// Copyright 2012 Citrix Systems, Inc. Licensed under the // Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this // file except in compliance with the License. Citrix Systems, Inc. // reserves all rights not expressly granted by the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Automatically generated by addcopyright.py at 04/03/2012 * follows: * Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is * making a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and * permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. package com.xensource.xenapi; import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.BadServerResponse; import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.VersionException; import com.xensource.xenapi.Types.XenAPIException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException; /** * A physical CPU * * @author Citrix Systems, Inc. */ public class HostCpu extends XenAPIObject { /** * The XenAPI reference to this object. */ protected final String ref; /** * For internal use only. */ HostCpu(String ref) { this.ref = ref; } public String toWireString() { return this.ref; } /** * If obj is a HostCpu, compares XenAPI references for equality. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj != null && obj instanceof HostCpu) { HostCpu other = (HostCpu) obj; return other.ref.equals(this.ref); } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return ref.hashCode(); } /** * Represents all the fields in a HostCpu */ public static class Record implements Types.Record { public String toString() { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter print = new PrintWriter(writer); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "uuid", this.uuid); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "host", this.host); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "number", this.number); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "vendor", this.vendor); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "speed", this.speed); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "modelname", this.modelname); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "family", this.family); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "model", this.model); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "stepping", this.stepping); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "flags", this.flags); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "features", this.features); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "utilisation", this.utilisation); print.printf("%1$20s: %2$s\n", "otherConfig", this.otherConfig); return writer.toString(); } /** * Convert a host_cpu.Record to a Map */ public Map<String,Object> toMap() { Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); map.put("uuid", this.uuid == null ? "" : this.uuid); map.put("host", this.host == null ? new Host("OpaqueRef:NULL") : this.host); map.put("number", this.number == null ? 0 : this.number); map.put("vendor", this.vendor == null ? "" : this.vendor); map.put("speed", this.speed == null ? 0 : this.speed); map.put("modelname", this.modelname == null ? "" : this.modelname); map.put("family", this.family == null ? 0 : this.family); map.put("model", this.model == null ? 0 : this.model); map.put("stepping", this.stepping == null ? "" : this.stepping); map.put("flags", this.flags == null ? "" : this.flags); map.put("features", this.features == null ? "" : this.features); map.put("utilisation", this.utilisation == null ? 0.0 : this.utilisation); map.put("other_config", this.otherConfig == null ? new HashMap<String, String>() : this.otherConfig); return map; } /** * Unique identifier/object reference */ public String uuid; /** * the host the CPU is in */ public Host host; /** * the number of the physical CPU within the host */ public Long number; /** * the vendor of the physical CPU */ public String vendor; /** * the speed of the physical CPU */ public Long speed; /** * the model name of the physical CPU */ public String modelname; /** * the family (number) of the physical CPU */ public Long family; /** * the model number of the physical CPU */ public Long model; /** * the stepping of the physical CPU */ public String stepping; /** * the flags of the physical CPU (a decoded version of the features field) */ public String flags; /** * the physical CPU feature bitmap */ public String features; /** * the current CPU utilisation */ public Double utilisation; /** * additional configuration */ public Map<String, String> otherConfig; } /** * Get a record containing the current state of the given host_cpu. * @deprecated * * @return all fields from the object */ @Deprecated public HostCpu.Record getRecord(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_record"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toHostCpuRecord(result); } /** * Get a reference to the host_cpu instance with the specified UUID. * @deprecated * * @param uuid UUID of object to return * @return reference to the object */ @Deprecated public static HostCpu getByUuid(Connection c, String uuid) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_by_uuid"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(uuid)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toHostCpu(result); } /** * Get the uuid field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public String getUuid(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_uuid"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toString(result); } /** * Get the host field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Host getHost(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_host"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toHost(result); } /** * Get the number field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Long getNumber(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_number"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toLong(result); } /** * Get the vendor field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public String getVendor(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_vendor"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toString(result); } /** * Get the speed field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Long getSpeed(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_speed"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toLong(result); } /** * Get the modelname field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public String getModelname(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_modelname"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toString(result); } /** * Get the family field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Long getFamily(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_family"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toLong(result); } /** * Get the model field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Long getModel(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_model"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toLong(result); } /** * Get the stepping field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public String getStepping(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_stepping"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toString(result); } /** * Get the flags field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public String getFlags(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_flags"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toString(result); } /** * Get the features field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public String getFeatures(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_features"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toString(result); } /** * Get the utilisation field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Double getUtilisation(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_utilisation"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toDouble(result); } /** * Get the other_config field of the given host_cpu. * * @return value of the field */ public Map<String, String> getOtherConfig(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_other_config"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toMapOfStringString(result); } /** * Set the other_config field of the given host_cpu. * * @param otherConfig New value to set */ public void setOtherConfig(Connection c, Map<String, String> otherConfig) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.set_other_config"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(otherConfig)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); return; } /** * Add the given key-value pair to the other_config field of the given host_cpu. * * @param key Key to add * @param value Value to add */ public void addToOtherConfig(Connection c, String key, String value) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.add_to_other_config"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(value)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); return; } /** * Remove the given key and its corresponding value from the other_config field of the given host_cpu. If the key is not in that Map, then do nothing. * * @param key Key to remove */ public void removeFromOtherConfig(Connection c, String key) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.remove_from_other_config"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(this.ref), Marshalling.toXMLRPC(key)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); return; } /** * Return a list of all the host_cpus known to the system. * @deprecated * * @return references to all objects */ @Deprecated public static Set<HostCpu> getAll(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_all"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toSetOfHostCpu(result); } /** * Return a map of host_cpu references to host_cpu records for all host_cpus known to the system. * * @return records of all objects */ public static Map<HostCpu, HostCpu.Record> getAllRecords(Connection c) throws BadServerResponse, XenAPIException, XmlRpcException { String method_call = "host_cpu.get_all_records"; String session = c.getSessionReference(); Object[] method_params = {Marshalling.toXMLRPC(session)}; Map response = c.dispatch(method_call, method_params); Object result = response.get("Value"); return Types.toMapOfHostCpuHostCpuRecord(result); } }