/* * Copyright 2010-2015 Institut Pasteur. * * This file is part of Icy. * * Icy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Icy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Icy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package icy.image; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte; import java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble; import java.awt.image.DataBufferFloat; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import java.awt.image.DataBufferShort; import java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage; import icy.common.CollapsibleEvent; import icy.common.UpdateEventHandler; import icy.common.exception.TooLargeArrayException; import icy.common.listener.ChangeListener; import icy.image.IcyBufferedImageEvent.IcyBufferedImageEventType; import icy.image.colormap.IcyColorMap; import icy.image.colormap.LinearColorMap; import icy.image.colormodel.IcyColorModel; import icy.image.colormodel.IcyColorModelEvent; import icy.image.colormodel.IcyColorModelListener; import icy.image.lut.LUT; import icy.math.ArrayMath; import icy.math.MathUtil; import icy.math.Scaler; import icy.type.DataType; import icy.type.TypeUtil; import icy.type.collection.array.Array1DUtil; import icy.type.collection.array.Array2DUtil; import icy.type.collection.array.ArrayUtil; import icy.type.collection.array.ByteArrayConvert; import loci.formats.FormatException; import loci.formats.IFormatReader; import loci.formats.gui.SignedByteBuffer; import loci.formats.gui.SignedShortBuffer; import loci.formats.gui.UnsignedIntBuffer; import plugins.kernel.importer.LociImporterPlugin; /** * @author stephane */ public class IcyBufferedImage extends BufferedImage implements IcyColorModelListener, ChangeListener { /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType} instead. */ @Deprecated public static enum FilterType { NEAREST, BILINEAR, BICUBIC }; protected static IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType getNewFilterType(FilterType ft) { switch (ft) { default: case NEAREST: return IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType.NEAREST; case BILINEAR: return IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType.BILINEAR; case BICUBIC: return IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType.BICUBIC; } } /** * Convert a list of BufferedImage to an IcyBufferedImage (multi component).<br> * IMPORTANT : source images can be used as part or as the whole result<br> * so consider them as "lost" * * @param imageList * list of {@link BufferedImage} * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage} * @deprecated * use {@link #createFrom} instead */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage convert(List<BufferedImage> imageList) { return createFrom(imageList); } /** * Create an IcyBufferedImage (multi component) from a list of BufferedImage.<br> * IMPORTANT : source images can be used as part or as the whole result so consider them as * 'lost'. * * @param imageList * list of {@link BufferedImage} * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage} * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if imageList is empty or contains incompatible images. */ public static IcyBufferedImage createFrom(List<? extends BufferedImage> imageList) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (imageList.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("imageList should contains at least 1 image"); final List<IcyBufferedImage> icyImageList = new ArrayList<IcyBufferedImage>(); // transform images to icy images for (BufferedImage image : imageList) icyImageList.add(IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(image)); final IcyBufferedImage firstImage = icyImageList.get(0); if (icyImageList.size() == 1) return firstImage; final DataType dataType = firstImage.getDataType_(); final int width = firstImage.getWidth(); final int height = firstImage.getHeight(); // calculate channel number int numChannel = 0; for (IcyBufferedImage image : icyImageList) numChannel += image.getSizeC(); final Object[] data = Array2DUtil.createArray(dataType, numChannel); // get data from all images int destC = 0; for (IcyBufferedImage image : icyImageList) { if (dataType != image.getDataType_()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("All images contained in imageList should have the same dataType"); if ((width != image.getWidth()) || (height != image.getHeight())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("All images contained in imageList should have the same dimension"); for (int c = 0; c < image.getSizeC(); c++) data[destC++] = image.getDataXY(c); } // create and return the image return new IcyBufferedImage(width, height, data, dataType.isSigned()); } /** * Convert a BufferedImage to an IcyBufferedImage.<br> * IMPORTANT : source image can be used as part or as the whole result<br> * so consider it as "lost" * * @param image * {@link BufferedImage} * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage} * @deprecated * use {@link #createFrom} instead */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage convert(BufferedImage image) { return createFrom(image); } /** * Create an IcyBufferedImage from a {@link PlanarImage}.<br> * IMPORTANT : source image can be used as part or as the whole result<br> * so consider it as lost. * * @param image * {@link PlanarImage} * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage} */ public static IcyBufferedImage createFrom(PlanarImage image, boolean signedDataType) { final DataBuffer db = image.getData().getDataBuffer(); final int w = image.getWidth(); final int h = image.getHeight(); if (db instanceof DataBufferByte) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((DataBufferByte) db).getBankData(), signedDataType); else if (db instanceof DataBufferShort) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((DataBufferShort) db).getBankData(), signedDataType); else if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((DataBufferUShort) db).getBankData(), signedDataType); else if (db instanceof DataBufferInt) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((DataBufferInt) db).getBankData(), signedDataType); else if (db instanceof DataBufferFloat) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((DataBufferFloat) db).getBankData(), true); else if (db instanceof javax.media.jai.DataBufferFloat) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((javax.media.jai.DataBufferFloat) db).getBankData(), true); else if (db instanceof DataBufferDouble) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((DataBufferDouble) db).getBankData(), true); else if (db instanceof javax.media.jai.DataBufferDouble) return new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, ((javax.media.jai.DataBufferDouble) db).getBankData(), true); else // JAI keep dataType and others stuff in their BufferedImage return IcyBufferedImage.createFrom(image.getAsBufferedImage()); } /** * Create an IcyBufferedImage from a {@link PlanarImage}.<br> * IMPORTANT : source image can be used as part or as the whole result<br> * so consider it as lost. * * @param image * {@link PlanarImage} * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage} */ public static IcyBufferedImage createFrom(PlanarImage image) { return createFrom(image, false); } /** * Create an IcyBufferedImage from a BufferedImage.<br> * IMPORTANT : source image can be used as part or as the whole result<br> * so consider it as lost. * * @param image * {@link BufferedImage} * @return {@link IcyBufferedImage} */ public static IcyBufferedImage createFrom(BufferedImage image) { // IcyBufferedImage --> no conversion needed if (image instanceof IcyBufferedImage) return (IcyBufferedImage) image; // sort of IcyBufferedImage (JAI can return that type) --> no conversion needed if (image.getColorModel() instanceof IcyColorModel) return new IcyBufferedImage( IcyColorModel.createInstance((IcyColorModel) image.getColorModel(), false, false), image.getRaster()); final int w = image.getWidth(); final int h = image.getHeight(); final int type = image.getType(); final BufferedImage temp; final Graphics g; // we first want a component based image switch (type) { case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB: case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR: case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB: case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB: temp = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); g = temp.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); g.dispose(); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB: case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE: case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE: temp = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); g = temp.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); g.dispose(); break; default: // if we have severals components with an unknown / incompatible sampleModel if ((image.getColorModel().getNumComponents() > 1) && (!(image.getSampleModel() instanceof ComponentSampleModel))) { // change it to a basic ABGR components image temp = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR); g = temp.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); g.dispose(); } else temp = image; break; } // convert initial data type in our data type final DataType dataType = DataType.getDataTypeFromDataBufferType(temp.getColorModel().getTransferType()); // get number of components final int numComponents = temp.getRaster().getNumBands(); // create a compatible image in our format final IcyBufferedImage result = new IcyBufferedImage(w, h, numComponents, dataType); // copy data from the source image result.copyData(temp); // in some case we want to restore colormaps from source image switch (type) { case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY: case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED: if (numComponents == 2) result.setColorMaps(image); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB: case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE: case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE: case BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR: if (numComponents == 4) result.setColorMap(3, LinearColorMap.alpha_, true); break; } return result; } /** * @deprecated Use * {@link LociImporterPlugin#getThumbnailCompatible(IFormatReader, int, int, int)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage createCompatibleThumbnailFrom(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t) throws FormatException, IOException { return LociImporterPlugin.getThumbnailCompatible(reader, z, t, -1); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link LociImporterPlugin#getThumbnail(IFormatReader, int, int, int)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage createThumbnailFrom(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t) throws FormatException, IOException { return LociImporterPlugin.getThumbnail(reader, z, t, -1); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link LociImporterPlugin#getImage(IFormatReader, Rectangle, int, int, int)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage createFrom(IFormatReader reader, int x, int y, int w, int h, int z, int t, int c) throws FormatException, IOException { return LociImporterPlugin.getImage(reader, new Rectangle(x, y, w, h), z, t, c); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link LociImporterPlugin#getImage(IFormatReader, Rectangle, int, int)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage createFrom(IFormatReader reader, int z, int t) throws FormatException, IOException { return LociImporterPlugin.getImage(reader, null, z, t); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #IcyBufferedImage(int, int, IcyColorModel)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static IcyBufferedImage createEmptyImage(int width, int height, IcyColorModel cm) { return new IcyBufferedImage(width, height, cm); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_CUSTOM = 0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_INT_RGB = 1; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_INT_ARGB = 2; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE = 3; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_INT_BGR = 4; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_3BYTE_BGR = 5; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR = 6; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE = 7; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB = 8; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB = 9; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_BYTE_GRAY = 10; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_USHORT_GRAY = 11; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_BYTE_BINARY = 12; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED = 13; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int TYPE_BYTE = TypeUtil.TYPE_BYTE; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int TYPE_DOUBLE = TypeUtil.TYPE_DOUBLE; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int TYPE_FLOAT = TypeUtil.TYPE_FLOAT; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int TYPE_INT = TypeUtil.TYPE_INT; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int TYPE_SHORT = TypeUtil.TYPE_SHORT; /** * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static int TYPE_UNDEFINED = TypeUtil.TYPE_UNDEFINED; /** * automatic update of channel bounds */ private boolean autoUpdateChannelBounds; /** * internal updater */ private final UpdateEventHandler updater; /** * listeners */ private final List<IcyBufferedImageListener> listeners; /** * Build an Icy formatted BufferedImage, takes an IcyColorModel and a WritableRaster as input * * @param cm * {@link IcyColorModel} * @param wr * {@link WritableRaster} * @param autoUpdateChannelBounds * If true then channel bounds are automatically calculated.<br> */ protected IcyBufferedImage(IcyColorModel cm, WritableRaster wr, boolean autoUpdateChannelBounds) { super(cm, wr, false, null); updater = new UpdateEventHandler(this, false); listeners = new ArrayList<IcyBufferedImageListener>(); // automatic update of channel bounds this.autoUpdateChannelBounds = autoUpdateChannelBounds; // add listener to colorModel cm.addListener(this); } /** * Create an Icy formatted BufferedImage, takes an IcyColorModel and a WritableRaster as input * * @param cm * {@link IcyColorModel} * @param wr * {@link WritableRaster} */ protected IcyBufferedImage(IcyColorModel cm, WritableRaster wr) { this(cm, wr, false); } /** * Create an Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified IcyColorModel, width and height.<br> * Private version, {@link IcyColorModel} is directly used internally. */ protected IcyBufferedImage(IcyColorModel cm, int width, int height) { this(cm, cm.createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height), false); } /** * Create an Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified colorModel, width, height and input data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[3][640 * 480], true);</code><br> * <br> * This constructor provides the best performance for massive image creation and computation as it allow you to * directly send the data array and disable the channel bounds calculation. * * @param cm * the color model * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data<br> * Should be a 2D array with first dimension giving the number of component<br> * and second dimension equals to <code>width * height</code><br> * The array data type specify the internal data type and should match the given color * model parameter. * @param autoUpdateChannelBounds * If true then channel bounds are automatically calculated.<br> * When set to false, you have to set bounds manually by calling * {@link #updateChannelsBounds()} or #setC */ protected IcyBufferedImage(IcyColorModel cm, Object[] data, int width, int height, boolean autoUpdateChannelBounds) { this(cm, cm.createWritableRaster(data, width, height), autoUpdateChannelBounds); // data has been modified dataChanged(); } /** * Create an Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and input data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[3][640 * 480], true);</code><br> * <br> * This constructor provides the best performance for massive image creation and computation as * it allow you to directly send the data array and disable the channel bounds calculation. * * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data<br> * Should be a 2D array with first dimension giving the number of component<br> * and second dimension equals to <code>width * height</code><br> * The array data type specify the internal data type. * @param signed * use signed data for data type * @param autoUpdateChannelBounds * If true then channel bounds are automatically calculated.<br> * When set to false, you have to set bounds manually by calling * {@link #updateChannelsBounds()} or #setC */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, Object[] data, boolean signed, boolean autoUpdateChannelBounds) { this(IcyColorModel.createInstance(data.length, ArrayUtil.getDataType(data[0], signed)), data, width, height, autoUpdateChannelBounds); } /** * Create an Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and input data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[3][640 * 480]);</code> * * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data<br> * Should be a 2D array with first dimension giving the number of component<br> * and second dimension equals to <code>width * height</code><br> * The array data type specify the internal data type. * @param signed * use signed data for data type */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, Object[] data, boolean signed) { this(IcyColorModel.createInstance(data.length, ArrayUtil.getDataType(data[0], signed)), data, width, height, false); } /** * Create an Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and input data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[3][640 * 480]);</code> * * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data<br> * Should be a 2D array with first dimension giving the number of component<br> * and second dimension equals to <code>width * height</code><br> * The array data type specify the internal data type. */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, Object[] data) { this(width, height, data, false); } /** * Create a single channel Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and input data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[640 * 480], true);</code><br> * <br> * This constructor provides the best performance for massive image creation and computation as it allow you to * directly send the data array and disable the channel bounds calculation. * * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data array.<br> * The length of the array should be equals to <code>width * height</code>.<br> * The array data type specify the internal data type. * @param signed * use signed data for data type * @param autoUpdateChannelBounds * If true then channel bounds are automatically calculated.<br> * When set to false, you have to set bounds manually by calling * {@link #updateChannelsBounds()} or #setC * @see #IcyBufferedImage(int, int, Object[], boolean, boolean) */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, Object data, boolean signed, boolean autoUpdateChannelBounds) { this(width, height, ArrayUtil.encapsulate(data), signed, autoUpdateChannelBounds); } /** * Create a single channel Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and input * data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[640 * 480]);</code> * * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data<br> * The length of the array should be equals to <code>width * height</code>.<br> * The array data type specify the internal data type. * @param signed * use signed data for data type */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, Object data, boolean signed) { this(width, height, ArrayUtil.encapsulate(data), signed); } /** * Create a single channel Icy formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and input * data.<br> * ex : <code>img = new IcyBufferedImage(640, 480, new byte[640 * 480]);</code> * * @param width * @param height * @param data * image data<br> * The length of the array should be equals to <code>width * height</code>.<br> * The array data type specify the internal data type. */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, Object data) { this(width, height, ArrayUtil.encapsulate(data)); } /** * Create an ICY formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height,<br> * number of component and dataType. * * @param width * @param height * @param numComponents * @param dataType * image data type {@link DataType} */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, int numComponents, DataType dataType) { this(IcyColorModel.createInstance(numComponents, dataType), width, height); } /** * Create an ICY formatted BufferedImage with specified width, height and IcyColorModel * type.<br> */ public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, IcyColorModel cm) { this(width, height, cm.getNumComponents(), cm.getDataType_()); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #IcyBufferedImage(int, int, int, DataType)} instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, int numComponents, int dataType, boolean signed) { this(IcyColorModel.createInstance(numComponents, dataType, signed), width, height); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #IcyBufferedImage(int, int, int, DataType)} instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage(int width, int height, int numComponents, int dataType) { this(IcyColorModel.createInstance(numComponents, dataType, false), width, height); } /** * @return true is channel bounds are automatically updated when image data is modified. * @see #setAutoUpdateChannelBounds(boolean) */ public boolean getAutoUpdateChannelBounds() { return autoUpdateChannelBounds; } /** * If set to <code>true</code> (default) then channel bounds will be automatically recalculated * when image data is modified.<br> * This can consume some time if you make many updates on a large image.<br> * In this case you should do your updates in a {@link #beginUpdate()} ... {@link #endUpdate()} * block to avoid * severals recalculation. */ public void setAutoUpdateChannelBounds(boolean value) { if (autoUpdateChannelBounds != value) { if (value) updateChannelsBounds(); autoUpdateChannelBounds = value; } } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage, LUT)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage convertToBufferedImage(BufferedImage out, LUT lut) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.toBufferedImage(this, out, lut); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage convertToBufferedImage(BufferedImage out) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.toBufferedImage(this, out); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage, LUT)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage getARGBImage(LUT lut, BufferedImage out) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.getARGBImage(this, lut, out); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, BufferedImage)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage getARGBImage(BufferedImage out) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.getARGBImage(this, out); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#getARGBImage(IcyBufferedImage, LUT)} instead. */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage getARGBImage(LUT lut) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.getARGBImage(this, lut); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#getARGBImage(IcyBufferedImage)} instead. */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage getARGBImage() { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.getARGBImage(this); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#convertType(IcyBufferedImage, DataType, Scaler[])} * instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage convertToType(DataType dataType, Scaler scaler) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.convertToType(this, dataType, scaler); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#convertType(IcyBufferedImage,DataType, Scaler[])} * instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage convertToType(int dataType, boolean signed, Scaler scaler) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.convertToType(this, DataType.getDataType(dataType, signed), scaler); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#convertToType(IcyBufferedImage, DataType, boolean)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage convertToType(DataType dataType, boolean rescale) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.convertToType(this, dataType, rescale); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#convertToType(IcyBufferedImage,DataType, boolean)} * instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage convertToType(int dataType, boolean signed, boolean rescale) { return convertToType(DataType.getDataType(dataType, signed), rescale); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, int, LUT)} * instead */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage convertToBufferedImage(LUT lut, int imageType) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.toBufferedImage(this, imageType, lut); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#toBufferedImage(IcyBufferedImage, int, LUT)} * instead */ @Deprecated public BufferedImage convertToBufferedImage(int imageType, LUT lut) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.toBufferedImage(this, imageType, lut); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#getCopy(IcyBufferedImage)} instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage getCopy() { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.getCopy(this); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#getSubImage(IcyBufferedImage, int, int, int, int)} * instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage getSubImageCopy(int x, int y, int w, int h) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.getSubImage(this, x, y, w, h); } /** * Not supported on IcyBufferedImage, use getSubImageCopy instead. */ @Deprecated @Override public IcyBufferedImage getSubimage(int x, int y, int w, int h) { // IcyBufferedImage doesn't support subImaging (incorrect draw and copy operation) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "IcyBufferedImage doesn't support getSubimage method, use getSubImageCopy instead."); // return new IcyBufferedImage(getIcyColorModel(), getRaster().createWritableChild(x, y, w, // h, 0, 0, null)); } /** * Return a single component image corresponding to the component c of current image.<br> * This actually create a new image which share its data with internal image * so any modifications to one affect the other.<br> * if <code>(c == -1)</code> then current image is directly returned<br> * if <code>((c == 0) || (sizeC == 1))</code> then current image is directly returned<br> * if <code>((c < 0) || (c >= sizeC))</code> then it returns <code>null</code> * * @see IcyBufferedImageUtil#extractChannel(IcyBufferedImage, int) * @since version */ public IcyBufferedImage getImage(int c) { if (c == -1) return this; final int sizeC = getSizeC(); if ((c < 0) || (c >= sizeC)) return null; if (sizeC == 1) return this; return new IcyBufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), getDataXY(c), isSignedDataType()); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#extractChannel(IcyBufferedImage, int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage extractChannel(int channelNumber) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.extractChannel(this, channelNumber); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#extractChannels(IcyBufferedImage, List)} instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage extractChannels(List<Integer> channelNumbers) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.extractChannels(this, channelNumbers); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#extractChannel(IcyBufferedImage, int)} instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage extractBand(int bandNumber) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.extractChannel(this, bandNumber); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#extractChannels(IcyBufferedImage, List)} instead */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage extractBands(List<Integer> bandNumbers) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.extractChannels(this, bandNumbers); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#scale(IcyBufferedImage, int, int, boolean, int, int, IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage getScaledCopy(int width, int height, boolean resizeContent, int xAlign, int yAlign, FilterType filterType) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.scale(this, width, height, resizeContent, xAlign, yAlign, getNewFilterType(filterType)); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#scale(IcyBufferedImage, int, int, boolean, int, int)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage getScaledCopy(int width, int height, boolean resizeContent, int xAlign, int yAlign) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.scale(this, width, height, resizeContent, xAlign, yAlign); } /** * @deprecated Uses * {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#scale(IcyBufferedImage, int, int, IcyBufferedImageUtil.FilterType)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage getScaledCopy(int width, int height, FilterType filterType) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.scale(this, width, height, getNewFilterType(filterType)); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#scale(IcyBufferedImage, int, int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public IcyBufferedImage getScaledCopy(int width, int height) { return IcyBufferedImageUtil.scale(this, width, height); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#translate(IcyBufferedImage, int, int, int)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public void translate(int dx, int dy, int channel) { IcyBufferedImageUtil.translate(this, dx, dy, channel); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link IcyBufferedImageUtil#translate(IcyBufferedImage, int, int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void translate(int dx, int dy) { IcyBufferedImageUtil.translate(this, dx, dy); } /** * Get calculated image channel bounds (min and max values) */ protected double[] getCalculatedChannelBounds(int channel) { final DataType dataType = getDataType_(); final boolean signed = dataType.isSigned(); final Object data = getDataXY(channel); final double min = ArrayMath.min(data, signed); final double max = ArrayMath.max(data, signed); return new double[] {min, max}; } /** * Adjust specified bounds depending internal data type */ protected double[] adjustBoundsForDataType(double[] bounds) { double min, max; min = bounds[0]; max = bounds[1]; // only for integer data type if (!isFloatDataType()) { // we force min to 0 if > 0 if (min > 0d) min = 0d; // we force max to 0 if < 0 if (max < 0d) max = 0d; } final DataType dataType = getDataType_(); switch (dataType.getJavaType()) { case BYTE: // return default bounds ([0..255] / [-128..127]) return dataType.getDefaultBounds(); case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: min = MathUtil.prevPow2((long) min + 1); max = MathUtil.nextPow2Mask((long) max); break; case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: // if [min..max] is included in [-1..1] if ((min >= -1d) && (max <= 1d)) { min = MathUtil.prevPow10(min); max = MathUtil.nextPow10(max); } break; } return new double[] {min, max}; } /** * Get the data type minimum value. */ public double getDataTypeMin() { return getDataType_().getMinValue(); } /** * Get the data type maximum value. */ public double getDataTypeMax() { return getDataType_().getMaxValue(); } /** * Get data type bounds (min and max values) */ public double[] getDataTypeBounds() { return new double[] {getDataTypeMin(), getDataTypeMax()}; } /** * Get the minimum type value for the specified channel. */ public double getChannelTypeMin(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getComponentAbsMinValue(channel); } /** * Get the maximum type value for the specified channel. */ public double getChannelTypeMax(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getComponentAbsMaxValue(channel); } /** * Get type bounds (min and max values) for the specified channel. */ public double[] getChannelTypeBounds(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getComponentAbsBounds(channel); } /** * Get type bounds (min and max values) for all channels. */ public double[][] getChannelsTypeBounds() { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final double[][] result = new double[sizeC][]; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) result[c] = getChannelTypeBounds(c); return result; } /** * Get global type bounds (min and max values) for all channels. */ public double[] getChannelsGlobalTypeBounds() { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final double[] result = getChannelTypeBounds(0); for (int c = 1; c < sizeC; c++) { final double[] bounds = getChannelTypeBounds(c); result[0] = Math.min(bounds[0], result[0]); result[1] = Math.max(bounds[1], result[1]); } return result; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelsGlobalTypeBounds()} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[] getChannelTypeGlobalBounds() { return getChannelsGlobalTypeBounds(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelTypeGlobalBounds()} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[] getGlobalChannelTypeBounds() { return getChannelTypeGlobalBounds(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelTypeMin(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public double getComponentAbsMinValue(int component) { return getChannelTypeMin(component); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelTypeMax(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public double getComponentAbsMaxValue(int component) { return getChannelTypeMax(component); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelTypeBounds(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[] getComponentAbsBounds(int component) { return getChannelTypeBounds(component); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelsTypeBounds()} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[][] getComponentsAbsBounds() { return getChannelsTypeBounds(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getGlobalChannelTypeBounds()} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[] getGlobalComponentAbsBounds() { return getChannelTypeGlobalBounds(); } /** * Get the minimum value for the specified channel. */ public double getChannelMin(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getComponentUserMinValue(channel); } /** * Get maximum value for the specified channel. */ public double getChannelMax(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getComponentUserMaxValue(channel); } /** * Get bounds (min and max values) for the specified channel. */ public double[] getChannelBounds(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getComponentUserBounds(channel); } /** * Get bounds (min and max values) for all channels. */ public double[][] getChannelsBounds() { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final double[][] result = new double[sizeC][]; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) result[c] = getChannelBounds(c); return result; } /** * Get global bounds (min and max values) for all channels. */ public double[] getChannelsGlobalBounds() { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final double[] result = new double[2]; result[0] = Double.MAX_VALUE; result[1] = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final double[] bounds = getChannelBounds(c); if (bounds[0] < result[0]) result[0] = bounds[0]; if (bounds[1] > result[1]) result[1] = bounds[1]; } return result; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelMin(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public double getComponentUserMinValue(int component) { return getChannelMin(component); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelMax(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public double getComponentUserMaxValue(int component) { return getChannelMax(component); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelBounds(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[] getComponentUserBounds(int component) { return getChannelBounds(component); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getChannelsBounds()} instead. */ @Deprecated public double[][] getComponentsUserBounds() { return getChannelsBounds(); } /** * Set the preferred data type minimum value for the specified channel. */ public void setChannelTypeMin(int channel, double min) { getIcyColorModel().setComponentAbsMinValue(channel, min); } /** * Set the preferred data type maximum value for the specified channel. */ public void setChannelTypeMax(int channel, double max) { getIcyColorModel().setComponentAbsMaxValue(channel, max); } /** * /** * Set the preferred data type min and max values for the specified channel. */ public void setChannelTypeBounds(int channel, double min, double max) { getIcyColorModel().setComponentAbsBounds(channel, min, max); } /** * Set the preferred data type bounds (min and max values) for all channels. */ public void setChannelsTypeBounds(double[][] bounds) { getIcyColorModel().setComponentsAbsBounds(bounds); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelTypeMin(int, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentAbsMinValue(int component, double min) { setChannelTypeMin(component, min); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelTypeMax(int, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentAbsMaxValue(int component, double max) { setChannelTypeMax(component, max); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelTypeBounds(int, double, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentAbsBounds(int component, double[] bounds) { setChannelTypeBounds(component, bounds[0], bounds[1]); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelTypeBounds(int, double, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentAbsBounds(int component, double min, double max) { setChannelTypeBounds(component, min, max); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelsTypeBounds(double[][])} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentsAbsBounds(double[][] bounds) { setChannelsTypeBounds(bounds); } /** * Set channel minimum value. */ public void setChannelMin(int channel, double min) { final IcyColorModel cm = getIcyColorModel(); if ((min < cm.getComponentAbsMinValue(channel))) cm.setComponentAbsMinValue(channel, min); cm.setComponentUserMinValue(channel, min); } /** * Set channel maximum value. */ public void setChannelMax(int channel, double max) { final IcyColorModel cm = getIcyColorModel(); if ((max > cm.getComponentAbsMaxValue(channel))) cm.setComponentAbsMinValue(channel, max); cm.setComponentUserMaxValue(channel, max); } /** * Set channel bounds (min and max values) */ public void setChannelBounds(int channel, double min, double max) { final IcyColorModel cm = getIcyColorModel(); final double[] typeBounds = cm.getComponentAbsBounds(channel); if ((min < typeBounds[0]) || (max > typeBounds[1])) cm.setComponentAbsBounds(channel, min, max); cm.setComponentUserBounds(channel, min, max); } /** * Set all channel bounds (min and max values) */ public void setChannelsBounds(double[][] bounds) { // we use the setChannelBounds(..) method so we do range check for (int c = 0; c < bounds.length; c++) { final double[] b = bounds[c]; setChannelBounds(c, b[0], b[1]); } } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelMin(int, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentUserMinValue(int component, double min) { setChannelMin(component, min); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelMax(int, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentUserMaxValue(int component, double max) { setChannelMax(component, max); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelBounds(int, double, double)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentUserBounds(int component, double[] bounds) { setChannelBounds(component, bounds[0], bounds[1]); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelBounds(int, double, double)} instead */ @Deprecated public void setComponentUserBounds(int component, double min, double max) { setChannelBounds(component, min, max); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setChannelsBounds(double[][])} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setComponentsUserBounds(double[][] bounds) { setChannelsBounds(bounds); } /** * Update channels bounds (min and max values). */ public void updateChannelsBounds() { final IcyColorModel cm = getIcyColorModel(); if (cm != null) { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { // get data type bounds final double[] bounds = getCalculatedChannelBounds(c); cm.setComponentAbsBounds(c, adjustBoundsForDataType(bounds)); cm.setComponentUserBounds(c, bounds); // we do user bounds adjustment on "non ALPHA" component only // if (cm.getColorMap(c).getType() != IcyColorMapType.ALPHA) // cm.setComponentUserBounds(c, bounds); } } } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #updateChannelsBounds()} instead. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated public void updateComponentsBounds(boolean updateChannelBounds, boolean adjustByteToo) { updateChannelsBounds(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #updateChannelsBounds()} instead. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated public void updateComponentsBounds(boolean updateUserBounds) { updateChannelsBounds(); } /** * Return true if point is inside the image */ public boolean isInside(Point p) { return isInside(p.x, p.y); } /** * Return true if point of coordinate (x, y) is inside the image */ public boolean isInside(int x, int y) { return (x >= 0) && (x < getSizeX()) && (y >= 0) && (y < getSizeY()); } /** * Return true if point of coordinate (x, y) is inside the image */ public boolean isInside(double x, double y) { return (x >= 0) && (x < getSizeX()) && (y >= 0) && (y < getSizeY()); } /** * Return the IcyColorModel * * @return IcyColorModel */ public IcyColorModel getIcyColorModel() { return (IcyColorModel) getColorModel(); } /** * Return the data type of this image * * @return dataType * @see DataType */ public DataType getDataType_() { return getIcyColorModel().getDataType_(); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #getDataType_()} instead */ @Deprecated public int getDataType() { return getIcyColorModel().getDataType(); } /** * Return true if this is a float data type image */ public boolean isFloatDataType() { return getDataType_().isFloat(); } /** * Return true if this is a signed data type image */ public boolean isSignedDataType() { return getDataType_().isSigned(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getSizeC()} instead. */ @Deprecated public int getNumComponents() { return getSizeC(); } /** * @return the number of components of this image */ public int getSizeC() { return getColorModel().getNumComponents(); } /** * @return the width of the image */ public int getSizeX() { return getWidth(); } /** * @return the height of the image */ public int getSizeY() { return getHeight(); } /** * Return 2D dimension of image {sizeX, sizeY} */ public Dimension getDimension() { return new Dimension(getSizeX(), getSizeY()); } /** * Return 2D bounds of image {0, 0, sizeX, sizeY} */ public Rectangle getBounds() { return new Rectangle(getSizeX(), getSizeY()); } /** * Return the number of sample.<br> * This is equivalent to<br> * <code>getSizeX() * getSizeY() * getSizeC()</code> */ public int getNumSample() { return getSizeX() * getSizeY() * getSizeC(); } /** * Return the offset for specified (x, y) location */ public int getOffset(int x, int y) { return (y * getWidth()) + x; } /** * create a compatible LUT for this image. * * @param createColorModel * set to <code>true</code> to create a LUT using a new compatible ColorModel else it * will use the image * internal ColorModel */ public LUT createCompatibleLUT(boolean createColorModel) { final IcyColorModel cm; if (createColorModel) cm = IcyColorModel.createInstance(getIcyColorModel(), false, false); else cm = getIcyColorModel(); return new LUT(cm); } /** * create a compatible LUT for this image */ public LUT createCompatibleLUT() { return createCompatibleLUT(true); } /** * @deprecated No attached LUT to an image.<br/> * Use {@link #createCompatibleLUT(boolean)} instead. */ @Deprecated public LUT getLUT() { return createCompatibleLUT(); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public Object getDataXYC() { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: return getDataXYCAsByte(); case SHORT: return getDataXYCAsShort(); case INT: return getDataXYCAsInt(); case FLOAT: return getDataXYCAsFloat(); case DOUBLE: return getDataXYCAsDouble(); default: return null; } } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public Object getDataXY(int c) { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: return getDataXYAsByte(c); case SHORT: return getDataXYAsShort(c); case INT: return getDataXYAsInt(c); case FLOAT: return getDataXYAsFloat(c); case DOUBLE: return getDataXYAsDouble(c); default: return null; } } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public Object getDataCopyXYC() { return getDataCopyXYC(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public Object getDataCopyXYC(Object out, int offset) { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: return getDataCopyXYCAsByte((byte[]) out, offset); case SHORT: return getDataCopyXYCAsShort((short[]) out, offset); case INT: return getDataCopyXYCAsInt((int[]) out, offset); case FLOAT: return getDataCopyXYCAsFloat((float[]) out, offset); case DOUBLE: return getDataCopyXYCAsDouble((double[]) out, offset); default: return null; } } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public Object getDataCopyXY(int c) { return getDataCopyXY(c, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public Object getDataCopyXY(int c, Object out, int offset) { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: return getDataCopyXYAsByte(c, (byte[]) out, offset); case SHORT: return getDataCopyXYAsShort(c, (short[]) out, offset); case INT: return getDataCopyXYAsInt(c, (int[]) out, offset); case FLOAT: return getDataCopyXYAsFloat(c, (float[]) out, offset); case DOUBLE: return getDataCopyXYAsDouble(c, (double[]) out, offset); default: return null; } } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public Object getDataCopyCXY() { return getDataCopyCXY(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public Object getDataCopyCXY(Object out, int offset) { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: return getDataCopyCXYAsByte((byte[]) out, offset); case SHORT: return getDataCopyCXYAsShort((short[]) out, offset); case INT: return getDataCopyCXYAsInt((int[]) out, offset); case FLOAT: return getDataCopyCXYAsFloat((float[]) out, offset); case DOUBLE: return getDataCopyCXYAsDouble((double[]) out, offset); default: return null; } } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public Object getDataCopyC(int x, int y) { return getDataCopyC(x, y, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public Object getDataCopyC(int x, int y, Object out, int offset) { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: return getDataCopyCAsByte(x, y, (byte[]) out, offset); case SHORT: return getDataCopyCAsShort(x, y, (short[]) out, offset); case INT: return getDataCopyCAsInt(x, y, (int[]) out, offset); case FLOAT: return getDataCopyCAsFloat(x, y, (float[]) out, offset); case DOUBLE: return getDataCopyCAsDouble(x, y, (double[]) out, offset); default: return null; } } /** * Set internal 1D byte array data ([XY]) for specified component */ public void setDataXY(int c, Object values) { ArrayUtil.arrayToArray(values, getDataXY(c), getDataType_().isSigned()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set 1D array data [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public void setDataC(int x, int y, Object values) { switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: setDataCAsByte(x, y, (byte[]) values); break; case SHORT: setDataCAsShort(x, y, (short[]) values); break; case INT: setDataCAsInt(x, y, (int[]) values); break; case FLOAT: setDataCAsFloat(x, y, (float[]) values); break; case DOUBLE: setDataCAsDouble(x, y, (double[]) values); break; } } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public byte[][] getDataXYCAsByte() { return ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public short[][] getDataXYCAsShort() { final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) return ((DataBufferUShort) db).getBankData(); return ((DataBufferShort) db).getBankData(); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public int[][] getDataXYCAsInt() { return ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public float[][] getDataXYCAsFloat() { return ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public double[][] getDataXYCAsDouble() { return ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public byte[] getDataXYAsByte(int c) { return ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public short[] getDataXYAsShort(int c) { final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) return ((DataBufferUShort) db).getData(c); return ((DataBufferShort) db).getData(c); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public int[] getDataXYAsInt(int c) { return ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public float[] getDataXYAsFloat(int c) { return ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); } /** * Return a direct reference to internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c */ public double[] getDataXYAsDouble(int c) { return ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public byte[] getDataCopyXYCAsByte() { return getDataCopyXYCAsByte(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] If (out != null) then * it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public byte[] getDataCopyXYCAsByte(byte[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final byte[][] banks = ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final byte[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); int offset = off; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final byte[] src = banks[c]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, offset, (int) len); offset += len; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public short[] getDataCopyXYCAsShort() { return getDataCopyXYCAsShort(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] If (out != null) then * it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public short[] getDataCopyXYCAsShort(short[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); final short[][] banks; if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) banks = ((DataBufferUShort) db).getBankData(); else banks = ((DataBufferShort) db).getBankData(); final short[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); int offset = off; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final short[] src = banks[c]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, offset, (int) len); offset += len; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public int[] getDataCopyXYCAsInt() { return getDataCopyXYCAsInt(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] If (out != null) then * it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public int[] getDataCopyXYCAsInt(int[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final int[][] banks = ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final int[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); int offset = off; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final int[] src = banks[c]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, offset, (int) len); offset += len; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public float[] getDataCopyXYCAsFloat() { return getDataCopyXYCAsFloat(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] If (out != null) then * it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public float[] getDataCopyXYCAsFloat(float[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final float[][] banks = ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final float[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); int offset = off; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final float[] src = banks[c]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, offset, (int) len); offset += len; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] */ public double[] getDataCopyXYCAsDouble() { return getDataCopyXYCAsDouble(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XYC] of internal 2D array data [C][XY] If (out != null) then * it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public double[] getDataCopyXYCAsDouble(double[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final double[][] banks = ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final double[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); int offset = off; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final double[] src = banks[c]; System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, offset, (int) len); offset += len; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> */ public byte[] getDataCopyXYAsByte(int c) { return getDataCopyXYAsByte(c, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public byte[] getDataCopyXYAsByte(int c, byte[] out, int off) { final int len = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final byte[] src = ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); final byte[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, len); System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, off, len); return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> */ public short[] getDataCopyXYAsShort(int c) { return getDataCopyXYAsShort(c, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public short[] getDataCopyXYAsShort(int c, short[] out, int off) { final int len = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); final short[] src; if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) src = ((DataBufferUShort) db).getData(c); else src = ((DataBufferShort) db).getData(c); final short[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, len); System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, off, len); return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> */ public int[] getDataCopyXYAsInt(int c) { return getDataCopyXYAsInt(c, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public int[] getDataCopyXYAsInt(int c, int[] out, int off) { final int len = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final int[] src = ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); final int[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, len); System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, off, len); return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> */ public float[] getDataCopyXYAsFloat(int c) { return getDataCopyXYAsFloat(c, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public float[] getDataCopyXYAsFloat(int c, float[] out, int off) { final int len = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final float[] src = ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); final float[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, len); System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, off, len); return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> */ public double[] getDataCopyXYAsDouble(int c) { return getDataCopyXYAsDouble(c, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [XY] of internal 1D array data [XY] for specified c<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public double[] getDataCopyXYAsDouble(int c, double[] out, int off) { final int len = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final double[] src = ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c); final double[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, len); System.arraycopy(src, 0, result, off, len); return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> */ public byte[] getDataCopyCXYAsByte() { return getDataCopyCXYAsByte(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public byte[] getDataCopyCXYAsByte(byte[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final byte[][] banks = ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final byte[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final byte[] src = banks[c]; int offset = c + off; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, offset += sizeC) result[offset] = src[i]; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> */ public short[] getDataCopyCXYAsShort() { return getDataCopyCXYAsShort(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public short[] getDataCopyCXYAsShort(short[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); final short[][] banks; if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) banks = ((DataBufferUShort) db).getBankData(); else banks = ((DataBufferShort) db).getBankData(); final short[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final short[] src = banks[c]; int offset = c + off; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, offset += sizeC) result[offset] = src[i]; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> */ public int[] getDataCopyCXYAsInt() { return getDataCopyCXYAsInt(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public int[] getDataCopyCXYAsInt(int[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final int[][] banks = ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final int[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final int[] src = banks[c]; int offset = c + off; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, offset += sizeC) result[offset] = src[i]; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> */ public float[] getDataCopyCXYAsFloat() { return getDataCopyCXYAsFloat(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public float[] getDataCopyCXYAsFloat(float[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final float[][] banks = ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final float[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final float[] src = banks[c]; int offset = c + off; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, offset += sizeC) result[offset] = src[i]; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> */ public double[] getDataCopyCXYAsDouble() { return getDataCopyCXYAsDouble(null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [CXY] of internal 2D array data [C][XY]<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public double[] getDataCopyCXYAsDouble(double[] out, int off) { final long sizeC = getSizeC(); final long len = (long) getSizeX() * (long) getSizeY(); if ((len * sizeC) >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new TooLargeArrayException(); final double[][] banks = ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final double[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, (int) (len * sizeC)); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { final double[] src = banks[c]; int offset = c + off; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++, offset += sizeC) result[offset] = src[i]; } return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public byte[] getDataCopyCAsByte(int x, int y) { return getDataCopyCAsByte(x, y, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public byte[] getDataCopyCAsByte(int x, int y, byte[] out, int off) { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final byte[][] data = ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final byte[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, sizeC); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here result[c + off] = data[c][offset]; return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public short[] getDataCopyCAsShort(int x, int y) { return getDataCopyCAsShort(x, y, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public short[] getDataCopyCAsShort(int x, int y, short[] out, int off) { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); final short[][] data; if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) data = ((DataBufferUShort) db).getBankData(); else data = ((DataBufferShort) db).getBankData(); final short[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, sizeC); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here result[c + off] = data[c][offset]; return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public int[] getDataCopyCAsInt(int x, int y) { return getDataCopyCAsInt(x, y, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public int[] getDataCopyCAsInt(int x, int y, int[] out, int off) { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final int[][] data = ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final int[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, sizeC); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here result[c + off] = data[c][offset]; return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public float[] getDataCopyCAsFloat(int x, int y) { return getDataCopyCAsFloat(x, y, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public float[] getDataCopyCAsFloat(int x, int y, float[] out, int off) { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final float[][] data = ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final float[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, sizeC); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here result[c + off] = data[c][offset]; return result; } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public double[] getDataCopyCAsDouble(int x, int y) { return getDataCopyCAsDouble(x, y, null, 0); } /** * Return a 1D array data copy [C] of specified (x, y) position<br> * If (out != null) then it's used to store result at the specified offset */ public double[] getDataCopyCAsDouble(int x, int y, double[] out, int off) { final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final double[][] data = ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); final double[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, sizeC); for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here result[c + off] = data[c][offset]; return result; } /** * Set internal 1D byte array data ([XY]) for specified component */ public void setDataXYAsByte(int c, byte[] values) { System.arraycopy(values, 0, getDataXYAsByte(c), 0, getSizeX() * getSizeY()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set internal 1D byte array data ([XY]) for specified component */ public void setDataXYAsShort(int c, short[] values) { System.arraycopy(values, 0, getDataXYAsShort(c), 0, getSizeX() * getSizeY()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set internal 1D byte array data ([XY]) for specified component */ public void setDataXYAsInt(int c, int[] values) { System.arraycopy(values, 0, getDataXYAsInt(c), 0, getSizeX() * getSizeY()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set internal 1D byte array data ([XY]) for specified component */ public void setDataXYAsFloat(int c, float[] values) { System.arraycopy(values, 0, getDataXYAsFloat(c), 0, getSizeX() * getSizeY()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set internal 1D byte array data ([XY]) for specified component */ public void setDataXYAsDouble(int c, double[] values) { System.arraycopy(values, 0, getDataXYAsDouble(c), 0, getSizeX() * getSizeY()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set 1D array data [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public void setDataCAsByte(int x, int y, byte[] values) { final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final int len = values.length; final byte[][] data = ((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); for (int comp = 0; comp < len; comp++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here data[comp][offset] = values[comp]; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set 1D array data [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public void setDataCAsShort(int x, int y, short[] values) { final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final int len = values.length; final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); final short[][] data; if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) data = ((DataBufferUShort) db).getBankData(); else data = ((DataBufferShort) db).getBankData(); for (int comp = 0; comp < len; comp++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here data[comp][offset] = values[comp]; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set 1D array data [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public void setDataCAsInt(int x, int y, int[] values) { final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final int len = values.length; final int[][] data = ((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); for (int comp = 0; comp < len; comp++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here data[comp][offset] = values[comp]; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set 1D array data [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public void setDataCAsFloat(int x, int y, float[] values) { final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final int len = values.length; final float[][] data = ((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); for (int comp = 0; comp < len; comp++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here data[comp][offset] = values[comp]; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set 1D array data [C] of specified (x, y) position */ public void setDataCAsDouble(int x, int y, double[] values) { final int offset = x + (y * getWidth()); final int len = values.length; final double[][] data = ((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getBankData(); for (int comp = 0; comp < len; comp++) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here data[comp][offset] = values[comp]; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Return the value located at (x, y, c) position as a double * whatever is the internal data type */ public double getData(int x, int y, int c) { return Array1DUtil.getValue(getDataXY(c), getOffset(x, y), getDataType_()); } /** * Set the value located at (x, y, c) position as a double * whatever is the internal data type */ public void setData(int x, int y, int c, double value) { Array1DUtil.setValue(getDataXY(c), getOffset(x, y), getDataType_(), value); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Return the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public byte getDataAsByte(int x, int y, int c) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here return (((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())]; } /** * Set the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public void setDataAsByte(int x, int y, int c, byte value) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here (((DataBufferByte) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())] = value; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Return the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public short getDataAsShort(int x, int y, int c) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) return (((DataBufferUShort) db).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())]; return (((DataBufferShort) db).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())]; } /** * Set the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public void setDataAsShort(int x, int y, int c, short value) { final DataBuffer db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); if (db instanceof DataBufferUShort) // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here (((DataBufferUShort) db).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())] = value; else (((DataBufferShort) db).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())] = value; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Return the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public int getDataAsInt(int x, int y, int c) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here return (((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())]; } /** * Set the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public void setDataAsInt(int x, int y, int c, int value) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here (((DataBufferInt) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())] = value; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Return the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public float getDataAsFloat(int x, int y, int c) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here return (((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())]; } /** * Set the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public void setDataAsFloat(int x, int y, int c, float value) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here (((DataBufferFloat) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())] = value; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Return the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public double getDataAsDouble(int x, int y, int c) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here return (((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())]; } /** * Set the value located at (x, y, c) position */ public void setDataAsDouble(int x, int y, int c, double value) { // ignore band offset as it's always 0 here (((DataBufferDouble) getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(c))[x + (y * getWidth())] = value; // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Same as getRGB but by using the specified LUT instead of internal one * * @see java.awt.image.BufferedImage#getRGB(int, int) */ public int getRGB(int x, int y, LUT lut) { return getIcyColorModel().getRGB(getRaster().getDataElements(x, y, null), lut); } /** * Internal copy data from an icy image (notify data changed) * * @param srcImage * source icy image * @param srcRect * source region * @param dstPt * destination X,Y position * @param srcChannel * source channel * @param dstChannel * destination channel */ protected void fastCopyData(IcyBufferedImage srcImage, Rectangle srcRect, Point dstPt, int srcChannel, int dstChannel) { final int srcSizeX = srcImage.getSizeX(); final int dstSizeX = getSizeX(); // limit to source image size Rectangle adjSrcRect = srcRect.intersection(new Rectangle(srcSizeX, srcImage.getSizeY())); // negative destination x position if (dstPt.x < 0) // adjust source rect adjSrcRect.x += -dstPt.x; // negative destination y position if (dstPt.y < 0) // adjust source rect adjSrcRect.y += -dstPt.y; final Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(dstPt.x, dstPt.y, adjSrcRect.width, adjSrcRect.height); // limit to destination image size final Rectangle adjDstRect = dstRect.intersection(new Rectangle(dstSizeX, getSizeY())); final int w = Math.min(adjSrcRect.width, adjDstRect.width); final int h = Math.min(adjSrcRect.height, adjDstRect.height); // nothing to copy if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) return; final boolean signed = srcImage.getDataType_().isSigned(); final Object src = srcImage.getDataXY(srcChannel); final Object dst = getDataXY(dstChannel); int srcOffset = adjSrcRect.x + (adjSrcRect.y * srcSizeX); int dstOffset = adjDstRect.x + (adjDstRect.y * dstSizeX); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { ArrayUtil.arrayToArray(src, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, w, signed); srcOffset += srcSizeX; dstOffset += dstSizeX; } // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Internal copy data from a compatible image (notify data changed) * * @param srcImage * source image */ protected void internalCopyData(int srcChannel, int dstChannel, DataBuffer src_db, DataBuffer dst_db, int[] indices, int[] band_offsets, int[] bank_offsets, int scanlineStride_src, int pixelStride_src, int maxX, int maxY, int decOffsetSrc) { final int scanlineStride_dst = getSizeX(); final int bank = indices[srcChannel]; final int offset = band_offsets[srcChannel] + bank_offsets[bank] - decOffsetSrc; switch (getDataType_().getJavaType()) { case BYTE: { final byte[] src; final byte[] dst = ((DataBufferByte) dst_db).getData(dstChannel); // LOCI use its own buffer classes if (src_db instanceof SignedByteBuffer) src = ((SignedByteBuffer) src_db).getData(bank); else src = ((DataBufferByte) src_db).getData(bank); int offset_src = offset; int offset_dst = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++) { int offset_src_pix = offset_src; int offset_dst_pix = offset_dst; for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++) { dst[offset_dst_pix] = src[offset_src_pix]; offset_src_pix += pixelStride_src; offset_dst_pix++; } offset_src += scanlineStride_src; offset_dst += scanlineStride_dst; } break; } case SHORT: { final short[] src; final short[] dst; // LOCI use its own buffer classes if (src_db instanceof SignedShortBuffer) src = ((SignedShortBuffer) src_db).getData(bank); else if (src_db instanceof DataBufferShort) src = ((DataBufferShort) src_db).getData(bank); else src = ((DataBufferUShort) src_db).getData(bank); if (dst_db instanceof DataBufferShort) dst = ((DataBufferShort) dst_db).getData(dstChannel); else dst = ((DataBufferUShort) dst_db).getData(dstChannel); int offset_src = offset; int offset_dst = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++) { int offset_src_pix = offset_src; int offset_dst_pix = offset_dst; for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++) { dst[offset_dst_pix] = src[offset_src_pix]; offset_src_pix += pixelStride_src; offset_dst_pix++; } offset_src += scanlineStride_src; offset_dst += scanlineStride_dst; } break; } case INT: { final int[] src; final int[] dst = ((DataBufferInt) dst_db).getData(dstChannel); // LOCI use its own buffer classes if (src_db instanceof UnsignedIntBuffer) src = ((UnsignedIntBuffer) src_db).getData(bank); else src = ((DataBufferInt) src_db).getData(bank); int offset_src = offset; int offset_dst = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++) { int offset_src_pix = offset_src; int offset_dst_pix = offset_dst; for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++) { dst[offset_dst_pix] = src[offset_src_pix]; offset_src_pix += pixelStride_src; offset_dst_pix++; } offset_src += scanlineStride_src; offset_dst += scanlineStride_dst; } break; } case FLOAT: { final float[] src = ((DataBufferFloat) src_db).getData(bank); final float[] dst = ((DataBufferFloat) dst_db).getData(dstChannel); int offset_src = offset; int offset_dst = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++) { int offset_src_pix = offset_src; int offset_dst_pix = offset_dst; for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++) { dst[offset_dst_pix] = src[offset_src_pix]; offset_src_pix += pixelStride_src; offset_dst_pix++; } offset_src += scanlineStride_src; offset_dst += scanlineStride_dst; } break; } case DOUBLE: { final double[] src = ((DataBufferDouble) src_db).getData(bank); final double[] dst = ((DataBufferDouble) dst_db).getData(dstChannel); int offset_src = offset; int offset_dst = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxY; y++) { int offset_src_pix = offset_src; int offset_dst_pix = offset_dst; for (int x = 0; x < maxX; x++) { dst[offset_dst_pix] = src[offset_src_pix]; offset_src_pix += pixelStride_src; offset_dst_pix++; } offset_src += scanlineStride_src; offset_dst += scanlineStride_dst; } break; } } } /** * Copy channel data from a compatible sample model and writable raster (notify data changed). * * @param sampleModel * source sample model * @param raster * source writable raster to read data from * @param srcChannel * source channel (-1 for all channels) * @param dstChannel * destination channel (only significant if source channel != -1) * @return <code>true</code> if the copy operation succeed, <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean copyData(ComponentSampleModel sampleModel, WritableRaster raster, int srcChannel, int dstChannel) { // not compatible sample model if (DataType.getDataTypeFromDataBufferType(sampleModel.getDataType()) != getDataType_()) return false; final DataBuffer src_db = raster.getDataBuffer(); final DataBuffer dst_db = getRaster().getDataBuffer(); final int[] indices = sampleModel.getBankIndices(); final int[] band_offsets = sampleModel.getBandOffsets(); final int[] bank_offsets = src_db.getOffsets(); final int scanlineStride_src = sampleModel.getScanlineStride(); final int pixelStride_src = sampleModel.getPixelStride(); final int maxX = Math.min(getSizeX(), sampleModel.getWidth()); final int maxY = Math.min(getSizeY(), sampleModel.getHeight()); final int decOffsetSrc = raster.getSampleModelTranslateX() + (raster.getSampleModelTranslateY() * scanlineStride_src); // all channels if (srcChannel == -1) { final int numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands(); for (int band = 0; band < numBands; band++) internalCopyData(band, band, src_db, dst_db, indices, band_offsets, bank_offsets, scanlineStride_src, pixelStride_src, maxX, maxY, decOffsetSrc); } else { internalCopyData(srcChannel, dstChannel, src_db, dst_db, indices, band_offsets, bank_offsets, scanlineStride_src, pixelStride_src, maxX, maxY, decOffsetSrc); } // notify data changed dataChanged(); return true; } /** * Copy data to specified location from an data array. * * @param data * source data array (should be same type than image data type) * @param dataDim * source data dimension (array length should be >= Dimension.width * Dimension.heigth) * @param signed * if the source data array should be considered as signed data (meaningful for integer * data type only) * @param dstPt * destination X,Y position (assume [0,0] if null) * @param dstChannel * destination channel */ public void copyData(Object data, Dimension dataDim, boolean signed, Point dstPt, int dstChannel) { if ((data == null) || (dataDim == null)) return; // source image size final Rectangle adjSrcRect = new Rectangle(dataDim); // negative destination x position if (dstPt.x < 0) // adjust source rect adjSrcRect.x += -dstPt.x; // negative destination y position if (dstPt.y < 0) // adjust source rect adjSrcRect.y += -dstPt.y; final Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(dstPt.x, dstPt.y, adjSrcRect.width, adjSrcRect.height); // limit to destination image size final Rectangle adjDstRect = dstRect.intersection(new Rectangle(getSizeX(), getSizeY())); final int w = Math.min(adjSrcRect.width, adjDstRect.width); final int h = Math.min(adjSrcRect.height, adjDstRect.height); // nothing to copy if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) return; final Object dst = getDataXY(dstChannel); final int srcSizeX = dataDim.width; final int dstSizeX = getSizeX(); int srcOffset = adjSrcRect.x + (adjSrcRect.y * srcSizeX); int dstOffset = adjDstRect.x + (adjDstRect.y * dstSizeX); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { // do data copy (and conversion if needed) ArrayUtil.arrayToArray(data, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, w, signed); srcOffset += srcSizeX; dstOffset += dstSizeX; } // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Copy data from an image (notify data changed) * * @param srcImage * source image * @param srcRect * source region to copy (assume whole image if null) * @param dstPt * destination X,Y position (assume [0,0] if null) * @param srcChannel * source channel (-1 for all channels) * @param dstChannel * destination channel (only significant if source channel != -1) */ public void copyData(IcyBufferedImage srcImage, Rectangle srcRect, Point dstPt, int srcChannel, int dstChannel) { if (srcImage == null) return; final Rectangle adjSrcRect; final Point adjDstPt; if (srcRect == null) adjSrcRect = new Rectangle(srcImage.getSizeX(), srcImage.getSizeY()); else adjSrcRect = srcRect; if (dstPt == null) adjDstPt = new Point(0, 0); else adjDstPt = dstPt; // copy all possible components if (srcChannel == -1) { final int sizeC = Math.min(srcImage.getSizeC(), getSizeC()); beginUpdate(); try { for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) fastCopyData(srcImage, adjSrcRect, adjDstPt, c, c); } finally { endUpdate(); } } else fastCopyData(srcImage, adjSrcRect, adjDstPt, srcChannel, dstChannel); } /** * Copy data from an image (notify data changed) * * @param srcImage * source image * @param srcRect * source region to copy (assume whole image if null) * @param dstPt * destination (assume [0,0] if null) */ public void copyData(IcyBufferedImage srcImage, Rectangle srcRect, Point dstPt) { if (srcImage == null) return; copyData(srcImage, srcRect, dstPt, -1, 0); } /** * Copy data from an image (notify data changed) * * @param srcImage * source image * @param srcChannel * source channel to copy (-1 for all channels) * @param dstChannel * destination channel to receive data (only significant if source channel != -1) */ public void copyData(BufferedImage srcImage, int srcChannel, int dstChannel) { if (srcImage == null) return; if (srcImage instanceof IcyBufferedImage) copyData(((IcyBufferedImage) srcImage), null, null, srcChannel, dstChannel); else { final boolean done; // try to use faster copy for compatible image if (srcImage.getSampleModel() instanceof ComponentSampleModel) done = copyData((ComponentSampleModel) srcImage.getSampleModel(), srcImage.getRaster(), srcChannel, dstChannel); else done = false; if (!done) { // image not compatible, use generic (and slow) data copy srcImage.copyData(getRaster()); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } } } /** * Copy data from an image (notify data changed) * * @param srcImage * source image */ public void copyData(BufferedImage srcImage) { copyData(srcImage, -1, -1); } /** * Return raw data component as an array of byte * * @param c * component index * @param out * output array (can be null) * @param offset * output offset * @param little * little endian order */ public byte[] getRawData(int c, byte[] out, int offset, boolean little) { // alloc output array if needed final byte[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, offset + (getSizeX() * getSizeY() * getDataType_().getSize())); return ByteArrayConvert.toByteArray(getDataXY(c), 0, result, offset, little); } /** * Return raw data component as an array of byte * * @param c * component index * @param little * little endian order */ public byte[] getRawData(int c, boolean little) { return getRawData(c, null, 0, little); } /** * Return raw data for all components as an array of byte * * @param out * output array (can be null) * @param offset * output offset * @param little * little endian order */ public byte[] getRawData(byte[] out, int offset, boolean little) { final int sizeXY = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int sizeType = getDataType_().getSize(); // alloc output array if needed final byte[] result = Array1DUtil.allocIfNull(out, offset + (sizeC * sizeXY * sizeType)); int outOff = offset; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { getRawData(c, result, outOff, little); outOff += sizeXY * sizeType; } return result; } /** * Return raw data for all components as an array of byte * * @param little * little endian order */ public byte[] getRawData(boolean little) { return getRawData(null, 0, little); } /** * Set raw data component from an array of byte (notify data changed) * * @param c * component index * @param data * data as byte array * @param offset * input offset * @param little * little endian order */ public void setRawData(int c, byte[] data, int offset, boolean little) { if (data == null) return; ByteArrayConvert.byteArrayTo(data, offset, getDataXY(c), 0, -1, little); // notify data changed dataChanged(); } /** * Set raw data component from an array of byte (notify data changed) * * @param c * component index * @param data * data as byte array * @param little * little endian order */ public void setRawData(int c, byte[] data, boolean little) { setRawData(c, data, 0, little); } /** * Set raw data for all components from an array of byte (notify data changed).<br/> * Data are arranged in the following dimension order: XYC * * @param data * data as byte array * @param offset * input offset * @param little * little endian order */ public void setRawData(byte[] data, int offset, boolean little) { if (data == null) return; final int sizeXY = getSizeX() * getSizeY(); final int sizeC = getSizeC(); final int sizeType = getDataType_().getSize(); beginUpdate(); try { int inOff = offset; for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { setRawData(c, data, inOff, little); inOff += sizeXY * sizeType; } } finally { endUpdate(); } } /** * Set raw data for all components from an array of byte (notify data changed) * * @param data * data as byte array * @param little * little endian order */ public void setRawData(byte[] data, boolean little) { setRawData(data, 0, little); } /** * Return the colormap of the specified channel. */ public IcyColorMap getColorMap(int channel) { return getIcyColorModel().getColorMap(channel); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getColorMap(int)} instead (different case). */ @Deprecated public IcyColorMap getColormap(int channel) { return getColorMap(channel); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setColorMaps(BufferedImage)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void copyColormap(BufferedImage srcImage) { setColorMaps(srcImage); } /** * Set colormaps from specified image. */ public void setColorMaps(BufferedImage srcImage) { getIcyColorModel().setColorMaps(srcImage.getColorModel()); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setColorMaps(BufferedImage)} instead (different case). */ @Deprecated public void setColormaps(BufferedImage srcImage) { setColorMaps(srcImage); } /** * Set the colormap for the specified channel. * * @param channel * channel we want to set the colormap * @param map * source colorspace to copy * @param setAlpha * also set the alpha information */ public void setColorMap(int channel, IcyColorMap map, boolean setAlpha) { getIcyColorModel().setColorMap(channel, map, setAlpha); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #setColorMap(int, IcyColorMap, boolean)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setColormap(int channel, IcyColorMap map) { setColorMap(channel, map, true); } /** * notify image data has changed */ public void dataChanged() { updater.changed(new IcyBufferedImageEvent(this, IcyBufferedImageEventType.DATA_CHANGED)); } /** * notify image colorMap has changed */ protected void colormapChanged(int component) { updater.changed(new IcyBufferedImageEvent(this, IcyBufferedImageEventType.COLORMAP_CHANGED, component)); } /** * notify image channels bounds has changed */ public void channelBoundsChanged(int channel) { updater.changed(new IcyBufferedImageEvent(this, IcyBufferedImageEventType.BOUNDS_CHANGED, channel)); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #channelBoundsChanged(int)} instead. */ @Deprecated public void componentBoundsChanged(int component) { channelBoundsChanged(component); } /** * fire change event */ protected void fireChangeEvent(IcyBufferedImageEvent e) { for (IcyBufferedImageListener listener : new ArrayList<IcyBufferedImageListener>(listeners)) listener.imageChanged(e); } public void addListener(IcyBufferedImageListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(IcyBufferedImageListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public void beginUpdate() { updater.beginUpdate(); } public void endUpdate() { updater.endUpdate(); } public boolean isUpdating() { return updater.isUpdating(); } @Override public void onChanged(CollapsibleEvent object) { IcyBufferedImageEvent event = (IcyBufferedImageEvent) object; switch (event.getType()) { // do here global process on image data change case DATA_CHANGED: // update image components bounds if (autoUpdateChannelBounds) updateChannelsBounds(); break; // do here global process on image bounds change case BOUNDS_CHANGED: break; // do here global process on image colormap change case COLORMAP_CHANGED: break; } // notify listener we have changed fireChangeEvent(event); } @Override public void colorModelChanged(IcyColorModelEvent e) { switch (e.getType()) { case COLORMAP_CHANGED: colormapChanged(e.getComponent()); break; case SCALER_CHANGED: channelBoundsChanged(e.getComponent()); break; } } }