// Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the // Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this // file except in compliance with the License. Citrix Systems, Inc. // reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Automatically generated by addcopyright.py at 04/03/2012 package com.cloud.usage; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.ejb.Local; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.cloud.alert.AlertManager; import com.cloud.configuration.dao.ConfigurationDao; import com.cloud.event.EventTypes; import com.cloud.event.UsageEventVO; import com.cloud.event.dao.UsageEventDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageIPAddressDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageJobDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageLoadBalancerPolicyDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageNetworkDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageNetworkOfferingDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsagePortForwardingRuleDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageSecurityGroupDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageStorageDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageVMInstanceDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageVPNUserDao; import com.cloud.usage.dao.UsageVolumeDao; import com.cloud.usage.parser.IPAddressUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.LoadBalancerUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.NetworkOfferingUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.NetworkUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.PortForwardingUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.SecurityGroupUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.StorageUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.VMInstanceUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.VPNUserUsageParser; import com.cloud.usage.parser.VolumeUsageParser; import com.cloud.user.Account; import com.cloud.user.AccountVO; import com.cloud.user.UserStatisticsVO; import com.cloud.user.dao.AccountDao; import com.cloud.user.dao.UserStatisticsDao; import com.cloud.utils.component.ComponentLocator; import com.cloud.utils.component.Inject; import com.cloud.utils.concurrency.NamedThreadFactory; import com.cloud.utils.db.DB; import com.cloud.utils.db.Filter; import com.cloud.utils.db.GlobalLock; import com.cloud.utils.db.SearchCriteria; import com.cloud.utils.db.Transaction; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; @Local(value={UsageManager.class}) public class UsageManagerImpl implements UsageManager, Runnable { public static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(UsageManagerImpl.class.getName()); protected static final String DAILY = "DAILY"; protected static final String WEEKLY = "WEEKLY"; protected static final String MONTHLY = "MONTHLY"; private static final int HOURLY_TIME = 60; private static final int DAILY_TIME = 60 * 24; private static final int THREE_DAYS_IN_MINUTES = 60 * 24 * 3; private static final int USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN = 10; private final ComponentLocator _locator = ComponentLocator.getLocator(UsageServer.Name, "usage-components.xml", "log4j-cloud_usage"); private final AccountDao m_accountDao = _locator.getDao(AccountDao.class); private final UserStatisticsDao m_userStatsDao = _locator.getDao(UserStatisticsDao.class); private final UsageDao m_usageDao = _locator.getDao(UsageDao.class); private final UsageVMInstanceDao m_usageInstanceDao = _locator.getDao(UsageVMInstanceDao.class); private final UsageIPAddressDao m_usageIPAddressDao = _locator.getDao(UsageIPAddressDao.class); private final UsageNetworkDao m_usageNetworkDao = _locator.getDao(UsageNetworkDao.class); private final UsageVolumeDao m_usageVolumeDao = _locator.getDao(UsageVolumeDao.class); private final UsageStorageDao m_usageStorageDao = _locator.getDao(UsageStorageDao.class); private final UsageLoadBalancerPolicyDao m_usageLoadBalancerPolicyDao = _locator.getDao(UsageLoadBalancerPolicyDao.class); private final UsagePortForwardingRuleDao m_usagePortForwardingRuleDao = _locator.getDao(UsagePortForwardingRuleDao.class); private final UsageNetworkOfferingDao m_usageNetworkOfferingDao = _locator.getDao(UsageNetworkOfferingDao.class); private final UsageVPNUserDao m_usageVPNUserDao = _locator.getDao(UsageVPNUserDao.class); private final UsageSecurityGroupDao m_usageSecurityGroupDao = _locator.getDao(UsageSecurityGroupDao.class); private final UsageJobDao m_usageJobDao = _locator.getDao(UsageJobDao.class); @Inject protected AlertManager _alertMgr; @Inject protected UsageEventDao _usageEventDao; private String m_version = null; private String m_name = null; private final Calendar m_jobExecTime = Calendar.getInstance(); private int m_aggregationDuration = 0; private int m_sanityCheckInterval = 0; String m_hostname = null; int m_pid = 0; TimeZone m_usageTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");; private final GlobalLock m_heartbeatLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("usage.job.heartbeat.check"); private final ScheduledExecutorService m_executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new NamedThreadFactory("Usage-Job")); private final ScheduledExecutorService m_heartbeatExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new NamedThreadFactory("Usage-HB")); private final ScheduledExecutorService m_sanityExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new NamedThreadFactory("Usage-Sanity")); private Future m_scheduledFuture = null; private Future m_heartbeat = null; private Future m_sanity = null; protected UsageManagerImpl() { } private void mergeConfigs(Map<String, String> dbParams, Map<String, Object> xmlParams) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> param : xmlParams.entrySet()) { dbParams.put(param.getKey(), (String)param.getValue()); } } public boolean configure(String name, Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { final String run = "usage.vmops.pid"; if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Checking to see if " + run + " exists."); } final Class<?> c = UsageServer.class; m_version = c.getPackage().getImplementationVersion(); if (m_version == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the implementation version of this usage server"); } if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Implementation Version is " + m_version); } m_name = name; ComponentLocator locator = ComponentLocator.getCurrentLocator(); ConfigurationDao configDao = locator.getDao(ConfigurationDao.class); if (configDao == null) { s_logger.error("Unable to get the configuration dao."); return false; } Map<String, String> configs = configDao.getConfiguration(params); if (params != null) { mergeConfigs(configs, params); } String execTime = configs.get("usage.stats.job.exec.time"); String aggregationRange = configs.get("usage.stats.job.aggregation.range"); String execTimeZone = configs.get("usage.execution.timezone"); String aggreagationTimeZone = configs.get("usage.aggregation.timezone"); String sanityCheckInterval = configs.get("usage.sanity.check.interval"); if(sanityCheckInterval != null){ m_sanityCheckInterval = Integer.parseInt(sanityCheckInterval); } if(aggreagationTimeZone != null && !aggreagationTimeZone.isEmpty()){ m_usageTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(aggreagationTimeZone); } s_logger.debug("Usage stats aggregation time zone: "+aggreagationTimeZone); try { if ((execTime == null) || (aggregationRange == null)) { s_logger.error("missing configuration values for usage job, usage.stats.job.exec.time = " + execTime + ", usage.stats.job.aggregation.range = " + aggregationRange); throw new ConfigurationException("Missing configuration values for usage job, usage.stats.job.exec.time = " + execTime + ", usage.stats.job.aggregation.range = " + aggregationRange); } String[] execTimeSegments = execTime.split(":"); if (execTimeSegments.length != 2) { s_logger.error("Unable to parse usage.stats.job.exec.time"); throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to parse usage.stats.job.exec.time '" + execTime + "'"); } int hourOfDay = Integer.parseInt(execTimeSegments[0]); int minutes = Integer.parseInt(execTimeSegments[1]); m_jobExecTime.setTime(new Date()); m_jobExecTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay); m_jobExecTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minutes); m_jobExecTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); m_jobExecTime.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if(execTimeZone != null && !execTimeZone.isEmpty()){ m_jobExecTime.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(execTimeZone)); } // if the hour to execute the job has already passed, roll the day forward to the next day Date execDate = m_jobExecTime.getTime(); if (execDate.before(new Date())) { m_jobExecTime.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, true); } s_logger.debug("Execution Time: "+execDate.toString()); Date currentDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); s_logger.debug("Current Time: "+currentDate.toString()); m_aggregationDuration = Integer.parseInt(aggregationRange); if (m_aggregationDuration < USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN) { s_logger.warn("Usage stats job aggregation range is to small, using the minimum value of " + USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN); m_aggregationDuration = USAGE_AGGREGATION_RANGE_MIN; } m_hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() + "/" + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new ConfigurationException("Unable to parse usage.stats.job.exec.time '" + execTime + "' or usage.stats.job.aggregation.range '" + aggregationRange + "', please check configuration values"); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Unhandled exception configuring UsageManger", e); throw new ConfigurationException("Unhandled exception configuring UsageManager " + e.toString()); } m_pid = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("pid")); return true; } public String getName() { return m_name; } public boolean start() { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Starting Usage Manager"); } // use the configured exec time and aggregation duration for scheduling the job m_scheduledFuture = m_executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, m_jobExecTime.getTimeInMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis(), m_aggregationDuration * 60 * 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); m_heartbeat = m_heartbeatExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Heartbeat(), /* start in 15 seconds...*/15*1000, /* check database every minute*/60*1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if(m_sanityCheckInterval > 0){ m_sanity = m_sanityExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new SanityCheck(), 1, m_sanityCheckInterval, TimeUnit.DAYS); } Transaction usageTxn = Transaction.open(Transaction.USAGE_DB); try { if(m_heartbeatLock.lock(3)) { // 3 second timeout try { UsageJobVO job = m_usageJobDao.getLastJob(); if (job == null) { m_usageJobDao.createNewJob(m_hostname, m_pid, UsageJobVO.JOB_TYPE_RECURRING); } } finally { m_heartbeatLock.unlock(); } } else { if(s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) s_logger.trace("Heartbeat lock is in use by others, returning true as someone else will take over the job if required"); } } finally { usageTxn.close(); } return true; } public boolean stop() { m_heartbeat.cancel(true); m_scheduledFuture.cancel(true); if(m_sanity != null){ m_sanity.cancel(true); } return true; } public void run() { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("starting usage job..."); } // how about we update the job exec time when the job starts??? long execTime = m_jobExecTime.getTimeInMillis(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000; // 2 second buffer since jobs can run a little early (though usually just by milliseconds) if (execTime < now) { // if exec time is in the past, calculate the next time the job will execute...if this is a one-off job that is a result // of scheduleParse() then don't update the next exec time... m_jobExecTime.add(Calendar.MINUTE, m_aggregationDuration); } UsageJobVO job = m_usageJobDao.isOwner(m_hostname, m_pid); if (job != null) { // FIXME: we really need to do a better job of not missing any events...so we should some how // keep track of the last time usage was run, then go from there... // For executing the job, we treat hourly and daily as special time ranges, using the previous full hour or the previous // full day. Otherwise we just subtract off the aggregation range from the current time and use that as start date with // current time as end date. Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(m_usageTimezone); cal.setTime(new Date()); long startDate = 0; long endDate = 0; if (m_aggregationDuration == DAILY_TIME) { cal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, false); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); startDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); cal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, true); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); endDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); } else if (m_aggregationDuration == HOURLY_TIME) { cal.roll(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, false); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); startDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); cal.roll(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, true); cal.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -1); endDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); } else { endDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); // current time cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1*m_aggregationDuration); startDate = cal.getTime().getTime(); } parse(job, startDate, endDate); } else { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Not owner of usage job, skipping..."); } } if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("usage job complete"); } } public void scheduleParse() { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Scheduling Usage job..."); } m_executor.schedule(this, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public void parse(UsageJobVO job, long startDateMillis, long endDateMillis) { // TODO: Shouldn't we also allow parsing by the type of usage? boolean success = false; long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); long deleteOldStatsTimeMillis = 0L; try { if ((endDateMillis == 0) || (endDateMillis > timeStart)) { endDateMillis = timeStart; } long lastSuccess = m_usageJobDao.getLastJobSuccessDateMillis(); if (lastSuccess != 0) { startDateMillis = lastSuccess+1; // 1 millisecond after } if (startDateMillis >= endDateMillis) { if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("not parsing usage records since start time mills (" + startDateMillis + ") is on or after end time millis (" + endDateMillis + ")"); } Transaction jobUpdateTxn = Transaction.open(Transaction.USAGE_DB); try { jobUpdateTxn.start(); // everything seemed to work...set endDate as the last success date m_usageJobDao.updateJobSuccess(job.getId(), startDateMillis, endDateMillis, System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart, success); // create a new job if this is a recurring job if (job.getJobType() == UsageJobVO.JOB_TYPE_RECURRING) { m_usageJobDao.createNewJob(m_hostname, m_pid, UsageJobVO.JOB_TYPE_RECURRING); } jobUpdateTxn.commit(); } finally { jobUpdateTxn.close(); } return; } deleteOldStatsTimeMillis = startDateMillis; Date startDate = new Date(startDateMillis); Date endDate = new Date(endDateMillis); if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) { s_logger.info("Parsing usage records between " + startDate + " and " + endDate); } List<AccountVO> accounts = null; List<UserStatisticsVO> userStats = null; Map<String, UsageNetworkVO> networkStats = null; Transaction userTxn = Transaction.open(Transaction.CLOUD_DB); try { Long limit = Long.valueOf(500); Long offset = Long.valueOf(0); Long lastAccountId = m_usageDao.getLastAccountId(); if (lastAccountId == null) { lastAccountId = Long.valueOf(0); } do { Filter filter = new Filter(AccountVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); accounts = m_accountDao.findActiveAccounts(lastAccountId, filter); if ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()) { // now update the accounts in the cloud_usage db m_usageDao.updateAccounts(accounts); } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()); // reset offset offset = Long.valueOf(0); do { Filter filter = new Filter(AccountVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); accounts = m_accountDao.findRecentlyDeletedAccounts(lastAccountId, startDate, filter); if ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()) { // now update the accounts in the cloud_usage db m_usageDao.updateAccounts(accounts); } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()); // reset offset offset = Long.valueOf(0); do { Filter filter = new Filter(AccountVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); accounts = m_accountDao.findNewAccounts(lastAccountId, filter); if ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()) { // now copy the accounts to cloud_usage db m_usageDao.saveAccounts(accounts); } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()); // reset offset offset = Long.valueOf(0); // get all the user stats to create usage records for the network usage Long lastUserStatsId = m_usageDao.getLastUserStatsId(); if (lastUserStatsId == null) { lastUserStatsId = Long.valueOf(0); } SearchCriteria<UserStatisticsVO> sc2 = m_userStatsDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc2.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.LTEQ, lastUserStatsId); do { Filter filter = new Filter(UserStatisticsVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); userStats = m_userStatsDao.search(sc2, filter); if ((userStats != null) && !userStats.isEmpty()) { // now copy the accounts to cloud_usage db m_usageDao.updateUserStats(userStats); } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((userStats != null) && !userStats.isEmpty()); // reset offset offset = Long.valueOf(0); sc2 = m_userStatsDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc2.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.GT, lastUserStatsId); do { Filter filter = new Filter(UserStatisticsVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); userStats = m_userStatsDao.search(sc2, filter); if ((userStats != null) && !userStats.isEmpty()) { // now copy the accounts to cloud_usage db m_usageDao.saveUserStats(userStats); } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((userStats != null) && !userStats.isEmpty()); } finally { userTxn.close(); } // TODO: Fetch a maximum number of events and process them before moving on to the next range of events // - get a list of the latest events // - insert the latest events into the usage.events table List<UsageEventVO> events = _usageEventDao.getRecentEvents(new Date(endDateMillis)); Transaction usageTxn = Transaction.open(Transaction.USAGE_DB); try { usageTxn.start(); // make sure start date is before all of our un-processed events (the events are ordered oldest // to newest, so just test against the first event) if ((events != null) && (events.size() > 0)) { Date oldestEventDate = events.get(0).getCreateDate(); if (oldestEventDate.getTime() < startDateMillis) { startDateMillis = oldestEventDate.getTime(); startDate = new Date(startDateMillis); } // - loop over the list of events and create entries in the helper tables // - create the usage records using the parse methods below for (UsageEventVO event : events) { event.setProcessed(true); _usageEventDao.update(event.getId(), event); createHelperRecord(event); } } // TODO: Fetch a maximum number of user stats and process them before moving on to the next range of user stats // get user stats in order to compute network usage networkStats = m_usageNetworkDao.getRecentNetworkStats(); Calendar recentlyDeletedCal = Calendar.getInstance(m_usageTimezone); recentlyDeletedCal.setTimeInMillis(startDateMillis); recentlyDeletedCal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1*THREE_DAYS_IN_MINUTES); Date recentlyDeletedDate = recentlyDeletedCal.getTime(); // Keep track of user stats for an account, across all of its public IPs Map<String, UserStatisticsVO> aggregatedStats = new HashMap<String, UserStatisticsVO>(); int startIndex = 0; do { userStats = m_userStatsDao.listActiveAndRecentlyDeleted(recentlyDeletedDate, startIndex, 500); if (userStats != null) { for (UserStatisticsVO userStat : userStats) { if(userStat.getDeviceId() != null){ String hostKey = userStat.getDataCenterId() + "-" + userStat.getAccountId()+"-Host-" + userStat.getDeviceId(); UserStatisticsVO hostAggregatedStat = aggregatedStats.get(hostKey); if (hostAggregatedStat == null) { hostAggregatedStat = new UserStatisticsVO(userStat.getAccountId(), userStat.getDataCenterId(), userStat.getPublicIpAddress(), userStat.getDeviceId(), userStat.getDeviceType(), userStat.getNetworkId()); } hostAggregatedStat.setAggBytesSent(hostAggregatedStat.getAggBytesSent() + userStat.getAggBytesSent()); hostAggregatedStat.setAggBytesReceived(hostAggregatedStat.getAggBytesReceived() + userStat.getAggBytesReceived()); aggregatedStats.put(hostKey, hostAggregatedStat); } } } startIndex += 500; } while ((userStats != null) && !userStats.isEmpty()); // loop over the user stats, create delta entries in the usage_network helper table int numAcctsProcessed = 0; for (String key : aggregatedStats.keySet()) { UsageNetworkVO currentNetworkStats = null; if (networkStats != null) { currentNetworkStats = networkStats.get(key); } createNetworkHelperEntry(aggregatedStats.get(key), currentNetworkStats, endDateMillis); numAcctsProcessed++; } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("created network stats helper entries for " + numAcctsProcessed + " accts"); } // commit the helper records, then start a new transaction usageTxn.commit(); usageTxn.start(); boolean parsed = false; numAcctsProcessed = 0; Date currentStartDate = startDate; Date currentEndDate = endDate; Date tempDate = endDate; Calendar aggregateCal = Calendar.getInstance(m_usageTimezone); while ((tempDate.after(startDate)) && ((tempDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) > 60000)){ currentEndDate = tempDate; aggregateCal.setTime(tempDate); aggregateCal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -m_aggregationDuration); tempDate = aggregateCal.getTime(); } while (!currentEndDate.after(endDate) || (currentEndDate.getTime() -endDate.getTime() < 60000)){ Long offset = Long.valueOf(0); Long limit = Long.valueOf(500); do { Filter filter = new Filter(AccountVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); accounts = m_accountDao.listAll(filter); if ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()) { for (AccountVO account : accounts) { parsed = parseHelperTables(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); numAcctsProcessed++; } } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("processed VM/Network Usage for " + numAcctsProcessed + " ACTIVE accts"); } numAcctsProcessed = 0; // reset offset offset = Long.valueOf(0); do { Filter filter = new Filter(AccountVO.class, "id", true, offset, limit); accounts = m_accountDao.findRecentlyDeletedAccounts(null, recentlyDeletedDate, filter); if ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()) { for (AccountVO account : accounts) { parsed = parseHelperTables(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); List<Long> publicTemplates = m_usageDao.listPublicTemplatesByAccount(account.getId()); for(Long templateId : publicTemplates){ //mark public templates owned by deleted accounts as deleted List<UsageStorageVO> storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listById(account.getId(), templateId, StorageTypes.TEMPLATE); if (storageVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for storage: " + templateId + " assigned to account: " + account.getId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageStorageVO storageVO : storageVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting template: " + storageVO.getId() + " from account: " + storageVO.getAccountId()); } storageVO.setDeleted(account.getRemoved()); m_usageStorageDao.update(storageVO); } } numAcctsProcessed++; } } offset = new Long(offset.longValue() + limit.longValue()); } while ((accounts != null) && !accounts.isEmpty()); currentStartDate = new Date(currentEndDate.getTime() + 1); aggregateCal.setTime(currentEndDate); aggregateCal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, m_aggregationDuration); currentEndDate = aggregateCal.getTime(); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("processed Usage for " + numAcctsProcessed + " RECENTLY DELETED accts"); } // FIXME: we don't break the above loop if something fails to parse, so it gets reset every account, // do we want to break out of processing accounts and rollback if there are errors? if (!parsed) { usageTxn.rollback(); } else { success = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("Exception in usage manager", ex); usageTxn.rollback(); } finally { // everything seemed to work...set endDate as the last success date m_usageJobDao.updateJobSuccess(job.getId(), startDateMillis, endDateMillis, System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStart, success); // create a new job if this is a recurring job if (job.getJobType() == UsageJobVO.JOB_TYPE_RECURRING) { m_usageJobDao.createNewJob(m_hostname, m_pid, UsageJobVO.JOB_TYPE_RECURRING); } usageTxn.commit(); usageTxn.close(); // switch back to CLOUD_DB Transaction swap = Transaction.open(Transaction.CLOUD_DB); if(!success){ _alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USAGE_SERVER_RESULT, 0, new Long(0), "Usage job failed. Job id: "+job.getId(), "Usage job failed. Job id: "+job.getId()); } else { _alertMgr.clearAlert(AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USAGE_SERVER_RESULT, 0, 0); } swap.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.error("Usage Manager error", e); } } private boolean parseHelperTables(AccountVO account, Date currentStartDate, Date currentEndDate){ boolean parsed = false; parsed = VMInstanceUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("vm usage instances successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = NetworkUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("network usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = VolumeUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("volume usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = StorageUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("storage usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = SecurityGroupUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("Security Group usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = LoadBalancerUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("load balancer usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = PortForwardingUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("port forwarding usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = NetworkOfferingUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("network offering usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = IPAddressUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("IPAddress usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } parsed = VPNUserUsageParser.parse(account, currentStartDate, currentEndDate); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { if (!parsed) { s_logger.debug("VPN user usage successfully parsed? " + parsed + " (for account: " + account.getAccountName() + ", id: " + account.getId() + ")"); } } return parsed; } private void createHelperRecord(UsageEventVO event) { String eventType = event.getType(); if (isVMEvent(eventType)) { createVMHelperEvent(event); } else if (isIPEvent(eventType)) { createIPHelperEvent(event); } else if (isVolumeEvent(eventType)) { createVolumeHelperEvent(event); } else if (isTemplateEvent(eventType)) { createTemplateHelperEvent(event); } else if (isISOEvent(eventType)) { createISOHelperEvent(event); } else if (isSnapshotEvent(eventType)) { createSnapshotHelperEvent(event); } else if (isLoadBalancerEvent(eventType)) { createLoadBalancerHelperEvent(event); } else if (isPortForwardingEvent(eventType)) { createPortForwardingHelperEvent(event); } else if (isNetworkOfferingEvent(eventType)) { createNetworkOfferingEvent(event); } else if (isVPNUserEvent(eventType)) { createVPNUserEvent(event); } else if (isSecurityGroupEvent(eventType)) { createSecurityGroupEvent(event); } } private boolean isVMEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return eventType.startsWith("VM."); } private boolean isIPEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return eventType.startsWith("NET.IP"); } private boolean isVolumeEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return (eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_CREATE) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_DELETE)); } private boolean isTemplateEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return (eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_CREATE) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_COPY) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_DELETE)); } private boolean isISOEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return (eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_CREATE) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_COPY) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_DELETE)); } private boolean isSnapshotEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return (eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_CREATE) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DELETE)); } private boolean isLoadBalancerEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return eventType.startsWith("LB."); } private boolean isPortForwardingEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return eventType.startsWith("NET.RULE"); } private boolean isNetworkOfferingEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return (eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_CREATE) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_DELETE) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_ASSIGN) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_REMOVE)); } private boolean isVPNUserEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return eventType.startsWith("VPN.USER"); } private boolean isSecurityGroupEvent(String eventType) { if (eventType == null) return false; return (eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_SECURITY_GROUP_ASSIGN) || eventType.equals(EventTypes.EVENT_SECURITY_GROUP_REMOVE)); } private void createVMHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { // One record for handling VM.START and VM.STOP // One record for handling VM.CREATE and VM.DESTROY // VM events have the parameter "id=<virtualMachineId>" long vmId = event.getResourceId(); Long soId = event.getOfferingId();; // service offering id long zoneId = event.getZoneId(); String vmName = event.getResourceName(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_VM_START.equals(event.getType())) { // create a new usage_vm_instance row for this VM try { SearchCriteria<UsageVMInstanceVO> sc = m_usageInstanceDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Long.valueOf(vmId)); sc.addAnd("endDate", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); sc.addAnd("usageType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, UsageTypes.RUNNING_VM); List<UsageVMInstanceVO> usageInstances = m_usageInstanceDao.search(sc, null); if (usageInstances != null) { if (usageInstances.size() > 0) { s_logger.error("found entries for a vm running with id: " + vmId + ", which are not stopped. Ending them all..."); for (UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstance : usageInstances) { usageInstance.setEndDate(event.getCreateDate()); m_usageInstanceDao.update(usageInstance); } } } sc = m_usageInstanceDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Long.valueOf(vmId)); sc.addAnd("endDate", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); sc.addAnd("usageType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, UsageTypes.ALLOCATED_VM); usageInstances = m_usageInstanceDao.search(sc, null); if (usageInstances == null || (usageInstances.size() == 0)) { s_logger.error("Cannot find allocated vm entry for a vm running with id: " + vmId); } Long templateId = event.getTemplateId(); String hypervisorType = event.getResourceType(); // add this VM to the usage helper table UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstanceNew = new UsageVMInstanceVO(UsageTypes.RUNNING_VM, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), vmId, vmName, soId, templateId, hypervisorType, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageInstanceDao.persist(usageInstanceNew); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("Error saving usage instance for vm: " + vmId, ex); } } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_VM_STOP.equals(event.getType())) { // find the latest usage_vm_instance row, update the stop date (should be null) to the event date // FIXME: search criteria needs to have some kind of type information so we distinguish between START/STOP and CREATE/DESTROY SearchCriteria<UsageVMInstanceVO> sc = m_usageInstanceDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Long.valueOf(vmId)); sc.addAnd("endDate", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); sc.addAnd("usageType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, UsageTypes.RUNNING_VM); List<UsageVMInstanceVO> usageInstances = m_usageInstanceDao.search(sc, null); if (usageInstances != null) { if (usageInstances.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("found multiple entries for a vm running with id: " + vmId + ", ending them all..."); } for (UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstance : usageInstances) { usageInstance.setEndDate(event.getCreateDate()); // TODO: UsageVMInstanceVO should have an ID field and we should do updates through that field since we are really // updating one row at a time here m_usageInstanceDao.update(usageInstance); } } } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_VM_CREATE.equals(event.getType())) { try { Long templateId = event.getTemplateId(); String hypervisorType = event.getResourceType(); // add this VM to the usage helper table UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstanceNew = new UsageVMInstanceVO(UsageTypes.ALLOCATED_VM, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), vmId, vmName, soId, templateId, hypervisorType, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageInstanceDao.persist(usageInstanceNew); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("Error saving usage instance for vm: " + vmId, ex); } } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_VM_DESTROY.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageVMInstanceVO> sc = m_usageInstanceDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Long.valueOf(vmId)); sc.addAnd("endDate", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); sc.addAnd("usageType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, UsageTypes.ALLOCATED_VM); List<UsageVMInstanceVO> usageInstances = m_usageInstanceDao.search(sc, null); if (usageInstances != null) { if (usageInstances.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("found multiple entries for a vm allocated with id: " + vmId + ", detroying them all..."); } for (UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstance : usageInstances) { usageInstance.setEndDate(event.getCreateDate()); m_usageInstanceDao.update(usageInstance); } } } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_VM_UPGRADE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageVMInstanceVO> sc = m_usageInstanceDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Long.valueOf(vmId)); sc.addAnd("endDate", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); sc.addAnd("usageType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, UsageTypes.ALLOCATED_VM); List<UsageVMInstanceVO> usageInstances = m_usageInstanceDao.search(sc, null); if (usageInstances != null) { if (usageInstances.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("found multiple entries for a vm allocated with id: " + vmId + ", updating end_date for all of them..."); } for (UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstance : usageInstances) { usageInstance.setEndDate(event.getCreateDate()); m_usageInstanceDao.update(usageInstance); } } Long templateId = event.getTemplateId(); String hypervisorType = event.getResourceType(); // add this VM to the usage helper table UsageVMInstanceVO usageInstanceNew = new UsageVMInstanceVO(UsageTypes.ALLOCATED_VM, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), vmId, vmName, soId, templateId, hypervisorType, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageInstanceDao.persist(usageInstanceNew); } } private void createNetworkHelperEntry(UserStatisticsVO userStat, UsageNetworkVO usageNetworkStats, long timestamp) { long currentAccountedBytesSent = 0L; long currentAccountedBytesReceived = 0L; if (usageNetworkStats != null) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("getting current accounted bytes for... accountId: " + usageNetworkStats.getAccountId() + " in zone: " + userStat.getDataCenterId() + "; abr: " + usageNetworkStats.getAggBytesReceived() + "; abs: " + usageNetworkStats.getAggBytesSent()); } currentAccountedBytesSent = usageNetworkStats.getAggBytesSent(); currentAccountedBytesReceived = usageNetworkStats.getAggBytesReceived(); } long bytesSent = userStat.getAggBytesSent() - currentAccountedBytesSent; long bytesReceived = userStat.getAggBytesReceived() - currentAccountedBytesReceived; if (bytesSent < 0) { s_logger.warn("Calculated negative value for bytes sent: " + bytesSent + ", user stats say: " + userStat.getAggBytesSent() + ", previous network usage was: " + currentAccountedBytesSent); bytesSent = 0; } if (bytesReceived < 0) { s_logger.warn("Calculated negative value for bytes received: " + bytesReceived + ", user stats say: " + userStat.getAggBytesReceived() + ", previous network usage was: " + currentAccountedBytesReceived); bytesReceived = 0; } long hostId = 0; if(userStat.getDeviceId() != null){ hostId = userStat.getDeviceId(); } UsageNetworkVO usageNetworkVO = new UsageNetworkVO(userStat.getAccountId(), userStat.getDataCenterId(), hostId, userStat.getDeviceType(), userStat.getNetworkId(), bytesSent, bytesReceived, userStat.getAggBytesReceived(), userStat.getAggBytesSent(), timestamp); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("creating networkHelperEntry... accountId: " + userStat.getAccountId() + " in zone: " + userStat.getDataCenterId() + "; abr: " + userStat.getAggBytesReceived() + "; abs: " + userStat.getAggBytesSent() + "; curABS: " + currentAccountedBytesSent + "; curABR: " + currentAccountedBytesReceived + "; ubs: " + bytesSent + "; ubr: " + bytesReceived); } m_usageNetworkDao.persist(usageNetworkVO); } private void createIPHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { String ipAddress = event.getResourceName(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_ASSIGN.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("assigning ip address: " + ipAddress + " to account: " + event.getAccountId()); } Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); long zoneId = event.getZoneId(); long id = event.getResourceId(); long sourceNat = event.getSize(); boolean isSourceNat = (sourceNat == 1) ? true : false ; boolean isSystem = (event.getTemplateId() == null || event.getTemplateId() == 0) ? false : true ; UsageIPAddressVO ipAddressVO = new UsageIPAddressVO(id, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), zoneId, ipAddress, isSourceNat, isSystem, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageIPAddressDao.persist(ipAddressVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_RELEASE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageIPAddressVO> sc = m_usageIPAddressDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("address", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, ipAddress); sc.addAnd("released", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageIPAddressVO> ipAddressVOs = m_usageIPAddressDao.search(sc, null); if (ipAddressVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for ip address: " + ipAddress + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as released..."); } for (UsageIPAddressVO ipAddressVO : ipAddressVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("releasing ip address: " + ipAddressVO.getAddress() + " from account: " + ipAddressVO.getAccountId()); } ipAddressVO.setReleased(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageIPAddressDao.update(ipAddressVO); } } } private void createVolumeHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { Long doId = -1L; long zoneId = -1L; Long templateId = -1L; long size = -1L; long volId = event.getResourceId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_CREATE.equals(event.getType())) { doId = event.getOfferingId(); zoneId = event.getZoneId(); templateId = event.getTemplateId(); size = event.getSize(); } if (EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_CREATE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageVolumeVO> sc = m_usageVolumeDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, volId); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageVolumeVO> volumesVOs = m_usageVolumeDao.search(sc, null); if (volumesVOs.size() > 0) { //This is a safeguard to avoid double counting of volumes. s_logger.error("Found duplicate usage entry for volume: " + volId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking as deleted..."); } for (UsageVolumeVO volumesVO : volumesVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting volume: " + volumesVO.getId() + " from account: " + volumesVO.getAccountId()); } volumesVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); m_usageVolumeDao.update(volumesVO); } if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("create volume with id : " + volId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsageVolumeVO volumeVO = new UsageVolumeVO(volId, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), doId, templateId, size, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageVolumeDao.persist(volumeVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_DELETE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageVolumeVO> sc = m_usageVolumeDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, volId); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageVolumeVO> volumesVOs = m_usageVolumeDao.search(sc, null); if (volumesVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for volume: " + volId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageVolumeVO volumesVO : volumesVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting volume: " + volumesVO.getId() + " from account: " + volumesVO.getAccountId()); } volumesVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageVolumeDao.update(volumesVO); } } } private void createTemplateHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long templateId = -1L; long zoneId = -1L; long templateSize = -1L; templateId = event.getResourceId(); zoneId = event.getZoneId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_CREATE.equals(event.getType()) || EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_COPY.equals(event.getType())) { templateSize = event.getSize(); if(templateSize < 1){ s_logger.error("Incorrect size for template with Id "+templateId); return; } if(zoneId == -1L){ s_logger.error("Incorrect zoneId for template with Id "+templateId); return; } } if (EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_CREATE.equals(event.getType()) || EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_COPY.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("create template with id : " + templateId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } List<UsageStorageVO> storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listByIdAndZone(event.getAccountId(), templateId, StorageTypes.TEMPLATE, zoneId); if (storageVOs.size() > 0) { s_logger.warn("Usage entry for Template: " + templateId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "already exists in zone "+zoneId); return; } Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsageStorageVO storageVO = new UsageStorageVO(templateId, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), StorageTypes.TEMPLATE, event.getTemplateId(), templateSize, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageStorageDao.persist(storageVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_DELETE.equals(event.getType())) { List<UsageStorageVO> storageVOs; if(zoneId != -1L){ storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listByIdAndZone(event.getAccountId(), templateId, StorageTypes.TEMPLATE, zoneId); } else { storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listById(event.getAccountId(), templateId, StorageTypes.TEMPLATE); } if (storageVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for storage: " + templateId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageStorageVO storageVO : storageVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting template: " + storageVO.getId() + " from account: " + storageVO.getAccountId()); } storageVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageStorageDao.update(storageVO); } } } private void createISOHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long isoSize = -1L; long isoId = event.getResourceId(); long zoneId = event.getZoneId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_CREATE.equals(event.getType()) || EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_COPY.equals(event.getType())) { isoSize = event.getSize(); } if (EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_CREATE.equals(event.getType()) || EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_COPY.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("create iso with id : " + isoId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } List<UsageStorageVO> storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listByIdAndZone(event.getAccountId(), isoId, StorageTypes.ISO, zoneId); if (storageVOs.size() > 0) { s_logger.warn("Usage entry for ISO: " + isoId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "already exists in zone "+zoneId); return; } Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsageStorageVO storageVO = new UsageStorageVO( isoId, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), StorageTypes.ISO, null, isoSize, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageStorageDao.persist(storageVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_ISO_DELETE.equals(event.getType())) { List<UsageStorageVO> storageVOs; if(zoneId != -1L){ storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listByIdAndZone(event.getAccountId(), isoId, StorageTypes.ISO, zoneId); } else { storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listById(event.getAccountId(), isoId, StorageTypes.ISO); } if (storageVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for storage: " + isoId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageStorageVO storageVO : storageVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting iso: " + storageVO.getId() + " from account: " + storageVO.getAccountId()); } storageVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageStorageDao.update(storageVO); } } } private void createSnapshotHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long snapSize = -1L; long zoneId = -1L; long snapId = event.getResourceId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_CREATE.equals(event.getType())) { snapSize = event.getSize(); zoneId = event.getZoneId(); } if (EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_CREATE.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("create snapshot with id : " + snapId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsageStorageVO storageVO = new UsageStorageVO( snapId, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), StorageTypes.SNAPSHOT, null, snapSize, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageStorageDao.persist(storageVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DELETE.equals(event.getType())) { List<UsageStorageVO> storageVOs = m_usageStorageDao.listById(event.getAccountId(), snapId, StorageTypes.SNAPSHOT); if (storageVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for storage: " + snapId + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageStorageVO storageVO : storageVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting snapshot: " + storageVO.getId() + " from account: " + storageVO.getAccountId()); } storageVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageStorageDao.update(storageVO); } } } private void createLoadBalancerHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long zoneId = -1L; long id = event.getResourceId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_LOAD_BALANCER_CREATE.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Creating load balancer : " + id + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } zoneId = event.getZoneId(); Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsageLoadBalancerPolicyVO lbVO = new UsageLoadBalancerPolicyVO(id, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageLoadBalancerPolicyDao.persist(lbVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_LOAD_BALANCER_DELETE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageLoadBalancerPolicyVO> sc = m_usageLoadBalancerPolicyDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageLoadBalancerPolicyVO> lbVOs = m_usageLoadBalancerPolicyDao.search(sc, null); if (lbVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for load balancer policy: " + id + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageLoadBalancerPolicyVO lbVO : lbVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting load balancer policy: " + lbVO.getId() + " from account: " + lbVO.getAccountId()); } lbVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageLoadBalancerPolicyDao.update(lbVO); } } } private void createPortForwardingHelperEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long zoneId = -1L; long id = event.getResourceId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_ADD.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Creating port forwarding rule : " + id + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } zoneId = event.getZoneId(); Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsagePortForwardingRuleVO pfVO = new UsagePortForwardingRuleVO(id, zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usagePortForwardingRuleDao.persist(pfVO); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_NET_RULE_DELETE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsagePortForwardingRuleVO> sc = m_usagePortForwardingRuleDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsagePortForwardingRuleVO> pfVOs = m_usagePortForwardingRuleDao.search(sc, null); if (pfVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for port forwarding rule: " + id + " assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsagePortForwardingRuleVO pfVO : pfVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting port forwarding rule: " + pfVO.getId() + " from account: " + pfVO.getAccountId()); } pfVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usagePortForwardingRuleDao.update(pfVO); } } } private void createNetworkOfferingEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long zoneId = -1L; long vmId = event.getResourceId(); long networkOfferingId = event.getOfferingId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_CREATE.equals(event.getType()) || EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_ASSIGN.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Creating networking offering: "+ networkOfferingId +" for Vm: " + vmId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } zoneId = event.getZoneId(); Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); boolean isDefault = (event.getSize() == 1) ? true : false ; UsageNetworkOfferingVO networkOffering = new UsageNetworkOfferingVO(zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), vmId, networkOfferingId, isDefault, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageNetworkOfferingDao.persist(networkOffering); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_DELETE.equals(event.getType()) || EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_REMOVE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageNetworkOfferingVO> sc = m_usageNetworkOfferingDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, vmId); sc.addAnd("networkOfferingId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, networkOfferingId); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageNetworkOfferingVO> noVOs = m_usageNetworkOfferingDao.search(sc, null); if (noVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for networking offering: "+ networkOfferingId +" for Vm: " + vmId+" assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageNetworkOfferingVO noVO : noVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting network offering: " + noVO.getNetworkOfferingId() + " from Vm: " + noVO.getVmInstanceId()); } noVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageNetworkOfferingDao.update(noVO); } } } private void createVPNUserEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long zoneId = 0L; long userId = event.getResourceId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_VPN_USER_ADD.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Creating VPN user: "+ userId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); String userName = event.getResourceName(); UsageVPNUserVO vpnUser = new UsageVPNUserVO(zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), userId, userName, event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageVPNUserDao.persist(vpnUser); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_VPN_USER_REMOVE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageVPNUserVO> sc = m_usageVPNUserDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("userId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, userId); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageVPNUserVO> vuVOs = m_usageVPNUserDao.search(sc, null); if (vuVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for vpn user: "+ userId +" assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageVPNUserVO vuVO : vuVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting vpn user: " + vuVO.getUserId()); } vuVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageVPNUserDao.update(vuVO); } } } private void createSecurityGroupEvent(UsageEventVO event) { long zoneId = -1L; long vmId = event.getResourceId(); long sgId = event.getOfferingId(); if (EventTypes.EVENT_SECURITY_GROUP_ASSIGN.equals(event.getType())) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Assigning : security group"+ sgId +" to Vm: " + vmId + " for account: " + event.getAccountId()); } zoneId = event.getZoneId(); Account acct = m_accountDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(event.getAccountId()); UsageSecurityGroupVO securityGroup = new UsageSecurityGroupVO(zoneId, event.getAccountId(), acct.getDomainId(), vmId, sgId,event.getCreateDate(), null); m_usageSecurityGroupDao.persist(securityGroup); } else if (EventTypes.EVENT_SECURITY_GROUP_REMOVE.equals(event.getType())) { SearchCriteria<UsageSecurityGroupVO> sc = m_usageSecurityGroupDao.createSearchCriteria(); sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, event.getAccountId()); sc.addAnd("vmInstanceId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, vmId); sc.addAnd("securityGroupId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, sgId); sc.addAnd("deleted", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL); List<UsageSecurityGroupVO> sgVOs = m_usageSecurityGroupDao.search(sc, null); if (sgVOs.size() > 1) { s_logger.warn("More that one usage entry for security group: "+ sgId +" for Vm: " + vmId+" assigned to account: " + event.getAccountId() + "; marking them all as deleted..."); } for (UsageSecurityGroupVO sgVO : sgVOs) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("deleting security group: " + sgVO.getSecurityGroupId() + " from Vm: " + sgVO.getVmInstanceId()); } sgVO.setDeleted(event.getCreateDate()); // there really shouldn't be more than one m_usageSecurityGroupDao.update(sgVO); } } } private class Heartbeat implements Runnable { public void run() { Transaction usageTxn = Transaction.open(Transaction.USAGE_DB); try { if(!m_heartbeatLock.lock(3)) { // 3 second timeout if(s_logger.isTraceEnabled()) s_logger.trace("Heartbeat lock is in use by others, returning true as someone else will take over the job if required"); return; } try { // check for one-off jobs UsageJobVO nextJob = m_usageJobDao.getNextImmediateJob(); if (nextJob != null) { if (m_hostname.equals(nextJob.getHost()) && (m_pid == nextJob.getPid().intValue())) { updateJob(nextJob.getId(), null, null, null, UsageJobVO.JOB_SCHEDULED); scheduleParse(); } } Long jobId = m_usageJobDao.checkHeartbeat(m_hostname, m_pid, m_aggregationDuration); if (jobId != null) { // if I'm taking over the job...see how long it's been since the last job, and if it's more than the // aggregation range...do a one off job to catch up. However, only do this if we are more than half // the aggregation range away from executing the next job long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeToJob = m_jobExecTime.getTimeInMillis() - now; long timeSinceJob = 0; long aggregationDurationMillis = m_aggregationDuration * 60 * 1000; long lastSuccess = m_usageJobDao.getLastJobSuccessDateMillis(); if (lastSuccess > 0) { timeSinceJob = now - lastSuccess; } if ((timeSinceJob > 0) && (timeSinceJob > aggregationDurationMillis)) { if (timeToJob > (aggregationDurationMillis/2)) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("it's been " + timeSinceJob + " ms since last usage job and " + timeToJob + " ms until next job, scheduling an immediate job to catch up (aggregation duration is " + m_aggregationDuration + " minutes)"); } scheduleParse(); } } boolean changeOwner = updateJob(jobId, m_hostname, Integer.valueOf(m_pid), new Date(), UsageJobVO.JOB_NOT_SCHEDULED); if (changeOwner) { deleteOneOffJobs(m_hostname, m_pid); } } } finally { m_heartbeatLock.unlock(); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("error in heartbeat", ex); } finally { usageTxn.close(); } } @DB protected boolean updateJob(Long jobId, String hostname, Integer pid, Date heartbeat, int scheduled) { boolean changeOwner = false; Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn(); try { txn.start(); // take over the job, setting our hostname/pid/heartbeat time UsageJobVO job = m_usageJobDao.lockRow(jobId, Boolean.TRUE); if (!job.getHost().equals(hostname) || !job.getPid().equals(pid)) { changeOwner = true; } UsageJobVO jobForUpdate = m_usageJobDao.createForUpdate(); if (hostname != null) { jobForUpdate.setHost(hostname); } if (pid != null) { jobForUpdate.setPid(pid); } if (heartbeat != null) { jobForUpdate.setHeartbeat(heartbeat); } jobForUpdate.setScheduled(scheduled); m_usageJobDao.update(job.getId(), jobForUpdate); txn.commit(); } catch (Exception dbEx) { txn.rollback(); s_logger.error("error updating usage job", dbEx); } return changeOwner; } @DB protected void deleteOneOffJobs(String hostname, int pid) { SearchCriteria<UsageJobVO> sc = m_usageJobDao.createSearchCriteria(); SearchCriteria<UsageJobVO> ssc = m_usageJobDao.createSearchCriteria(); ssc.addOr("host", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, hostname); ssc.addOr("pid", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, pid); sc.addAnd("host", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, ssc); sc.addAnd("endMillis", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Long.valueOf(0)); sc.addAnd("jobType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Integer.valueOf(UsageJobVO.JOB_TYPE_SINGLE)); sc.addAnd("scheduled", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, Integer.valueOf(0)); m_usageJobDao.expunge(sc); } } private class SanityCheck implements Runnable { public void run() { UsageSanityChecker usc = new UsageSanityChecker(); try { String errors = usc.runSanityCheck(); if(errors.length() > 0){ _alertMgr.sendAlert(AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USAGE_SANITY_RESULT, 0, new Long(0), "Usage Sanity Check failed", errors); } else { _alertMgr.clearAlert(AlertManager.ALERT_TYPE_USAGE_SANITY_RESULT, 0, 0); } } catch (SQLException e) { s_logger.error("Error in sanity check", e); } } } }