package fox.spiteful.forbidden; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import thaumcraft.api.ItemApi; import thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect; public class Config { public static HashMap<String, Aspect> spawnerMobs = new HashMap<String, Aspect>(); public static ArrayList<String> trash = new ArrayList<String>(); public static int clusterEnchID; public static int wrathEnchID; public static int greedyEnchID; public static int consumingEnchID; public static int educationalEnchID; public static int corruptingEnchID; public static int voidEnchID; public static int impactEnchID; public static int bloodSealPotionID = 70; public static int dragonwrackPotionID = 71; public static int hellfireUpgradeID; public static int pandemoniumUpgradeID; public static ItemStack thaumcraftResource; public static ItemStack thaumcraftTaintBlock; public static ItemStack thaumcraftOre; public static ItemStack thaumcraftShard; public static boolean noLust = false; public static boolean silverfishEmeralds = true; public static boolean tagResearch = true; public static boolean wrathCage = true; public static boolean spork = false; public static boolean greedyEnch = true; public static boolean emeraldTrans = true; public static boolean wrathCrazy = false; public static byte gluttony = 0; public static boolean enchanting = true; public static int hereticID = 666; public static boolean crossMod = true; public static boolean crossWand = true; public static boolean botan = true; public static boolean bloodMagic = true; public static boolean am2 = true; public static boolean tt = true; public static boolean tc = true; public static boolean special = true; public static boolean twilight = true; public static boolean emc = true; //public static boolean eewand = true; public static int bloodvis = 5; public static int manavis = 8; public static int wrathCost = 5; public static int wrathEff = 4; public static Material taintMaterial; public static void configurate(File targ) { Configuration conf = new Configuration(targ); try { conf.load(); int enchCount = 66; clusterEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Fiery Core", enchCount++).getInt(); wrathEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Wrath", enchCount++).getInt(); greedyEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Capitalist", enchCount++).getInt(); consumingEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Consuming", enchCount++).getInt(); educationalEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Educational", enchCount++).getInt(); corruptingEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Corrupting", enchCount++).getInt(); voidEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Voidtouched", enchCount++).getInt(); impactEnchID = conf.get("enchantments", "Impact", enchCount++).getInt(); int upgradeCount = 42; hellfireUpgradeID = conf.get("focus upgrades", "Hellfire", upgradeCount).getInt(upgradeCount++); pandemoniumUpgradeID = conf.get("focus upgrades", "Pandemonium", upgradeCount).getInt(upgradeCount++); noLust = conf.get("general", "No Lust", noLust, "Enable to remove Luxuria aspect and related items.").getBoolean(false); silverfishEmeralds = conf.get("general", "Silverfish Drop Emerald Nuggets", silverfishEmeralds, "Disable to prevent Silverfish from dropping emerald nuggets.").getBoolean(true); greedyEnch = conf.get("general", "Capitalist Enchantment", greedyEnch, "Disable to remove the recipe and effects of the Capitalist enchantment.").getBoolean(true); emeraldTrans = conf.get("general", "Emerald Transmutation", emeraldTrans, "Disable to remove the Emerald Transmutation research and recipe.").getBoolean(true); tagResearch = conf.get("general", "Tag Research Items", tagResearch, "Disable to get rid of the [FM] tags in the Thaumonomicon.").getBoolean(true); wrathCage = conf.get("general", "Wrath Cage Enabled", wrathCage, "Disable if you don't want players using the Wrath Cage.").getBoolean(true); wrathCost = conf.get("general", "Wrath Cage Fuel Cost", wrathCost, "Cost of essentia per round of spawns in the Wrath Cage. Raise to increase essentia costs. Defaults to 5. Set to 0 to remove the need to fuel the Wrath Cage. Setting the cost above 64 is not recommended.").getInt(5); wrathEff = conf.get("general", "Wrath Cage Fuel Efficiency", wrathEff, "Number of spawns a Wrath Cage can get per fuel cost. Defaults to 4. Lower to make the cage less efficient and raise to make it more efficient.").getInt(4); if (wrathEff < 0) wrathEff = 4; wrathCrazy = conf.get("general", "Wrath Cage Cries Havoc", wrathCrazy, "Enable to let the Wrath Cage imprint on ANY non-boss mob. May break your game or make your game Awesome.").getBoolean(false); enchanting = conf.get("general", "Enchantments Enabled", enchanting, "Disable if you don't like enchantments.").getBoolean(true); spork = conf.get("silly", "Spork of Doom", spork, "What is this? I don't even...").getBoolean(false); gluttony = (byte)conf.get("general", "Gluttony", gluttony, "Whether gluttony research is enabled. 0 = Enabled, 1 = Disabled, 2 = Hardcore").getInt(0); if(gluttony < 0 || gluttony > 2) gluttony = 0; hereticID = conf.get("general", "Heretic Villager ID", hereticID).getInt(hereticID); String trashlist = conf.get("general", "Garbage Blocks", "dirt;sand;gravel;cobblestone;netherrack", "List of OreDict names for garbage blocks, separated by semicolons, for the Consuming enchant to eat").getString(); String[] trashpile = trashlist.split(";"); for(String garbage : trashpile){ trash.add(garbage); } bloodSealPotionID = conf.get("potions", "Blood Seal", bloodSealPotionID).getInt(bloodSealPotionID); dragonwrackPotionID = conf.get("potions", "Dragonwrack", dragonwrackPotionID).getInt(dragonwrackPotionID); crossMod = conf.get("compatibility", "Cross-Mod Interaction", crossMod, "Disable to keep mods segregated.").getBoolean(true); crossWand = conf.get("compatibility", "Conversion Wands", crossWand, "Disable to remove all conversion wands.").getBoolean(true); botan = conf.get("compatibility", "Botania Interaction", botan).getBoolean(true); bloodMagic = conf.get("compatibility", "Blood Magic Interaction", bloodMagic).getBoolean(true); am2 = conf.get("compatibility", "Ars Magica 2 Interaction", am2, "AM2 interaction is unsupported. Enable at your own risk.").getBoolean(true); tt = conf.get("compatibility", "Thaumic Tinkerer Interaction", tt).getBoolean(true); tc = conf.get("compatibility", "Tinkers Construct Interaction", tc).getBoolean(true); special = conf.get("compatibility", "Special Mobs Interaction", special).getBoolean(true); twilight = conf.get("compatibility", "Twilight Forest Interaction", twilight).getBoolean(true); emc = conf.get("compatibility", "Equivalent Exchange 3 EMC", emc, "Disable if you don't want Forbidden Magic to add EMC values to items.").getBoolean(true); //eewand = conf.get("compatibility", "Equivalent Exchange 3 Wand", eewand, "Disable to specifically disable the EMC to Vis wand.").getBoolean(true); bloodvis = conf.get("power converters", "LP to Vis", bloodvis, "How much LP 0.01 Vis is worth").getInt(bloodvis); manavis = conf.get("power converters", "Mana to Vis", manavis, "How much Mana 0.01 Vis is worth").getInt(manavis); } catch (Exception e) { LogHandler.log(Level.ERROR, e, "Had a problem loading its configuration."); } finally {; } try { thaumcraftResource = ItemApi.getItem("itemResource", 0); thaumcraftShard = ItemApi.getItem("itemShard", 0); thaumcraftTaintBlock = ItemApi.getBlock("blockTaint", 0); thaumcraftOre = ItemApi.getBlock("blockCustomOre", 0); taintMaterial = Block.getBlockFromItem(thaumcraftTaintBlock.getItem()).getMaterial(); } catch (Exception e) { LogHandler.log(Level.ERROR, e, "There was problem when retrieving information from Thaumcraft."); e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void spawnilify() { if (wrathCage) { spawnerMobs.put("Zombie", Aspect.FLESH); spawnerMobs.put("Skeleton", Aspect.DEATH); spawnerMobs.put("Creeper", Aspect.FIRE); spawnerMobs.put("EntityHorse", Aspect.BEAST); spawnerMobs.put("Pig", Aspect.BEAST); spawnerMobs.put("Sheep", Aspect.CLOTH); spawnerMobs.put("Cow", Aspect.BEAST); spawnerMobs.put("MushroomCow", Aspect.PLANT); spawnerMobs.put("Ozelot", Aspect.BEAST); spawnerMobs.put("Chicken", Aspect.FLIGHT); spawnerMobs.put("Squid", Aspect.SENSES); spawnerMobs.put("Wolf", Aspect.BEAST); spawnerMobs.put("Bat", Aspect.FLIGHT); spawnerMobs.put("Spider", Aspect.CLOTH); spawnerMobs.put("Slime", Aspect.SLIME); spawnerMobs.put("Ghast", DarkAspects.NETHER); spawnerMobs.put("PigZombie", Aspect.GREED); spawnerMobs.put("Enderman", Aspect.ELDRITCH); spawnerMobs.put("CaveSpider", Aspect.POISON); if (silverfishEmeralds) spawnerMobs.put("Silverfish", Aspect.GREED); else spawnerMobs.put("Silverfish", Aspect.BEAST); spawnerMobs.put("Blaze", Aspect.FIRE); spawnerMobs.put("LavaSlime", Aspect.FIRE); spawnerMobs.put("Witch", Aspect.MAGIC); spawnerMobs.put("Villager", Aspect.GREED); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.Firebat", Aspect.FIRE); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.Wisp", Aspect.AURA); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.ThaumSlime", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.BrainyZombie", Aspect.MIND); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.GiantBrainyZombie", Aspect.MIND); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintSpider", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintSwarm", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintedPig", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintedSheep", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintedCow", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintedChicken", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.TaintedVillager", Aspect.TAINT); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.CultistKnight", Aspect.ELDRITCH); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.CultistCleric", Aspect.ELDRITCH); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.EldritchCrab", Aspect.ELDRITCH); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.InhabitedZombie", Aspect.ELDRITCH); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.Pech", Aspect.GREED); spawnerMobs.put("Thaumcraft.EldritchGuardian", Aspect.ELDRITCH); // spawnerMobs.put("Taintacle", DarkAspects.LUST); } } }