package am2.api.power; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import am2.api.ArsMagicaApi; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog; public final class PowerTypes{ public static final PowerTypes NONE = new PowerTypes(0, "None", "\u00A7f"); public static final PowerTypes LIGHT = new PowerTypes(1, "Light", "\u00A7b"); public static final PowerTypes NEUTRAL = new PowerTypes(2, "Neutral", "\u00A71"); public static final PowerTypes DARK = new PowerTypes(4, "Dark", "\u00A74"); private static final ArrayList<PowerTypes> allPowerTypes = new ArrayList<PowerTypes>() {{ add(LIGHT); add(NEUTRAL); add(DARK); }}; private int _id; private String _name; private String _chatColor; private PowerTypes(int ID, String name, String chatColor){ if ((ID & -ID) != ID){ throw new InvalidParameterException(String.format("ID must be a bitflag that is a power of 2! (You used %d)", ID)); } _id = ID; _name = name; _chatColor = chatColor; } public static void RegisterPowerType(int id, String name, String chatColor){ if (getByID(id) == NONE){"Ars Magica 2 >> Attempted to register power type %s with ID of %d, but that ID is already taken! The type was NOT registered!"); }else{ allPowerTypes.add(new PowerTypes(id, name, chatColor));"Ars Magica 2 >> Registered new power type %s with ID %d", name, id); } } public int ID(){ return _id; } public String name(){ return _name; } public String chatColor(){ if (ArsMagicaApi.instance.getColourblindMode()){ return ""; } return _chatColor; } public static PowerTypes[] all(){ return allPowerTypes.toArray(new PowerTypes[allPowerTypes.size()]); } public static PowerTypes getByID(int id){ for (PowerTypes type : all()) if (type.ID() == id) return type; return NONE; } }