package com.greenaddress.greenapi; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import com.greenaddress.greenbits.GaService; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOptions; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionWitness; import org.bitcoinj.core.Utils; import org.bitcoinj.core.VarInt; import org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder; import com.blockstream.libwally.Wally; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import android.util.Log; public class GATx { private static final String TAG = GaService.class.getSimpleName(); private static final int SIG_LEN = 71; // Average signature length private static final List<byte[]> EMPTY_SIGS = ImmutableList.of(new byte[SIG_LEN], new byte[SIG_LEN]); private static final byte[] EMPTY_WITNESS_DATA = new byte[0]; private static final byte[] EMPTY_WITNESS_SIG = new byte[SIG_LEN + 1]; // 1=Sighash flag byte // Script types in end points public static final int P2SH_FORTIFIED_OUT = 10; public static final int P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT = 14; public static final int REDEEM_P2SH_FORTIFIED = 150; public static final int REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED = 159; public static final int MAX_BLOCK_NUM = 500000000 - 1; // From nTimeLock field definition public static int getOutScriptType(final int scriptType) { switch (scriptType) { case REDEEM_P2SH_FORTIFIED: return P2SH_FORTIFIED_OUT; case REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED: return P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT; default: return scriptType; } } public static void sortUtxos(final List<JSONMap> utxos, final boolean minimizeInputs) { Collections.sort(utxos, new Comparator<JSONMap>() { @Override public int compare(final JSONMap lhs, final JSONMap rhs) { int cmp = 0; if (!minimizeInputs) { // When not minimizing inputs, prefer earlier block times; // By spending earlier utxos we can avoid re-deposits. cmp = lhs.getInt("block_height", MAX_BLOCK_NUM).compareTo(rhs.getInt("block_height", MAX_BLOCK_NUM)); } if (cmp == 0) cmp = lhs.getBigInteger("value").compareTo(rhs.getBigInteger("value")); return cmp; } }); } public static byte[] createOutScript(final GaService service, final JSONMap ep) { return service.createOutScript(ep.getInt("subaccount", 0), ep.getInt(ep.getKey("pubkey_pointer", "pointer"))); } public static byte[] createInScript(final List<byte[]> sigs, final byte[] outScript, final int scriptType) { if (scriptType == P2SH_FORTIFIED_OUT || scriptType == REDEEM_P2SH_FORTIFIED) // FIXME: investigate P2SH_ vs REDEEM_P2SH_ and ideally make it consistent here return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(sigs, outScript).getProgram(); // REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED: PUSH(OP_0 PUSH(sha256(outScript))) return Bytes.concat(Wally.hex_to_bytes("220020"), Wally.sha256(outScript)); } public static void addInput(final GaService service, final Transaction tx, final JSONMap ep) { final int scriptType = ep.getInt("script_type"); final byte[] outscript = createOutScript(service, ep); final byte[] inscript = createInScript(EMPTY_SIGS, outscript, scriptType); final TransactionOutPoint op; op = new TransactionOutPoint(Network.NETWORK, ep.getInt("pt_idx"), ep.getHash("txhash")); final TransactionInput in = new TransactionInput(Network.NETWORK, null, inscript, op, ep.getCoin("value")); TransactionWitness witness = null; if (getOutScriptType(scriptType) == P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT) { // To calculate the tx weight correctly, we must set the witness data // to the correct number of pushes of data of the correct size. // Before sending the transaction, we replace this witness data with // just the users signature, since the server recreates the witness // data itself to replace the server sig and script placeholders. witness = new TransactionWitness(4); witness.setPush(0, EMPTY_WITNESS_DATA); // Dummy for off by 1 in OP_CHECKMULTISIG witness.setPush(1, EMPTY_WITNESS_SIG); // Users signature witness.setPush(2, EMPTY_WITNESS_SIG); // GA Server signature witness.setPush(3, outscript); // Outscript } in.setSequenceNumber(0); // This ensures nlocktime is recognized tx.addInput(in); if (witness != null) tx.setWitness(tx.getInputs().size() - 1, witness); } /* Add a new change output to a tx */ public static Pair<TransactionOutput, Integer> addChangeOutput(final GaService service, final Transaction tx, final int subaccount) { final JSONMap addr = service.getNewAddress(subaccount); if (addr == null) return null; final byte[] script; if (addr.getString("addr_type").equals("p2wsh")) { script = ScriptBuilder.createP2WSHOutputScript( Wally.sha256(addr.getBytes("script"))).getProgram(); } else { script = addr.getBytes("script"); } return new Pair<>( tx.addOutput(Coin.ZERO, Address.fromP2SHHash(Network.NETWORK, Utils.sha256hash160(script))), addr.getInt("pointer") ); } /* Create previous outputs for tx construction from uxtos */ public static List<Output> createPrevouts(final GaService service, final List<JSONMap> utxos) { final List<Output> prevOuts = new ArrayList<>(); for (final JSONMap utxo : utxos) prevOuts.add(new Output(utxo.getInt("subaccount"), utxo.getInt("pointer"), HDKey.BRANCH_REGULAR, getOutScriptType(utxo.getInt("script_type")), Wally.hex_from_bytes(createOutScript(service, utxo)), utxo.getLong("value"))); return prevOuts; } /* Return the previous transactions for each of a txs inputs */ public static List<Transaction> getPreviousTransactions(final GaService service, final Transaction tx) { final List<Transaction> previousTxs = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (final TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) { final String txhex = service.getRawOutputHex(in.getOutpoint().getHash()); previousTxs.add(GaService.buildTransaction(txhex)); } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return previousTxs; } // Estimate the size of Elements specific parts of a tx private static int estimateElementsSize(final Transaction tx) { if (!GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) return 0; final int sjSize = Wally.asset_surjectionproof_size(tx.getInputs().size()); final int cmtSize = Wally.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN; // Estimate the rangeproof len as 160 bytes per 2 bits used to express the // output value (currently 32), plus fixed overhead of 128 (this is a slight // over-estimate given that only up to +100 has been seen in the wild). // FIXME: This assumes 32 bit maximum amounts as per current wally impl. final int rpSize = ((32 / 2) * 160) + 128; final int singleOutputSize = sjSize + VarInt.sizeOf(sjSize) + cmtSize + VarInt.sizeOf(cmtSize) + rpSize + VarInt.sizeOf(rpSize); return singleOutputSize * tx.getOutputs().size(); } // Calculate the fee that must be paid for a tx public static Coin getTxFee(final GaService service, final Transaction tx, final Coin feeRate) { final Coin minRate = service.getMinFeeRate(); final Coin rate = feeRate.isLessThan(minRate) ? minRate : feeRate; final int vSize; Log.d(TAG, "getTxFee(rates): " + rate.value + '/' + feeRate.value + '/' + minRate.value); if (!GaService.IS_ELEMENTS && !service.isSegwitEnabled()) { vSize = tx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length; Log.d(TAG, "getTxFee(non-sw): " + vSize); } else { /* For segwit, the fee is based on the weighted size of the tx */ tx.transactionOptions = TransactionOptions.NONE; final int nonSwSize = tx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length; tx.transactionOptions = TransactionOptions.ALL; final int swSize = tx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length; final int fullSize = swSize + estimateElementsSize(tx); vSize = (int) Math.ceil((nonSwSize * 3 + fullSize) / 4.0); Log.d(TAG, "getTxFee(sw): " + nonSwSize + '/' + swSize + '/' + vSize); } final double fee = (double) vSize * rate.value / 1000.0; final long roundedFee = (long) Math.ceil(fee); // Round up Log.d(TAG, "getTxFee: fee is " + roundedFee); return Coin.valueOf(roundedFee); } // Swap the change and recipient output in a tx with 50% probability */ public static boolean randomizeChange(final Transaction tx) { if (CryptoHelper.randomBytes(1)[0] < 0) return false; final TransactionOutput a = tx.getOutput(0); final TransactionOutput b = tx.getOutput(1); tx.clearOutputs(); tx.addOutput(b); tx.addOutput(a); return true; } }