// Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the // Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this // file except in compliance with the License. Citrix Systems, Inc. // reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Automatically generated by addcopyright.py at 04/03/2012 package com.cloud.utils.db; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.db.GenericSearchBuilder.Condition; import com.cloud.utils.db.GenericSearchBuilder.Select; /** * big joins or high performance searches, it is much better to */ public class SearchCriteria<K> { public enum Op { GT(" > ? ", 1), GTEQ(" >= ? ", 1), LT(" < ? ", 1), LTEQ(" <= ? ", 1), EQ(" = ? ", 1), NEQ(" != ? ", 1), BETWEEN(" BETWEEN ? AND ? ", 2), NBETWEEN(" NOT BETWEEN ? AND ? ", 2), IN(" IN () ", -1), NOTIN(" NOT IN () ", -1), LIKE(" LIKE ? ", 1), NLIKE(" NOT LIKE ? ", 1), NIN(" NOT IN () ", -1), NULL(" IS NULL ", 0), NNULL(" IS NOT NULL ", 0), SC(" () ", 1), TEXT(" () ", 1), RP("", 0), AND(" AND ", 0), OR(" OR ", 0), NOT(" NOT ", 0); private final String op; int params; Op(String op, int params) { this.op = op; this.params = params; } @Override public String toString() { return op; } public int getParams() { return params; } } public enum Func { NATIVE("@", 1), MAX("MAX(@)", 1), MIN("MIN(@)", 1), FIRST("FIRST(@)", 1), LAST("LAST(@)", 1), SUM("SUM(@)", 1), COUNT("COUNT(@)", 1), DISTINCT("DISTINCT(@)", 1); private String func; private int count; Func(String func, int params) { this.func = func; this.count = params; } @Override public String toString() { return func; } public int getCount() { return count; } } public enum SelectType { Fields, Entity, Single, Result } private final Map<String, Attribute> _attrs; private final ArrayList<Condition> _conditions; private ArrayList<Condition> _additionals = null; private HashMap<String, Object[]> _params = new HashMap<String, Object[]>(); private int _counter; private HashMap<String, JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>>> _joins; private final ArrayList<Select> _selects; private final GroupBy<?, K> _groupBy; private final List<Object> _groupByValues; private final Class<K> _resultType; private final SelectType _selectType; private final QueryBuilder<?, K> _builder; protected SearchCriteria(QueryBuilder<?, K> builder) { _builder = builder; _attrs = null; _conditions = null; _additionals = null; _counter = 0; _joins = null; _selects = null; _groupBy = null; _groupByValues = null; _resultType = null; _selectType = null; } protected SearchCriteria(final Map<String, Attribute> attrs, ArrayList<GenericSearchBuilder.Condition> conditions, ArrayList<Select> selects, SelectType selectType, Class<K> resultType, HashMap<String, Object[]> params) { this._attrs = attrs; this._conditions = conditions; this._selects = selects; this._selectType = selectType; this._resultType = resultType; this._params = params; this._builder = null; this._additionals = new ArrayList<Condition>(); this._counter = 0; this._joins = null; this._groupBy = null; this._groupByValues = null; } protected SearchCriteria(GenericSearchBuilder<?, K> sb) { this._builder = null; this._attrs = sb._attrs; this._conditions = sb._conditions; this._additionals = new ArrayList<Condition>(); this._counter = 0; this._joins = null; if (sb._joins != null) { _joins = new HashMap<String, JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>>>(sb._joins.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, JoinBuilder<GenericSearchBuilder<?, ?>>> entry : sb._joins.entrySet()) { JoinBuilder<GenericSearchBuilder<?, ?>> value = entry.getValue(); _joins.put(entry.getKey(), new JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>>(value.getT().create(),value.getFirstAttribute(), value.getSecondAttribute(), value.getType())); } } _selects = sb._selects; _groupBy = sb._groupBy; if (_groupBy != null) { _groupByValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); } else { _groupByValues = null; } _resultType = sb._resultType; _selectType = sb._selectType; } public SelectType getSelectType() { return _selectType; } public void getSelect(StringBuilder str, int insertAt) { if (_selects == null || _selects.size() == 0) { return; } for (Select select : _selects) { String func = select.func.toString() + ","; if (select.attr == null) { func = func.replace("@", "*"); } else { func = func.replace("@", select.attr.table + "." + select.attr.columnName); } str.insert(insertAt, func); insertAt += func.length(); if (select.field == null) { break; } } str.delete(insertAt - 1, insertAt); } public List<Field> getSelectFields() { List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>(_selects.size()); for (Select select : _selects) { fields.add(select.field); } return fields; } public void setParameters(String conditionName, Object... params) { assert _conditions.contains(new Condition(conditionName)) || _additionals.contains(new Condition(conditionName)) : "Couldn't find " + conditionName; _params.put(conditionName, params); } public boolean isSelectAll() { return _selects == null || _selects.size() == 0; } protected JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>> findJoin(Map<String, JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>>> jbmap, String joinName) { JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>> jb = jbmap.get(joinName); if (jb != null) { return jb; } for (JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>> j2 : _joins.values()) { SearchCriteria<?> sc = j2.getT(); jb = findJoin(sc._joins, joinName); if (jb != null) { return jb; } } assert (false) : "Unable to find a join by the name " + joinName; return null; } public void setJoinParameters(String joinName, String conditionName, Object... params) { JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>> join = findJoin(_joins, joinName); assert (join != null) : "Incorrect join name specified: " + joinName; join.getT().setParameters(conditionName, params); } public void addJoinAnd(String joinName, String field, Op op, Object... values) { JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>> join = _joins.get(joinName); assert (join != null) : "Incorrect join name specified: " + joinName; join.getT().addAnd(field, op, values); } public void addJoinOr(String joinName, String field, Op op, Object... values) { JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>> join = _joins.get(joinName); assert (join != null) : "Incorrect join name specified: " + joinName; join.getT().addOr(field, op, values); } public SearchCriteria<?> getJoin(String joinName) { return _joins.get(joinName).getT(); } public Pair<GroupBy<?, ?>, List<Object>> getGroupBy() { return _groupBy == null ? null : new Pair<GroupBy<?, ?>, List<Object>>(_groupBy, _groupByValues); } public void setGroupByValues(Object... values) { for (Object value : values) { _groupByValues.add(value); } } public Class<K> getResultType() { return _resultType; } public void addAnd(String field, Op op, Object... values) { String name = Integer.toString(_counter++); addCondition(name, " AND ", field, op); setParameters(name, values); } public void addAnd(Attribute attr, Op op, Object... values) { String name = Integer.toString(_counter++); addCondition(name, " AND ", attr, op); setParameters(name, values); } public void addOr(String field, Op op, Object... values) { String name = Integer.toString(_counter++); addCondition(name, " OR ", field, op); setParameters(name, values); } public void addOr(Attribute attr, Op op, Object... values) { String name = Integer.toString(_counter++); addCondition(name, " OR ", attr, op); setParameters(name, values); } protected void addCondition(String conditionName, String cond, String fieldName, Op op) { Attribute attr = _attrs.get(fieldName); assert attr != null : "Unable to find field: " + fieldName; addCondition(conditionName, cond, attr, op); } protected void addCondition(String conditionName, String cond, Attribute attr, Op op) { Condition condition = new Condition(conditionName, /*(_conditions.size() + _additionals.size()) == 0 ? "" : */cond, attr, op); _additionals.add(condition); } public String getWhereClause() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (Condition condition : _conditions) { Object[] params = _params.get(condition.name); if ((condition.op == null || condition.op.params == 0) || (params != null)) { condition.toSql(sql, params, i++); } } for (Condition condition : _additionals) { Object[] params = _params.get(condition.name); if ((condition.op.params == 0) || (params != null)) { condition.toSql(sql, params, i++); } } return sql.toString(); } public List<Pair<Attribute, Object>> getValues() { ArrayList<Pair<Attribute, Object>> params = new ArrayList<Pair<Attribute, Object>>(_params.size()); for (Condition condition : _conditions) { Object[] objs = _params.get(condition.name); if (condition.op != null && condition.op.params != 0 && objs != null) { getParams(params, condition, objs); } } for (Condition condition : _additionals) { Object[] objs = _params.get(condition.name); if ((condition.op.params == 0) || (objs != null)) { getParams(params, condition, objs); } } return params; } public Collection<JoinBuilder<SearchCriteria<?>>> getJoins() { return _joins != null ? _joins.values() : null; } private void getParams(ArrayList<Pair<Attribute, Object>> params, Condition condition, Object[] objs) { if (condition.op == Op.SC) { assert (objs != null && objs.length > 0) : " Where's your search criteria object? " + condition.name; params.addAll(((SearchCriteria<?>)objs[0]).getValues()); return; } if (objs != null && objs.length > 0) { for (Object obj : objs) { if ((condition.op != Op.EQ && condition.op != Op.NEQ) || (obj != null)) { params.add(new Pair<Attribute, Object>(condition.attr, obj)); } } } } public Pair<String, ArrayList<Object>> toSql() { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); return new Pair<String, ArrayList<Object>>(sql.toString(), null); } }