package org.jboss.windup.decompiler.procyon; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.api.ClassDecompileRequest; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.api.DecompilationException; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.api.DecompilationFailure; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.api.DecompilationListener; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.api.DecompilationResult; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.decompiler.AbstractDecompiler; import org.jboss.windup.decompiler.util.Filter; import org.jboss.windup.util.Checks; import org.jboss.windup.util.ExecutionStatistics; import org.jboss.windup.util.exception.WindupException; import com.strobel.assembler.InputTypeLoader; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.ClasspathTypeLoader; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.CompositeTypeLoader; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.IMetadataResolver; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.ITypeLoader; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.MetadataParser; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.MetadataSystem; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.NoRetryMetadataSystem; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.TypeDefinition; import com.strobel.assembler.metadata.TypeReference; import com.strobel.decompiler.DecompilationOptions; import com.strobel.decompiler.DecompilerSettings; import com.strobel.decompiler.PlainTextOutput; import com.strobel.decompiler.languages.BytecodeLanguage; import com.strobel.decompiler.languages.LineNumberPosition; import com.strobel.decompiler.languages.TypeDecompilationResults; import; import; /** * Decompiles Java classes with Procyon Decompiler. See * * @author <a href="">Ondrej Zizka</a> * @author <a href="">Lincoln Baxter, III</a> */ public class ProcyonDecompiler extends AbstractDecompiler { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ProcyonDecompiler.class.getName()); private final ProcyonConfiguration procyonConf; public ProcyonDecompiler() { this.procyonConf = new ProcyonConfiguration(); } public ProcyonDecompiler(ProcyonConfiguration configuration) { if (configuration == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Configuration must not be null."); this.procyonConf = configuration; } @Override public Logger getLogger() { return log; } public Collection<Callable<File>> getDecompileTasks(final Map<String, List<ClassDecompileRequest>> requestMap, final DecompilationListener listener) { final AtomicInteger current = new AtomicInteger(0); Collection<Callable<File>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); final Map<Path, DecompilerSettings> settingsByOutputDirectory = new TreeMap<>(); final Map<Path, Queue<MetadataSystem>> metadataSystemCaches = new TreeMap<>(); final Map<Path, AtomicInteger> countByOutputDirectory = new TreeMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<ClassDecompileRequest>> entry : requestMap.entrySet()) { ClassDecompileRequest mainRequest = entry.getValue().get(0); if (!settingsByOutputDirectory.containsKey(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory())) { final DecompilerSettings settings = getDefaultSettings(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory().toFile()); final ITypeLoader typeLoader = new CompositeTypeLoader(new ClasspathTypeLoader(mainRequest.getRootDirectory().toString()), new ClasspathTypeLoader()); settings.setTypeLoader(typeLoader); settingsByOutputDirectory.put(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory(), settings); final Queue<MetadataSystem> metadataSystemCache = new LinkedList<>(); refreshMetadataCache(metadataSystemCache, settings); metadataSystemCaches.put(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory(), metadataSystemCache); countByOutputDirectory.put(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory(), new AtomicInteger(1)); } else { countByOutputDirectory.get(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory()).incrementAndGet(); } } for (final Map.Entry<String, List<ClassDecompileRequest>> entry : requestMap.entrySet()) { final ClassDecompileRequest mainRequest = entry.getValue().get(0); // TODO - This approach is a hack, but it should work around the Procyon decompiler hangs for now Callable<File> callable = new Callable<File>() { @Override public File call() throws Exception { List<String> classFilePaths = pathsFromDecompilationRequests(entry.getValue()); final DecompilerSettings settings = settingsByOutputDirectory.get(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory()); Queue<MetadataSystem> metadataSystemCache = metadataSystemCaches.get(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory()); MetadataSystem metadataSystem = null; try { synchronized (metadataSystemCache) { if (current.incrementAndGet() % 50 == 0) {"Decompiling " + current + " / " + requestMap.size()); refreshMetadataCache(metadataSystemCache, settings); } metadataSystem = metadataSystemCache.remove(); } ExecutionStatistics.get().begin("ProcyonDecompiler.decompileIndividualItem"); String typeName = mainRequest.getClassFile().normalize().toAbsolutePath().toString() .substring(mainRequest.getRootDirectory().normalize().toAbsolutePath().toString().length() + 1); typeName = StringUtils.removeEnd(typeName, ".class"); final DecompileExecutor t = new DecompileExecutor(settings, metadataSystem, typeName); // TODO - This approach is a hack, but it should work around the Procyon decompiler hangs // for now t.start(); t.join(60000L); // wait up to ten seconds if (!t.success) { if (t.e == null) { t.cancelDecompilation(); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to decompile within 60 seconds... attempting abort", t.e); } else { throw new RuntimeException(t.e); } } File outputFile = t.outputFile; if (outputFile != null) listener.fileDecompiled(classFilePaths, outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); return outputFile; } catch (Throwable th) { String msg = "Error during decompilation of " + mainRequest.getClassFile() + ": " + th.getMessage(); DecompilationFailure ex = new DecompilationFailure(msg, classFilePaths, th); log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, ex); listener.decompilationFailed(classFilePaths, msg); } finally { if (metadataSystem != null) { synchronized (metadataSystemCache) { metadataSystemCache.add(metadataSystem); } } if (countByOutputDirectory.get(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory()).decrementAndGet() == 0) { settingsByOutputDirectory.remove(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory()); metadataSystemCaches.remove(mainRequest.getOutputDirectory()); } ExecutionStatistics.get().end("ProcyonDecompiler.decompileIndividualItem"); } return null; } }; tasks.add(callable); } return tasks; } private List<String> pathsFromDecompilationRequests(List<ClassDecompileRequest> requests) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(ClassDecompileRequest request : requests) { result.add(request.getClassFile().toString()); } return result; } /** * Decompiles the given .class file and creates the specified output source file. * * @param classFilePath the .class file to be decompiled. * @param outputDir The directory where decompiled .java files will be placed. */ @Override public DecompilationResult decompileClassFile(Path rootDir, Path classFilePath, Path outputDir) throws DecompilationException { Checks.checkDirectoryToBeRead(rootDir.toFile(), "Classes root dir"); File classFile = classFilePath.toFile(); Checks.checkFileToBeRead(classFile, "Class file"); Checks.checkDirectoryToBeFilled(outputDir.toFile(), "Output directory");"Decompiling .class '" + classFilePath + "' to '" + outputDir + "' from: '" + rootDir + "'"); String name = classFilePath.normalize().toAbsolutePath().toString().substring(rootDir.toAbsolutePath().toString().length() + 1); final String typeName = StringUtils.removeEnd(name, ".class");// .replace('/', '.'); DecompilationResult result = new DecompilationResult(); try { DecompilerSettings settings = getDefaultSettings(outputDir.toFile()); this.procyonConf.setDecompilerSettings(settings); // TODO: This is horrible mess. ITypeLoader typeLoader = new CompositeTypeLoader(new ClasspathTypeLoader(rootDir.toString()), new ClasspathTypeLoader()); MetadataSystem metadataSystem = new MetadataSystem(typeLoader); File outputFile = this.decompileType(settings, metadataSystem, typeName); result.addDecompiled(Collections.singletonList(classFilePath.toString()), outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Throwable e) { DecompilationFailure failure = new DecompilationFailure("Error during decompilation of " + classFilePath.toString() + ":\n " + e.getMessage(), Collections.singletonList(name), e); log.severe(failure.getMessage()); result.addFailure(failure); } return result; } private void decompileDirectory(final Path rootDir, Path outputDir, Path subPath, final DecompilationResult result) throws DecompilationException { Checks.checkDirectoryToBeRead(rootDir.toFile(), "Directory to decompile"); Checks.checkDirectoryToBeFilled(outputDir.toFile(), "Output directory");"Decompiling subdir '" + subPath + "'"); /* * This forces an initialization of the settings. */ final DecompilerSettings settings = getDefaultSettings(outputDir.toFile()); // TODO: Rewrite with Commons IO's DirectoryWalker. File curDirFull = rootDir.resolve(subPath).toFile(); final List<File> files = Arrays.asList(curDirFull.listFiles()); Collection<Callable<File>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : files) { final MetadataSystem metadataSystem = new NoRetryMetadataSystem(new InputTypeLoader()); if (file.isDirectory()) { Path subPathNew = subPath.resolve(file.getName()); decompileDirectory(rootDir, outputDir, subPathNew, result); continue; } if (!file.getName().endsWith(".class")) continue; if (file.getName().contains("$")) continue; final String fileSubPath = subPath.resolve(file.getName()).toString(); final String fqcn = StringUtils.removeEnd(fileSubPath, ".class").replace('/', '.'); final String fileAbsolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); Callable<File> callable = new Callable<File>() { @Override public File call() throws Exception { File outputFile; try { outputFile = decompileType(settings, metadataSystem, fqcn); if (null == outputFile) throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown Procyon error, type not found."); result.addDecompiled(Collections.singletonList(fileAbsolutePath), outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); return outputFile; } catch (Exception e) { DecompilationFailure failure = new DecompilationFailure("Error during decompilation of " + rootDir + " / " + fileSubPath + ":\n " + e.getMessage(), Collections.singletonList(fileSubPath.toString()), e); log.log(Level.SEVERE, failure.getMessage(), failure); result.addFailure(failure); } return null; } }; tasks.add(callable); } try { getExecutorService().invokeAll(tasks); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Was not able to decompile in the given time limit."); } } /** * Decompiles .class files and nested archives in the given archive, as allowed by the given filter. * <p> * Nested archives will be decompiled into directories matching the name of the archive, e.g. * <code>foo.ear/bar.jar/src/com/foo/bar/</code>. * <p> * Required directories will be created as needed. * * @param archive The archive containing source files and archives. * @param outputDir The directory where decompiled .java files will be placed. * @param filter Decides which classes will be decompiled. * * @returns Result with all decompilation failures. Never throws. */ @Override public DecompilationResult decompileArchiveImpl(final Path archive, Path outputDir, Filter<ZipEntry> filter, final DecompilationListener listener) throws DecompilationException { Checks.checkFileToBeRead(archive.toFile(), "Archive to decompile"); Checks.checkDirectoryToBeFilled(outputDir.toFile(), "Output directory");"Decompiling archive '" + archive.toAbsolutePath() + "' to '" + outputDir.toAbsolutePath() + "'"); JarFile jar = loadJar(archive.toFile()); try { final AtomicInteger jarEntryCount = new AtomicInteger(0); Enumeration<JarEntry> countEnum = jar.entries(); while (countEnum.hasMoreElements()) { countEnum.nextElement(); jarEntryCount.incrementAndGet(); } // MetadataSystem, TypeLoader's final DecompilerSettings settings = getDefaultSettings(outputDir.toFile()); settings.setTypeLoader(new CompositeTypeLoader(new WindupJarTypeLoader(jar), settings.getTypeLoader())); final DecompilationResult res = new DecompilationResult(); final AtomicInteger current = new AtomicInteger(0); final Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries(); Collection<Callable<File>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); final Queue<MetadataSystem> metadataSystemCache = new LinkedList<>(); refreshMetadataCache(metadataSystemCache, settings); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { final JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); final String name = entry.getName(); if (!name.endsWith(".class")) { jarEntryCount.decrementAndGet(); continue; } if (filter != null) { Filter.Result filterRes = filter.decide(entry); if (filterRes == Filter.Result.REJECT) { jarEntryCount.decrementAndGet(); continue; } if (filterRes == Filter.Result.STOP) { break; } } final String typeName = StringUtils.removeEnd(name, ".class"); // TODO - This approach is a hack, but it should work around the Procyon decompiler hangs for now Callable<File> callable = new Callable<File>() { @Override public File call() throws Exception { MetadataSystem metadataSystem = null; try { synchronized (metadataSystemCache) { if (current.incrementAndGet() % 50 == 0) {"Decompiling " + current + " / " + jarEntryCount); refreshMetadataCache(metadataSystemCache, settings); } metadataSystem = metadataSystemCache.remove(); } ExecutionStatistics.get().begin("ProcyonDecompiler.decompileIndividualItem"); final DecompileExecutor t = new DecompileExecutor(settings, metadataSystem, typeName); // TODO - This approach is a hack, but it should work around the Procyon decompiler hangs // for now t.start(); t.join(60000L); // timeout if it is taking too long if (!t.success) { if (t.e == null) { t.cancelDecompilation(); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to decompile file within 60 seconds... attempting abort", t.e); } else { throw new RuntimeException(t.e); } } File outputFile = t.outputFile; if (outputFile != null) { listener.fileDecompiled(Collections.singletonList(name), outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); res.addDecompiled(Collections.singletonList(name), outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); } return outputFile; } catch (Throwable th) { String msg = "Error during decompilation of " + archive.toString() + "!" + name + ":\n " + th.getMessage(); DecompilationFailure ex = new DecompilationFailure(msg, Collections.singletonList(name), th); log.log(Level.SEVERE, msg, ex); res.addFailure(ex); } finally { if (metadataSystem != null) { synchronized (metadataSystemCache) { metadataSystemCache.add(metadataSystem); } } ExecutionStatistics.get().end("ProcyonDecompiler.decompileIndividualItem"); } return null; } }; tasks.add(callable); } try { getExecutorService().invokeAll(tasks); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Decompilation was interrupted."); } finally { listener.decompilationProcessComplete(); } return res; } finally { try { jar.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warning("Failed to close jar file: " + jar.getName()); } } } /** * The metadata cache can become huge over time. This simply flushes it periodically. */ private void refreshMetadataCache(final Queue<MetadataSystem> metadataSystemCache, final DecompilerSettings settings) { metadataSystemCache.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfThreads(); i++) { metadataSystemCache.add(new NoRetryMetadataSystem(settings.getTypeLoader())); } } private class DecompileExecutor extends Thread { private DecompilerSettings settings; private MetadataSystem metadataSystem; private String typeName; private Exception e; private File outputFile; private boolean success; public DecompileExecutor(DecompilerSettings settings, MetadataSystem metadataSystem, String typeName) { this.settings = settings; this.metadataSystem = metadataSystem; this.typeName = typeName; setDaemon(true); } @Override public void run() { try { this.outputFile = decompileType(settings, metadataSystem, typeName); this.success = true; } catch (Exception e) { this.e = e; } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void cancelDecompilation() { this.interrupt(); // sleep up to 10 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (this.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WindupException("Interrupted while attempting to abort thread", e); } } } if (this.isAlive()) { // make one last (desperate) attempt to kill it this.stop(); } } } /** * Decompiles a single type. * * @param metadataSystem * @param typeName * @return * @throws IOException */ private File decompileType(final DecompilerSettings settings, final MetadataSystem metadataSystem, final String typeName) throws IOException { log.fine("Decompiling " + typeName); final TypeReference type; // Hack to get around classes whose descriptors clash with primitive types. if (typeName.length() == 1) { final MetadataParser parser = new MetadataParser(IMetadataResolver.EMPTY); final TypeReference reference = parser.parseTypeDescriptor(typeName); type = metadataSystem.resolve(reference); } else type = metadataSystem.lookupType(typeName); if (type == null) { log.severe("Failed to load class: " + typeName); return null; } final TypeDefinition resolvedType = type.resolve(); if (resolvedType == null) { log.severe("Failed to resolve type: " + typeName); return null; } boolean nested = resolvedType.isNested() || resolvedType.isAnonymous() || resolvedType.isSynthetic(); if (!this.procyonConf.isIncludeNested() && nested) return null; settings.setFormattingOptions(new JavaFormattingOptions()); final FileOutputWriter writer = createFileWriter(resolvedType, settings); final PlainTextOutput output; output = new PlainTextOutput(writer); output.setUnicodeOutputEnabled(settings.isUnicodeOutputEnabled()); if (settings.getLanguage() instanceof BytecodeLanguage) output.setIndentToken(" "); DecompilationOptions options = new DecompilationOptions(); options.setSettings(settings); // I'm missing why these two classes are split. // --------- DECOMPILE --------- final TypeDecompilationResults results = settings.getLanguage().decompileType(resolvedType, output, options); writer.flush(); writer.close(); // If we're writing to a file and we were asked to include line numbers in any way, // then reformat the file to include that line number information. final List<LineNumberPosition> lineNumberPositions = results.getLineNumberPositions(); if (!this.procyonConf.getLineNumberOptions().isEmpty()) { final LineNumberFormatter lineFormatter = new LineNumberFormatter(writer.getFile(), lineNumberPositions, this.procyonConf.getLineNumberOptions()); lineFormatter.reformatFile(); } return writer.getFile(); } /** * Default settings set type loader to ClasspathTypeLoader if not set before. */ private DecompilerSettings getDefaultSettings(File outputDir) { DecompilerSettings settings = new DecompilerSettings(); procyonConf.setDecompilerSettings(settings); settings.setOutputDirectory(outputDir.getPath()); settings.setShowSyntheticMembers(false); settings.setForceExplicitImports(true); if (settings.getTypeLoader() == null) settings.setTypeLoader(new ClasspathTypeLoader()); return settings; } /** * Opens the jar, wraps any IOException. */ private JarFile loadJar(File archive) throws DecompilationException { try { return new JarFile(archive); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new DecompilationException("Can't load .jar: " + archive.getPath(), ex); } } /** * Constructs the path from FQCN, validates writability, and creates a writer. */ private static synchronized FileOutputWriter createFileWriter(final TypeDefinition type, final DecompilerSettings settings) throws IOException { final String outputDirectory = settings.getOutputDirectory(); final String fileName = type.getName() + settings.getLanguage().getFileExtension(); final String packageName = type.getPackageName(); // foo.Bar -> foo/ final String subDir = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(packageName, "").replace('.', File.separatorChar); final String outputPath = PathHelper.combine(outputDirectory, subDir, fileName); final File outputFile = new File(outputPath); final File parentDir = outputFile.getParentFile(); if (parentDir != null && !parentDir.exists() && !parentDir.mkdirs()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create directory:" + parentDir); } if (!outputFile.exists() && !outputFile.createNewFile()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create output file: " + outputPath); } return new FileOutputWriter(outputFile, settings); } }