/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.samples; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import org.h2.tools.SimpleResultSet; /** * User defined functions can return a result set, * and can therefore be used like a table. * This sample application uses such a function to convert * polar to cartesian coordinates. */ public class FunctionMultiReturn { /** * This method is called when executing this sample application from the * command line. * * @param args the command line parameters */ public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { Class.forName("org.h2.Driver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:h2:mem:", "sa", ""); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS P2C " + "FOR \"org.h2.samples.FunctionMultiReturn.polar2Cartesian\" "); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT X, Y FROM P2C(?, ?)"); prep.setDouble(1, 5.0); prep.setDouble(2, 0.5); ResultSet rs = prep.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { double x = rs.getDouble(1); double y = rs.getDouble(2); System.out.println("result: (x=" + x + ", y="+y+")"); } stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID IDENTITY, R DOUBLE, A DOUBLE)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST(R, A) VALUES(5.0, 0.5), (10.0, 0.6)"); stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS P2C_SET " + "FOR \"org.h2.samples.FunctionMultiReturn.polar2CartesianSet\" "); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM P2C_SET('SELECT * FROM TEST')"); while (rs.next()) { double r = rs.getDouble("R"); double a = rs.getDouble("A"); double x = rs.getDouble("X"); double y = rs.getDouble("Y"); System.out.println("(r="+r+" a="+a+") :" + " (x=" + x + ", y="+y+")"); } stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS P2C_A " + "FOR \"org.h2.samples.FunctionMultiReturn.polar2CartesianArray\" "); rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery( "SELECT R, A, P2C_A(R, A) FROM TEST"); while (rs.next()) { double r = rs.getDouble(1); double a = rs.getDouble(2); Object o = rs.getObject(3); Object[] xy = (Object[]) o; double x = ((Double) xy[0]).doubleValue(); double y = ((Double) xy[1]).doubleValue(); System.out.println("(r=" + r + " a=" + a + ") :" + " (x=" + x + ", y=" + y + ")"); } rs = stat.executeQuery( "SELECT R, A, ARRAY_GET(E, 1), ARRAY_GET(E, 2) " + "FROM (SELECT R, A, P2C_A(R, A) E FROM TEST)"); while (rs.next()) { double r = rs.getDouble(1); double a = rs.getDouble(2); double x = rs.getDouble(3); double y = rs.getDouble(4); System.out.println("(r="+r+" a="+a+") :" + " (x=" + x + ", y="+y+")"); } rs.close(); prep.close(); conn.close(); } /** * Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates. The function may be * called twice, once to retrieve the result columns (with null parameters), * and the second time to return the data. * * @param r the distance from the point 0/0 * @param alpha the angle * @return a result set with two columns: x and y */ public static ResultSet polar2Cartesian(Double r, Double alpha) { SimpleResultSet rs = new SimpleResultSet(); rs.addColumn("X", Types.DOUBLE, 0, 0); rs.addColumn("Y", Types.DOUBLE, 0, 0); if (r != null && alpha != null) { double x = r.doubleValue() * Math.cos(alpha.doubleValue()); double y = r.doubleValue() * Math.sin(alpha.doubleValue()); rs.addRow(x, y); } return rs; } /** * Convert polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates. The function may be * called twice, once to retrieve the result columns (with null parameters), * and the second time to return the data. * * @param r the distance from the point 0/0 * @param alpha the angle * @return an array two values: x and y */ public static Object[] polar2CartesianArray(Double r, Double alpha) { double x = r.doubleValue() * Math.cos(alpha.doubleValue()); double y = r.doubleValue() * Math.sin(alpha.doubleValue()); return new Object[]{new Double(x), new Double(y)}; } /** * Convert a set of polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates. The function * may be called twice, once to retrieve the result columns (with null * parameters), and the second time to return the data. * * @param conn the connection * @param query the query * @return a result set with the coordinates */ public static ResultSet polar2CartesianSet(Connection conn, String query) throws SQLException { SimpleResultSet result = new SimpleResultSet(); result.addColumn("R", Types.DOUBLE, 0, 0); result.addColumn("A", Types.DOUBLE, 0, 0); result.addColumn("X", Types.DOUBLE, 0, 0); result.addColumn("Y", Types.DOUBLE, 0, 0); if (query != null) { ResultSet rs = conn.createStatement().executeQuery(query); while (rs.next()) { double r = rs.getDouble("R"); double alpha = rs.getDouble("A"); double x = r * Math.cos(alpha); double y = r * Math.sin(alpha); result.addRow(r, alpha, x, y); } } return result; } }