package de.ovgu.cide.language.jdt.editor; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaSourceViewer; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.SemanticHighlighting; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.SemanticHighlightings; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaPresentationReconciler; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.IColorManager; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.IJavaPartitions; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.text.JavaSourceViewerConfiguration; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener; import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent; import de.ovgu.cide.configuration.jdt.JDTColorManagerBridge; import de.ovgu.cide.editor.CodeSegment; @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class ColoredHighlightingManager implements IPropertyChangeListener { /** * Highlighted ranges. */ public static class HighlightedRange extends Region { /** * The highlighting key as returned by * {@link SemanticHighlighting#getPreferenceKey()}. */ private String fKey; /** * Initialize with the given offset, length and highlighting key. * * @param offset * @param length * @param key * the highlighting key as returned by * {@link SemanticHighlighting#getPreferenceKey()} */ public HighlightedRange(int offset, int length, String key) { super(offset, length); fKey = key; } /** * @return the highlighting key as returned by * {@link SemanticHighlighting#getPreferenceKey()} */ public String getKey() { return fKey; } /* * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.Region#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean equals(Object o) { return super.equals(o) && o instanceof HighlightedRange && fKey.equals(((HighlightedRange) o).getKey()); } /* * @see org.eclipse.jface.text.Region#hashCode() */ public int hashCode() { return super.hashCode() | fKey.hashCode(); } } /** Semantic highlighting presenter */ private ColoredHighlightingPresenter fPresenter; /** Semantic highlighting reconciler */ ColoredHighlightingReconciler fReconciler; /** The editor */ private ColoredCompilationUnitEditor fEditor; /** The source viewer */ private JavaSourceViewer fSourceViewer; /** The color manager */ // private IColorManager fColorManager; /** The preference store */ private IPreferenceStore fPreferenceStore; /** The source viewer configuration */ private JavaSourceViewerConfiguration fConfiguration; /** The presentation reconciler */ private JavaPresentationReconciler fPresentationReconciler; private JDTColorManagerBridge compUnitColorManager; /** * Install the semantic highlighting on the given editor infrastructure * * @param editor * The Java editor * @param sourceViewer * The source viewer * @param colorManager * The color manager * @param preferenceStore * The preference store * @param manager */ public void install(ColoredCompilationUnitEditor editor, JavaSourceViewer sourceViewer, IColorManager colorManager, IPreferenceStore preferenceStore, JDTColorManagerBridge compUnitColorManager) { fEditor = editor; fSourceViewer = sourceViewer; // fColorManager = colorManager; fPreferenceStore = preferenceStore; this.compUnitColorManager = compUnitColorManager; if (fEditor != null) { fConfiguration = new JavaSourceViewerConfiguration(colorManager, preferenceStore, editor, IJavaPartitions.JAVA_PARTITIONING); fPresentationReconciler = (JavaPresentationReconciler) fConfiguration .getPresentationReconciler(sourceViewer); } else { fConfiguration = null; fPresentationReconciler = null; } fPreferenceStore.addPropertyChangeListener(this); if (isEnabled()) enable(); } /** * Enable code coloring */ private void enable() { // initializeCodeColors(); fPresenter = new ColoredHighlightingPresenter(); fPresenter.install(fSourceViewer, fPresentationReconciler); if (fEditor != null) { fReconciler = new ColoredHighlightingReconciler(); fReconciler.setColorManager(compUnitColorManager); fReconciler.install(fEditor, fSourceViewer, fPresenter); } else { fPresenter.updatePresentation(null, new CodeSegment[0], new CodeSegment[0]); } } /** * Uninstall the semantic highlighting */ public void uninstall() { disable(); if (fPreferenceStore != null) { fPreferenceStore.removePropertyChangeListener(this); fPreferenceStore = null; } fEditor = null; fSourceViewer = null; // fColorManager = null; fConfiguration = null; fPresentationReconciler = null; } /** * Disable semantic highlighting. */ private void disable() { if (fReconciler != null) { fReconciler.uninstall(); fReconciler = null; } if (fPresenter != null) { fPresenter.uninstall(); fPresenter = null; } } /** * @return <code>true</code> iff semantic highlighting is enabled in the * preferences */ private boolean isEnabled() { return true; // return SemanticHighlightings.isEnabled(fPreferenceStore); } /* * @see * org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(org.eclipse * .jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { handlePropertyChangeEvent(event); } /** * Handle the given property change event * * @param event * The event */ private void handlePropertyChangeEvent(PropertyChangeEvent event) { if (fPreferenceStore == null) return; // Uninstalled during event notification if (fConfiguration != null) fConfiguration.handlePropertyChangeEvent(event); if (SemanticHighlightings.affectsEnablement(fPreferenceStore, event)) { if (isEnabled()) enable(); else disable(); } if (!isEnabled()) return; boolean refreshNeeded = false; /* * for (int i= 0, n= fSemanticHighlightings.length; i < n; i++) { * SemanticHighlighting semanticHighlighting= fSemanticHighlightings[i]; * * String colorKey= * SemanticHighlightings.getColorPreferenceKey(semanticHighlighting); if * (colorKey.equals(event.getProperty())) { * adaptToTextForegroundChange(fHighlightings[i], event); * fPresenter.highlightingStyleChanged(fHighlightings[i]); * refreshNeeded= true; continue; } * * String boldKey= * SemanticHighlightings.getBoldPreferenceKey(semanticHighlighting); if * (boldKey.equals(event.getProperty())) { * adaptToTextStyleChange(fHighlightings[i], event, SWT.BOLD); * fPresenter.highlightingStyleChanged(fHighlightings[i]); * refreshNeeded= true; continue; } * * String italicKey= * SemanticHighlightings.getItalicPreferenceKey(semanticHighlighting); * if (italicKey.equals(event.getProperty())) { * adaptToTextStyleChange(fHighlightings[i], event, SWT.ITALIC); * fPresenter.highlightingStyleChanged(fHighlightings[i]); * refreshNeeded= true; continue; } * * String strikethroughKey= * SemanticHighlightings.getStrikethroughPreferenceKey * (semanticHighlighting); if * (strikethroughKey.equals(event.getProperty())) { * adaptToTextStyleChange(fHighlightings[i], event, * TextAttribute.STRIKETHROUGH); * fPresenter.highlightingStyleChanged(fHighlightings[i]); * refreshNeeded= true; continue; } * * String underlineKey= * SemanticHighlightings.getUnderlinePreferenceKey(semanticHighlighting * ); if (underlineKey.equals(event.getProperty())) { * adaptToTextStyleChange(fHighlightings[i], event, * TextAttribute.UNDERLINE); * fPresenter.highlightingStyleChanged(fHighlightings[i]); * refreshNeeded= true; continue; } * * String enabledKey= * SemanticHighlightings.getEnabledPreferenceKey(semanticHighlighting); * if (enabledKey.equals(event.getProperty())) { * adaptToEnablementChange(fHighlightings[i], event); * fPresenter.highlightingStyleChanged(fHighlightings[i]); * refreshNeeded= true; continue; } } */ if (refreshNeeded && fReconciler != null) fReconciler.refresh(); } // private void adaptToEnablementChange(Highlighting highlighting, // PropertyChangeEvent event) { // Object value= event.getNewValue(); // boolean eventValue; // if (value instanceof Boolean) // eventValue= ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); // else if (IPreferenceStore.TRUE.equals(value)) // eventValue= true; // else // eventValue= false; // highlighting.setEnabled(eventValue); // } // // private void adaptToTextForegroundChange(Highlighting highlighting, // PropertyChangeEvent event) { // RGB rgb= null; // // Object value= event.getNewValue(); // if (value instanceof RGB) // rgb= (RGB) value; // else if (value instanceof String) // rgb= StringConverter.asRGB((String) value); // // if (rgb != null) { // // String property= event.getProperty(); // Color color= fColorManager.getColor(property); // // if ((color == null || !rgb.equals(color.getRGB())) && fColorManager // instanceof IColorManagerExtension) { // IColorManagerExtension ext= (IColorManagerExtension) fColorManager; // ext.unbindColor(property); // ext.bindColor(property, rgb); // color= fColorManager.getColor(property); // } // // TextAttribute oldAttr= highlighting.getTextAttribute(); // highlighting.setTextAttribute(new TextAttribute(color, // oldAttr.getBackground(), oldAttr.getStyle())); // } // } // // private void adaptToTextStyleChange(Highlighting highlighting, // PropertyChangeEvent event, int styleAttribute) { // boolean eventValue= false; // Object value= event.getNewValue(); // if (value instanceof Boolean) // eventValue= ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); // else if (IPreferenceStore.TRUE.equals(value)) // eventValue= true; // // TextAttribute oldAttr= highlighting.getTextAttribute(); // boolean activeValue= (oldAttr.getStyle() & styleAttribute) == // styleAttribute; // // if (activeValue != eventValue) // highlighting.setTextAttribute(new TextAttribute(oldAttr.getForeground(), // oldAttr.getBackground(), eventValue ? oldAttr.getStyle() | styleAttribute // : oldAttr.getStyle() & ~styleAttribute)); // } // // private void addColor(String colorKey) { // if (fColorManager != null && colorKey != null && // fColorManager.getColor(colorKey) == null) { // RGB rgb= PreferenceConverter.getColor(fPreferenceStore, colorKey); // if (fColorManager instanceof IColorManagerExtension) { // IColorManagerExtension ext= (IColorManagerExtension) fColorManager; // ext.unbindColor(colorKey); // ext.bindColor(colorKey, rgb); // } // } // } // // private void removeColor(String colorKey) { // if (fColorManager instanceof IColorManagerExtension) // ((IColorManagerExtension) fColorManager).unbindColor(colorKey); // } }