package it.yup.xmpp; import java.util.Vector; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import it.yup.util.Utils; import it.yup.xmpp.packets.Iq; import it.yup.xmpp.packets.Presence; import it.yup.xml.Element; import it.yup.xmlstream.BasicXmlStream; import it.yup.xmlstream.EventQuery; import it.yup.xmlstream.PacketListener; public class FTSender { /* * Initiate a session with jingle */ public static String SESSION_INITIATE = "session-initiate"; /* * Initiate a session with jingle */ public static String SESSION_ACCEPT = "session-accept"; /* * Initiate a session with jingle */ public static String SESSION_TERMINATE = "session-terminate"; /* * Jingle related action */ public static String ACTION = "action"; /* * Jingle related DATA */ public static String DATA = "data"; /* * Jingle related jingle */ public static String JINGLE = "jingle"; /* * Jingle related jingle */ public static String DECLINE = "decline"; /* * Jingle related action */ public static String CONTENT = "content"; /* * Jingle related description */ public static String DESCRIPTION = "description"; /* * Jingle related description */ public static String DESC = "desc"; /* * Jingle related description */ public static String OFFER = "offer"; /* * Jingle related name */ public static String NAME = "name"; /* * Jingle related name */ public static String BLOCK_SIZE = "block-size"; /* * Jingle related creator */ public static String CREATOR = "creator"; /* * Jingle related initiator */ public static String INITIATOR = "initiator"; /* * Jingle related SID */ public static String SID = "sid"; /* * IBB related Seq */ public static String SEQ = "seq"; /* * Jingle related file */ public static String FILE = "file"; /* * Jingle related file */ public static String OPEN = "open"; /* * Jingle related file */ public static String CLOSE = "close"; /* * Jingle related file */ public static String TRANSPORT = "transport"; /* * Jingle related size */ public static String SIZE = "size"; /* * The name of the file to transfer */ public String fileName = ""; /* * The xmpp client */ private XMPPClient xmppClient = XMPPClient.getInstance(); /* * The data bytes of the file */ private byte[] fileData = null; /* * the chunk length */ private int chuck_length = 4096; /* * The receiver of the file */ private String to = null; /* * The description associated to the file */ private String desc = null; /* * The Session id related to this section */ private String jingleSid = ""; /* * The Session id related to this section */ private String transportSid = ""; /* * The session must be opened and the client must have sent session acept * before sending file */ private boolean sessionOpened = false; private FTSEventHandler eh; public static boolean supportFT(String fullJid) { Contact c = XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster().getContactByJid( fullJid); if (c == null) return false; Presence p = c.getPresence(fullJid); if (p == null) return false; Element caps = c.getCapabilities(p); return supportFT(caps); } public static boolean supportFT(Element caps) { if (caps == null) return false; Element[] features = caps.getChildrenByName(null, "feature"); Vector vars = new Vector(features.length); for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { Element ithFeature = features[i]; vars.addElement(ithFeature.getAttribute("var")); } if (vars.contains(XMPPClient.JINGLE) == false || vars.contains(XMPPClient.JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER) == false || vars.contains(XMPPClient.JINGLE_IBB_TRANSPORT) == false ) return false; return true; } public interface FTSEventHandler { public void fileAcceptance(Contact c, String fileName, boolean accept, FTSender sender); public void fileError(Contact c, String fileName, Element e); public void fileSent(Contact c, String fileName, boolean b,FTSender sender); public void chunkSent(int sentBytes, int length,FTSender sender); public void sessionInitated(Contact contactByJid, String fileName, FTSender sender); } /* * The constructor that initiate a Jingle file transfer */ public FTSender(String fileName, byte[] fileData, String to, String desc, FTSEventHandler eh) { this.fileName = fileName; this.fileData = fileData; = to; this.desc = desc; = eh; } public void sessionInitiate() { Iq sessionInitiateIq = new Iq(, Iq.T_SET); Element jingle = sessionInitiateIq.addElement(XMPPClient.JINGLE, FTSender.JINGLE); jingle.setAttribute(ACTION, SESSION_INITIATE); jingle.setAttribute(INITIATOR, xmppClient.my_jid); String encodedSid = Utils.hexDigest(System.currentTimeMillis() + "", "sha1"); jingleSid = new String(encodedSid); jingle.setAttribute(SID, jingleSid); Element content = jingle.addElement(null, CONTENT); content.setAttribute(CREATOR, INITIATOR); content.setAttribute(NAME, "a-file-transfer" + jingleSid); Element description = content.addElement( XMPPClient.JINGLE_FILE_TRANSFER, DESCRIPTION); Element offer = description.addElement(null, OFFER); Element file = offer.addElement(XMPPClient.FILE_TRANSFER, FILE); file.setAttribute(NAME, this.fileName); if (fileData != null) file .setAttribute(SIZE, this.fileData.length + ""); if (desc != null && desc.length()>0) file.addElement(null, DESC).addText(this.desc); Element transport = content.addElement(XMPPClient.JINGLE_IBB_TRANSPORT, TRANSPORT); transport.setAttribute(FTSender.BLOCK_SIZE, this.chuck_length + ""); encodedSid = Utils.hexDigest((System.currentTimeMillis() + 1) + "", "sha1"); transportSid = new String(encodedSid); transport.setAttribute(FTSender.SID, transportSid); IQResultListener sessionInitiateListener = new IQResultListener() { public void handleError(Element e) { eh.fileError(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, e); } public void handleResult(Element e) { Element jingle = e.getChildByName(XMPPClient.JINGLE, FTSender.JINGLE); if (jingle != null) { Element decline = jingle.getChildByName(null, FTSender.DECLINE); if (decline != null) { eh.fileAcceptance(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, false,FTSender.this); return; } } FTSender.this.initiateInteraction(); } }; PacketListener terminateListener = new PacketListener() { public void packetReceived(Element e) { Element jingle = e.getChildByName(XMPPClient.JINGLE, FTSender.JINGLE); if (jingle != null) { Element decline = jingle.getChildByName(null, FTSender.DECLINE); if (decline != null) { eh.fileAcceptance(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, false,FTSender.this); return; } } } }; //this.encodedData.setLength(fileSize*2); EventQuery eq = new EventQuery(Iq.IQ, new String[] { Iq.ATT_FROM, Iq.ATT_TYPE }, new String[] {, Iq.T_SET }); EventQuery eqChild = eq.child = new EventQuery(FTSender.JINGLE, new String[] { FTSender.ACTION }, new String[] { FTSender.SESSION_TERMINATE }); eqChild.child = new EventQuery(FTSender.DECLINE, null, null); BasicXmlStream.addEventListener(eq, terminateListener); xmppClient.sendIQ(sessionInitiateIq, sessionInitiateListener); eh.sessionInitated(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(, fileName, this); } private void initiateInteraction() { EventQuery eq = new EventQuery(Iq.IQ, new String[] { Iq.ATT_TYPE }, new String[] { Iq.T_SET }); eq.child = new EventQuery(FTSender.JINGLE, new String[] { "xmlns", FTSender.ACTION, FTSender.SID }, new String[] { XMPPClient.JINGLE, FTSender.SESSION_ACCEPT, FTSender.this.jingleSid }); PacketListener ibbSender = new PacketListener() { public void packetReceived(Element e) { eh.fileAcceptance(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, true,FTSender.this); Element recIq = e; Iq reply = Utils.easyReply(recIq); xmppClient.sendPacket(reply); if (sessionOpened) FTSender.this.sendFile(); // this iq must have arrived and the packet received below sessionOpened = true; } }; BasicXmlStream.addOnetimeEventListener(eq, ibbSender); Iq initiateInteraction = new Iq(, Iq.T_SET); Element open = initiateInteraction.addElement(XMPPClient.NS_IBB, OPEN); open.setAttribute(SID, transportSid); open.setAttribute(BLOCK_SIZE, chuck_length + ""); IQResultListener initiateInteractionListener = new IQResultListener() { public void handleError(Element e) { eh.fileAcceptance(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, false,FTSender.this); } public void handleResult(Element e) { if (sessionOpened) FTSender.this.sendFile(); // this result must have arrived and the packet received below sessionOpened = true; } }; xmppClient.sendIQ(initiateInteraction, initiateInteractionListener); } private int fileOffset = 0; private String encodedData = ""; private IQResultListener chunkListener; private int seq = 0; private void sendFile() { this.fileOffset = 0; this.encodedData = new String(Base64.encode(this.fileData)); chunkListener = new IQResultListener() { public void handleError(Element e) { } public void handleResult(Element e) { if (fileOffset < encodedData.length()) FTSender.this .sendChunk(); else FTSender.this.sendFooter(); } }; sendChunk(); } private void sendChunk() { Iq chunkIq = new Iq(, Iq.T_SET); Element data = chunkIq.addElement(XMPPClient.NS_IBB, DATA); data.setAttribute(SID, transportSid); data.setAttribute(SEQ, seq + ""); seq++; if (seq == 65536) seq = 0; int endIndex = Math .min(fileOffset + chuck_length, encodedData.length()); String substr = this.encodedData.substring(fileOffset, endIndex); fileOffset += chuck_length; data.addText(substr); xmppClient.sendIQ(chunkIq, chunkListener); eh.chunkSent(fileOffset + chuck_length,encodedData.length(),FTSender.this); } private void sendFooter() { Iq closeInteraction = new Iq(, Iq.T_SET); Element close = closeInteraction.addElement(XMPPClient.NS_IBB, CLOSE); close.setAttribute(SID, transportSid); IQResultListener closeListener = new IQResultListener() { public void handleError(Element e) { eh.fileSent(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, true,FTSender.this); } public void handleResult(Element e) { sessionOpened = false; eh.fileSent(XMPPClient.getInstance().getRoster() .getContactByJid(e.getAttribute(Iq.ATT_FROM)), fileName, true,FTSender.this); } }; // first setup the listener to SESSION_TERMINATE PacketListener terminateListener = new PacketListener() { public void packetReceived(Element e) { Iq reply = Utils.easyReply(e); xmppClient.sendPacket(reply); } }; EventQuery eq = new EventQuery(Iq.IQ, new String[] { Iq.ATT_FROM, Iq.ATT_TYPE }, new String[] {, Iq.T_SET }); eq.child = new EventQuery(FTSender.JINGLE, new String[] { FTSender.ACTION, "xmlns" }, new String[] { FTSender.SESSION_TERMINATE, XMPPClient.JINGLE }); BasicXmlStream.addOnetimeEventListener(eq, terminateListener); xmppClient.sendIQ(closeInteraction, closeListener); } }