package; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.javahandler.JavaHandler; import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.javahandler.JavaHandlerContext; import org.jboss.windup.graph.Indexed; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.BelongsToProject; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ProjectModel; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.WindupVertexFrame; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.resource.FileModel; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Direction; import com.tinkerpop.frames.Adjacency; import com.tinkerpop.frames.Property; import com.tinkerpop.frames.annotations.gremlin.GremlinGroovy; import com.tinkerpop.frames.annotations.gremlin.GremlinParam; import com.tinkerpop.frames.modules.typedgraph.TypeValue; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Represents a JavaClass, either from a .class file or a .java source file. * */ @TypeValue(JavaClassModel.TYPE) public interface JavaClassModel extends WindupVertexFrame, BelongsToProject { String TYPE = "JavaClass"; String JAVA_METHOD = "javaMethod"; String CLASS_FILE = "classFile"; String ORIGINAL_SOURCE = "originalSource"; String DECOMPILED_SOURCE = "decompiledSource"; String INTERFACES = "interfaces"; String EXTENDS = "extends"; String QUALIFIED_NAME = "qualifiedName"; String CLASS_NAME = "className"; String PACKAGE_NAME = "packageName"; String IS_PUBLIC = "isPublic"; String IS_INTERFACE = "isInterface"; String MAJOR_VERSION = "majorVersion"; String MINOR_VERSION = "minorVersion"; /** * Indicates whether the class is declared "public". */ @Property(IS_PUBLIC) Boolean isPublic(); /** * Indicates whether the class is declared "public". */ @Property(IS_PUBLIC) void setPublic(boolean isPublic); /** * Indicates whether this represents a Java Interface */ @Property(IS_INTERFACE) Boolean isInterface(); /** * Indicates whether this represents a Java Interface */ @Property(IS_INTERFACE) void setInterface(boolean isInterface); /** * Contains the simple name of the class (no package) */ @Property(CLASS_NAME) void setSimpleName(String className); /** * Contains the simple name of the class (no package) */ @Property(CLASS_NAME) String getClassName(); /** * Contains the fully qualified name of the class */ @Indexed @Property(QUALIFIED_NAME) String getQualifiedName(); /** * Contains the fully qualified name of the class */ @Property(QUALIFIED_NAME) void setQualifiedName(String qualifiedName); /** * Contains the class' package name */ @Indexed @Property(PACKAGE_NAME) String getPackageName(); /** * Contains the class' package name */ @Property(PACKAGE_NAME) void setPackageName(String packageName); /** * Lists classes extended by this class */ @Adjacency(label = EXTENDS, direction = Direction.OUT) JavaClassModel getExtends(); /** * Lists classes extended by this class */ @Adjacency(label = EXTENDS, direction = Direction.OUT) void setExtends(final JavaClassModel javaFacet); /** * Lists interfaces implemented by this class, or extended if this is an interface. */ @Adjacency(label = INTERFACES, direction = Direction.OUT) void addInterface(final JavaClassModel javaFacet); /** * Lists interfaces implemented by this class, or extended if this is an interface. */ @Adjacency(label = INTERFACES, direction = Direction.OUT) Iterable<JavaClassModel> getInterfaces(); /** * Lists classes which implement this class */ @Adjacency(label = INTERFACES, direction = Direction.IN) Iterable<JavaClassModel> getImplementedBy(); /** * Contains the {@link JavaSourceFileModel} of the decompiled version of this file (assuming that it originally was * decompiled from a .class file) */ @Adjacency(label = DECOMPILED_SOURCE, direction = Direction.OUT) void setDecompiledSource(JavaSourceFileModel source); /** * Contains the {@link JavaSourceFileModel} of the decompiled version of this file (assuming that it originally was * decompiled from a .class file) */ @Adjacency(label = DECOMPILED_SOURCE, direction = Direction.OUT) JavaSourceFileModel getDecompiledSource(); /** * Contains the original source code of this file, assuming that it was originally provided in source form (and not * via a decompilation). */ @Adjacency(label = ORIGINAL_SOURCE, direction = Direction.OUT) void setOriginalSource(AbstractJavaSourceModel source); /** * Contains the original source code of this file, assuming that it was originally provided in source form (and not * via a decompilation). */ @Adjacency(label = ORIGINAL_SOURCE, direction = Direction.OUT) AbstractJavaSourceModel getOriginalSource(); /** * Contains the original .class file, assuming that it was originally provided in binary form (as a java .class * file) */ @Adjacency(label = CLASS_FILE, direction = Direction.OUT) FileModel getClassFile(); /** * Contains the original .class file, assuming that it was originally provided in binary form (as a java .class * file) */ @Adjacency(label = CLASS_FILE, direction = Direction.OUT) FileModel setClassFile(FileModel file); /** * Gets the {@link JavaMethodModel} by name */ @GremlinGroovy("it.out('" + JAVA_METHOD + "').has('" + JavaMethodModel.METHOD_NAME + "', methodName)") Iterable<JavaMethodModel> getMethod(@GremlinParam("methodName") String methodName); /** * Adds a {@link JavaMethodModel} to this {@link JavaClassModel} */ @Adjacency(label = JAVA_METHOD, direction = Direction.OUT) void addJavaMethod(final JavaMethodModel javaMethod); /** * Adds a {@link JavaMethodModel} to this {@link JavaClassModel} */ @Adjacency(label = JAVA_METHOD, direction = Direction.OUT) Iterable<JavaMethodModel> getJavaMethods(); @JavaHandler @Override boolean belongsToProject(ProjectModel projectModel); @JavaHandler @Override Iterable<ProjectModel> getRootProjectModels(); abstract class Impl implements JavaHandlerContext<Vertex>, JavaClassModel, BelongsToProject { @Override public boolean belongsToProject(ProjectModel projectModel) { FileModel sourceModel = this.getSourceFile(); if (sourceModel == null) { return false; } return sourceModel.belongsToProject(projectModel); } @Override public Iterable<ProjectModel> getRootProjectModels() { FileModel sourceModel = this.getSourceFile(); if (sourceModel == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return sourceModel.getRootProjectModels(); } protected FileModel getSourceFile() { FileModel classFile = this.getClassFile(); if (classFile == null) { // .jsp class will have originalSource instead of classFile AbstractJavaSourceModel originalSource = this.getOriginalSource(); if (originalSource == null) { String name = this.getClassName(); Logger.getLogger(JavaClassModel.class.getName()).log( Level.WARNING, "ClassFile and originalSource null for class: {0}", name ); return null; } return originalSource; } return classFile; } } }