package com.greenaddress.greenbits.wallets; import android.util.Log; import com.blockstream.libwally.Wally; import com.btchip.BTChipDongle; import com.btchip.BTChipException; import com.btchip.BitcoinTransaction; import com.btchip.comm.BTChipTransport; import com.btchip.utils.BufferUtils; import; import; import; import; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.HDKey; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.HWWallet; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.ISigningWallet; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.Output; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.PreparedTransaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream; import org.bitcoinj.core.VarInt; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.DeterministicKey; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; public class BTChipHWWallet extends HWWallet { private static final ListeningExecutorService ES = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)); private final BTChipDongle mDongle; private final String mPin; private DeterministicKey mCachedPubkey; private final List<Integer> mAddrn; private static final String TAG = BTChipHWWallet.class.getSimpleName(); private BTChipHWWallet(final BTChipDongle dongle, final String pin, final List<Integer> addrn) { this.mDongle = dongle; this.mPin = pin; this.mAddrn = addrn; } public BTChipHWWallet(final BTChipDongle dongle) { this(dongle, "0000", new LinkedList<Integer>()); } public BTChipHWWallet(final BTChipTransport transport, final String pin) { this.mDongle = new BTChipDongle(transport); this.mPin = pin; this.mAddrn = new LinkedList<>(); } public BTChipHWWallet(final BTChipTransport transport) { this(transport, null); } public BTChipHWWallet(final BTChipTransport transport, final String pin, final SettableFuture<Integer> remainingAttemptsFuture) { this(transport, pin); ES.submit(new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() { try { mDongle.verifyPin(BTChipHWWallet.this.mPin.getBytes()); remainingAttemptsFuture.set(-1); // -1 means success } catch (final BTChipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (e.toString().contains("63c")) remainingAttemptsFuture.set( Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(e.toString().charAt(e.toString().indexOf("63c") + 3)))); else if (e.toString().contains("6985")) // mDongle is not set up remainingAttemptsFuture.set(0); else remainingAttemptsFuture.setException(e); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }); } private String outToPath(final Output out) { final String BRANCH = Integer.toString(HDKey.BRANCH_REGULAR) + '/'; if (out.subAccount != 0) return "3'/" + out.subAccount + "'/" + BRANCH + out.pointer; return BRANCH + out.pointer; } private List<byte[]> signSegwitInputs(final PreparedTransaction ptx) throws BTChipException, IOException { final Transaction decoded = ptx.mDecoded; final List<TransactionInput> txInputs = decoded.getInputs(); final List<Output> prevOuts = ptx.mPrevOutputs; final BTChipDongle.BTChipInput inputs[] = new BTChipDongle.BTChipInput[txInputs.size()]; final List<byte[]> sigs = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { final TransactionInput txInput = txInputs.get(i); final TransactionOutPoint txOutpoint = txInput.getOutpoint(); final byte[] inputHash = txOutpoint.getHash().getReversedBytes(); final Output prevOut = prevOuts.get(i); ByteArrayOutputStream inputBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); inputBuf.write(inputHash, 0, inputHash.length); long index = txOutpoint.getIndex(); BufferUtils.writeUint32LE(inputBuf, index); BufferUtils.writeUint64LE(inputBuf, prevOut.value); ByteArrayOutputStream sequenceBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferUtils.writeUint32LE(sequenceBuf, txInput.getSequenceNumber()); inputs[i] = mDongle.createInput(inputBuf.toByteArray(), sequenceBuf.toByteArray(), false, true); } // Prepare the pseudo transaction BTChipDongle.BTChipInput singleInput[] = new BTChipDongle.BTChipInput[1]; final List<TransactionOutput> txOutputs = decoded.getOutputs(); Output output = ptx.mPrevOutputs.get(0); // Provide the first script instead of a null script to initialize the P2SH confirmation logic mDongle.startUntrustedTransction(true, 0, inputs, Wally.hex_to_bytes(output.script), true); final int msgSize = decoded.getMessageSize(); final ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream(msgSize < 32 ? 32 : msgSize + 32); stream.write(new VarInt(txOutputs.size()).encode()); for (final TransactionOutput out : txOutputs) out.bitcoinSerialize(stream); mDongle.finalizeInputFull(stream.toByteArray()); // Sign each input for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { output = ptx.mPrevOutputs.get(i); singleInput[0] = inputs[i]; final Output prevOut = prevOuts.get(i); if (prevOut.scriptType != 14) // sign segwit only continue; mDongle.startUntrustedTransction(false, 0, singleInput, Wally.hex_to_bytes(output.script), true); final ECKey.ECDSASignature sig; sig = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(mDongle.untrustedHashSign(outToPath(output), "0", decoded.getLockTime(), (byte) 1 /* = SIGHASH_ALL */)); sigs.add(ISigningWallet.getTxSignature(sig)); } return sigs; } private List<byte[]> signNonSegwitInputs(final PreparedTransaction ptx) throws BTChipException, IOException { final Transaction decoded = ptx.mDecoded; final List<TransactionInput> txInputs = decoded.getInputs(); final List<Output> prevOuts = ptx.mPrevOutputs; final List<byte[]> sigs = new LinkedList<>(); final BTChipDongle.BTChipInput inputs[] = new BTChipDongle.BTChipInput[txInputs.size()]; if (!mDongle.understandsMultipleOutputs()) { for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { final TransactionInput txInput = txInputs.get(i); final TransactionOutPoint txOutpoint = txInput.getOutpoint(); final byte[] inputHash = txOutpoint.getHash().getReversedBytes(); ByteArrayOutputStream inputBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); inputBuf.write(inputHash, 0, inputHash.length); long index = txOutpoint.getIndex(); BufferUtils.writeUint32LE(inputBuf, index); ByteArrayOutputStream sequenceBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BufferUtils.writeUint32LE(sequenceBuf, txInput.getSequenceNumber()); inputs[i] = mDongle.createInput(inputBuf.toByteArray(), sequenceBuf.toByteArray(), false, false); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { final TransactionInput txInput = txInputs.get(i); final TransactionOutPoint txOutpoint = txInput.getOutpoint(); final long index = txOutpoint.getIndex(); final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs.get(txOutpoint.getHash().toString()).unsafeBitcoinSerialize()); final BitcoinTransaction encodedTx = new BitcoinTransaction(in); inputs[i] = mDongle.getTrustedInput(encodedTx, index, txInput.getSequenceNumber()); } } for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { final List<TransactionOutput> txOutputs = decoded.getOutputs(); final Output output = ptx.mPrevOutputs.get(i); mDongle.startUntrustedTransction(i == 0, i, inputs, Wally.hex_to_bytes(output.script), false); final int msgSize = decoded.getMessageSize(); final ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream(msgSize < 32 ? 32 : msgSize + 32); stream.write(new VarInt(txOutputs.size()).encode()); for (final TransactionOutput out : txOutputs) out.bitcoinSerialize(stream); mDongle.finalizeInputFull(stream.toByteArray()); final Output prevOut = prevOuts.get(i); if (prevOut.scriptType == 14) // don't sign segwit continue; final ECKey.ECDSASignature sig; sig = ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(mDongle.untrustedHashSign(outToPath(output), "0", decoded.getLockTime(), (byte) 1 /* = SIGHASH_ALL */)); sigs.add(ISigningWallet.getTxSignature(sig)); } return sigs; } @Override public List<byte[]> signTransaction(final PreparedTransaction ptx) { final Transaction decoded = ptx.mDecoded; final List<TransactionInput> txInputs = decoded.getInputs(); final List<Output> prevOuts = ptx.mPrevOutputs; final List<byte[]> sigs = new LinkedList<>(); try { boolean segwit = false, nonSegwit = false; for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { final Output prevOut = prevOuts.get(i); if (prevOut.scriptType.equals(14)) { segwit = true; } else { nonSegwit = true; } } // Sanity check on the firmware version, in case devices have been swapped if (segwit && !mDongle.shouldUseNewSigningApi()) { throw new RuntimeException("Segwit not supported"); } final List<byte[]> segwitSigs, nonSegwitSigs; if (segwit) { segwitSigs = signSegwitInputs(ptx); } else { segwitSigs = new LinkedList<>(); } if (nonSegwit) { nonSegwitSigs = signNonSegwitInputs(ptx); } else { nonSegwitSigs = new LinkedList<>(); } for (int i = 0; i < txInputs.size(); ++i) { final Output prevOut = prevOuts.get(i); if (prevOut.scriptType.equals(14)) { sigs.add(segwitSigs.remove(0)); } else { sigs.add(nonSegwitSigs.remove(0)); } } return sigs; } catch (final BTChipException | IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } @Override public List<byte[]> signTransaction(final Transaction tx, final PreparedTransaction ptx, final List<Output> prevOuts) { // see TODOs in TrezorHWWallet.signTransaction ptx.mDecoded = tx; ptx.mPrevOutputs = prevOuts; return signTransaction(ptx); } @Override public DeterministicKey getPubKey() { try { return internalGetPubKey(); } catch (final BTChipException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } private DeterministicKey internalGetPubKey() throws BTChipException { if (mCachedPubkey == null) { final BTChipDongle.BTChipPublicKey walletKey = mDongle.getWalletPublicKey(getPath()); mCachedPubkey = HDKey.createMasterKey(walletKey.getChainCode(), walletKey.getPublicKey()); } return mCachedPubkey; } @Override protected ECKey.ECDSASignature signMessage(final String message) { try { mDongle.signMessagePrepare(getPath(), message.getBytes()); final BTChipDongle.BTChipSignature sig = mDongle.signMessageSign(new byte[]{0}); return ECKey.ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(sig.getSignature()); } catch (final BTChipException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } } private String getPath() { final List<String> pathStr = new LinkedList<>(); for (final Integer i : mAddrn) { String s = String.valueOf(i & ~0x80000000); if ((i & 0x80000000) != 0) s = s + '\''; pathStr.add(s); } return Joiner.on("/").join(pathStr); } @Override protected HWWallet derive(final Integer childNumber) { final LinkedList<Integer> addrn_child = new LinkedList<>(mAddrn); addrn_child.add(childNumber); return new BTChipHWWallet(mDongle, mPin, addrn_child); } public BTChipDongle getDongle() { return mDongle; } public boolean checkConnected() { try { Log.d(TAG, "Connection check"); mDongle.getFirmwareVersion(); Log.d(TAG, "Connection ok"); return true; } catch(final Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "Connection not connected"); try { mDongle.getTransport().close(); Log.d(TAG, "Connection closed"); } catch(final Exception e1) { } return false; } } public void setTransport(final BTChipTransport transport) { mDongle.setTransport(transport); try { mDongle.verifyPin(BTChipHWWallet.this.mPin.getBytes()); } catch(final Exception e) { } } @Override public Object[] getChallengeArguments() { return getChallengeArguments(false); } }