package com.greenaddress.greenapi; import android.webkit.URLUtil; import com.blockstream.libwally.Wally; import com.greenaddress.greenbits.GaService; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.params.RegTestParams; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class PreparedTransaction { public final Integer mChangePointer; public final int mSubAccount; public final Boolean mRequiresTwoFactor; public List<Output> mPrevOutputs = new ArrayList<>(); public Transaction mDecoded; public Map<String, Transaction> mPrevoutRawTxs = new HashMap<>(); public final byte[] mTwoOfThreeBackupChaincode; public final byte[] mTwoOfThreeBackupPubkey; private static byte[] getBytes(final Map<String, Object> map, final String key) { return map == null ? null : Wally.hex_to_bytes((String) map.get(key)); } public PreparedTransaction(final Integer changePointer, final int subAccount, final Transaction decoded, final Map<String, Object> twoOfThree) { mChangePointer = changePointer; mSubAccount = subAccount; mRequiresTwoFactor = false; mDecoded = decoded; mTwoOfThreeBackupChaincode = getBytes(twoOfThree, "2of3_backup_chaincode"); mTwoOfThreeBackupPubkey = getBytes(twoOfThree, "2of3_backup_pubkey"); } public static class PreparedData { public PreparedData(final Map<?, ?> values, final Map<String, ?> privateData, final ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> subAccounts, final OkHttpClient client) { mValues = values; mPrivateData = privateData; mSubAccounts = subAccounts; mClient = client; } final Map<?, ?> mValues; final Map<String, ?> mPrivateData; final ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> mSubAccounts; final OkHttpClient mClient; } public PreparedTransaction(final PreparedData pte) { if (pte.mPrivateData == null || pte.mPrivateData.get("subaccount") == null) { mSubAccount = 0; mTwoOfThreeBackupChaincode = null; mTwoOfThreeBackupPubkey = null; } else { mSubAccount = (Integer) pte.mPrivateData.get("subaccount"); byte[] chaincode = null, pubkey = null; if (mSubAccount != 0) { // Check if the sub-account is 2of3 and if so store its chaincode/public key for (final Map<String, Object> m : pte.mSubAccounts) if (m.get("type").equals("2of3") && m.get("pointer").equals(mSubAccount)) { chaincode = getBytes(m, "2of3_backup_chaincode"); pubkey = getBytes(m, "2of3_backup_pubkey"); break; } } mTwoOfThreeBackupChaincode = chaincode; mTwoOfThreeBackupPubkey = pubkey; } for (final Object obj : (List) pte.mValues.get("prev_outputs")) mPrevOutputs.add(new Output((Map<?, ?>) obj)); if (pte.mValues.get("change_pointer") != null) mChangePointer = Integer.parseInt(pte.mValues.get("change_pointer").toString()); else mChangePointer = null; mRequiresTwoFactor = (Boolean) pte.mValues.get("requires_2factor"); mDecoded = GaService.buildTransaction((String) pte.mValues.get("tx")); if (Network.NETWORK == RegTestParams.get()) { // For REGTEST we fetch the previous outputs inline // FIXME: Do this for the other environments too after more testing final Map<String, String> txs; txs = (Map<String, String>) pte.mValues.get("prevout_rawtxs"); // if txs is null, the caller passed 'skip' to avoid returning previous txs if (txs != null) for (final String txHash : txs.keySet()) mPrevoutRawTxs.put(txHash, GaService.buildTransaction(txs.get(txHash))); return; } // Return early if no rawtxs url is given, assumes user asked for 'skip' try { if (!URLUtil.isValidUrl((String) pte.mValues.get("prevout_rawtxs"))) return; } catch (final Exception e) { return; } final Request request = new Request.Builder() .url((String)pte.mValues.get("prevout_rawtxs")) .build(); try { final String jsonStr = pte.mClient.newCall(request).execute().body().string(); final JSONObject prevout_rawtxs = new JSONObject(jsonStr); final Iterator<?> keys = prevout_rawtxs.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String k = (String); mPrevoutRawTxs.put(k, GaService.buildTransaction(prevout_rawtxs.getString(k))); } } catch (final IOException | JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }