/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.java; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; /** * An expression. */ public interface Expr { /** * Get the C++ code. * * @return the C++ code */ String asString(); Type getType(); void setType(Type type); } /** * The base expression class. */ abstract class ExprBase implements Expr { @Override public final String toString() { return "_" + asString() + "_"; } } /** * A method call. */ class CallExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The parameters. */ final ArrayList<Expr> args = new ArrayList<Expr>(); private final JavaParser context; private final String className; private final String name; private Expr expr; private ClassObj classObj; private MethodObj method; private Type type; CallExpr(JavaParser context, Expr expr, String className, String name) { this.context = context; this.expr = expr; this.className = className; this.name = name; } private void initMethod() { if (method != null) { return; } if (className != null) { classObj = context.getClassObj(className); } else { classObj = expr.getType().classObj; } method = classObj.getMethod(name, args); if (method.isStatic) { expr = null; } } @Override public String asString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); initMethod(); if (method.isIgnore) { if (args.size() == 0) { // ignore } else if (args.size() == 1) { buff.append(args.get(0)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot ignore method with multiple arguments: " + method); } } else { if (expr == null) { // static method buff.append(JavaParser.toC(classObj.toString() + "." + method.name)); } else { buff.append(expr.asString()).append("->"); buff.append(method.name); } buff.append("("); int i = 0; Iterator<FieldObj> paramIt = method.parameters.values().iterator(); for (Expr a : args) { if (i > 0) { buff.append(", "); } FieldObj f = paramIt.next(); i++; a.setType(f.type); buff.append(a.asString()); } buff.append(")"); } return buff.toString(); } @Override public Type getType() { initMethod(); return method.returnType; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * A assignment expression. */ class AssignExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The target variable or field. */ Expr left; /** * The operation (=, +=,...). */ String op; /** * The expression. */ Expr right; /** * The type. */ Type type; @Override public String asString() { right.setType(left.getType()); return left.asString() + " " + op + " " + right.asString(); } @Override public Type getType() { return left.getType(); } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * A conditional expression. */ class ConditionalExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The condition. */ Expr condition; /** * The 'true' expression. */ Expr ifTrue; /** * The 'false' expression. */ Expr ifFalse; @Override public String asString() { return condition.asString() + " ? " + ifTrue.asString() + " : " + ifFalse.asString(); } @Override public Type getType() { return ifTrue.getType(); } @Override public void setType(Type type) { ifTrue.setType(type); ifFalse.setType(type); } } /** * A literal. */ class LiteralExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The literal expression. */ String literal; private final JavaParser context; private final String className; private Type type; public LiteralExpr(JavaParser context, String className) { this.context = context; this.className = className; } @Override public String asString() { if ("null".equals(literal)) { Type t = getType(); if (t.isObject()) { return "(" + getType().asString() + ") 0"; } return t.asString() + "()"; } return literal; } @Override public Type getType() { if (type == null) { type = new Type(); type.classObj = context.getClassObj(className); } return type; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * An operation. */ class OpExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The left hand side. */ Expr left; /** * The operation. */ String op; /** * The right hand side. */ Expr right; private final JavaParser context; private Type type; OpExpr(JavaParser context) { this.context = context; } @Override public String asString() { if (left == null) { return op + right.asString(); } else if (right == null) { return left.asString() + op; } if (op.equals(">>>")) { // ujint / ujlong return "(((u" + left.getType() + ") " + left + ") >> " + right + ")"; } else if (op.equals("+")) { if (left.getType().isObject() || right.getType().isObject()) { // TODO convert primitive to to String, call toString StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (type.refCount) { buff.append("ptr<java_lang_StringBuilder>(new java_lang_StringBuilder("); } else { buff.append("(new java_lang_StringBuilder("); } buff.append(convertToString(left)); buff.append("))->append("); buff.append(convertToString(right)); buff.append(")->toString()"); return buff.toString(); } } return "(" + left.asString() + " " + op + " " + right.asString() + ")"; } private String convertToString(Expr e) { Type t = e.getType(); if (t.arrayLevel > 0) { return e.toString() + "->toString()"; } if (t.classObj.isPrimitive) { ClassObj wrapper = context.getWrapper(t.classObj); return JavaParser.toC(wrapper + ".toString") + "(" + e.asString() + ")"; } else if (e.getType().asString().equals("java_lang_String*")) { return e.asString(); } return e.asString() + "->toString()"; } private static boolean isComparison(String op) { return op.equals("==") || op.equals(">") || op.equals("<") || op.equals(">=") || op.equals("<=") || op.equals("!="); } @Override public Type getType() { if (left == null) { return right.getType(); } if (right == null) { return left.getType(); } if (isComparison(op)) { Type t = new Type(); t.classObj = JavaParser.getBuiltInClass("boolean"); return t; } if (op.equals("+")) { if (left.getType().isObject() || right.getType().isObject()) { Type t = new Type(); t.classObj = context.getClassObj("java.lang.String"); return t; } } Type lt = left.getType(); Type rt = right.getType(); if (lt.classObj.primitiveType < rt.classObj.primitiveType) { return rt; } return lt; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * A "new" expression. */ class NewExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The class. */ ClassObj classObj; /** * The constructor parameters (for objects). */ final ArrayList<Expr> args = new ArrayList<Expr>(); /** * The array bounds (for arrays). */ final ArrayList<Expr> arrayInitExpr = new ArrayList<Expr>(); /** * The type. */ Type type; @Override public String asString() { boolean refCount = type.refCount; StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (arrayInitExpr.size() > 0) { if (refCount) { if (classObj.isPrimitive) { buff.append("ptr< array< " + classObj + " > >"); } else { buff.append("ptr< array< ptr< " + classObj + " > > >"); } } if (classObj.isPrimitive) { buff.append("(new array< " + classObj + " >(1 "); } else { if (refCount) { buff.append("(new array< ptr< " + classObj + " > >(1 "); } else { buff.append("(new array< " + classObj + "* >(1 "); } } for (Expr e : arrayInitExpr) { buff.append("* ").append(e.asString()); } buff.append("))"); } else { if (refCount) { buff.append("ptr< " + classObj + " >"); } buff.append("(new " + classObj); buff.append("("); int i = 0; for (Expr a : args) { if (i++ > 0) { buff.append(", "); } buff.append(a.asString()); } buff.append("))"); } return buff.toString(); } @Override public Type getType() { Type t = new Type(); t.classObj = classObj; t.arrayLevel = arrayInitExpr.size(); return t; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * A String literal. */ class StringExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The constant name. */ String constantName; /** * The literal. */ String text; private final JavaParser context; private Type type; StringExpr(JavaParser context) { this.context = context; } @Override public String asString() { return constantName; } @Override public Type getType() { if (type == null) { type = new Type(); type.classObj = context.getClassObj("java.lang.String"); } return type; } /** * Encode the String to Java syntax. * * @param s the string * @return the encoded string */ static String javaEncode(String s) { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(s.length()); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\t': // HT horizontal tab buff.append("\\t"); break; case '\n': // LF linefeed buff.append("\\n"); break; case '\f': // FF form feed buff.append("\\f"); break; case '\r': // CR carriage return buff.append("\\r"); break; case '"': // double quote buff.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': // backslash buff.append("\\\\"); break; default: int ch = c & 0xffff; if (ch >= ' ' && (ch < 0x80)) { buff.append(c); // not supported in properties files // } else if(ch < 0xff) { // buff.append("\\"); // // make sure it's three characters (0x200 is octal 1000) // buff.append(Integer.toOctalString(0x200 | ch).substring(1)); } else { buff.append("\\u"); // make sure it's four characters buff.append(Integer.toHexString(0x10000 | ch).substring(1)); } } } return buff.toString(); } @Override public void setType(Type type) { // ignore } } /** * A variable. */ class VariableExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The variable name. */ String name; /** * The base expression (the first element in a.b variables). */ Expr base; /** * The field. */ FieldObj field; private Type type; private final JavaParser context; VariableExpr(JavaParser context) { this.context = context; } @Override public String asString() { init(); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (base != null) { buff.append(base.asString()).append("->"); } if (field != null) { if (field.isStatic) { buff.append(JavaParser.toC(field.declaredClass + "." + field.name)); } else if (field.name != null) { buff.append(field.name); } else if ("length".equals(name) && base.getType().arrayLevel > 0) { buff.append("length()"); } } else { buff.append(JavaParser.toC(name)); } return buff.toString(); } private void init() { if (field == null) { Type t = base.getType(); if (t.arrayLevel > 0) { if ("length".equals(name)) { field = new FieldObj(); field.type = context.getClassObj("int").baseType; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown array method: " + name); } } else { field = t.classObj.getField(name); } } } @Override public Type getType() { init(); return field.type; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * An array initializer expression. */ class ArrayInitExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The expression list. */ final ArrayList<Expr> list = new ArrayList<Expr>(); /** * The type. */ Type type; @Override public Type getType() { return type; } @Override public String asString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder("{ "); int i = 0; for (Expr e : list) { if (i++ > 0) { buff.append(", "); } buff.append(e.toString()); } buff.append(" }"); return buff.toString(); } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * A type cast expression. */ class CastExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The expression. */ Expr expr; /** * The cast type. */ Type type; @Override public Type getType() { return type; } @Override public String asString() { return "(" + type.asString() + ") " + expr.asString(); } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } } /** * An array access expression (get or set). */ class ArrayAccessExpr extends ExprBase { /** * The base expression. */ Expr base; /** * The index. */ Expr index; /** * The type. */ Type type; @Override public Type getType() { Type t = new Type(); t.classObj = base.getType().classObj; t.arrayLevel = base.getType().arrayLevel - 1; return t; } @Override public String asString() { return base.asString() + "->at(" + index.asString() + ")"; } @Override public void setType(Type type) { this.type = type; } }