// $Id: PersistenceManager.java 16386 2008-12-19 15:50:11Z bobtarling $ // Copyright (c) 2004-2008 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.persistence; import java.awt.Component; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import org.argouml.application.api.Argo; import org.argouml.configuration.Configuration; import org.argouml.configuration.ConfigurationKey; import org.argouml.i18n.Translator; import org.argouml.kernel.Project; import org.tigris.gef.util.UnexpectedException; /** * This class shall be the only one that knows in which file formats * ArgoUML is able to save and load. And all that knowledge is * concentrated in the constructor... <p> * * The PersisterManager manages the list of persisters. <p> * * This class is a singleton, since this allows external modules to * add extra persisters to the ArgoUML application. * * @author mvw@tigris.org */ public final class PersistenceManager { /** * The singleton instance. */ private static final PersistenceManager INSTANCE = new PersistenceManager(); private AbstractFilePersister defaultPersister; private List<AbstractFilePersister> otherPersisters = new ArrayList<AbstractFilePersister>(); private UmlFilePersister quickViewDump; private XmiFilePersister xmiPersister; private XmiFilePersister xmlPersister; private UmlFilePersister umlPersister; private ZipFilePersister zipPersister; private AbstractFilePersister savePersister; /** * The configuration key for the project file location. */ public static final ConfigurationKey KEY_PROJECT_NAME_PATH = Configuration.makeKey("project", "name", "path"); /** * The configuration key for the "open project" file location. */ public static final ConfigurationKey KEY_OPEN_PROJECT_PATH = Configuration.makeKey("project", "open", "path"); /** * The configuration key for the "import xmi" file location. */ public static final ConfigurationKey KEY_IMPORT_XMI_PATH = Configuration.makeKey("xmi", "import", "path"); /** * Create the default diagram persister. */ private DiagramMemberFilePersister diagramMemberFilePersister = new DiagramMemberFilePersister(); /** * @return returns the singleton */ public static PersistenceManager getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * The constructor. */ private PersistenceManager() { // These are the file formats I know about: defaultPersister = new OldZargoFilePersister(); quickViewDump = new UmlFilePersister(); xmiPersister = new XmiFilePersister(); otherPersisters.add(xmiPersister); xmlPersister = new XmlFilePersister(); otherPersisters.add(xmlPersister); umlPersister = new UmlFilePersister(); otherPersisters.add(umlPersister); zipPersister = new ZipFilePersister(); otherPersisters.add(zipPersister); } /** * This function allows to add new persisters. This can be done e.g. * by plugins/modules. * * @param fp the persister */ public void register(AbstractFilePersister fp) { otherPersisters.add(fp); } /** * @param name the filename * @return the persister */ public AbstractFilePersister getPersisterFromFileName(String name) { if (defaultPersister.isFileExtensionApplicable(name)) { return defaultPersister; } for (AbstractFilePersister persister : otherPersisters) { if (persister.isFileExtensionApplicable(name)) { return persister; } } return null; } /** * @param chooser the filechooser of which the filters will be set * @param fileName the filename of the file to be saved (optional) */ public void setSaveFileChooserFilters(JFileChooser chooser, String fileName) { chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(defaultPersister); AbstractFilePersister defaultFileFilter = defaultPersister; for (AbstractFilePersister fp : otherPersisters) { if (fp.isSaveEnabled() && !fp.equals(xmiPersister) && !fp.equals(xmlPersister)) { chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(fp); if (fileName != null && fp.isFileExtensionApplicable(fileName)) { defaultFileFilter = fp; } } } chooser.setFileFilter(defaultFileFilter); } /** * @param chooser the filechooser of which the filters will be set */ public void setOpenFileChooserFilter(JFileChooser chooser) { MultitypeFileFilter mf = new MultitypeFileFilter(); mf.add(defaultPersister); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(mf); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(defaultPersister); Iterator iter = otherPersisters.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { AbstractFilePersister ff = (AbstractFilePersister) iter.next(); if (ff.isLoadEnabled()) { mf.add(ff); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(ff); } } chooser.setFileFilter(mf); } /** * @param chooser the filechooser of which the filters will be set */ public void setXmiFileChooserFilter(JFileChooser chooser) { chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(xmiPersister); chooser.setFileFilter(xmiPersister); } /** * @return the extension of the default persister * (just the text, not the ".") */ public String getDefaultExtension() { return defaultPersister.getExtension(); } /** * @return the extension of the xmi persister * (just the text, not the ".") */ public String getXmiExtension() { return xmiPersister.getExtension(); } /** * @param in the input file or path name which may or may not * have a recognised extension * @return the amended file or pathname, guaranteed to have * a recognised extension */ public String fixExtension(String in) { if (getPersisterFromFileName(in) == null) { in += "." + getDefaultExtension(); } return in; } /** * @param in the input file or path name which may or may not * have a "xmi" extension * @return the amended file or pathname, guaranteed to have * a "xmi" extension */ public String fixXmiExtension(String in) { if (getPersisterFromFileName(in) != xmiPersister) { in += "." + getXmiExtension(); } return in; } /** * @param in the input uri which may or may not have a recognised extension * @return the uri with default extension added, * if it did not have a valid extension yet */ public URI fixUriExtension(URI in) { URI newUri; String n = in.toString(); n = fixExtension(n); try { newUri = new URI(n); } catch (java.net.URISyntaxException e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } return newUri; } /** * Find the base name of the given filename.<p> * * This is the name minus any valid file extension. * Invalid extensions are left alone. * * @param n the given file name * @return the name (a String) without extension */ public String getBaseName(String n) { AbstractFilePersister p = getPersisterFromFileName(n); if (p == null) { return n; } int extLength = p.getExtension().length() + 1; return n.substring(0, n.length() - extLength); } /** * @param p the project * @return the basename of the project */ public String getProjectBaseName(Project p) { URI uri = p.getUri(); String name = Translator.localize("label.projectbrowser-title"); if (uri != null) { name = new File(uri).getName(); } return getBaseName(name); } /** * @param n the new project name * @param p the project that receives the name * @throws URISyntaxException if the URI is malformed */ public void setProjectName(final String n, Project p) throws URISyntaxException { String s = ""; if (p.getURI() != null) { s = p.getURI().toString(); } s = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + n; setProjectURI(new URI(s), p); } /** * @param theUri the URI for the project * @param p the project that receives the URI */ public void setProjectURI(URI theUri, Project p) { if (theUri != null) { theUri = fixUriExtension(theUri); } p.setUri(theUri); } /** * Generates a String dump of the current model for quick viewing. * * @param project The project to generate. * @return The whole model in a String. */ public String getQuickViewDump(Project project) { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { quickViewDump.writeProject(project, stream, null); } catch (Exception e) { // If anything goes wrong return the stack // trace as a string so that we get some // useful feedback. e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(stream)); } try { return stream.toString(Argo.getEncoding()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return e.toString(); } } /** * Get the file persister for diagrams. * * @return the diagram file persister. */ DiagramMemberFilePersister getDiagramMemberFilePersister() { return diagramMemberFilePersister; } /** * Set an alternative file persister for diagrams. * * @param persister the persister to use instead of the default */ public void setDiagramMemberFilePersister( DiagramMemberFilePersister persister) { diagramMemberFilePersister = persister; } /** * Returns true if we are allowed to overwrite the given file. * * @param overwrite if true, then the user is not asked * @param file the given file * @return true if we are allowed to overwrite the given file * @param frame the Component to display the confirmation dialog on */ public boolean confirmOverwrite(Component frame, boolean overwrite, File file) { if (file.exists() && !overwrite) { String sConfirm = Translator.messageFormat( "optionpane.confirm-overwrite", new Object[] {file}); int nResult = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( frame, sConfirm, Translator.localize( "optionpane.confirm-overwrite-title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (nResult != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Sets the currently used persister for saving. * * @param persister the persister */ public void setSavePersister(AbstractFilePersister persister) { savePersister = persister; } /** * Gets the currently used persister for saving. * * @return the persister or null */ public AbstractFilePersister getSavePersister() { return savePersister; } /** * Figs are stored by class name and recreated by reflection. If the class * name changes or moves this provides a simple way of translating from * class name at time of save to the current class name without need for * XSL. * @param originalClassName The class name that may be in the save file * @param newClassName The class name to use in preference */ public void addTranslation( final String originalClassName, final String newClassName) { getDiagramMemberFilePersister().addTranslation( originalClassName, newClassName); } } /** * Composite file filter which will accept any * file type added to it. */ class MultitypeFileFilter extends FileFilter { private ArrayList<FileFilter> filters; private ArrayList<String> extensions; private String desc; /** * Constructor */ public MultitypeFileFilter() { super(); filters = new ArrayList<FileFilter>(); extensions = new ArrayList<String>(); } /** * Add a FileFilter to list of file filters to be accepted * * @param filter FileFilter to be added */ public void add(AbstractFilePersister filter) { filters.add(filter); String extension = filter.getExtension(); if (!extensions.contains(extension)) { extensions.add(filter.getExtension()); desc = ((desc == null) ? "" : desc + ", ") + "*." + extension; } } /** * Return all added FileFilters. * * @return collection of FileFilters */ public Collection<FileFilter> getAll() { return filters; } /** * Accept any file that any of our filters will accept. * * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean accept(File arg0) { for (FileFilter ff : filters) { if (ff.accept(arg0)) { return true; } } return false; } /* * @see javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter#getDescription() */ @Override public String getDescription() { Object[] s = {desc}; return Translator.messageFormat("filechooser.all-types-desc", s); } }