package org.jboss.windup.util; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jboss.windup.util.exception.WindupException; /** * Provides useful methods for manipulating filenames (eg, removing illegal chars from files). * * @author <a href="">Jesse Sightler</a> * @author <a href="">Lincoln Baxter, III</a> */ public class PathUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PathUtil.class.getName()); public static final String WINDUP_HOME = "windup.home"; public static final String WINDUP_RULESETS_DIR_SYSPROP = "windup.rulesets.dir"; public static final String RULES_DIRECTORY_NAME = "rules"; public static final String IGNORE_DIRECTORY_NAME = "ignore"; public static final String CACHE_DIRECTORY_NAME = "cache"; public static final String ADDONS_DIRECTORY_NAME = "addons"; public static String LIBRARY_DIRECTORY_NAME = "lib"; public static String BINARY_DIRECTORY_NAME = "bin"; /** * The path $USER_HOME/.rhamt */ public static Path getWindupUserDir() { String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home"); if (userHome == null) { Path path = new File("").toPath(); LOG.warning("$USER_HOME not set, using [" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString() + "] instead."); return path; } return Paths.get(userHome).resolve(".rhamt"); } /** * The path $WINDUP_HOME (where Windup is installed.) */ public static Path getWindupHome() { String windupHome = System.getProperty(WINDUP_HOME); if (windupHome == null) { Path path = new File("").toPath(); LOG.warning("$WINDUP_HOME not set, using [" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString() + "] instead."); return path; } return Paths.get(windupHome); } public static void setWindupHome(Path windupHome) { System.setProperty(WINDUP_HOME, windupHome.toAbsolutePath().toString()); } /** * The path $USER_HOME/cache */ public static Path getUserCacheDir() { return getUserSubdirectory(CACHE_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * The path $WINDUP_HOME/cache */ public static Path getWindupCacheDir() { return getWindupSubdirectory(CACHE_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * The path $USER_HOME/ignore */ public static Path getUserIgnoreDir() { return getUserSubdirectory(IGNORE_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * The path $WINDUP_HOME/ignore */ public static Path getWindupIgnoreDir() { return getWindupSubdirectory(IGNORE_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * The path $WINDUP_HOME/addons */ public static Path getWindupAddonsDir() { return getWindupSubdirectory(ADDONS_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * The path $USER_HOME/rules */ public static Path getUserRulesDir() { return getUserSubdirectory(RULES_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * The path $WINDUP_HOME/rules */ public static Path getWindupRulesDir() { String rulesDir = System.getProperty(WINDUP_RULESETS_DIR_SYSPROP); if (rulesDir != null) { Path path = Paths.get(rulesDir); if (!path.toFile().exists()) LOG.warning(WINDUP_RULESETS_DIR_SYSPROP + " points to a non-existent directory!" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString()); return path; } else return getWindupSubdirectory(RULES_DIRECTORY_NAME); } /** * Conservative approach to insuring that a given filename only contains characters that are legal for use in * filenames on the disk. Other characters are replaced with underscore _ . * Note that this should only be used with the filename itself, not the entire path, because it removes the '/' characters as well. */ public static String cleanFileName(String badFileName) { if (badFileName == null) return null; StringBuilder cleanName = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < badFileName.length(); i++) { int c = (int) badFileName.charAt(i); if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) cleanName.append((char) c); else cleanName.append('_'); } return cleanName.toString(); } /** * Converts a path to a class file (like "foo/bar/My.class" or "foo\\bar\\My.class") to a fully qualified class name * (like ""). */ public static String classFilePathToClassname(String relativePath) { if (relativePath == null) return null; final int pos = relativePath.lastIndexOf(".class"); if (pos < 0 && relativePath.lastIndexOf(".java") < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a .class/.java file path: " + relativePath); relativePath = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(relativePath); if (relativePath.startsWith("/")) { relativePath = relativePath.substring(1); } if (relativePath.startsWith("src/main/java/")) { relativePath = relativePath.substring("src/main/java/".length()); } if (relativePath.startsWith("WEB-INF/classes/")) { relativePath = relativePath.substring("WEB-INF/classes/".length()); } if (relativePath.startsWith("WEB-INF/classes.jdk15/")) { relativePath = relativePath.substring("WEB-INF/classes.jdk15/".length()); } if (relativePath.endsWith(".class")) { relativePath = relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.length() - ".class".length()); } else if (relativePath.endsWith(".java")) { relativePath = relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.length() - ".java".length()); } String qualifiedName = relativePath.replace("/", "."); return qualifiedName; } /** * Returns the root path for this source file, based upon the package name. * * For example, if path is "/project/src/main/java/org/example/" and the package is "org.example", then this * should return "/project/src/main/java". * * Returns null if the folder structure does not match the package name. */ public static Path getRootFolderForSource(Path sourceFilePath, String packageName) { if (packageName == null || packageName.trim().isEmpty()) { return sourceFilePath.getParent(); } String[] packageNameComponents = packageName.split("\\."); Path currentPath = sourceFilePath.getParent(); for (int i = packageNameComponents.length; i > 0; i--) { String packageComponent = packageNameComponents[i - 1]; if (!StringUtils.equals(packageComponent, currentPath.getFileName().toString())) { return null; } currentPath = currentPath.getParent(); } return currentPath; } /** * Returns true if "file" is a subfile or subdirectory of "dir". * * For example with the directory /path/to/a, the following return values would occur: * * /path/to/a/foo.txt - true /path/to/a/bar/zoo/boo/team.txt - true /path/to/b/foo.txt - false * */ public static boolean isInSubDirectory(File dir, File file) { if (file == null) return false; if (file.equals(dir)) return true; return isInSubDirectory(dir, file.getParentFile()); } /** * Attempts to convert a path name (possibly a path within an archive) to a package name. */ public static String pathToPackageName(String relativePath) { String qualifiedName = classFilePathToClassname(relativePath); return ClassNameUtil.getPackageName(qualifiedName); } /** * Creates the given directory. Fails if it already exists. */ public static void createDirectory(Path dir, String dirDesc) { try { Files.createDirectories(dir); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new WindupException("Error creating " + dirDesc + " folder: " + dir.toString() + " due to: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /* * Helpers */ private static Path getUserSubdirectory(String subdirectory) { Path windupUserDir = getWindupUserDir(); if (windupUserDir == null) return null; return windupUserDir.resolve(subdirectory); } private static Path getWindupSubdirectory(String subdirectory) { Path windupHome = getWindupHome(); if (windupHome == null) return null; return windupHome.resolve(subdirectory); } }