package com.greenaddress.greenbits.ui; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.CompoundButton; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.Switch; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.DialogAction; import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog; import com.blockstream.libwally.Wally; import; import; import; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.ConfidentialAddress; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.CryptoHelper; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.ElementsTransaction; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.ElementsTransactionOutput; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.GATx; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.JSONMap; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.Network; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.Output; import com.greenaddress.greenapi.PreparedTransaction; import com.greenaddress.greenbits.GaService; import org.bitcoinj.core.Address; import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin; import org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams; import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput; import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionWitness; import org.bitcoinj.script.Script; import org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURI; import org.bitcoinj.uri.BitcoinURIParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import de.schildbach.wallet.ui.ScanActivity; public class SendFragment extends SubaccountFragment { private static final String TAG = SendFragment.class.getSimpleName(); private Dialog mSummary; private Dialog mTwoFactor; private EditText mAmountEdit; private EditText mAmountFiatEdit; private TextView mAmountBtcWithCommission; private EditText mRecipientEdit; private EditText mNoteText; private CheckBox mInstantConfirmationCheckbox; private TextView mNoteIcon; private Button mSendButton; private Switch mMaxButton; private TextView mMaxLabel; private TextView mScanIcon; private Map<?, ?> mPayreqData; private boolean mFromIntentURI; private int mSubaccount; private AmountFields mAmountFields; private boolean mIsExchanger; private Exchanger mExchanger; private void processBitcoinURI(final BitcoinURI URI) { processBitcoinURI(URI, null, null); } private void processBitcoinURI(final BitcoinURI URI, final String confidentialAddress, Coin amount) { final GaService service = getGAService(); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); if (URI != null && URI.getPaymentRequestUrl() != null) { final ProgressBar bip70Progress = UI.find(mView,;; mRecipientEdit.setEnabled(false); mSendButton.setEnabled(false); UI.hide(mNoteIcon); Futures.addCallback(service.processBip70URL(URI.getPaymentRequestUrl()), new CB.Toast<Map<?, ?>>(gaActivity) { @Override public void onSuccess(final Map<?, ?> result) { mPayreqData = result; final String name; if (result.get("merchant_cn") != null) name = (String) result.get("merchant_cn"); else name = (String) result.get("request_url"); long amount = 0; for (final Map<?, ?> out : (ArrayList<Map>) result.get("outputs")) amount += ((Number) out.get("amount")).longValue(); final CharSequence amountStr; if (amount > 0) { amountStr = UI.setCoinText(service, null, null, Coin.valueOf(amount)); } else amountStr = ""; gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mRecipientEdit.setText(name); mSendButton.setEnabled(true); if (!amountStr.toString().isEmpty()) { mAmountEdit.setText(amountStr); mAmountFields.convertBtcToFiat(); mAmountEdit.setEnabled(false); mAmountFiatEdit.setEnabled(false); UI.hide(mMaxButton, mMaxLabel); } UI.hide(bip70Progress); } }); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable t) { super.onFailure(t); gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { UI.hide(bip70Progress); mRecipientEdit.setEnabled(true); mSendButton.setEnabled(true);; } }); } }); } else { if (confidentialAddress != null) { mRecipientEdit.setText(confidentialAddress); } else { mRecipientEdit.setText(URI.getAddress().toString()); amount = URI.getAmount(); } if (amount == null) return; final Coin uriAmount = amount; Futures.addCallback(service.getSubaccountBalance(mSubaccount), new CB.Op<Map<String, Object>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final Map<String, Object> result) { gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { UI.setCoinText(service, null, mAmountEdit, uriAmount); mAmountFields.convertBtcToFiat(); UI.disable(mAmountEdit, mAmountFiatEdit); UI.hide(mMaxButton, mMaxLabel); } }); } }, service.getExecutor()); } } @Override public View onCreateView(final LayoutInflater inflater, final ViewGroup container, final Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView -> " + TAG); if (isZombieNoView()) return null; final GaService service = getGAService(); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); if (savedInstanceState != null) mIsExchanger = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("isExchanger", false); final int viewId = mIsExchanger ? R.layout.fragment_exchanger_sell : R.layout.fragment_send; mView = inflater.inflate(viewId, container, false); if (mIsExchanger) mExchanger = new Exchanger(getContext(), service, mView, false, null); else mExchanger = null; mAmountFields = new AmountFields(service, getContext(), mView, mExchanger); if (savedInstanceState != null) { final Boolean pausing = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("pausing", false); mAmountFields.setIsPausing(pausing); } mSubaccount = service.getCurrentSubAccount(); mSendButton = UI.find(mView,; mMaxButton = UI.find(mView,; mMaxLabel = UI.find(mView,; mNoteText = UI.find(mView,; mNoteIcon = UI.find(mView,; mInstantConfirmationCheckbox = UI.find(mView,; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { // pre-Material Design the label was already a part of the switch UI.hide(mMaxLabel); } mAmountEdit = UI.find(mView,; mAmountFiatEdit = UI.find(mView,; if (mIsExchanger) mAmountBtcWithCommission = UI.find(mView,; mRecipientEdit = UI.find(mView,; mScanIcon = UI.find(mView,; if (mIsExchanger && GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) { mRecipientEdit.setHint(R.string.send_to_address); UI.hide(mAmountFiatEdit); } final TextView bitcoinUnitText = UI.find(mView,; UI.setCoinText(service, bitcoinUnitText, null, null); if (container.getTag( != null) mAmountEdit.setText((String) container.getTag(; if (container.getTag( != null) { final Uri uri = (Uri) container.getTag(; BitcoinURI bitcoinUri = null; if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) { String addr = null; Coin amount = null; try { final Pair<String, Coin> res = ConfidentialAddress.parseBitcoinURI(Network.NETWORK, uri.toString()); addr = res.first; amount = res.second; } catch (final BitcoinURIParseException e) { gaActivity.toast(R.string.err_send_invalid_bitcoin_uri); } if (addr != null) processBitcoinURI(null, addr, amount); } else { try { bitcoinUri = new BitcoinURI(uri.toString()); } catch (final BitcoinURIParseException e) { gaActivity.toast(R.string.err_send_invalid_bitcoin_uri); } if (bitcoinUri != null) processBitcoinURI(bitcoinUri); } // set intent uri flag only if the call arrives from non internal qr scan if (container.getTag( == null) { mFromIntentURI = true; container.setTag(, null); } container.setTag(, null); } mSendButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { // FIXME: Instead of checking the state here, enable/disable sendButton when state changes if (!service.isLoggedIn()) { gaActivity.toast(R.string.err_send_not_connected_will_resume); return; } final String recipient = UI.getText(mRecipientEdit); if (recipient.isEmpty()) { gaActivity.toast(R.string.err_send_need_recipient); return; } onSendButtonClicked(recipient); } }); if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) { UI.disable(mMaxButton); // FIXME: Sweeping not available in elements UI.hide(mMaxButton, mMaxLabel, mInstantConfirmationCheckbox); } else { mMaxButton.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { @Override public void onCheckedChanged(final CompoundButton v, final boolean isChecked) { UI.disableIf(isChecked, mAmountEdit, mAmountFiatEdit); mAmountEdit.setText(isChecked ? R.string.send_max_amount : R.string.empty); } }); } mScanIcon.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { //New Marshmallow permissions paradigm final String[] perms = {"android.permission.CAMERA"}; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1 && gaActivity.checkSelfPermission(perms[0]) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { final int permsRequestCode = 100; gaActivity.requestPermissions(perms, permsRequestCode); } else { final Intent qrcodeScanner = new Intent(gaActivity, ScanActivity.class); qrcodeScanner.putExtra("sendAmount", mAmountEdit.getText().toString()); int requestCode = TabbedMainActivity.REQUEST_SEND_QR_SCAN; if (mIsExchanger) requestCode = TabbedMainActivity.REQUEST_SEND_QR_SCAN_EXCHANGER; gaActivity.startActivityForResult(qrcodeScanner, requestCode); } } } ); mNoteIcon.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final View v) { if (mNoteText.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { mNoteIcon.setText(R.string.fa_pencil); UI.clear(mNoteText); UI.hide(mNoteText); } else { mNoteIcon.setText(R.string.fa_remove);; mNoteText.requestFocus(); } } }); hideInstantIf2of3(); makeBalanceObserver(mSubaccount); if (service.getCoinBalance(mSubaccount) != null) onBalanceUpdated(); registerReceiver(); return mView; } @Override public void onViewStateRestored(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.d(TAG, "onViewStateRestored -> " + TAG); super.onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState); if (mAmountFields != null) mAmountFields.setIsPausing(false); if (mIsExchanger) mExchanger.conversionFinish(); } private void hideInstantIf2of3() { if (getGAService().findSubaccountByType(mSubaccount, "2of3") == null) { if (!GaService.IS_ELEMENTS); return; } UI.hide(mInstantConfirmationCheckbox); mInstantConfirmationCheckbox.setChecked(false); } @Override protected void onBalanceUpdated() { final GaService service = getGAService(); final TextView sendSubAccountBalanceUnit = UI.find(mView,; final TextView sendSubAccountBalance = UI.find(mView,; final Coin balance = service.getCoinBalance(mSubaccount); UI.setCoinText(service, sendSubAccountBalanceUnit, sendSubAccountBalance, balance); final int nChars = sendSubAccountBalance.getText().length() + sendSubAccountBalanceUnit.getText().length(); final int size = Math.min(50 - nChars, 34); sendSubAccountBalance.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, size); sendSubAccountBalanceUnit.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, size); if (service.showBalanceInTitle()) UI.hide(sendSubAccountBalance, sendSubAccountBalanceUnit); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); Log.d(TAG, "onResume -> " + TAG); if (mAmountFields != null) mAmountFields.setIsPausing(false); } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); Log.d(TAG, "onPause -> " + TAG); if (mAmountFields != null) mAmountFields.setIsPausing(true); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(final Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); if (mAmountFields != null) outState.putBoolean("pausing", mAmountFields.isPausing()); outState.putBoolean("isExchanger", mIsExchanger); } public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); Log.d(TAG, "onDestroyView -> " + TAG); if (mSummary != null) mSummary.dismiss(); if (mTwoFactor != null) mTwoFactor.dismiss(); } @Override protected void onSubaccountChanged(final int newSubAccount) { mSubaccount = newSubAccount; if (!IsPageSelected()) { Log.d(TAG, "Subaccount changed while page hidden"); setIsDirty(true); return; } updateBalance(); } private void updateBalance() { Log.d(TAG, "Updating balance"); if (isZombie()) return; hideInstantIf2of3(); makeBalanceObserver(mSubaccount); getGAService().updateBalance(mSubaccount); } public void setPageSelected(final boolean isSelected) { final boolean needReload = isDirty(); super.setPageSelected(isSelected); if (needReload && isSelected) { Log.d(TAG, "Dirty, reloading"); updateBalance(); if (!isZombie()) setIsDirty(false); } } private Coin getSendAmount() { try { final TextView amountEdit = mIsExchanger ? mAmountBtcWithCommission : mAmountEdit; return UI.parseCoinValue(getGAService(), UI.getText(amountEdit)); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { return Coin.ZERO; } } private void onSendButtonClicked(final String recipient) { final GaService service = getGAService(); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); final JSONMap privateData = new JSONMap(); final String memo = UI.getText(mNoteText); if (!memo.isEmpty()) privateData.mData.put("memo", memo); if (mIsExchanger) privateData.mData.put("memo", Exchanger.TAG_EXCHANGER_TX_MEMO); if (mSubaccount != 0) privateData.mData.put("subaccount", mSubaccount); final boolean isInstant = mInstantConfirmationCheckbox.isChecked(); if (isInstant) privateData.mData.put("instant", true); final Coin amount = getSendAmount(); if (mPayreqData != null) { final ListenableFuture<PreparedTransaction> ptxFn; ptxFn = service.preparePayreq(amount, mPayreqData, privateData); UI.disable(mSendButton); CB.after(ptxFn, new CB.Toast<PreparedTransaction>(gaActivity, mSendButton) { @Override public void onSuccess(final PreparedTransaction ptx) { onTransactionPrepared(ptx, recipient, amount, privateData); } }); } else { final boolean sendAll = mMaxButton.isChecked(); final boolean validAddress = GaService.isValidAddress(recipient); final boolean validAmount = sendAll || amount.isGreaterThan(Coin.ZERO); int messageId = 0; if (!validAddress && !validAmount) messageId = R.string.invalidAmountAndAddress; else if (!validAddress) messageId = R.string.invalidAddress; else if (!validAmount) messageId = R.string.invalidAmount; if (messageId != 0) { gaActivity.toast(messageId); return; } UI.disable(mSendButton); final int numConfs; if (isInstant) numConfs = 6; // Instant requires at least 6 confs else if (Network.NETWORK == MainNetParams.get()) numConfs = 1; // Require 1 conf before spending on mainnet else numConfs = 0; // Allow 0 conf for networks with no real-world value // For 2of2 accounts we first try to spend older coins to avoid // having to re-deposit them. If that fails (and always for 2of3 // accounts) we try to use the minimum number of utxos instead. final boolean is2Of3 = service.findSubaccountByType(mSubaccount, "2of3") != null; final boolean minimizeInputs = is2Of3; final boolean filterAsset = true; CB.after(service.getAllUnspentOutputs(numConfs, mSubaccount, filterAsset), new CB.Toast<List<JSONMap>>(gaActivity, mSendButton) { @Override public void onSuccess(final List<JSONMap> utxos) { int ret = R.string.insufficientFundsText; if (!utxos.isEmpty()) { GATx.sortUtxos(utxos, minimizeInputs); ret = createRawTransaction(utxos, recipient, amount, privateData, sendAll); if (ret == R.string.insufficientFundsText && !minimizeInputs) { // Not enough money using nlocktime outputs first: // Try again using the largest values first GATx.sortUtxos(utxos, true); ret = createRawTransaction(utxos, recipient, amount, privateData, sendAll); } } if (ret != 0) gaActivity.toast(ret, mSendButton); } }); } } private void onTransactionPrepared(final PreparedTransaction ptx, final String recipient, final Coin amount, final JSONMap privateData) { final GaService service = getGAService(); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); final Coin verifyAmount = mMaxButton.isChecked() ? null : amount; CB.after(service.validateTx(ptx, recipient, verifyAmount), new CB.Toast<Coin>(gaActivity, mSendButton) { @Override public void onSuccess(final Coin fee) { final Map<?, ?> twoFacConfig = service.getTwoFactorConfig(); // can be non-UI because validation talks to USB if hw wallet is used gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mSendButton.setEnabled(true); final Coin sendAmount, sendFee; if (mMaxButton.isChecked()) { // 'fee' is actually the sent amount when passed amount=null sendAmount = fee; sendFee = service.getCoinBalance(mSubaccount).subtract(sendAmount); } else { sendAmount = amount; sendFee = fee; } final boolean skipChoice = !ptx.mRequiresTwoFactor || twoFacConfig == null || !((Boolean) twoFacConfig.get("any")); mTwoFactor = UI.popupTwoFactorChoice(gaActivity, service, skipChoice, new CB.Runnable1T<String>() { @Override public void run(final String method) { onTransactionValidated(ptx, null, recipient, sendAmount, method, sendFee, privateData, null); } }); if (mTwoFactor != null); } }); } }); } private void onTransactionValidated(final PreparedTransaction ptx, final Transaction signedRawTx, final String recipient, final Coin amount, final String method, final Coin fee, final JSONMap privateData, final Map<String, Object> underLimits) { Log.i(TAG, "onTransactionValidated( params " + method + ' ' + fee + ' ' + amount + ' ' + recipient + ')'); final GaService service = getGAService(); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); final View v = gaActivity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog_new_transaction, null, false); UI.setCoinText(service, v,,, amount); UI.setCoinText(service, v,,, fee); final TextView recipientText = UI.find(v,; final TextView twoFAText = UI.find(v,; final EditText newTx2FACodeText = UI.find(v,; if (mPayreqData != null) recipientText.setText(recipient); else recipientText.setText(String.format("%s\n%s\n%s", recipient.substring(0, 12), recipient.substring(12, 24), recipient.substring(24))); UI.showIf(method != null && !method.equals("limit"), twoFAText, newTx2FACodeText); final Map<String, Object> twoFacData; if (method == null) twoFacData = null; else if (method.equals("limit")) { twoFacData = new HashMap<>(); twoFacData.put("try_under_limits_spend", underLimits); } else { twoFacData = new HashMap<>(); twoFacData.put("method", method); twoFAText.setText(String.format("2FA %s code", method)); if (!method.equals("gauth")) { if (underLimits != null) for (final String key : underLimits.keySet()) twoFacData.put("send_raw_tx_" + key, underLimits.get(key)); if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) { underLimits.remove("ephemeral_privkeys"); underLimits.remove("blinding_pubkeys"); } service.requestTwoFacCode(method, ptx == null ? "send_raw_tx" : "send_tx", underLimits); } } mSummary = UI.popup(gaActivity, R.string.newTxTitle, R.string.send, R.string.cancel) .customView(v, true) .onPositive(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() { @Override public void onClick(final MaterialDialog dialog, final DialogAction which) { if (twoFacData != null && !method.equals("limit")) twoFacData.put("code", UI.getText(newTx2FACodeText)); if (signedRawTx != null) { final ListenableFuture<Map<String,Object>> sendFuture; sendFuture = service.sendRawTransaction(signedRawTx, twoFacData, privateData, false); Futures.addCallback(sendFuture, new CB.Toast<Map<String,Object>>(gaActivity, mSendButton) { @Override public void onSuccess(final Map result) { if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS && twoFacData != null && method.equals("limit")) { // FIXME: Store limits for non-elements w/configurable m/u/bits units service.cfg().edit().putString( "twoFacLimits", UI.formatCoinValue( service, Coin.valueOf(((Number) result.get("new_limit")).longValue()) ) ).apply(); } onTransactionSent(); } }, service.getExecutor()); } else { final ListenableFuture<String> sendFuture = service.signAndSendTransaction(ptx, twoFacData); Futures.addCallback(sendFuture, new CB.Toast<String>(gaActivity, mSendButton) { @Override public void onSuccess(final String result) { onTransactionSent(); } }, service.getExecutor()); } } }).build(); UI.mapEnterToPositive(mSummary,;; } private void onTransactionSent() { final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { UI.toast(gaActivity, R.string.transactionCompleted, Toast.LENGTH_LONG); if (mIsExchanger) { final float fiatAmount = Float.valueOf(mAmountFiatEdit.getText().toString()); mExchanger.sellBtc(fiatAmount); } if (mFromIntentURI) { gaActivity.finish(); return; } UI.clear(mAmountEdit, mRecipientEdit); UI.enable(mAmountEdit, mRecipientEdit); if (!GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) { mMaxButton.setChecked(false);, mMaxLabel); } mNoteIcon.setText(R.string.fa_pencil); UI.clear(mNoteText); UI.hide(mNoteText); if (!mIsExchanger) { final ViewPager viewPager = UI.find(gaActivity,; viewPager.setCurrentItem(1); } else { gaActivity.toast(R.string.transactionCompleted); gaActivity.finish(); } } }); } private static double extractRate(final Map feeEstimates, final Integer blockNum) { final Map estimate = (Map) feeEstimates.get(Integer.toString(blockNum)); return Double.parseDouble(estimate.get("feerate").toString()); } // FIXME: Duplicated in // Return the best estimate of the fee rate in satoshi/1000 bytes private static Coin getFeeEstimate(final GaService service, final boolean isInstant) { final Map<String, Object> feeEstimates = service.getFeeEstimates(); Double bestInstant = null; // Iterate the estimates from shortest to longest confirmation time final SortedSet<Integer> keys = new TreeSet<>(); for (final String block : feeEstimates.keySet()) keys.add(Integer.parseInt(block)); for (final Integer blockNum : keys) { if (!isInstant && blockNum < 6) continue; // Non-instant: Use 6 confirmation rate and later only double rate = extractRate(feeEstimates, blockNum); if (rate <= 0.0) continue; // No estimate available: Try next confirmation rate if (isInstant) { // For instant, increase the rate to increase the likelyhood of confirmation. // We use the lowest value of: // a) 1.1 * the 1st or 2nd block fee rate // b) 2.0 * the first rate later than 2 blocks if (blockNum <= 2) { if (bestInstant == null) bestInstant = rate * 1.1; // Save earliest fast confirmation rate continue; // Continue to find the first non-fast rate } else rate *= 2.0; } if (bestInstant != null && bestInstant < rate) rate = bestInstant; // Use the lowest instant rate found return Coin.valueOf((long) (rate * 1000 * 1000 * 100)); } if (bestInstant != null) { // No non-fast confirmation rate, return the fast confirmation rate return Coin.valueOf((long) (bestInstant * 1000 * 1000 * 100)); } // We don't have a usable fee rate estimate, use a default. if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) return Coin.valueOf(1); if (Network.NETWORK == MainNetParams.get()) return Coin.valueOf((isInstant ? 200 : 120) * 1000); return Coin.valueOf((isInstant ? 75 : 60) * 1000); } private Coin addUtxo(final Transaction tx, final List<JSONMap> utxos, final List<JSONMap> used) { return addUtxo(tx, utxos, used, null, null, null, null); } private Coin addUtxo(final Transaction tx, final List<JSONMap> utxos, final List<JSONMap> used, final List<Long> inValues, final List<byte[]> inAssetIds, final List<byte[]> inAbfs, final List<byte[]> inVbfs) { final JSONMap utxo = utxos.get(0); final GaService service = getGAService(); utxos.remove(0); if (utxo.getBool("confidential")) { inAssetIds.add(utxo.getBytes("assetId")); inAbfs.add(utxo.getBytes("abf")); inVbfs.add(utxo.getBytes("vbf")); } used.add(utxo); GATx.addInput(service, tx, utxo); if (inValues != null) inValues.add(utxo.getLong("value")); return utxo.getCoin("value"); } private int createRawTransaction(final List<JSONMap> utxos, final String recipient, final Coin amount, final JSONMap privateData, final boolean sendAll) { if (GaService.IS_ELEMENTS) return createRawElementsTransaction(utxos, recipient, amount, privateData, sendAll); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); final GaService service = getGAService(); final List<JSONMap> used = new ArrayList<>(); final Coin feeRate = getFeeEstimate(service, privateData.getBool("instant")); final Transaction tx = new Transaction(Network.NETWORK); tx.addOutput(amount, Address.fromBase58(Network.NETWORK, recipient)); Coin total = Coin.ZERO; Coin fee; boolean randomizedChange = false; Pair<TransactionOutput, Integer> changeOutput = null; // First add inputs until we cover the amount to send while ((sendAll || total.isLessThan(amount)) && !utxos.isEmpty()) total = total.add(addUtxo(tx, utxos, used)); // Then add inputs until we cover amount + fee/change while (true) { fee = GATx.getTxFee(service, tx, feeRate); final Coin minChange = changeOutput == null ? Coin.ZERO : service.getDustThreshold(); final int cmp = sendAll ? 0 : total.compareTo(amount.add(fee).add(minChange)); if (cmp < 0) { // Need more inputs to cover amount + fee/change if (utxos.isEmpty()) return R.string.insufficientFundsText; // None left, fail total = total.add(addUtxo(tx, utxos, used)); continue; } if (cmp == 0 || changeOutput != null) { // Inputs exactly match amount + fee/change, or are greater // and we have a change output for the excess break; } // Inputs greater than amount + fee, add a change output and try again changeOutput = GATx.addChangeOutput(service, tx, mSubaccount); if (changeOutput == null) return R.string.unable_to_create_change; } if (changeOutput != null) { // Set the value of the change output changeOutput.first.setValue(total.subtract(amount).subtract(fee)); randomizedChange = GATx.randomizeChange(tx); } final Coin actualAmount; if (!sendAll) actualAmount = amount; else { actualAmount = total.subtract(fee); if (!actualAmount.isGreaterThan(Coin.ZERO)) return R.string.insufficientFundsText; tx.getOutputs().get(0).setValue(actualAmount); } tx.setLockTime(service.getCurrentBlock()); // Prevent fee sniping // Fetch previous outputs final List<Output> prevOuts = GATx.createPrevouts(service, used); final PreparedTransaction ptx = new PreparedTransaction( changeOutput == null ? null : changeOutput.second, mSubaccount, tx, service.findSubaccountByType(mSubaccount, "2of3") ); ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs = new HashMap<>(); for (final Transaction prevTx : GATx.getPreviousTransactions(service, tx)) ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs.put(Wally.hex_from_bytes(prevTx.getHash().getBytes()), prevTx); final boolean isSegwitEnabled = service.isSegwitEnabled(); // Sign the tx final List<byte[]> signatures = service.signTransaction(tx, ptx, prevOuts); for (int i = 0; i < signatures.size(); ++i) { final byte[] sig = signatures.get(i); // FIXME: Massive duplication with TransactionActivity final JSONMap utxo = used.get(i); final int scriptType = utxo.getInt("script_type"); final byte[] outscript = GATx.createOutScript(service, utxo); final List<byte[]> userSigs = ImmutableList.of(new byte[]{0}, sig); final byte[] inscript = GATx.createInScript(userSigs, outscript, scriptType); tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(new Script(inscript)); if (isSegwitEnabled && scriptType == GATx.P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT) { // Replace the witness data with just the user signature: // the server will recreate the witness data to include the // dummy OP_CHECKMULTISIG push, user + server sigs and script. final TransactionWitness witness = new TransactionWitness(1); witness.setPush(0, sig); tx.setWitness(i, witness); } } final Map<?, ?> twoFacConfig = service.getTwoFactorConfig(); final Coin sendFee = fee; final Map underLimits = new HashMap(); underLimits.put("asset", "BTC"); underLimits.put("amount", amount.add(sendFee).getValue()); underLimits.put("fee", sendFee.getValue()); underLimits.put("change_idx", changeOutput == null ? -1 : (randomizedChange ? 0 : 1)); gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mSendButton.setEnabled(true); final boolean skipChoice = /* FIXME: !ptx.mRequiresTwoFactor || */ twoFacConfig == null || !((Boolean) twoFacConfig.get("any")); mTwoFactor = UI.popupTwoFactorChoice(gaActivity, service, skipChoice, new CB.Runnable1T<String>() { @Override public void run(final String method) { onTransactionValidated(null, tx, recipient, actualAmount, method, sendFee, privateData, underLimits); } }); if (mTwoFactor != null); } }); return 0; } private void arraycpy(final byte[] dest, final int i, final byte[] src) { System.arraycopy(src, 0, dest, src.length * i, src.length); } private int createRawElementsTransaction(final List<JSONMap> utxos, final String recipient, final Coin amount, final JSONMap privateData, final boolean sendAll) { // FIXME: sendAll final GaService service = getGAService(); final GaActivity gaActivity = getGaActivity(); final List<JSONMap> used = new ArrayList<>(); final Coin feeRate = getFeeEstimate(service, privateData.getBool("instant")); final ElementsTransaction tx = new ElementsTransaction(Network.NETWORK); final ElementsTransactionOutput feeOutput = new ElementsTransactionOutput(Network.NETWORK, tx, Coin.ZERO); feeOutput.setUnblindedAssetTagFromAssetId(service.mAssetId); feeOutput.setValue(Coin.valueOf(1)); // updated below, necessary for serialization for fee calculation tx.addOutput(feeOutput); TransactionOutput changeOutput = null; tx.addOutput(service.mAssetId, amount, ConfidentialAddress.fromBase58(Network.NETWORK, recipient)); Coin total = Coin.ZERO; Coin fee; final List<Long> inValues = new ArrayList<>(); final List<byte[]> inAssetIds = new ArrayList<>(); final List<byte[]> inAbfs = new ArrayList<>(); final List<byte[]> inVbfs = new ArrayList<>(); // First add inputs until we cover the amount to send while (total.isLessThan(amount) && !utxos.isEmpty()) total = total.add(addUtxo(tx, utxos, used, inValues, inAssetIds, inAbfs, inVbfs)); // Then add inputs until we cover amount + fee/change while (true) { fee = GATx.getTxFee(service, tx, feeRate); final Coin minChange = changeOutput == null ? Coin.ZERO : service.getDustThreshold(); final int cmp = total.compareTo(amount.add(fee).add(minChange)); if (cmp < 0) { // Need more inputs to cover amount + fee/change if (utxos.isEmpty()) return R.string.insufficientFundsText; // None left, fail total = total.add(addUtxo(tx, utxos, used, inValues, inAssetIds, inAbfs, inVbfs)); continue; } if (cmp == 0 || changeOutput != null) { // Inputs exactly match amount + fee/change, or are greater // and we have a change output for the excess break; } // Inputs greater than amount + fee, add a change output and try again final JSONMap addr = service.getNewAddress(mSubaccount); if (addr == null) return R.string.unable_to_create_change; final byte[] script = addr.getBytes("script"); changeOutput = tx.addOutput( service.mAssetId, Coin.ZERO, ConfidentialAddress.fromP2SHHash( Network.NETWORK, Wally.hash160(script), service.getBlindingPubKey(mSubaccount, addr.getInt("pointer")) ) ); } if (changeOutput != null) { // Set the value of the change output ((ElementsTransactionOutput)changeOutput).setUnblindedValue(total.subtract(amount).subtract(fee).getValue()); // TODO: randomize change // GATx.randomizeChange(tx); } feeOutput.setValue(fee); // FIXME: tx.setLockTime(latestBlock); // Prevent fee sniping // Fetch previous outputs final List<Output> prevOuts = GATx.createPrevouts(service, used); final Map<?, ?> twoFacConfig = service.getTwoFactorConfig(); final Coin sendFee = fee; final int numInputs = tx.getInputs().size(); final int numOutputs = tx.getOutputs().size(); final int numInOuts = numInputs + numOutputs; final long[] values = new long[numInOuts]; final byte[] abfs = new byte[32 * (numInOuts)]; final byte[] vbfs = new byte[32 * (numInOuts - 1)]; final byte[] assetids = new byte[32 * numInputs]; final byte[] ags = new byte[33 * numInputs]; for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i) { values[i] = inValues.get(i); arraycpy(abfs, i, inAbfs.get(i)); arraycpy(vbfs, i, inVbfs.get(i)); arraycpy(assetids, i, inAssetIds.get(i)); arraycpy(ags, i, Wally.asset_generator_from_bytes(inAssetIds.get(i), inAbfs.get(i))); } for (int i = 0; i < numOutputs; ++i) { final ElementsTransactionOutput output = (ElementsTransactionOutput) tx.getOutput(i); // Fee: FIXME: Assumes fee is the first output values[numInputs + i] = i == 0 ? output.getValue().getValue() : output.getUnblindedValue(); arraycpy(abfs, numInputs + i, output.getAbf()); if (i == numOutputs - 1) { // Compute the final VBF output.setAbfVbf(null, Wally.asset_final_vbf(values, numInputs, abfs, vbfs), service.mAssetId); } else arraycpy(vbfs, numInputs + i, output.getVbf()); } final boolean isSegwitEnabled = service.isSegwitEnabled(); // fee output: tx.addOutWitness(new byte[0], new byte[0], new byte[0]); final ArrayList<String> ephemeralKeys = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<String> blindingKeys = new ArrayList<>(); ephemeralKeys.add("00"); blindingKeys.add("00"); for (int i = 1; i < numOutputs; ++i) { final ElementsTransactionOutput out = (ElementsTransactionOutput) tx.getOutput(i); final byte[] ephemeral = CryptoHelper.randomBytes(32); ephemeralKeys.add(Wally.hex_from_bytes(ephemeral)); blindingKeys.add(Wally.hex_from_bytes(out.getBlindingPubKey())); final byte[] rangeproof = Wally.asset_rangeproof( out.getUnblindedValue(), out.getBlindingPubKey(), ephemeral, out.getAssetId(), out.getAbf(), out.getVbf(), out.getCommitment(), out.getAssetTag() ); final byte[] surjectionproof = Wally.asset_surjectionproof( out.getAssetId(), out.getAbf(), out.getAssetTag(), CryptoHelper.randomBytes(32), assetids, Arrays.copyOf(abfs, 32 * numInputs), ags ); final byte[] nonceCommitment = Wally.ec_public_key_from_private_key(ephemeral); tx.addOutWitness(surjectionproof, rangeproof, nonceCommitment); } // FIXME: Implement HW Signing /* final PreparedTransaction ptx = new PreparedTransaction( changeOutput == null ? null : changeOutput.second, mSubaccount, tx, service.findSubaccountByType(mSubaccount, "2of3") ); ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs = new HashMap<>(); for (final Transaction prevTx : GATx.getPreviousTransactions(service, tx)) ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs.put(Wally.hex_from_bytes(prevTx.getHash().getBytes()), prevTx); */ final PreparedTransaction ptx = null; // Sign the tx final List<byte[]> signatures = service.signTransaction(tx, ptx, prevOuts); for (int i = 0; i < signatures.size(); ++i) { final byte[] sig = signatures.get(i); // FIXME: Massive duplication with TransactionActivity final JSONMap utxo = used.get(i); final int scriptType = utxo.getInt("script_type"); final byte[] outscript = GATx.createOutScript(service, utxo); final List<byte[]> userSigs = ImmutableList.of(new byte[]{0}, sig); final byte[] inscript = GATx.createInScript(userSigs, outscript, scriptType); tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(new Script(inscript)); if (isSegwitEnabled && scriptType == GATx.P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT) { final TransactionWitness witness = new TransactionWitness(1); witness.setPush(0, sig); tx.setWitness(i, witness); } } final Map underLimits = new HashMap(); underLimits.put("asset_id", Wally.hex_from_bytes(service.mAssetId)); // FIXME: Others underLimits.put("amount", amount.add(sendFee).getValue()); underLimits.put("fee", sendFee.getValue()); underLimits.put("change_idx", changeOutput == null ? -1 : 2); underLimits.put("ephemeral_privkeys", ephemeralKeys); underLimits.put("blinding_pubkeys", blindingKeys); final Coin finalFee = fee; gaActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mSendButton.setEnabled(true); final String limit = service.cfg().getString("twoFacLimits", "0"); final boolean skipChoice = /* FIXME: !ptx.mRequiresTwoFactor || */ twoFacConfig == null || !((Boolean) twoFacConfig.get("any")) || amount.add(finalFee).getValue() < Float.valueOf(limit)*100; mTwoFactor = UI.popupTwoFactorChoice(gaActivity, service, skipChoice, new CB.Runnable1T<String>() { @Override public void run(String method) { if (twoFacConfig != null && ((Boolean) twoFacConfig.get("any")) && amount.add(finalFee).getValue() < Float.valueOf(limit) * 100) { method = "limit"; } onTransactionValidated(null, tx, recipient, amount, method, sendFee, privateData, underLimits); } }); if (mTwoFactor != null); } }); return 0; } public void setIsExchanger(final boolean isExchanger) { mIsExchanger = isExchanger; } }