package am2.api.spell; import am2.api.spell.component.interfaces.ISkillTreeEntry; import am2.api.spell.enums.SkillPointTypes; import am2.api.spell.enums.SkillTrees; public interface ISkillTreeManager { /** * Registers a spell part into the skill tree (where it can be unlocked). * Pass a null prerequisite for no prerequisite. * Throws an exception if the prerequisite passed in is not a registered entry in the skill tree, or if it is in a different tree. * @param shape The shape to register * @param x The x-coordinate in the skill tree to display the shape IIcon * @param y The y-coordinate in the skill tree to display the shape IIcon * @param tree The skill tree to register the shape into * @param prerequisites The prerequisite skills needed for the shape. */ public void RegisterPart(ISkillTreeEntry part, int x, int y, SkillTrees tree, SkillPointTypes requiredPoint, ISkillTreeEntry ... prerequisites); }