Eclipse Sonar Tutorial

Eclipse Sonar Tutorial explains step by step details of installing and configuring Sonar plugin with eclipse.

By using Sonar Eclipse Plugin, you can see various reports inside from your eclipse IDE.

How to configure Sonar plugin with eclipse?

SonarQube is an open source platform for Continuous integration and improving the code quality.

It is entirely written in java and supported for other 25+ languages such as Java, C/C++, C#, PHP, Flex, Groovy, JavaScript, Python, PL/SQL, COBOL, etc, it is also used for Android Development

SonarQube Tutorial

SonarQube Tutorial explains about how to install /configure SonarQube server for continuous integration and improving code quality.

SonarQube (previously known as Sonar) is an open source platform for Continuous Inspection of code quality. It is written in java and supported for 25+ languages such as Java, C/C++, C#, PHP, Flex, Groovy, JavaScript, Python, PL/SQL, COBOL, etc, it is also used for Android Development

It helps for various tasks and provide reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, complex code, potential bugs, comments and design and architecture.

SonarQube is internally using PMD,Findbugs,CheckStyle etc. You can add additionally plugins according to your requirement