/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.mvstore; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * A storage mechanism that "persists" data in the off-heap area of the main * memory. */ public class OffHeapStore extends FileStore { private final TreeMap<Long, ByteBuffer> memory = new TreeMap<Long, ByteBuffer>(); @Override public void open(String fileName, boolean readOnly, char[] encryptionKey) { memory.clear(); } @Override public String toString() { return memory.toString(); } @Override public ByteBuffer readFully(long pos, int len) { Entry<Long, ByteBuffer> memEntry = memory.floorEntry(pos); if (memEntry == null) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED, "Could not read from position {0}", pos); } readCount++; readBytes += len; ByteBuffer buff = memEntry.getValue(); ByteBuffer read = buff.duplicate(); int offset = (int) (pos - memEntry.getKey()); read.position(offset); read.limit(len + offset); return read.slice(); } @Override public void free(long pos, int length) { freeSpace.free(pos, length); ByteBuffer buff = memory.remove(pos); if (buff == null) { // nothing was written (just allocated) } else if (buff.remaining() != length) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED, "Partial remove is not supported at position {0}", pos); } } @Override public void writeFully(long pos, ByteBuffer src) { fileSize = Math.max(fileSize, pos + src.remaining()); Entry<Long, ByteBuffer> mem = memory.floorEntry(pos); if (mem == null) { // not found: create a new entry writeNewEntry(pos, src); return; } long prevPos = mem.getKey(); ByteBuffer buff = mem.getValue(); int prevLength = buff.capacity(); int length = src.remaining(); if (prevPos == pos) { if (prevLength != length) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED, "Could not write to position {0}; " + "partial overwrite is not supported", pos); } writeCount++; writeBytes += length; buff.rewind(); buff.put(src); return; } if (prevPos + prevLength > pos) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED, "Could not write to position {0}; " + "partial overwrite is not supported", pos); } writeNewEntry(pos, src); } private void writeNewEntry(long pos, ByteBuffer src) { int length = src.remaining(); writeCount++; writeBytes += length; ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(length); buff.put(src); buff.rewind(); memory.put(pos, buff); } @Override public void truncate(long size) { writeCount++; if (size == 0) { fileSize = 0; memory.clear(); return; } fileSize = size; for (Iterator<Long> it = memory.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { long pos = it.next(); if (pos < size) { break; } ByteBuffer buff = memory.get(pos); if (buff.capacity() > size) { throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException( DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED, "Could not truncate to {0}; " + "partial truncate is not supported", pos); } it.remove(); } } @Override public void close() { memory.clear(); } @Override public void sync() { // nothing to do } @Override public int getDefaultRetentionTime() { return 0; } }