/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.engine; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Properties; import org.h2.api.ErrorCode; import org.h2.command.dml.SetTypes; import org.h2.message.DbException; import org.h2.security.SHA256; import org.h2.store.fs.FilePathEncrypt; import org.h2.store.fs.FilePathRec; import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils; import org.h2.util.New; import org.h2.util.SortedProperties; import org.h2.util.StringUtils; import org.h2.util.Utils; /** * Encapsulates the connection settings, including user name and password. */ public class ConnectionInfo implements Cloneable { private static final HashSet<String> KNOWN_SETTINGS = New.hashSet(); private Properties prop = new Properties(); //里面的key都会自动转成大写 private String originalURL; private String url; private String user; private byte[] filePasswordHash; private byte[] fileEncryptionKey; private byte[] userPasswordHash; /** * The database name */ private String name; private String nameNormalized; private boolean remote; private boolean ssl; private boolean persistent; private boolean unnamed; /** * Create a connection info object. * * @param name the database name (including tags), but without the * "jdbc:h2:" prefix */ public ConnectionInfo(String name) { this.name = name; this.url = Constants.START_URL + name; //如jdbc:h2:mydb,没有tcp了,此时persistent也是true parseName(); } /** * Create a connection info object. * * @param u the database URL (must start with jdbc:h2:) * @param info the connection properties */ public ConnectionInfo(String u, Properties info) { u = remapURL(u); this.originalURL = u; //originalURL不会再变 if (!u.startsWith(Constants.START_URL)) { //"jdbc:h2:" throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("url", u); } this.url = u; //url在接下来的代码中会再变,去掉参数 readProperties(info); readSettingsFromURL(); setUserName(removeProperty("USER", "")); convertPasswords(); //去掉"jdbc:h2:",比如jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9 //name = tcp://localhost:9092/test9 name = url.substring(Constants.START_URL.length()); parseName(); String recoverTest = removeProperty("RECOVER_TEST", null); if (recoverTest != null) { FilePathRec.register(); try { Utils.callStaticMethod("org.h2.store.RecoverTester.init", recoverTest); } catch (Exception e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } name = "rec:" + name; } } static { ArrayList<String> list = SetTypes.getTypes(); HashSet<String> set = KNOWN_SETTINGS; set.addAll(list); String[] connectionTime = { "ACCESS_MODE_DATA", "AUTOCOMMIT", "CIPHER", "CREATE", "CACHE_TYPE", "FILE_LOCK", "IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS", "IFEXISTS", "INIT", "PASSWORD", "RECOVER", "RECOVER_TEST", "USER", "AUTO_SERVER", "AUTO_SERVER_PORT", "NO_UPGRADE", "AUTO_RECONNECT", "OPEN_NEW", "PAGE_SIZE", "PASSWORD_HASH", "JMX" }; for (String key : connectionTime) { if (SysProperties.CHECK && set.contains(key)) { DbException.throwInternalError(key); } set.add(key); } } private static boolean isKnownSetting(String s) { return KNOWN_SETTINGS.contains(s); } @Override public ConnectionInfo clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { ConnectionInfo clone = (ConnectionInfo) super.clone(); clone.prop = (Properties) prop.clone(); clone.filePasswordHash = Utils.cloneByteArray(filePasswordHash); clone.fileEncryptionKey = Utils.cloneByteArray(fileEncryptionKey); clone.userPasswordHash = Utils.cloneByteArray(userPasswordHash); return clone; } private void parseName() { if (".".equals(name)) { name = "mem:"; } if (name.startsWith("tcp:")) { remote = true; name = name.substring("tcp:".length()); } else if (name.startsWith("ssl:")) { remote = true; ssl = true; name = name.substring("ssl:".length()); } else if (name.startsWith("mem:")) { persistent = false; if ("mem:".equals(name)) { unnamed = true; } } else if (name.startsWith("file:")) { name = name.substring("file:".length()); persistent = true; } else { persistent = true; //等同于"file:name",在ConnectionInfo(String name)传过来时就是数据库名,没有前缀,在client端是tcp } if (persistent && !remote) { if ("/".equals(SysProperties.FILE_SEPARATOR)) { name = name.replace('\\', '/'); } else { name = name.replace('/', '\\'); } } } /** * Set the base directory of persistent databases, unless the database is in * the user home folder (~). * * @param dir the new base directory */ public void setBaseDir(String dir) { if (persistent) { String absDir = FileUtils.unwrap(FileUtils.toRealPath(dir)); boolean absolute = FileUtils.isAbsolute(name); String n; String prefix = null; if (dir.endsWith(SysProperties.FILE_SEPARATOR)) { dir = dir.substring(0, dir.length() - 1); } if (absolute) { n = name; } else { n = FileUtils.unwrap(name); prefix = name.substring(0, name.length() - n.length()); //比如nio:./test,此时prefix就是"nio:" n = dir + SysProperties.FILE_SEPARATOR + n; } String normalizedName = FileUtils.unwrap(FileUtils.toRealPath(n)); if (normalizedName.equals(absDir) || !normalizedName.startsWith(absDir)) { // database name matches the baseDir or // database name is clearly outside of the baseDir throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.IO_EXCEPTION_1, normalizedName + " outside " + absDir); } if (absDir.endsWith("/") || absDir.endsWith("\\")) { // no further checks are needed for C:/ and similar } else if (normalizedName.charAt(absDir.length()) != '/') { // database must be within the directory // (with baseDir=/test, the database name must not be // /test2/x and not /test2) throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.IO_EXCEPTION_1, normalizedName + " outside " + absDir); } if (!absolute) { //可能是个bug,应该用absDir替换dir, //否则当设置了baseDir时,还是不能用没有jdbc:h2:mydb这样的url, //但是在getName()中还是抛错,并且错误信息提示设置baseDir name = prefix + dir + SysProperties.FILE_SEPARATOR + FileUtils.unwrap(name); } } } /** * Check if this is a remote connection. * * @return true if it is */ public boolean isRemote() { return remote; } /** * Check if the referenced database is persistent. * * @return true if it is */ public boolean isPersistent() { return persistent; } /** * Check if the referenced database is an unnamed in-memory database. * * @return true if it is */ boolean isUnnamedInMemory() { return unnamed; } private void readProperties(Properties info) { Object[] list = new Object[info.size()]; info.keySet().toArray(list); DbSettings s = null; //可在info中配三种参数,相关文档见:E:\H2\my-h2\my-h2-docs\999 可配置的参数汇总.java中的1、2、3项 for (Object k : list) { String key = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(k.toString()); if (prop.containsKey(key)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_1, key); } Object value = info.get(k); //支持org.h2.command.dml.SetTypes中的参数和ConnectionInfo与connectionTime相关的参数 if (isKnownSetting(key)) { prop.put(key, value); } else { if (s == null) { s = getDbSettings(); } //org.h2.constant.DbSettings中的参数 if (s.containsKey(key)) { prop.put(key, value); } } } } private void readSettingsFromURL() { //如url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9;optimize_distinct=true;early_filter=true;nested_joins=false DbSettings defaultSettings = DbSettings.getDefaultSettings(); int idx = url.indexOf(';');//用";"号来分隔参数,第一个";"号表明url和参数的分界,之后的";"号用来分隔多个参数 if (idx >= 0) { //optimize_distinct=true;early_filter=true;nested_joins=false String settings = url.substring(idx + 1); //jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9 url = url.substring(0, idx); //[optimize_distinct=true, early_filter=true, nested_joins=false] String[] list = StringUtils.arraySplit(settings, ';', false); for (String setting : list) { if (setting.length() == 0) { continue; } int equal = setting.indexOf('='); if (equal < 0) { throw getFormatException(); } String value = setting.substring(equal + 1); String key = setting.substring(0, equal); key = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(key); //info中除了可以配三种参数外(相关文档见:E:\H2\my-h2\my-h2-docs\999 可配置的参数汇总.java中的1、2、3项) //还可以配其他参数,但是被忽略 //但是url中只能配三种参数 if (!isKnownSetting(key) && !defaultSettings.containsKey(key)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_SETTING_1, key); } //不能与info中的参数重复(如果值相同就不会报错) //例子见my.test.ConnectionInfoTest String old = prop.getProperty(key); if (old != null && !old.equals(value)) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_PROPERTY_1, key); } prop.setProperty(key, value); } } } private char[] removePassword() { Object p = prop.remove("PASSWORD"); if (p == null) { return new char[0]; } else if (p instanceof char[]) { //例如: //Properties prop = new Properties(); //prop.put("password", new char[]{}); //因为Properties继承了java.util.Hashtable<K, V> //可以调用java.util.Hashtable.put(Object, Object) return (char[]) p; } else { return p.toString().toCharArray(); } } /** * Split the password property into file password and user password if * necessary, and convert them to the internal hash format. */ private void convertPasswords() { char[] password = removePassword(); boolean passwordHash = removeProperty("PASSWORD_HASH", false); //如果PASSWORD_HASH参数是true那么不再进行SHA256 //如果配置了CIPHER,则password包含两部份,用一个空格分开这两部份,第一部份是filePassword,第二部份是userPassword。 //如果PASSWORD_HASH参数是true那么不再进行SHA256,此时必须使用16进制字符,字符个数是偶数。 //如果PASSWORD_HASH参数是false,不必是16进制字符,会按SHA256算法进行hash if (getProperty("CIPHER", null) != null) { // split password into (filePassword+' '+userPassword) int space = -1; for (int i = 0, len = password.length; i < len; i++) { if (password[i] == ' ') { space = i; break; } } if (space < 0) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.WRONG_PASSWORD_FORMAT); } char[] np = new char[password.length - space - 1]; char[] filePassword = new char[space]; System.arraycopy(password, space + 1, np, 0, np.length); System.arraycopy(password, 0, filePassword, 0, space); Arrays.fill(password, (char) 0); password = np; //filePasswordHash用"file"进行hash fileEncryptionKey = FilePathEncrypt.getPasswordBytes(filePassword); filePasswordHash = hashPassword(passwordHash, "file", filePassword); } //userPasswordHash用用户名进行hash userPasswordHash = hashPassword(passwordHash, user, password); } private static byte[] hashPassword(boolean passwordHash, String userName, char[] password) { //如果PASSWORD_HASH参数是true那么不再进行SHA256vn if (passwordHash) { return StringUtils.convertHexToBytes(new String(password)); } if (userName.length() == 0 && password.length == 0) { return new byte[0]; } //会生成32个字节,32*8刚好是256 bit,刚好对应SHA256的名字 return SHA256.getKeyPasswordHash(userName, password); } /** * Get a boolean property if it is set and return the value. * * @param key the property name * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value */ boolean getProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue) { String x = getProperty(key, null); if (x == null) { return defaultValue; } // support 0 / 1 (like the parser) if (x.length() == 1 && Character.isDigit(x.charAt(0))) { return Integer.parseInt(x) != 0; } return Boolean.parseBoolean(x); } /** * Remove a boolean property if it is set and return the value. * * @param key the property name * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value */ public boolean removeProperty(String key, boolean defaultValue) { String x = removeProperty(key, null); return x == null ? defaultValue : Boolean.parseBoolean(x); } /** * Remove a String property if it is set and return the value. * * @param key the property name * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value */ String removeProperty(String key, String defaultValue) { if (SysProperties.CHECK && !isKnownSetting(key)) { DbException.throwInternalError(key); } Object x = prop.remove(key); return x == null ? defaultValue : x.toString(); } /** * Get the unique and normalized database name (excluding settings). * * @return the database name */ public String getName() { if (!persistent) { return name; } if (nameNormalized == null) { if (!SysProperties.IMPLICIT_RELATIVE_PATH) { if (!FileUtils.isAbsolute(name)) { if (name.indexOf("./") < 0 && name.indexOf(".\\") < 0 && name.indexOf(":/") < 0 && name.indexOf(":\\") < 0) { // the name could start with "./", or // it could start with a prefix such as "nio:./" // for Windows, the path "\test" is not considered // absolute as the drive letter is missing, // but we consider it absolute throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.URL_RELATIVE_TO_CWD, originalURL); } } } String suffix = Constants.SUFFIX_PAGE_FILE; String n; if (FileUtils.exists(name + suffix)) { n = FileUtils.toRealPath(name + suffix); } else { suffix = Constants.SUFFIX_MV_FILE; n = FileUtils.toRealPath(name + suffix); } String fileName = FileUtils.getName(n); if (fileName.length() < suffix.length() + 1) { // 例如: 没有设置baseDir且dbName="./"时 throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.INVALID_DATABASE_NAME_1, name); } nameNormalized = n.substring(0, n.length() - suffix.length()); } return nameNormalized; } /** * Get the file password hash if it is set. * * @return the password hash or null */ public byte[] getFilePasswordHash() { return filePasswordHash; } byte[] getFileEncryptionKey() { return fileEncryptionKey; } /** * Get the name of the user. * * @return the user name */ public String getUserName() { return user; } /** * Get the user password hash. * * @return the password hash */ byte[] getUserPasswordHash() { return userPasswordHash; } /** * Get the property keys. * * @return the property keys */ String[] getKeys() { String[] keys = new String[prop.size()]; prop.keySet().toArray(keys); return keys; } /** * Get the value of the given property. * * @param key the property key * @return the value as a String */ String getProperty(String key) { Object value = prop.get(key); if (value == null || !(value instanceof String)) { return null; } return value.toString(); } /** * Get the value of the given property. * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value as a String */ int getProperty(String key, int defaultValue) { if (SysProperties.CHECK && !isKnownSetting(key)) { DbException.throwInternalError(key); } String s = getProperty(key); return s == null ? defaultValue : Integer.parseInt(s); } /** * Get the value of the given property. * * @param key the property key * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value as a String */ public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) { if (SysProperties.CHECK && !isKnownSetting(key)) { DbException.throwInternalError(key); } String s = getProperty(key); return s == null ? defaultValue : s; } /** * Get the value of the given property. * * @param setting the setting id * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value as a String */ String getProperty(int setting, String defaultValue) { String key = SetTypes.getTypeName(setting); String s = getProperty(key); return s == null ? defaultValue : s; } /** * Get the value of the given property. * * @param setting the setting id * @param defaultValue the default value * @return the value as an integer */ int getIntProperty(int setting, int defaultValue) { String key = SetTypes.getTypeName(setting); String s = getProperty(key, null); try { return s == null ? defaultValue : Integer.decode(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Check if this is a remote connection with SSL enabled. * * @return true if it is */ boolean isSSL() { return ssl; } /** * Overwrite the user name. The user name is case-insensitive and stored in * uppercase. English conversion is used. * * @param name the user name */ public void setUserName(String name) { this.user = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(name); } /** * Set the user password hash. * * @param hash the new hash value */ public void setUserPasswordHash(byte[] hash) { this.userPasswordHash = hash; } /** * Set the file password hash. * * @param hash the new hash value */ public void setFilePasswordHash(byte[] hash) { this.filePasswordHash = hash; } public void setFileEncryptionKey(byte[] key) { this.fileEncryptionKey = key; } /** * Overwrite a property. * * @param key the property name * @param value the value */ public void setProperty(String key, String value) { // value is null if the value is an object if (value != null) { prop.setProperty(key, value); } } /** * Get the database URL. * * @return the URL */ public String getURL() { return url; } /** * Get the complete original database URL. * * @return the database URL */ public String getOriginalURL() { return originalURL; } /** * Set the original database URL. * * @param url the database url */ public void setOriginalURL(String url) { originalURL = url; } /** * Generate an URL format exception. * * @return the exception */ DbException getFormatException() { String format = Constants.URL_FORMAT; return DbException.get(ErrorCode.URL_FORMAT_ERROR_2, format, url); } /** * Switch to server mode, and set the server name and database key. * * @param serverKey the server name, '/', and the security key */ public void setServerKey(String serverKey) { remote = true; persistent = false; this.name = serverKey; } public DbSettings getDbSettings() { DbSettings defaultSettings = DbSettings.getDefaultSettings(); HashMap<String, String> s = New.hashMap(); for (Object k : prop.keySet()) { String key = k.toString(); if (!isKnownSetting(key) && defaultSettings.containsKey(key)) { s.put(key, prop.getProperty(key)); } } return DbSettings.getInstance(s); } private static String remapURL(String url) { //比如System.setProperty("h2.urlMap", "E:/H2/my-h2/my-h2-src/my/test/h2.urlMap.properties"); //假设url="my.url",那么可以在h2.urlMap.properties中重新映射: my.url=my.url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9 //最后返回的url实际是jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/test9 String urlMap = SysProperties.URL_MAP; if (urlMap != null && urlMap.length() > 0) { try { SortedProperties prop; prop = SortedProperties.loadProperties(urlMap); String url2 = prop.getProperty(url); if (url2 == null) { prop.put(url, ""); prop.store(urlMap); } else { url2 = url2.trim(); if (url2.length() > 0) { return url2; } } } catch (IOException e) { throw DbException.convert(e); } } return url; } }