/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.command.dml; import org.h2.expression.Expression; /** * Describes one element of the ORDER BY clause of a query. */ public class SelectOrderBy { /** * The order by expression. */ public Expression expression; /** * The column index expression. This can be a column index number (1 meaning * the first column of the select list) or a parameter (the parameter is a * number representing the column index number). */ public Expression columnIndexExpr; //order by字段在select字段列表中的位置索引(从1开始计数),是一个int类型的ValueExpression /** * If the column should be sorted descending. */ public boolean descending; /** * If NULL should be appear first. */ public boolean nullsFirst; /** * If NULL should be appear at the end. */ public boolean nullsLast; public String getSQL() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); if (expression != null) { buff.append('=').append(expression.getSQL()); } else { buff.append(columnIndexExpr.getSQL()); } if (descending) { buff.append(" DESC"); } if (nullsFirst) { buff.append(" NULLS FIRST"); } else if (nullsLast) { buff.append(" NULLS LAST"); } return buff.toString(); } }