package org.jboss.windup.decompiler.procyon; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.strobel.decompiler.languages.LineNumberPosition; /** * FIXME - This source file requires its original license and credits for original authors. * * A <code>LineNumberFormatter</code> is used to rewrite an existing .java file, introducing line number information. It * can handle either, or both, of the following jobs: * * <ul> * <li>Introduce line numbers as leading comments. * <li>Stretch the file so that the line number comments match the physical lines. * </ul> */ class LineNumberFormatter { private final List<LineNumberPosition> _positions; private final File _file; private final EnumSet<LineNumberOption> _options; public enum LineNumberOption { LEADING_COMMENTS, STRETCHED, } /** * Constructs an instance. * * @param file the file whose line numbers should be fixed * @param lineNumberPositions a recipe for how to fix the line numbers in 'file'. * @param options controls how 'this' represents line numbers in the resulting file */ public LineNumberFormatter(File file, List<LineNumberPosition> lineNumberPositions, EnumSet<LineNumberOption> options) { _file = file; _positions = lineNumberPositions; _options = (options == null ? EnumSet.noneOf(LineNumberOption.class) : options); } /** * Rewrites the file passed to 'this' constructor so that the actual line numbers match the recipe passed to 'this' * constructor. */ public void reformatFile() throws IOException { List<LineNumberPosition> lineBrokenPositions = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> brokenLines = breakLines(lineBrokenPositions); emitFormatted(brokenLines, lineBrokenPositions); } /** * Processes {@link #_file}, breaking apart any lines on which multiple line-number markers appear in different * columns. * * @return the list of broken lines */ private List<String> breakLines(List<LineNumberPosition> o_LineBrokenPositions) throws IOException { int numLinesRead = 0; int lineOffset = 0; List<String> brokenLines = new ArrayList<>(); try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(_file))) { for (int posIndex = 0; posIndex < _positions.size(); posIndex++) { LineNumberPosition pos = _positions.get(posIndex); o_LineBrokenPositions.add(new LineNumberPosition( pos.getOriginalLine(), pos.getEmittedLine() + lineOffset, pos.getEmittedColumn())); // Copy the input file up to but not including the emitted line # in "pos". while (numLinesRead < pos.getEmittedLine() - 1) { brokenLines.add(r.readLine()); numLinesRead++; } // Read the line that contains the next line number annotations, but don't write it yet. String line = r.readLine(); numLinesRead++; // See if there are two original line annotations on the same emitted line. LineNumberPosition nextPos; int prevPartLen = 0; char[] indent = {}; do { nextPos = (posIndex < _positions.size() - 1) ? _positions.get(posIndex + 1) : null; if (nextPos != null && nextPos.getEmittedLine() == pos.getEmittedLine() && nextPos.getOriginalLine() > pos.getOriginalLine()) { // Two different source line numbers on the same emitted line! posIndex++; lineOffset++; String firstPart = line.substring(0, nextPos.getEmittedColumn() - prevPartLen - 1); brokenLines.add(new String(indent) + firstPart); prevPartLen += firstPart.length(); indent = new char[prevPartLen]; Arrays.fill(indent, ' '); line = line.substring(firstPart.length(), line.length()); // Alter the position while adding it. o_LineBrokenPositions.add(new LineNumberPosition( nextPos.getOriginalLine(), nextPos.getEmittedLine() + lineOffset, nextPos .getEmittedColumn())); } else { nextPos = null; } } while (nextPos != null); // Nothing special here-- just emit the line. brokenLines.add(new String(indent) + line); } // Copy out the remainder of the file. String line; while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) { brokenLines.add(line); } } return brokenLines; } private void emitFormatted(List<String> brokenLines, List<LineNumberPosition> lineBrokenPositions) throws IOException { File tempFile = new File(_file.getAbsolutePath() + ".fixed"); int globalOffset = 0; int numLinesRead = 0; Iterator<String> lines = brokenLines.iterator(); int maxLineNo = LineNumberPosition.computeMaxLineNumber(lineBrokenPositions); try (LineNumberPrintWriter w = new LineNumberPrintWriter( maxLineNo, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempFile)))) { // Suppress all line numbers if we weren't asked to show them. if (!_options.contains(LineNumberOption.LEADING_COMMENTS)) { w.suppressLineNumbers(); } // Suppress stretching if we weren't asked to do it. boolean doStretching = (_options.contains(LineNumberOption.STRETCHED)); for (LineNumberPosition pos : lineBrokenPositions) { int nextTarget = pos.getOriginalLine(); int nextActual = pos.getEmittedLine(); int requiredAdjustment = (nextTarget - nextActual - globalOffset); if (doStretching && requiredAdjustment < 0) { // We currently need to remove newlines to squeeze things together. // prefer to remove empty lines, // 1. read all lines before nextActual and remove empty lines as needed List<String> stripped = new ArrayList<>(); while (numLinesRead < nextActual - 1) { String line =; numLinesRead++; if ((requiredAdjustment < 0) && line.trim().isEmpty()) { requiredAdjustment++; globalOffset--; } else { stripped.add(line); } } // 2. print non empty lines while stripping further as needed int lineNoToPrint = (stripped.size() + requiredAdjustment <= 0) ? nextTarget : LineNumberPrintWriter.NO_LINE_NUMBER; for (String line : stripped) { if (requiredAdjustment < 0) { w.print(lineNoToPrint, line); w.print(" "); requiredAdjustment++; globalOffset--; } else { w.println(lineNoToPrint, line); } } // 3. read and print next actual String line =; numLinesRead++; if (requiredAdjustment < 0) { w.print(nextTarget, line); w.print(" "); globalOffset--; } else { w.println(nextTarget, line); } } else { while (numLinesRead < nextActual) { String line =; numLinesRead++; boolean isLast = (numLinesRead >= nextActual); int lineNoToPrint = isLast ? nextTarget : LineNumberPrintWriter.NO_LINE_NUMBER; if (requiredAdjustment > 0 && doStretching) { // We currently need to inject newlines to space things out. do { w.println(""); requiredAdjustment--; globalOffset++; } while (isLast && requiredAdjustment > 0); w.println(lineNoToPrint, line); } else { // No tweaks needed-- we are on the ball. w.println(lineNoToPrint, line); } } } } // Finish out the file. String line; while (lines.hasNext()) { line =; w.println(line); } } // Delete the original file and rename the formatted temp file over the original. _file.delete(); tempFile.renameTo(_file); } }