package de.ovgu.cide.typing.jdt.checks; import cide.gast.IASTNode; import de.ovgu.cide.features.source.ColoredSourceFile; import de.ovgu.cide.typing.jdt.JDTTypingProvider; import de.ovgu.cide.typing.model.IEvaluationStrategy; /** * checks colors between a local type reference in a file and the import * declaration * * @author ckaestne * */ public class TypeImportedCheck extends AbstractJDTTypingCheck { private final IASTNode targetImportDeclaration; private final String name; public TypeImportedCheck(ColoredSourceFile file, JDTTypingProvider typingProvider, IASTNode source, IASTNode targetImportDeclaration, String name) { super(file, typingProvider, source); this.targetImportDeclaration = targetImportDeclaration; = name; } public boolean evaluate(IEvaluationStrategy strategy) { return strategy.implies(file.getFeatureModel(), file.getColorManager() .getColors(source), file.getColorManager().getColors( targetImportDeclaration)); } public String getErrorMessage() { return "Type used for which the import declaration is not present in some variants: " + name; } public String getProblemType() { return "de.ovgu.cide.typing.jdt.importtypereference"; } }