package com.greenaddress.greenbits.ui; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.DialogAction; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; import com.blockstream.libwally.Wally; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.ConfidentialAddress; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.GAException; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.GATx; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.HDKey; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.Network; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.JSONMap; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.Output; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.PreparedTransaction; import com.greenaddress.greenbits.GaService; import com.greenaddress.greenbits.wallets.TrezorHWWallet; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin; import org.bitcoinj.core.Sha256Hash; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionWitness; import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils; import org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams; import org.bitcoinj.script.Script; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class TransactionActivity extends GaActivity { private static final String TAG = TransactionActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private static final String FEE_BLOCK_NUMBERS[] = {"1", "3", "6"}; // For debug regtest builds, always allow RBF (Useful for development/testing) private static final boolean ALWAYS_ALLOW_RBF = BuildConfig.DEBUG && Network.NETWORK == RegTestParams.get(); private Menu mMenu; private TextView mUnconfirmedText; private TextView mUnconfirmedEstimatedBlocks; private TextView mUnconfirmedRecommendation; private Button mUnconfirmedIncreaseFee; private View mMemoView; private View mMemoTitle; private TextView mMemoIcon; private TextView mMemoText; private TextView mMemoEditText; private Button mMemoSaveButton; private Dialog mSummary; private Dialog mTwoFactor; @Override protected int getMainViewId() { return R.layout.activity_transaction; } @Override protected void onCreateWithService(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { setResult(RESULT_OK); mMemoView = UI.find(this,; mMemoTitle = UI.find(this,; mMemoIcon = UI.find(this,; mMemoText = UI.find(this,; mMemoEditText = UI.find(this,; mMemoSaveButton = UI.find(this,; mUnconfirmedText = UI.find(this,; mUnconfirmedEstimatedBlocks = UI.find(this,; mUnconfirmedRecommendation = UI.find(this,; mUnconfirmedIncreaseFee = UI.find(this,; final TextView doubleSpentByText = UI.find(this,; final TextView doubleSpentByTitle = UI.find(this,; final TextView recipientText = UI.find(this,; final TextView recipientTitle = UI.find(this,; // Hide outgoing-only widgets by default UI.hide(mUnconfirmedRecommendation, mUnconfirmedEstimatedBlocks, mUnconfirmedIncreaseFee); final TransactionItem txItem = (TransactionItem) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("TRANSACTION"); final TextView hashText = UI.find(this,; openInBrowser(hashText, txItem.txHash.toString(), Network.BLOCKEXPLORER_TX, null); final Coin feePerKb = txItem.getFeePerKilobyte(); final boolean isWatchOnly = mService.isWatchOnly(); if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) { UI.hide(UI.find(this,; } else if (txItem.type == TransactionItem.TYPE.OUT || txItem.type == TransactionItem.TYPE.REDEPOSIT || txItem.isSpent) { if (txItem.getConfirmations() > 0) UI.hide(UI.find(this,; // Confirmed: hide warning else if (txItem.type == TransactionItem.TYPE.OUT || txItem.type == TransactionItem.TYPE.REDEPOSIT) showUnconfirmed(txItem, feePerKb); } else { // unspent incoming output if (txItem.getConfirmations() > 0) if (isWatchOnly || txItem.spvVerified) UI.hide(UI.find(this,; else { final int blocksLeft = mService.getSPVBlocksRemaining(); final String message = getResources().getString(R.string.txUnverifiedTx); if (blocksLeft != Integer.MAX_VALUE) mUnconfirmedText.setText(String.format("%s %s", message, blocksLeft)); else mUnconfirmedText.setText(String.format("%s %s", message, "Not yet connected to SPV!")); } } UI.setCoinText(this,,, Coin.valueOf(txItem.amount)); final TextView feeUnit = UI.find(this,; final TextView feeInfoText = UI.find(this,; feeInfoText.setText(UI.setCoinText(mService, feeUnit, null, Coin.valueOf(txItem.fee)) + " / " + String.valueOf(txItem.size) + " / " + UI.setCoinText(mService, feeUnit, null, feePerKb)); final TextView dateText = UI.find(this,; dateText.setText(SimpleDateFormat.getInstance().format(; // FIXME: use a list instead of reusing a TextView to show all double spends to allow // for a warning to be shown before the browser is open // this is to prevent to accidentally leak to block explorers your addresses if (txItem.doubleSpentBy != null || !txItem.replacedHashes.isEmpty()) { CharSequence res = ""; if (txItem.doubleSpentBy != null) { if (txItem.doubleSpentBy.equals("malleability") || txItem.doubleSpentBy.equals("update")) res = txItem.doubleSpentBy; else res = Html.fromHtml("<a href=\"" + Network.BLOCKEXPLORER_TX + txItem.doubleSpentBy + "\">" + txItem.doubleSpentBy + "</a>"); if (!txItem.replacedHashes.isEmpty()) res = TextUtils.concat(res, "; "); } if (!txItem.replacedHashes.isEmpty()) { res = TextUtils.concat(res, Html.fromHtml("replaces transactions:<br/>")); for (int i = 0; i < txItem.replacedHashes.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) res = TextUtils.concat(res, Html.fromHtml("<br/>")); final String txHashHex = txItem.replacedHashes.get(i).toString(); final String link = "<a href=\"" + Network.BLOCKEXPLORER_TX + txHashHex + "\">" + txHashHex + "</a>"; res = TextUtils.concat(res, Html.fromHtml(link)); } } doubleSpentByText.setText(res); } else UI.hide(doubleSpentByText, doubleSpentByTitle, UI.find(this,; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(txItem.counterparty)) recipientText.setText(txItem.counterparty); else UI.hide(recipientText, recipientTitle, UI.find(this,; final TextView receivedOnText = UI.find(this,; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(txItem.receivedOn)) openInBrowser( receivedOnText, txItem.receivedOn, Network.BLOCKEXPLORER_ADDRESS, txItem.receivedOnEp ); else { final View receivedOnTitle = UI.find(this,; final View receivedOnMargin = UI.find(this,; UI.hide(receivedOnText, receivedOnTitle, receivedOnMargin); } // Memo if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(txItem.memo)) { mMemoText.setText(txItem.memo); UI.hideIf(isWatchOnly, mMemoIcon); } else { UI.hide(mMemoText, mMemoView); UI.hideIf(isWatchOnly, mMemoTitle, mMemoIcon); } if (isWatchOnly) return; mMemoIcon.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { final boolean editInProgress = mMemoEditText.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE; mMemoEditText.setText(UI.getText(mMemoText)); UI.hideIf(editInProgress, mMemoEditText, mMemoSaveButton); UI.showIf(editInProgress, mMemoText); } }); mMemoSaveButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { saveMemo(txItem.txHash); } }); } private void showUnconfirmed(final TransactionItem txItem, final Coin feePerKb) {; final Map<String, Object> feeEstimates = mService.getFeeEstimates(); int currentEstimate = 25; for (final String atBlock : FEE_BLOCK_NUMBERS) if (!feePerKb.isLessThan(getFeeEstimate(feeEstimates, atBlock))) { currentEstimate = (Integer) ((Map) feeEstimates.get(atBlock)).get("blocks"); break; } mUnconfirmedEstimatedBlocks.setText(String.format(getResources().getString(R.string.willConfirmAfter), currentEstimate)); if (mService.isWatchOnly() || GaService.IS_ELEMENTS || !txItem.replaceable) return; // FIXME: Implement RBF for elements final int bestEstimate = (Integer) ((Map) feeEstimates.get("1")).get("blocks"); if (ALWAYS_ALLOW_RBF || (bestEstimate < currentEstimate)) {, mUnconfirmedIncreaseFee); if (bestEstimate == 1) mUnconfirmedRecommendation.setText(R.string.recommendationSingleBlock); else mUnconfirmedRecommendation.setText(getString(R.string.recommendationBlocks, bestEstimate)); mUnconfirmedIncreaseFee.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { replaceByFee(txItem, getFeeEstimate(feeEstimates, "1"), null, 0); } }); } } @Override public void onResumeWithService() { if (mService.isForcedOff()) { // FIXME: Should pass flag to activity so it shows it was forced logged out startActivity(new Intent(this, FirstScreenActivity.class)); finish(); return; } setMenuItemVisible(mMenu,, !mService.isLoggedIn()); } @Override public void onPauseWithService() { if (mSummary != null) mSummary.dismiss(); if (mTwoFactor != null) mTwoFactor.dismiss(); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); mMenu = menu; return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) { switch(item.getItemId()) { case final TransactionItem txItem = (TransactionItem) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("TRANSACTION"); final Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, Network.BLOCKEXPLORER_TX + txItem.txHash.toString()); sendIntent.setType("text/plain"); startActivity(sendIntent); return true; default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } private void onFinishedSavingMemo() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mMemoText.setText(UI.getText(mMemoEditText)); UI.hide(mMemoEditText, mMemoSaveButton); UI.hideIf(UI.getText(mMemoText).isEmpty(), mMemoText, mMemoView); hideKeyboardFrom(mMemoEditText); } }); } private void saveMemo(final Sha256Hash txHash) { final String newMemo = UI.getText(mMemoEditText); if (newMemo.equals(UI.getText(mMemoText))) { onFinishedSavingMemo(); return; } CB.after(mService.changeMemo(txHash, newMemo), new CB.Toast<Boolean>(this) { @Override public void onSuccess(final Boolean result) { onFinishedSavingMemo(); } }); } private static Coin getFeeEstimate(final Map<String, Object> feeEstimates, final String atBlock) { final double rate = Double.parseDouble(((Map)feeEstimates.get(atBlock)).get("feerate").toString()); return Coin.valueOf((long) (rate * 1000 * 1000 * 100)); } private void openInBrowser(final TextView textView, final String identifier, final String url, final JSONMap confidentialData) { if (confidentialData == null) textView.setText(identifier); else { final int subaccount = confidentialData.getInt("subaccount", 0); final int pointer = confidentialData.getInt("pubkey_pointer"); textView.setText(ConfidentialAddress.fromP2SHHash( Network.NETWORK, Wally.hash160(mService.createOutScript(subaccount, pointer)), mService.getBlindingPubKey(subaccount, pointer) ).toString()); } textView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (url == null) return; String domain = url; try { domain = new URI(url).getHost(); } catch (final URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } final String stripped = domain.startsWith("www.") ? domain.substring(4) : domain; UI.popup(TransactionActivity.this, R.string.warning, R.string.continueText, R.string.cancel) .content(getString(R.string.view_block_explorer, stripped)) .onPositive(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() { @Override public void onClick(final MaterialDialog dlg, final DialogAction which) { final String fullUrl = TextUtils.concat(url, identifier).toString(); startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(fullUrl))); } }).build().show(); } }); } private void replaceByFee(final TransactionItem txItem, final Coin feerate, Integer txSize, final int level) { if (level > 10) throw new RuntimeException("Recursion limit exceeded"); final Transaction tx = GaService.buildTransaction(; Integer change_pointer = null; final int subAccount = mService.getCurrentSubAccount(); // requiredFeeDelta assumes mintxfee = 1000, and inputs increasing // by at most 4 bytes per input (signatures have variable lengths) if (txSize == null) txSize = tx.getMessageSize(); final long requiredFeeDelta = txSize + tx.getInputs().size() * 4; final List<TransactionInput> oldInputs = new ArrayList<>(tx.getInputs()); tx.clearInputs(); final List<JSONMap> tx_eps = new ArrayList<>(); for (final JSONMap ep : txItem.eps) { if (ep.getBool("is_credit")) continue; final TransactionInput oldInput = oldInputs.get(ep.getInt("pt_idx")); final TransactionInput newInput = new TransactionInput( Network.NETWORK, null, oldInput.getScriptBytes(), oldInput.getOutpoint(), ep.getCoin("value") ); newInput.setSequenceNumber(0); // This ensures nlocktime is recognized tx.addInput(newInput); tx_eps.add(ep); } final Coin oldFee = tx.getFee(); final Coin newFeeWithRate = feerate.multiply(txSize).divide(1000); final Coin feeDelta = Coin.valueOf(Math.max( newFeeWithRate.subtract(oldFee).longValue(), requiredFeeDelta )); Coin remainingFeeDelta = feeDelta; final List<TransactionOutput> origOuts = new ArrayList<>(tx.getOutputs()); tx.clearOutputs(); for (final JSONMap ep : txItem.eps) { if (!ep.getBool("is_credit")) continue; if (!ep.getBool("is_relevant")) // keep non-change/non-redeposit intact tx.addOutput(origOuts.get(ep.getInt("pt_idx"))); else { if (ep.getInt("subaccount", 0).equals(subAccount)) change_pointer = ep.getInt("pubkey_pointer"); // change/redeposit final Coin value = ep.getCoin("value"); if (!value.isGreaterThan(remainingFeeDelta)) { // smaller than remaining fee -- get rid of this output remainingFeeDelta = remainingFeeDelta.subtract(value); } else { // larger than remaining fee -- subtract the remaining fee final TransactionOutput out = origOuts.get(ep.getInt("pt_idx")); out.setValue(out.getValue().subtract(remainingFeeDelta)); tx.addOutput(out); remainingFeeDelta = Coin.ZERO; } } } if (!remainingFeeDelta.isGreaterThan(Coin.ZERO)) { doReplaceByFee(txItem, feerate, tx, tx_eps, change_pointer, subAccount, oldFee, null, level); return; } final Coin finalRemaining = remainingFeeDelta; final boolean filterAsset = true; // TODO: Elements doesn't support RBF yet CB.after(mService.getAllUnspentOutputs(1, subAccount, filterAsset), new CB.Toast<List<JSONMap>>(TransactionActivity.this) { @Override public void onSuccess(final List<JSONMap> result) { Coin remaining = finalRemaining; final List<JSONMap> moreInputs = new ArrayList<>(); for (final JSONMap utxo : result) { remaining = remaining.subtract(utxo.getCoin("value")); moreInputs.add(utxo); if (!remaining.isGreaterThan(Coin.ZERO)) break; } final int remainingCmp = remaining.compareTo(Coin.ZERO); if (remainingCmp > 0) { // Not enough funds TransactionActivity.this.toast(R.string.insufficientFundsText); return; } if (remainingCmp == 0) { // Funds available exactly match the required value doReplaceByFee(txItem, feerate, tx, tx_eps, null, subAccount, oldFee, moreInputs, level); return; } // Funds left over - add a new change output final Coin changeValue = remaining.multiply(-1); final JSONMap addr = mService.getNewAddress(subAccount); if (addr == null) { TransactionActivity.this.toast(R.string.unable_to_create_change); return; } final byte[] script = addr.getBytes("script"); tx.addOutput(changeValue, Address.fromP2SHHash(Network.NETWORK, Utils.sha256hash160(script))); doReplaceByFee(txItem, feerate, tx, tx_eps, addr.getInt("pointer"), subAccount, oldFee, moreInputs, level); } }); } private void doReplaceByFee(final TransactionItem txItem, final Coin feerate, final Transaction tx, final List<JSONMap> tx_eps, final Integer change_pointer, final int subAccount, final Coin oldFee, final List<JSONMap> moreInputs, final int level) { final PreparedTransaction ptx; ptx = new PreparedTransaction(change_pointer, subAccount, tx, mService.findSubaccountByType(subAccount, "2of3")); for (final JSONMap ep : txItem.eps) { if (ep.getBool("is_credit")) continue; final Integer prevIndex = ep.get("pt_idx"); final TransactionInput oldInput = tx.getInput(prevIndex); final int scriptType = ep.getInt("script_type"); ptx.mPrevOutputs.add(new Output( (Integer) ep.get("subaccount"), (Integer) ep.get("pubkey_pointer"), HDKey.BRANCH_REGULAR, GATx.getOutScriptType(scriptType), Wally.hex_from_bytes(GATx.createOutScript(mService, ep)), oldInput.getValue().longValue() )); } if (moreInputs != null) { for (final JSONMap ep : moreInputs) { final int scriptType = ep.getInt("script_type"); final byte[] outscript = GATx.createOutScript(mService, ep); ptx.mPrevOutputs.add(new Output( ep.getInt("subaccount"), ep.getInt("pointer"), 1, GATx.getOutScriptType(scriptType), Wally.hex_from_bytes(outscript), ep.getLong("value") )); GATx.addInput(mService, tx, ep); tx_eps.add(ep); } } // verify if the increased fee is enough to achieve wanted feerate // (can be too small in case of added inputs) final int estimatedSize = tx.getMessageSize() + tx.getInputs().size() * 4; if (feerate.multiply(estimatedSize).divide(1000).isGreaterThan(tx.getFee())) { replaceByFee(txItem, feerate, estimatedSize, level + 1); return; } // also verify if it's enough for 'bandwidth fee increment' condition // of RBF final Coin bandwidthAdjustedFee = Coin.valueOf(tx.getMessageSize() + tx.getInputs().size() * 4); if (tx.getFee().subtract(oldFee).isLessThan(bandwidthAdjustedFee)) { replaceByFee(txItem, feerate, estimatedSize, level + 1); return; } final List<TransactionInput> inputs = tx.getInputs(); final List<ListenableFuture<Void>> outpointToRaw = new ArrayList<>(inputs.size() + 1); if (!(mService.getSigningWallet() instanceof TrezorHWWallet)) outpointToRaw.add(Futures.immediateFuture((Void) null)); else for (final TransactionInput inp : inputs) { final Sha256Hash hash = inp.getOutpoint().getHash(); outpointToRaw.add(Futures.transform(mService.getRawOutput(hash), new Function<Transaction, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(final Transaction input) { ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs.put(Wally.hex_from_bytes(hash.getReversedBytes()), input); return null; } })); } final ListenableFuture<List<Void>> prevouts = Futures.allAsList(outpointToRaw); final ListenableFuture<List<byte[]>> signed = Futures.transform(prevouts, new AsyncFunction<List<Void>, List<byte[]>>() { @Override public ListenableFuture<List<byte[]>> apply(final List<Void> input) throws Exception { return mService.signTransaction(ptx); } }); final boolean isSegwitEnabled = mService.isSegwitEnabled(); CB.after(signed, new CB.Toast<List<byte[]>>(TransactionActivity.this) { @Override public void onSuccess(final List<byte[]> signatures) { int i = 0; for (final byte[] sig : signatures) { final JSONMap ep = tx_eps.get(i); final int scriptType = ep.getInt("script_type"); final byte[] outscript = GATx.createOutScript(mService, ep); final List<byte[]> userSigs = ImmutableList.of(new byte[]{0}, sig); final byte[] inscript = GATx.createInScript(userSigs, outscript, scriptType); tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(new Script(inscript)); if (isSegwitEnabled && scriptType == GATx.REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED) { final TransactionWitness witness = new TransactionWitness(1); witness.setPush(0, sig); tx.setWitness(i, witness); } i++; } final Map<String, Object> twoFacData = new HashMap<>(); twoFacData.put("try_under_limits_bump", tx.getFee().subtract(oldFee).longValue()); final ListenableFuture<Map<String,Object>> sendFuture; sendFuture = mService.sendRawTransaction(tx, twoFacData, null, true); Futures.addCallback(sendFuture, new FutureCallback<Map<String,Object>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final Map result) { // FIXME: Add notification with "Transaction sent"? finishOnUiThread(); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof GAException) || !t.getMessage().equals("")) { toast(t); return; } // 2FA is required, prompt the user runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final boolean skipChoice = false; mTwoFactor = UI.popupTwoFactorChoice(TransactionActivity.this, mService, skipChoice, new CB.Runnable1T<String>() { @Override public void run(final String method) { showIncreaseSummary(method, oldFee, tx.getFee(), tx); } }); if (mTwoFactor != null); } }); } }, mService.getExecutor()); } }); } private void showIncreaseSummary(final String method, final Coin oldFee, final Coin newFee, final Transaction signedTx) { Log.i(TAG, "showIncreaseSummary( params " + method + ' ' + oldFee + ' ' + newFee + ')'); final View v = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog_new_transaction, null, false); final TextView amountLabel = UI.find(v,; amountLabel.setText(R.string.newFeeText); final TextView feeLabel = UI.find(v,; feeLabel.setText(R.string.oldFeeText); UI.hide(UI.find(v,, UI.find(v,; final TextView twoFAText = UI.find(v,; final EditText newTx2FACodeText = UI.find(v,; UI.setCoinText(mService, v,,, newFee); UI.setCoinText(mService, v,,, oldFee); final Map<String, Object> twoFacData; if (method == null) { UI.hide(twoFAText, newTx2FACodeText); twoFacData = null; } else { twoFAText.setText(String.format("2FA %s code", method)); twoFacData = new HashMap<>(); twoFacData.put("method", method); twoFacData.put("bump_fee_amount", newFee.subtract(oldFee).longValue()); if (!method.equals("gauth")) { final Map<String, Long> amount = new HashMap<>(); amount.put("amount", newFee.subtract(oldFee).longValue()); mService.requestTwoFacCode(method, "bump_fee", amount); } } mSummary = UI.popup(this, R.string.feeIncreaseTitle, R.string.send, R.string.cancel) .customView(v, true) .onPositive(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() { @Override public void onClick(final MaterialDialog dialog, final DialogAction which) { if (twoFacData != null) twoFacData.put("code", UI.getText(newTx2FACodeText)); final ListenableFuture<Map<String,Object>> sendFuture; sendFuture = mService.sendRawTransaction(signedTx, twoFacData, null, false); Futures.addCallback(sendFuture, new CB.Toast<Map<String,Object>>(TransactionActivity.this) { @Override public void onSuccess(final Map result) { // FIXME: Add notification with "Transaction sent"? finishOnUiThread(); } }, mService.getExecutor()); } }) .onNegative(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() { @Override public void onClick(final MaterialDialog dialog, final DialogAction which) { Log.i(TAG, "SHOWN ON CLOSE!"); } }) .build(); UI.mapEnterToPositive(mSummary,;; } }