/* * Copyright 2014 Kalpesh Parmar * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.bitcoinj.store; import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * <p>A full pruned block store using the MySQL database engine. As an added bonus an address index is calculated, * so you can use {@link #calculateBalanceForAddress(org.bitcoinj.core.Address)} to quickly look up * the quantity of bitcoins controlled by that address.</p> */ public class MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore extends DatabaseFullPrunedBlockStore { private static final String MYSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR_CODE = "23000"; private static final String DATABASE_DRIVER_CLASS = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; private static final String DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL_PREFIX = "jdbc:mysql://"; // create table SQL private static final String CREATE_SETTINGS_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE settings (\n" + " name varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n" + " value blob,\n" + " CONSTRAINT setting_pk PRIMARY KEY (name) \n" + ")\n"; private static final String CREATE_HEADERS_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE headers (\n" + " hash varbinary(28) NOT NULL,\n" + " chainwork varbinary(12) NOT NULL,\n" + " height integer NOT NULL,\n" + " header varbinary(80) NOT NULL,\n" + " wasundoable tinyint(1) NOT NULL,\n" + " CONSTRAINT headers_pk PRIMARY KEY (hash) USING BTREE \n" + ")"; private static final String CREATE_UNDOABLE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE undoableblocks (\n" + " hash varbinary(28) NOT NULL,\n" + " height integer NOT NULL,\n" + " txoutchanges mediumblob,\n" + " transactions mediumblob,\n" + " CONSTRAINT undoableblocks_pk PRIMARY KEY (hash) USING BTREE \n" + ")\n"; private static final String CREATE_OPEN_OUTPUT_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE openoutputs (\n" + " hash varbinary(32) NOT NULL,\n" + " `index` integer NOT NULL,\n" + " height integer NOT NULL,\n" + " value bigint NOT NULL,\n" + " scriptbytes mediumblob NOT NULL,\n" + " toaddress varchar(35),\n" + " addresstargetable tinyint(1),\n" + " coinbase boolean,\n" + " CONSTRAINT openoutputs_pk PRIMARY KEY (hash, `index`) USING BTREE \n" + ")\n"; // Some indexes to speed up inserts private static final String CREATE_OUTPUTS_ADDRESS_MULTI_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX openoutputs_hash_index_height_toaddress_idx ON openoutputs (hash, `index`, height, toaddress) USING btree"; private static final String CREATE_OUTPUTS_TOADDRESS_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX openoutputs_toaddress_idx ON openoutputs (toaddress) USING btree"; private static final String CREATE_OUTPUTS_ADDRESSTARGETABLE_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX openoutputs_addresstargetable_idx ON openoutputs (addresstargetable) USING btree"; private static final String CREATE_OUTPUTS_HASH_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX openoutputs_hash_idx ON openoutputs (hash) USING btree"; private static final String CREATE_UNDOABLE_TABLE_INDEX = "CREATE INDEX undoableblocks_height_idx ON undoableblocks (height) USING btree"; // SQL involving index column (table openOutputs) overridden as it is a reserved word and must be back ticked in MySQL. private static final String SELECT_OPENOUTPUTS_SQL = "SELECT height, value, scriptbytes, coinbase, toaddress, addresstargetable FROM openoutputs WHERE hash = ? AND `index` = ?"; private static final String INSERT_OPENOUTPUTS_SQL = "INSERT INTO openoutputs (hash, `index`, height, value, scriptbytes, toaddress, addresstargetable, coinbase) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String DELETE_OPENOUTPUTS_SQL = "DELETE FROM openoutputs WHERE hash = ? AND `index`= ?"; private static final String SELECT_TRANSACTION_OUTPUTS_SQL = "SELECT hash, value, scriptbytes, height, `index`, coinbase, toaddress, addresstargetable FROM openoutputs where toaddress = ?"; /** * Creates a new MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore. * * @param params A copy of the NetworkParameters used * @param fullStoreDepth The number of blocks of history stored in full (something like 1000 is pretty safe) * @param hostname The hostname of the database to connect to * @param dbName The database to connect to * @param username The database username * @param password The password to the database * @throws BlockStoreException if the database fails to open for any reason */ public MySQLFullPrunedBlockStore(NetworkParameters params, int fullStoreDepth, String hostname, String dbName, String username, String password) throws BlockStoreException { super(params, DATABASE_CONNECTION_URL_PREFIX + hostname + "/" + dbName, fullStoreDepth, username, password, null); } @Override protected String getDuplicateKeyErrorCode() { return MYSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR_CODE; } @Override protected String getSelectOpenoutputsSQL() { return SELECT_OPENOUTPUTS_SQL; } @Override protected String getInsertOpenoutputsSQL() { return INSERT_OPENOUTPUTS_SQL; } @Override protected String getDeleteOpenoutputsSQL() { return DELETE_OPENOUTPUTS_SQL; } @Override protected String getTransactionOutputSelectSQL() { return SELECT_TRANSACTION_OUTPUTS_SQL; } @Override protected List<String> getCreateTablesSQL() { List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<>(); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_SETTINGS_TABLE); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_HEADERS_TABLE); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_UNDOABLE_TABLE); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_OPEN_OUTPUT_TABLE); return sqlStatements; } @Override protected List<String> getCreateIndexesSQL() { List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<>(); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_UNDOABLE_TABLE_INDEX); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_OUTPUTS_ADDRESS_MULTI_INDEX); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_OUTPUTS_ADDRESSTARGETABLE_INDEX); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_OUTPUTS_HASH_INDEX); sqlStatements.add(CREATE_OUTPUTS_TOADDRESS_INDEX); return sqlStatements; } @Override protected List<String> getCreateSchemeSQL() { // do nothing return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override protected String getDatabaseDriverClass() { return DATABASE_DRIVER_CLASS; } }