// $Id: AbstractMessageNotationUml.java 132 2010-09-26 23:32:33Z marcusvnac $ // Copyright (c) 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.notation.providers.uml; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; //#if defined(LOGGING) //@#$LPS-LOGGING:GranularityType:Import import org.apache.log4j.Logger; //#endif import org.argouml.application.events.ArgoEventPump; import org.argouml.application.events.ArgoEventTypes; import org.argouml.application.events.ArgoHelpEvent; import org.argouml.i18n.Translator; import org.argouml.kernel.ProjectManager; import org.argouml.model.Model; import org.argouml.notation.providers.MessageNotation; import org.argouml.util.CustomSeparator; import org.argouml.util.MyTokenizer; /** * This abstract class provides the common functionality for * the UML notation of messages.<br/> * It is extended by {@link MessageNotationUml}, with the * notation of messages as seen in collaboration diagrams, * and {@link SDMessageNotationUml}, with the notation of * messages as seen in sequence diagrams.<p> * * The Message notation syntax is a line of the following form, * which we can generate and parse: <p> * * <pre> * intno := integer|name * seq := intno ['.' intno]* * recurrence := '*'['//'] | '*'['//']'[' <i>iteration </i>']' | '[' * <i>condition </i>']' * seqelem := {[intno] ['['recurrence']']} * seq_expr := seqelem ['.' seqelem]* * ret_list := lvalue [',' lvalue]* * arg_list := rvalue [',' rvalue]* * predecessor := seq [',' seq]* '/' * message := [predecessor] seq_expr ':' [ret_list :=] name ([arg_list]) * </pre> * * Which is rather complex, so a few examples:<ul> * <li> 2: display(x, y) * <li> 1.3.1: p := find(specs) * <li> [x < 0] 4: invert(color) * <li> A3, B4/ C3.1*: update() * </ul> * * This syntax is compatible with the UML 1.4.2 specification.<p> * * Actually, only a subset of this syntax is currently supported, and some * is not even planned to be supported. The exceptions are intno, which only * allows a number possibly followed by a sequence of letters in the range * 'a' - 'z', seqelem, which does not allow a recurrence, and message, which * does allow one recurrence near seq_expr. <p> * * (formerly, the supported syntax was: name: action ) <p> * * Generating a string from the model has some extra functionality: * If obtaining the Script of the Action returns an empty string, * then an alternative representation is given: * If the action is a CallAction, use the name of its Operation, * and if it is a SendAction, the name of its Signal. * If also this returns no string, then we display the name of the Message. <p> * * Rationale: * This allows ArgoUML to show something on the diagram with older projects, * which only had the name of the Message filled in by the user. * This also may improve the diagrams for imported XMI.<p> * * Parsing a text that is generated by one of the backup scenarios, * causes it to be written back in the script of the Action. * Hence, editing the text on the diagram only once * causes the Action Script to be used from then on. <p> * * Supported operations for the parser: <p> * <ul> * <li>Locating an Operation by name and the number of arguments - * the operation is hooked to the CallAction of the Message. * <li>Create an Operation with given name (no arguments). * <li>Change the order of messages (predecessor/successor). * <li>Reverting the direction of a message. * <li>etc. * </ul> * * @see MessageNotationUml * @see SDMessageNotationUml * @since 0.28.alpha1 * @author penyaskito */ public abstract class AbstractMessageNotationUml extends MessageNotation { //#if defined(LOGGING) //@#$LPS-LOGGING:GranularityType:Field private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AbstractMessageNotationUml.class); //#endif /** * The list of CustomSeparators to use when tokenizing parameters. */ private final List<CustomSeparator> parameterCustomSep; /** * An object containing an UML Message object. */ protected static class MsgPtr { /** * The message pointed to. */ Object message; } /** * @param umlMessage the UML Message object */ public AbstractMessageNotationUml(Object umlMessage) { super(umlMessage); parameterCustomSep = initParameterSeparators(); } protected String toString(final Object umlMessage, boolean showSequenceNumbers) { Iterator it; Collection umlPredecessors; Object umlAction; Object umlActivator; // this is a Message UML object MsgPtr ptr; int lpn; /* Supported format: * predecessors number ":" action * The 3 parts of the string to generate: */ StringBuilder predecessors = new StringBuilder(); // includes the "/" String number; // the "seq_expr" from the header javadoc // the ":" is not included in "number" - it is always present String action = ""; if (umlMessage == null) { return ""; } ptr = new MsgPtr(); lpn = recCountPredecessors(umlMessage, ptr) + 1; umlActivator = Model.getFacade().getActivator(umlMessage); umlPredecessors = Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(umlMessage); it = (umlPredecessors != null) ? umlPredecessors.iterator() : null; if (it != null && it.hasNext()) { MsgPtr ptr2 = new MsgPtr(); int precnt = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Object msg = /*(MMessage)*/ it.next(); int mpn = recCountPredecessors(msg, ptr2) + 1; if (mpn == lpn - 1 && umlActivator == Model.getFacade().getActivator(msg) && Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(msg).size() < 2 && (ptr2.message == null || countSuccessors(ptr2.message) < 2)) { continue; } if (predecessors.length() > 0) { predecessors.append(", "); } predecessors.append( generateMessageNumber(msg, ptr2.message, mpn)); precnt++; } if (precnt > 0) { predecessors.append(" / "); } } number = generateMessageNumber(umlMessage, ptr.message, lpn); umlAction = Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage); if (umlAction != null) { if (Model.getFacade().getRecurrence(umlAction) != null) { number = generateRecurrence( Model.getFacade().getRecurrence(umlAction)) + " " + number; /* TODO: The recurrence goes in front of the action? * Does this not contradict the header JavaDoc? */ } } action = NotationUtilityUml.generateActionSequence(umlAction); if ("".equals(action) || action.trim().startsWith("(")) { /* If the script of the Action is empty, * (or only specifies arguments and no method name) * then we generate a string based on * a different model element: */ action = getInitiatorOfAction(umlAction); if ("".equals(action)) { // This may return null: String n = Model.getFacade().getName(umlMessage); if (n != null) { action = n; } } } else if (!action.endsWith(")")) { /* Dirty fix for issue 1758 (Needs to be amended * when we start supporting parameters): */ action = action + "()"; } if (!showSequenceNumbers) { return action; } return predecessors + number + " : " + action; } protected String getInitiatorOfAction(Object umlAction) { String result = ""; if (Model.getFacade().isACallAction(umlAction)) { Object umlOperation = Model.getFacade().getOperation(umlAction); if (Model.getFacade().isAOperation(umlOperation)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( Model.getFacade().getName(umlOperation)); if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append("()"); result = sb.toString(); } } } else if (Model.getFacade().isASendAction(umlAction)) { Object umlSignal = Model.getFacade().getSignal(umlAction); if (Model.getFacade().isASignal(umlSignal)) { String n = Model.getFacade().getName(umlSignal); if (n != null) { result = n; } } } return result; } protected List<CustomSeparator> initParameterSeparators() { List<CustomSeparator> separators = new ArrayList<CustomSeparator>(); separators.add(MyTokenizer.SINGLE_QUOTED_SEPARATOR); separators.add(MyTokenizer.DOUBLE_QUOTED_SEPARATOR); separators.add(MyTokenizer.PAREN_EXPR_STRING_SEPARATOR); return separators; } public void parse(final Object umlMessage, final String text) { try { parseMessage(umlMessage, text); } catch (ParseException pe) { final String msg = "statusmsg.bar.error.parsing.message"; final Object[] args = {pe.getLocalizedMessage(), Integer.valueOf(pe.getErrorOffset()), }; ArgoEventPump.fireEvent(new ArgoHelpEvent( ArgoEventTypes.HELP_CHANGED, this, Translator.messageFormat(msg, args))); } } public String getParsingHelp() { return "parsing.help.fig-message"; } /** * Generate the "intno" of the given Message. <p> * * If the predecessor of the given message has only one successor, then * we return the string representation of the given integer. <p> * If the predecessor of the given message has more than one successor, then * this is a case of parallel execution of messages, e.g. * Message 3.1a and Message 3.1b are concurrent within activation 3.1. * Hence In this case we use a syntax like: 1a, 1b, 1c. * * This means that the first successor * in the ordered list of successors that has more than one entry * will get the postfix a, the second b, etc. * * TODO: Document exceptional behaviour. * * @param umlMessage the UML message object to generate * the sequence number for * @param umlPredecessor the immediate predecessor message (UML object) * that has the given message as successor * @param position the integer position of the given message * within its sequence * @return the generated sequence expression string, * or null if the given Message was null */ protected String generateMessageNumber(Object umlMessage, Object umlPredecessor, int position) { Iterator it; String activatorIntNo = ""; Object umlActivator; int subpos = 0, submax = 1; if (umlMessage == null) { return null; } umlActivator = Model.getFacade().getActivator(umlMessage); if (umlActivator != null) { activatorIntNo = generateMessageNumber(umlActivator); // activatorIntNo is now guaranteed not null } if (umlPredecessor != null) { // get the ordered list of immediate successors: Collection c = Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(umlPredecessor); submax = c.size(); it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && it.next() != umlMessage) { subpos++; } } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(activatorIntNo); if (activatorIntNo.length() > 0) { result.append("."); } result.append(position); if (submax > 1) { result.append((char) ('a' + subpos)); } return result.toString(); } /** * Finds the break between message number and (possibly) message order. * * @return The position of the end of the number. */ private static int findMsgOrderBreak(String s) { int i, t; t = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < t; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { break; } } return i; } /** * Generates the textual number of a given Message, called seq_expr. * The seq_expr is a string of numbers separated by points * which describes the message's order * and level in a collaboration.<p> * * If you plan to modify this seq_expr, make sure that * the parsing of the Message is adapted accordingly to the change. * * @param message A Message to generate the seq_expr for * @return A String with the seq_expr of the given message, * or null if the given message was null */ private String generateMessageNumber(Object message) { MsgPtr ptr = new MsgPtr(); int pos = recCountPredecessors(message, ptr) + 1; return generateMessageNumber(message, ptr.message, pos); } /** * Count the number of successors of the given Message. <p> * * Successors have the same Activator as the given message. * This Activator may be null. * * @param message the UML Message object * @return the number of successors: 0..n */ protected int countSuccessors(Object message) { int count = 0; final Object activator = Model.getFacade().getActivator(message); final Collection successors = Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(message); if (successors != null) { for (Object suc : successors) { if (Model.getFacade().getActivator(suc) != activator) { continue; } count++; } } return count; } /** * Generates a textual description of an IterationExpression. * * @param expr the given UML expression object or null * @return the string */ protected String generateRecurrence(Object expr) { if (expr == null) { return ""; } return Model.getFacade().getBody(expr).toString(); } /** * Parse a Message textual description.<p> * * TODO: - This method is too complex, lets break it up. <p> * * @param umlMessage the UML Message object to apply any changes to * @param s the String to parse * @throws ParseException * when it detects an error in the attribute string. See also * ParseError.getErrorOffset(). */ protected void parseMessage(Object umlMessage, String s) throws ParseException { String fname = null; // the condition or iteration expression (recurrence): StringBuilder guard = null; String paramExpr = null; String token; StringBuilder varname = null; List<List> predecessors = new ArrayList<List>(); List<Integer> seqno = null; List<Integer> currentseq = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // List<String> args = null; boolean mustBePre = false; boolean mustBeSeq = false; boolean parallell = false; boolean iterative = false; boolean mayDeleteExpr = false; boolean refindOperation = false; boolean hasPredecessors = false; currentseq.add(null); currentseq.add(null); try { MyTokenizer st = new MyTokenizer(s, " ,\t,*,[,],.,:,=,/,\\,", MyTokenizer.PAREN_EXPR_STRING_SEPARATOR); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); if (" ".equals(token) || "\t".equals(token)) { if (currentseq == null) { if (varname != null && fname == null) { varname.append(token); } } } else if ("[".equals(token)) { if (mustBePre) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.pred-unqualified"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } mustBeSeq = true; if (guard != null) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.several-specs"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } guard = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { token = st.nextToken(); if ("]".equals(token)) { break; } guard.append(token); } } else if ("*".equals(token)) { if (mustBePre) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.pred-unqualified"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } mustBeSeq = true; if (currentseq != null) { iterative = true; } } else if (".".equals(token)) { if (currentseq == null) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.unexpected-dot"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } if (currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) != null || currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) != null) { currentseq.add(null); currentseq.add(null); } } else if (":".equals(token)) { if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String t = st.nextToken(); if ("=".equals(t)) { st.putToken(":="); continue; } st.putToken(t); } if (mustBePre) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.pred-colon"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } if (currentseq != null) { if (currentseq.size() > 2 && currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) == null && currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) == null) { currentseq.remove(currentseq.size() - 1); currentseq.remove(currentseq.size() - 1); } seqno = currentseq; currentseq = null; mayDeleteExpr = true; } } else if ("/".equals(token)) { if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String t = st.nextToken(); if ("/".equals(t)) { st.putToken("//"); continue; } st.putToken(t); } if (mustBeSeq) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.sequence-slash"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } mustBePre = false; mustBeSeq = true; if (currentseq.size() > 2 && currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) == null && currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) == null) { currentseq.remove(currentseq.size() - 1); currentseq.remove(currentseq.size() - 1); } if (currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) != null || currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) != null) { predecessors.add(currentseq); currentseq = new ArrayList<Integer>(); currentseq.add(null); currentseq.add(null); } hasPredecessors = true; } else if ("//".equals(token)) { if (mustBePre) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.pred-parallelized"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } mustBeSeq = true; if (currentseq != null) { parallell = true; } } else if (",".equals(token)) { if (currentseq != null) { if (mustBeSeq) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.many-numbers"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } mustBePre = true; if (currentseq.size() > 2 && currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) == null && currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) == null) { currentseq.remove(currentseq.size() - 1); currentseq.remove(currentseq.size() - 1); } if (currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) != null || currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) != null) { predecessors.add(currentseq); currentseq = new ArrayList<Integer>(); currentseq.add(null); currentseq.add(null); } hasPredecessors = true; } else { if (varname == null && fname != null) { varname = new StringBuilder(fname + token); fname = null; } else if (varname != null && fname == null) { varname.append(token); } else { String msg = "parsing.error.message.found-comma"; throw new ParseException( Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } } } else if ("=".equals(token) || ":=".equals(token)) { if (currentseq == null) { if (varname == null) { varname = new StringBuilder(fname); fname = ""; } else { fname = ""; } } } else if (currentseq == null) { if (paramExpr == null && token.charAt(0) == '(') { if (token.charAt(token.length() - 1) != ')') { String msg = "parsing.error.message.malformed-parameters"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } if (fname == null || "".equals(fname)) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.function-not-found"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), st.getTokenIndex()); } if (varname == null) { varname = new StringBuilder(); } paramExpr = token.substring(1, token.length() - 1); } else if (varname != null && fname == null) { varname.append(token); } else if (fname == null || fname.length() == 0) { fname = token; } else { String msg = "parsing.error.message.unexpected-token"; Object[] parseExcArgs = {token}; throw new ParseException( Translator.localize(msg, parseExcArgs), st.getTokenIndex()); } } else { boolean hasVal = currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 2) != null; boolean hasOrd = currentseq.get(currentseq.size() - 1) != null; boolean assigned = false; int bp = findMsgOrderBreak(token); if (!hasVal && !assigned && bp == token.length()) { try { currentseq.set( currentseq.size() - 2, Integer.valueOf( token)); assigned = true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (!hasOrd && !assigned && bp == 0) { try { currentseq.set( currentseq.size() - 1, Integer.valueOf( parseMsgOrder(token))); assigned = true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (!hasVal && !hasOrd && !assigned && bp > 0 && bp < token.length()) { Integer nbr, ord; try { nbr = Integer.valueOf(token.substring(0, bp)); ord = Integer.valueOf( parseMsgOrder(token.substring(bp))); currentseq.set(currentseq.size() - 2, nbr); currentseq.set(currentseq.size() - 1, ord); assigned = true; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (!assigned) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.unexpected-token"; Object[] parseExcArgs = {token}; throw new ParseException( Translator.localize(msg, parseExcArgs), st.getTokenIndex()); } } } } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.unexpected-end-message"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), s.length()); } catch (ParseException pre) { throw pre; } List<String> args = parseArguments(paramExpr, mayDeleteExpr); //#if defined(LOGGING) //@#$LPS-LOGGING:GranularityType:Statement printDebugInfo(s, fname, guard, paramExpr, varname, predecessors, seqno, parallell, iterative); //#endif /* Now apply the changes to the model: */ buildAction(umlMessage); handleGuard(umlMessage, guard, parallell, iterative); fname = fillBlankFunctionName(umlMessage, fname, mayDeleteExpr); varname = fillBlankVariableName(umlMessage, varname, mayDeleteExpr); refindOperation = handleFunctionName(umlMessage, fname, varname, refindOperation); refindOperation = handleArguments(umlMessage, args, refindOperation); refindOperation = handleSequenceNumber(umlMessage, seqno, refindOperation); handleOperation(umlMessage, fname, refindOperation); handlePredecessors(umlMessage, predecessors, hasPredecessors); } //#if defined(LOGGING) //@#$LPS-LOGGING:GranularityType:Method private void printDebugInfo(String s, String fname, StringBuilder guard, String paramExpr, StringBuilder varname, List<List> predecessors, List<Integer> seqno, boolean parallell, boolean iterative) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("ParseMessage: " + s + "\n"); buf.append("Message: "); for (int i = 0; seqno != null && i + 1 < seqno.size(); i += 2) { if (i > 0) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append(seqno.get(i) + " (" + seqno.get(i + 1) + ")"); } buf.append("\n"); buf.append("predecessors: " + predecessors.size() + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < predecessors.size(); i++) { int j; List v = predecessors.get(i); buf.append(" Predecessor: "); for (j = 0; v != null && j + 1 < v.size(); j += 2) { if (j > 0) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append(v.get(j) + " (" + v.get(j + 1) + ")"); } } buf.append("guard: " + guard + " it: " + iterative + " pl: " + parallell + "\n"); buf.append(varname + " := " + fname + " ( " + paramExpr + " )" + "\n"); LOG.debug(buf); } } //#endif /** * @param paramExpr * @param mayDeleteExpr * @return */ protected List<String> parseArguments(String paramExpr, boolean mayDeleteExpr) { String token; List<String> args = null; if (paramExpr != null) { MyTokenizer st = new MyTokenizer(paramExpr, "\\,", parameterCustomSep); args = new ArrayList<String>(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); if (",".equals(token)) { if (args.size() == 0) { args.add(null); } args.add(null); } else { if (args.size() == 0) { if (token.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } args.add(null); } String arg = args.get(args.size() - 1); if (arg != null) { arg = arg + token; } else { arg = token; } args.set(args.size() - 1, arg); } } } else if (mayDeleteExpr) { args = new ArrayList<String>(); } return args; } /** * Set the predecessors of the given Message. * * @param umlMessage the given UML Message object to be adapted * @param predecessors the given predecessors as parsed * @param hasPredecessors true if there are some, if false we do nothing * @throws ParseException if something is wrong with the predecessor text */ protected void handlePredecessors(Object umlMessage, List<List> predecessors, boolean hasPredecessors) throws ParseException { // Predecessors used to be not implemented, because it // caused some problems that I've not found an easy way to handle yet, // d00mst. The specific problem is that the notation currently is // ambiguous on second message after a thread split. // Why not implement it anyway? d00mst // TODO: Document this ambiguity and the choice made. if (hasPredecessors) { Collection roots = findCandidateRoots( Model.getFacade().getMessages( Model.getFacade().getInteraction(umlMessage)), null, null); List<Object> pre = new ArrayList<Object>(); predfor: for (int i = 0; i < predecessors.size(); i++) { for (Object root : roots) { Object msg = walkTree(root, predecessors.get(i)); if (msg != null && msg != umlMessage) { if (isBadPreMsg(umlMessage, msg)) { String parseMsg = "parsing.error.message.one-pred"; throw new ParseException( Translator.localize(parseMsg), 0); } pre.add(msg); continue predfor; } } String parseMsg = "parsing.error.message.pred-not-found"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(parseMsg), 0); } MsgPtr ptr = new MsgPtr(); recCountPredecessors(umlMessage, ptr); if (ptr.message != null && !pre.contains(ptr.message)) { pre.add(ptr.message); } //#if defined(COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM) or defined(SEQUENCEDIAGRAM) //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:Localization:EndMethod //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:Localization:EndMethod Model.getCollaborationsHelper().setPredecessors(umlMessage, pre); //#endif } } /** * Update the model with the operation name. <p> * * The given operation name is located on the receiver of the given message. * If an operation with the given name * and a matching number of arguments is located, * then the CallAction of the message is adapted accordingly. * * @param umlMessage the message of which the CallAction is to be adapted * @param fname the name of the operation to be used * @param refindOperation true if we have to set the operation * of the CallAction * @throws ParseException if the operation syntax can not be parsed */ protected void handleOperation(Object umlMessage, String fname, boolean refindOperation) throws ParseException { if (fname != null && refindOperation) { Object role = Model.getFacade().getReceiver(umlMessage); List ops = getOperation( Model.getFacade().getBases(role), fname.trim(), Model.getFacade().getActualArguments( Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage)).size()); Object callAction = Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage); if (Model.getFacade().isACallAction(callAction)) { if (ops.size() > 0) { // If there are more than one suitable operation, // then we pick the first one. Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().setOperation(callAction, ops.get(0)); } else { Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().setOperation( callAction, null); } } } } /** * @param umlMessage * @param seqno * @param refindOperation * @return * @throws ParseException */ protected boolean handleSequenceNumber(Object umlMessage, List<Integer> seqno, boolean refindOperation) throws ParseException { int i; if (seqno != null) { Object/* MMessage */root; // Find the preceding message, if any, on either end of the // association. StringBuilder pname = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder mname = new StringBuilder(); String gname = generateMessageNumber(umlMessage); boolean swapRoles = false; int majval = 0; if (seqno.get(seqno.size() - 2) != null) { majval = Math.max((seqno.get(seqno.size() - 2)).intValue() - 1, 0); } int minval = 0; if (seqno.get(seqno.size() - 1) != null) { minval = Math.max((seqno.get(seqno.size() - 1)).intValue(), 0); } for (i = 0; i + 1 < seqno.size(); i += 2) { int bv = 1; if (seqno.get(i) != null) { bv = Math.max((seqno.get(i)).intValue(), 1); } int sv = 0; if (seqno.get(i + 1) != null) { sv = Math.max((seqno.get(i + 1)).intValue(), 0); } if (i > 0) { mname.append("."); } mname.append(Integer.toString(bv) + (char) ('a' + sv)); if (i + 3 < seqno.size()) { if (i > 0) { pname.append("."); } pname.append(Integer.toString(bv) + (char) ('a' + sv)); } } root = null; if (pname.length() > 0) { root = findMsg(Model.getFacade().getSender(umlMessage), pname.toString()); if (root == null) { root = findMsg(Model.getFacade().getReceiver(umlMessage), pname.toString()); if (root != null) { swapRoles = true; } } } else if (!hasMsgWithActivator(Model.getFacade().getSender(umlMessage), null) && hasMsgWithActivator(Model.getFacade().getReceiver(umlMessage), null)) { swapRoles = true; } if (compareMsgNumbers(mname.toString(), gname.toString())) { // Do nothing } else if (isMsgNumberStartOf(gname.toString(), mname.toString())) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.subtree-rooted-self"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), 0); } else if (Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(umlMessage).size() > 1 && Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(umlMessage).size() > 1) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.start-end-many-threads"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), 0); } else if (root == null && pname.length() > 0) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.activator-not-found"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), 0); } else if (swapRoles && Model.getFacade().getActivatedMessages(umlMessage).size() > 0 && (Model.getFacade().getSender(umlMessage) != Model.getFacade().getReceiver(umlMessage))) { String msg = "parsing.error.message.reverse-direction-message"; throw new ParseException(Translator.localize(msg), 0); } //#if defined(COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM) or defined(SEQUENCEDIAGRAM) //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:Localization:NestedStatement //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:Localization:NestedStatement else { /* Disconnect the message from the call graph * Make copies of returned live collections * since we're modifying */ Collection c = new ArrayList( Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(umlMessage)); Collection c2 = new ArrayList( Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(umlMessage)); Iterator it; it = c2.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Model.getCollaborationsHelper().removeSuccessor(umlMessage, it.next()); } it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Iterator it2 = c2.iterator(); Object pre = /* (MMessage) */it.next(); Model.getCollaborationsHelper().removePredecessor(umlMessage, pre); while (it2.hasNext()) { Model.getCollaborationsHelper().addPredecessor( it2.next(), pre); } } // Connect the message at a new spot Model.getCollaborationsHelper().setActivator(umlMessage, root); if (swapRoles) { Object/* MClassifierRole */r = Model.getFacade().getSender(umlMessage); Model.getCollaborationsHelper().setSender(umlMessage, Model.getFacade().getReceiver(umlMessage)); Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().setReceiver(umlMessage, r); } if (root == null) { c = filterWithActivator( Model.getFacade().getSentMessages( Model.getFacade().getSender(umlMessage)), null); } else { c = Model.getFacade().getActivatedMessages(root); } c2 = findCandidateRoots(c, root, umlMessage); it = c2.iterator(); // If c2 is empty, then we're done (or there is a // cycle in the message graph, which would be bad) If // c2 has more than one element, then the model is // crappy, but we'll just use one of them anyway if (majval <= 0) { while (it.hasNext()) { Model.getCollaborationsHelper().addSuccessor(umlMessage, /* (MMessage) */it.next()); } } else if (it.hasNext()) { Object/* MMessage */pre = walk(/* (MMessage) */it.next(), majval - 1, false); Object/* MMessage */post = successor(pre, minval); if (post != null) { Model.getCollaborationsHelper() .removePredecessor(post, pre); Model.getCollaborationsHelper() .addPredecessor(post, umlMessage); } insertSuccessor(pre, umlMessage, minval); } refindOperation = true; } //#endif } return refindOperation; } /** * @param umlMessage * @param args * @param refindOperation * @return */ protected boolean handleArguments(Object umlMessage, List<String> args, boolean refindOperation) { if (args != null) { Collection c = new ArrayList( Model.getFacade().getActualArguments( Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage))); Iterator it = c.iterator(); int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < args.size(); ii++) { Object umlArgument = (it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null); if (umlArgument == null) { umlArgument = Model.getCommonBehaviorFactory() .createArgument(); Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().addActualArgument( Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage), umlArgument); refindOperation = true; } if (Model.getFacade().getValue(umlArgument) == null || !args.get(ii).equals( Model.getFacade().getBody( Model.getFacade().getValue(umlArgument)))) { String value = (args.get(ii) != null ? args.get(ii) : ""); Object umlExpression = Model.getDataTypesFactory().createExpression( getExpressionLanguage(), value.trim()); Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().setValue(umlArgument, umlExpression); } } while (it.hasNext()) { Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper() .removeActualArgument(Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage), it.next()); refindOperation = true; } } return refindOperation; } /** * Store the given function name and return variable name * in the script of the action of the given message. <p> * * Constraint: the given Message shall have an Action. * * @param umlMessage the given UML Message object to adapt * @param fname the name of the function * @param varname the return variable name * @param refindOperation if false, then we may return true or false. * If true, we return true. * @return true if we stored the fname and varname * in the Action of the Message */ protected boolean handleFunctionName(Object umlMessage, String fname, StringBuilder varname, boolean refindOperation) { if (fname != null) { String expr = fname.trim(); if (varname.length() > 0) { expr = varname.toString().trim() + " := " + expr; } Object action = Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage); assert action != null; Object script = Model.getFacade().getScript(action); if (script == null || !expr.equals(Model.getFacade().getBody(script))) { Object newActionExpression = Model.getDataTypesFactory() .createActionExpression( getExpressionLanguage(), expr.trim()); Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().setScript( action, newActionExpression); refindOperation = true; } } return refindOperation; } /** * Fill in the variable name if it is blank. <p> * The variable name is the part in front of the assignment operator. * * @param umlMessage the given message to fill the variable name for * @param varname if null, then we get the variable name from the model. * @param mayDeleteExpr if true, then we may delete the variable, * and hence we return an empty string * @return the original variable name, or if it was null, * a variable name generated from the model */ protected StringBuilder fillBlankVariableName(Object umlMessage, StringBuilder varname, boolean mayDeleteExpr) { /* If no variable name was given, then retain the one in the model. */ if (varname == null) { Object script = Model.getFacade().getScript( Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage)); if (!mayDeleteExpr && script != null) { String body = (String) Model.getFacade().getBody(script); int idx = body.indexOf(":="); if (idx < 0) { idx = body.indexOf("="); } if (idx >= 0) { varname = new StringBuilder(body.substring(0, idx)); } else { varname = new StringBuilder(); } } else { varname = new StringBuilder(); } } return varname; } /** * Fill in the function name if it is blank. <p> * * The fname is the part of the script after the assignment operator. * * @param umlMessage the given message to fill the fname for * @param fname if null, then we get the fname from the model. * @param mayDeleteExpr if true, then we may delete the function, * and hence we return an empty string * @return the original fname, or if it was null, * a fname generated from the model */ protected String fillBlankFunctionName(Object umlMessage, String fname, boolean mayDeleteExpr) { /* If no function-name was given, then retain the one in the model. */ if (fname == null) { Object script = Model.getFacade().getScript( Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage)); if (!mayDeleteExpr && script != null) { String body = (String) Model.getFacade().getBody(script); int idx = body.indexOf(":="); if (idx >= 0) { idx++; } else { idx = body.indexOf("="); } if (idx >= 0) { fname = body.substring(idx + 1); } else { fname = body; } } else { fname = ""; } } return fname; } /** * Store the parsed guard in the UML objects related to the given Message. * * @param umlMessage the UML Message object * @param guard the guard expression string * @param parallell true if parallel execution was indicated * @param iterative true if this is an iterative expression, * as opposed to a condition */ protected void handleGuard(Object umlMessage, StringBuilder guard, boolean parallell, boolean iterative) { /* Store the guard, i.e. condition or iteration expression, * in the recurrence field of the Action: */ if (guard != null) { guard = new StringBuilder("[" + guard.toString().trim() + "]"); if (iterative) { if (parallell) { guard = guard.insert(0, "*//"); } else { guard = guard.insert(0, "*"); } } Object expr = Model.getDataTypesFactory().createIterationExpression( getExpressionLanguage(), guard.toString()); Model.getCommonBehaviorHelper().setRecurrence( Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage), expr); } } /** * Build a CallAction for the given UML Message * if it did not have an Action yet. * * @param umlMessage the UML Message object to create an Action for */ protected void buildAction(Object umlMessage) { if (Model.getFacade().getAction(umlMessage) == null) { /* If there was no Action yet, create a CallAction: */ Object a = Model.getCommonBehaviorFactory() .createCallAction(); Model.getCoreHelper().addOwnedElement(Model.getFacade().getContext( Model.getFacade().getInteraction(umlMessage)), a); //#if defined(COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM) or defined(SEQUENCEDIAGRAM) //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:Localization:EndMethod //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:Localization:EndMethod Model.getCollaborationsHelper().setAction(umlMessage, a); //#endif } } /** * TODO: This name of the expression language should be * configurable by the user. <p> * * According to the UML standard, * the expression language should be the same * for all elements in one diagram. <p> * * UML is not a sensible default - usually this is some pseudo-language. * * @return the name of the expression language */ private String getExpressionLanguage() { return ""; } /** * Walks a call tree from a <code>root</code> node * following the directions given in <code>path</code> * to a destination node. If the destination node cannot be reached, then * null is returned. * * @param root The root of the call tree. * @param path The path to walk in the call tree. * @return The message at the end of path, or <code>null</code>. */ private Object walkTree(Object root, List path) { int i; for (i = 0; i + 1 < path.size(); i += 2) { int bv = 0; if (path.get(i) != null) { bv = Math.max(((Integer) path.get(i)).intValue() - 1, 0); } int sv = 0; if (path.get(i + 1) != null) { sv = Math.max(((Integer) path.get(i + 1)).intValue(), 0); } root = walk(root, bv - 1, true); if (root == null) { return null; } if (bv > 0) { root = successor(root, sv); if (root == null) { return null; } } if (i + 3 < path.size()) { Iterator it = findCandidateRoots( Model.getFacade().getActivatedMessages(root), root, null).iterator(); // Things are strange if there are more than one candidate root, // it has no obvious interpretation in terms of a call tree. if (!it.hasNext()) { return null; } root = /* (MMessage) */it.next(); } } return root; } /** * Finds the steps'th successor of r in the sense that it is a successor of * a successor of r (steps times). The first successor with the same * activator as r is used in each step. If there are not enough successors, * then struct determines the result. If struct is true, then null is * returned, otherwise the last successor found. */ private Object walk(Object/* MMessage */r, int steps, boolean strict) { Object/* MMessage */act = Model.getFacade().getActivator(r); while (steps > 0) { Iterator it = Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(r).iterator(); do { if (!it.hasNext()) { return (strict ? null : r); } r = /* (MMessage) */it.next(); } while (Model.getFacade().getActivator(r) != act); steps--; } return r; } /** * Finds the root candidates in a collection c, ie the messages in c that * has the activator a (may be null) and has no predecessor with the same * activator. If veto isn't null, then the message in veto will not be * included in the Collection of candidates. * * @param c The collection of UML Message objects. * @param a The message. * @param veto The excluded message. * @return The found roots. */ private Collection findCandidateRoots(Collection c, Object a, Object veto) { List<Object> candidates = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object message : c) { if (message == veto) { continue; } if (Model.getFacade().getActivator(message) != a) { continue; } Collection predecessors = Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(message); boolean isCandidate = true; for (Object predecessor : predecessors) { if (Model.getFacade().getActivator(predecessor) == a) { isCandidate = false; } } if (isCandidate) { candidates.add(message); } } return candidates; } /** * Finds the steps'th successor of message r in the sense that it is a * direct successor of r. Returns null if r has fewer successors. */ private Object successor(Object/* MMessage */r, int steps) { Iterator it = Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(r).iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && steps > 0) { it.next(); steps--; } if (it.hasNext()) { return /* (MMessage) */it.next(); } return null; } /** * Compares two message numbers n1, n2 with each other to determine if n1 * specifies a the same position as n2 in a call tree or n1 specifies a * position that is a father of the position specified by n2. */ private boolean isMsgNumberStartOf(String n1, String n2) { int i, j, len, jlen; len = n1.length(); jlen = n2.length(); i = 0; j = 0; for (; i < len;) { int ibv, isv; int jbv, jsv; ibv = 0; for (; i < len; i++) { char c = n1.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { break; } ibv *= 10; ibv += c - '0'; } isv = 0; for (; i < len; i++) { char c = n1.charAt(i); if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') { break; } isv *= 26; isv += c - 'a'; } jbv = 0; for (; j < jlen; j++) { char c = n2.charAt(j); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { break; } jbv *= 10; jbv += c - '0'; } jsv = 0; for (; j < jlen; j++) { char c = n2.charAt(j); if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') { break; } jsv *= 26; jsv += c - 'a'; } if (ibv != jbv || isv != jsv) { return false; } if (i < len && n1.charAt(i) != '.') { return false; } i++; if (j < jlen && n2.charAt(j) != '.') { return false; } j++; } return true; } /** * Compares two message numbers with each other to see if they are equal, in * the sense that they refer to the same position in a call tree. * * @param n1 The first number. * @param n2 The second number. * @return <code>true</code> if they are the same. */ private boolean compareMsgNumbers(String n1, String n2) { return isMsgNumberStartOf(n1, n2) && isMsgNumberStartOf(n2, n1); } /** * Parses a message order specification. */ private static int parseMsgOrder(String s) { int i, t; int v = 0; t = s.length(); for (i = 0; i < t; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < 'a' || c > 'z') { throw new NumberFormatException(); } v *= 26; v += c - 'a'; } return v; } /** * Finds the message in ClassifierRole r that has the message number written * in n. If it isn't found, null is returned. */ private Object findMsg(Object/* MClassifierRole */r, String n) { Collection c = Model.getFacade().getReceivedMessages(r); Iterator it = c.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object msg = /* (MMessage) */it.next(); String gname = generateMessageNumber(msg); if (compareMsgNumbers(gname, n)) { return msg; } } return null; } /** * Examines a collection to see if any message has the given message as an * activator. * * @param r * MClassifierRole * @param m * MMessage */ private boolean hasMsgWithActivator(Object r, Object m) { Iterator it = Model.getFacade().getSentMessages(r).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (Model.getFacade().getActivator(it.next()) == m) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Examines the call tree from chld to see if ans is an ancestor. * * @param ans * MMessage * @param chld * MMessage */ private boolean isBadPreMsg(Object ans, Object chld) { while (chld != null) { if (ans == chld) { return true; } if (isPredecessorMsg(ans, chld, 100)) { return true; } chld = Model.getFacade().getActivator(chld); } return false; } /** * Examines the call tree from suc to see if pre is a predecessor. This * function is recursive and md specifies the maximum level of recursions * allowed. * * @param pre * MMessage * @param suc * MMessage */ private boolean isPredecessorMsg(Object pre, Object suc, int md) { Iterator it = Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(suc).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object m = /* (MMessage) */it.next(); if (m == pre) { return true; } if (md > 0 && isPredecessorMsg(pre, m, md - 1)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Finds the messages in Collection c that has message a as activator. */ private Collection<Object> filterWithActivator(Collection c, Object/*MMessage*/a) { List<Object> v = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object msg : c) { if (Model.getFacade().getActivator(msg) == a) { v.add(msg); } } return v; } /** * Inserts message s as the p'th successor of message m. * * @param m * MMessage * @param s * MMessage */ private void insertSuccessor(Object m, Object s, int p) { List<Object> successors = new ArrayList<Object>(Model.getFacade().getSuccessors(m)); if (successors.size() > p) { successors.add(p, s); } else { successors.add(s); } //#if defined(COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM) or defined(SEQUENCEDIAGRAM) //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:GranularityType:Statement //@#$LPS-COLLABORATIONDIAGRAM:Localization:EndMethod //@#$LPS-SEQUENCEDIAGRAM:Localization:EndMethod Model.getCollaborationsHelper().setSuccessors(m, successors); //#endif } /** * Finds all operations in a given collection of classifiers * with the given name * and the given number of parameters. * If no operation is found, one is created in the first given Classifier. * The applicable operations are returned. * * @param classifiers the collection of classifiers to search for operations * @param name the name of the operation to be found * @param params the number of parameters of the operation to be found * @return a list of the sought operations * @throws ParseException if the operation syntax can not be parsed */ private List getOperation(Collection classifiers, String name, int params) throws ParseException { List<Object> operations = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { return operations; } for (Object clf : classifiers) { Collection oe = Model.getFacade().getFeatures(clf); for (Object operation : oe) { if (!(Model.getFacade().isAOperation(operation))) { continue; } if (!name.equals(Model.getFacade().getName(operation))) { continue; } if (params != countParameters(operation)) { continue; } operations.add(operation); } } if (operations.size() > 0) { return operations; } Iterator it = classifiers.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { StringBuilder expr = new StringBuilder(name + "("); int i; for (i = 0; i < params; i++) { if (i > 0) { expr.append(", "); } expr.append("param" + (i + 1)); } expr.append(")"); // Jaap Branderhorst 2002-23-09 added next lines to link // parameters and operations to the figs that represent // them Object cls = it.next(); Object returnType = ProjectManager.getManager() .getCurrentProject().getDefaultReturnType(); Object op = Model.getCoreFactory().buildOperation(cls, returnType); new OperationNotationUml(op).parseOperation( expr.toString(), op); operations.add(op); } return operations; } /** * Counts the number of parameters that are not return values. */ private int countParameters(Object bf) { int count = 0; for (Object parameter : Model.getFacade().getParameters(bf)) { if (!Model.getFacade().isReturn(parameter)) { count++; } } return count; } /** * Recursively count the number of predecessors of the given Message, * and return (a pointer to) the first Message in the chain. * * @param umlMessage the UML Message to count the predecessors for * @param ptr an object to contain the returned first Message * @return the number of messages in the chain */ protected int recCountPredecessors(Object umlMessage, MsgPtr ptr) { int pre = 0; int local = 0; Object/*MMessage*/ maxmsg = null; Object activator; if (umlMessage == null) { ptr.message = null; return 0; } activator = Model.getFacade().getActivator(umlMessage); for (Object predecessor : Model.getFacade().getPredecessors(umlMessage)) { if (Model.getFacade().getActivator(predecessor) != activator) { continue; } int p = recCountPredecessors(predecessor, null) + 1; if (p > pre) { pre = p; maxmsg = predecessor; } local++; } if (ptr != null) { ptr.message = maxmsg; } return Math.max(pre, local); } }