { actionClassifierRole = new RadioAction(new ActionAddClassifierRole()); } return actionClassifierRole; } /** * @return Returns the actionAssociation. */ protected Action getActionAssociation() { if (actionAssociation == null) { actionAssociation = new RadioAction( new ActionAddAssociationRole( Model.getAggregationKind().getNone(), false, "button.new-associationrole", "Association")); } return actionAssociation; } /** * @return Returns the actionComposition. */ protected Action getActionComposition() { if (actionComposition == null) { actionComposition = new RadioAction( new ActionAddAssociationRole( Model.getAggregationKind().getComposite(), false, "button.new-composition")); } return actionComposition; } /** * @return Returns the actionDepend. */ protected Action getActionDepend() { if (actionDepend == null) { actionDepend = new RadioAction( new ActionSetMode( ModeCreatePolyEdge.class, "edgeClass", Model.getMetaTypes().getDependency(), "button.new-dependency")); } return actionDepend; } /** * @return Returns the actionGeneralize. */ protected Action getActionGeneralize() { if (actionGeneralize == null) { actionGeneralize = new RadioAction( new ActionSetMode( ModeCreatePolyEdge.class, "edgeClass", Model.getMetaTypes().getGeneralization(), "button.new-generalization")); } return actionGeneralize; } /** * @return Returns the actionUniAggregation. */ protected Action getActionUniAggregation() { if (actionUniAggregation == null) { actionUniAggregation = new RadioAction( new ActionAddAssociationRole( Model.getAggregationKind().getAggregate(), true, "button.new-uniaggregation")); } return actionUniAggregation; } /** * @return Returns the actionUniAssociation. */ protected Action getActionUniAssociation() { if (actionUniAssociation == null) { actionUniAssociation = new RadioAction( new ActionAddAssociationRole( Model.getAggregationKind().getNone(), true, "button.new-uniassociation")); } return actionUniAssociation; } /** * @return Returns the actionUniComposition. */ protected Action getActionUniComposition() { if (actionUniComposition == null) { actionUniComposition = new RadioAction( new ActionAddAssociationRole( Model.getAggregationKind().getComposite(), true, "button.new-unicomposition")); } return actionUniComposition; } /** * @return Returns the actionAggregation. */ private Action getActionAggregation() { if (actionAggregation == null) { actionAggregation = new RadioAction( new ActionAddAssociationRole( Model.getAggregationKind().getAggregate(), false, "button.new-aggregation")); } return actionAggregation; } /** * @return Returns the actionMessage. */ private Action getActionMessage() { if (actionMessage == null) { actionMessage = ActionAddMessage.getTargetFollower(); } return actionMessage; } /* * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram#getDependentElement() */ @Override public Object getDependentElement() { return getNamespace(); /* The collaboration. */ } /* * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram#isRelocationAllowed(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean isRelocationAllowed(Object base) { /* TODO: We may return the following when the * relocate() has been implemented. */ // if (Model.getFacade().isAOperation(base) // || Model.getFacade().isANamespace(base)) // return Model.getCollaborationsHelper() // .isAddingCollaborationAllowed(base); return false; } /* * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram#relocate(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean relocate(Object base) { return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection getRelocationCandidates(Object root) { /* TODO: We may return something useful when the * relocate() has been implemented. */ Collection c = new HashSet(); c.add(getOwner()); return c; } public void encloserChanged(FigNode enclosed, FigNode oldEncloser, FigNode newEncloser) { // Do nothing. } /** * A sequence diagram can accept all classifiers. It will add them as a new * Classifier Role with that classifier as a base. All other accepted figs * are added as is. * @param objectToAccept * @return true if the diagram can accept the object, else false * @see org.argouml.uml.diagram.ui.UMLDiagram#doesAccept(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean doesAccept(Object objectToAccept) { if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifierRole(objectToAccept)) { return true; } else if (Model.getFacade().isAMessage(objectToAccept)) { return true; } else if (Model.getFacade().isAComment(objectToAccept)) { return true; } else if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifier(objectToAccept)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Creates a new Classifier Role with a specified base. * @param base * @return The new CR */ private Object makeNewCR(Object base) { Object node = null; Editor ce = Globals.curEditor(); GraphModel gm = ce.getGraphModel(); if (gm instanceof CollabDiagramGraphModel) { Object collaboration = ((CollabDiagramGraphModel) gm).getHomeModel(); node = Model.getCollaborationsFactory().buildClassifierRole( collaboration); } Model.getCollaborationsHelper().addBase(node, base); return node; } /** * Creates the Fig for the CR. Y position will be adjusted to match other * the other CRs. * @param classifierRole * @param location The position where to put the new fig. * @return */ private FigClassifierRole makeNewFigCR(Object classifierRole, Point location) { if (classifierRole != null) { FigClassifierRole newCR = new FigClassifierRole(classifierRole, new Rectangle(location), getDiagramSettings()); getGraphModel().getNodes().add(newCR.getOwner()); return newCR; } return null; } @Override public FigNode drop(Object droppedObject, Point location) { FigNode figNode = null; GraphModel gm = getGraphModel(); Layer lay = Globals.curEditor().getLayerManager().getActiveLayer(); // If location is non-null, convert to a rectangle that we can use Rectangle bounds = null; if (location != null) { bounds = new Rectangle(location.x, location.y, 0, 0); } DiagramSettings settings = getDiagramSettings(); if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifierRole(droppedObject)) { figNode = new FigClassifierRole(droppedObject, bounds, settings); } else if (Model.getFacade().isAMessage(droppedObject)) { figNode = new FigMessage(droppedObject, bounds, settings); } else if (Model.getFacade().isAComment(droppedObject)) { figNode = new FigComment(droppedObject, bounds, settings); } else if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifierRole(droppedObject)) { figNode = makeNewFigCR(droppedObject, location); } else if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifier(droppedObject)) { figNode = makeNewFigCR(makeNewCR(droppedObject), location); } if (figNode != null) { LOG.debug("Dropped object " + droppedObject + " converted to " + figNode); } else { LOG.debug("Dropped object NOT added " + droppedObject); } return figNode; } @Override public String getInstructions(Object droppedObject) { if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifierRole(droppedObject)) { return super.getInstructions(droppedObject); } else if (Model.getFacade().isAClassifier(droppedObject)) { return Translator.localize( "misc.message.click-on-diagram-to-add-as-cr", new Object[] {Model.getFacade().toString(droppedObject)}); } return super.getInstructions(droppedObject); } /** * The UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8081715986963837750L; }