package org.jboss.windup.config.loader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.forge.furnace.proxy.Proxies; import org.jboss.windup.config.AbstractRuleProvider; import org.jboss.windup.config.RuleProvider; import org.jboss.windup.config.phase.RulePhase; import org.jboss.windup.util.exception.WindupMultiStringException; import org.jgrapht.alg.CycleDetector; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph; import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge; import org.jgrapht.traverse.TopologicalOrderIterator; /** * Sorts {@link RuleProvider}s based upon their executeBefore/executeAfter methods. * * @author <a href="">Jesse Sightler</a> * @author <a href="">Ondrej Zizka</a> */ public class RuleProviderSorter { /** * All {@link RuleProvider}s */ private List<RuleProvider> providers; /** * Maps from the RuleProvider class back to the instance of RuleProvider */ private final IdentityHashMap<Class<? extends RuleProvider>, RuleProvider> classToProviderMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(); /** * Maps from the provider's ID to the RuleProvider */ private final Map<String, RuleProvider> idToProviderMap = new HashMap<>(); private RuleProviderSorter(List<RuleProvider> providers) { this.providers = new ArrayList<>(providers); initializeLookupCaches(); sort(); } /** * Sort the provided list of {@link RuleProvider}s and return the result. */ public static List<RuleProvider> sort(List<RuleProvider> providers) { RuleProviderSorter sorter = new RuleProviderSorter(providers); return sorter.getProviders(); } /** * Gets the provider list */ private List<RuleProvider> getProviders() { return providers; } /** * Initializes lookup caches that are used during sort to lookup providers by ID or Java {@link Class}. */ private void initializeLookupCaches() { for (RuleProvider provider : providers) { Class<? extends RuleProvider> unproxiedClass = unwrapType(provider.getClass()); classToProviderMap.put(unproxiedClass, provider); idToProviderMap.put(provider.getMetadata().getID(), provider); } } /** * Perform the entire sort operation */ private void sort() { DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> graph = new DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<>( DefaultEdge.class); for (RuleProvider provider : providers) { graph.addVertex(provider); } addProviderRelationships(graph); checkForCycles(graph); List<RuleProvider> result = new ArrayList<>(this.providers.size()); TopologicalOrderIterator<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> iterator = new TopologicalOrderIterator<>(graph); while (iterator.hasNext()) { RuleProvider provider =; result.add(provider); } this.providers = Collections.unmodifiableList(result); int index = 0; for (RuleProvider provider : this.providers) { if (provider instanceof AbstractRuleProvider) ((AbstractRuleProvider) provider).setExecutionIndex(index++); } } /** * Add edges between {@link WinduPRuleProvider}s based upon their dependency relationships. */ private void addProviderRelationships(DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> graph) { linkRulePhases(); for (RuleProvider provider : providers) { RuleProvider phaseProvider = getByClass(provider.getMetadata().getPhase()); List<String> errors = new LinkedList<>(); for (Class<? extends RuleProvider> clz : provider.getMetadata().getExecuteAfter()) { // add connections to ruleproviders that should execute before this one addExecuteAfterRelationship(graph, provider, errors, clz); } if (phaseProvider != null) { if (provider.getMetadata().getPhase() != Proxies.unwrap(provider).getClass()) addExecuteAfterRelationship(graph, provider, errors, provider.getMetadata().getPhase()); for (Class<? extends RuleProvider> clz : phaseProvider.getMetadata().getExecuteAfter()) { addExecuteAfterRelationship(graph, provider, errors, clz); } } for (Class<? extends RuleProvider> clz : provider.getMetadata().getExecuteBefore()) { // add connections to ruleproviders that should execute after this one addExecuteBeforeRelationship(graph, provider, errors, clz); } if (phaseProvider != null) { for (Class<? extends RuleProvider> clz : phaseProvider.getMetadata().getExecuteBefore()) { addExecuteBeforeRelationship(graph, provider, errors, clz); } } for (String depID : provider.getMetadata().getExecuteAfterIDs()) { // add connections to ruleproviders that should execute before this one (by String ID) RuleProvider otherProvider = getByID(depID); if (otherProvider == null) { errors.add("RuleProvider " + provider.getMetadata().getID() + " is specified to execute after: " + depID + " but this provider could not be found."); } else graph.addEdge(otherProvider, provider); } for (String depID : provider.getMetadata().getExecuteBeforeIDs()) { // add connections to ruleproviders that should execute before this one (by String ID) RuleProvider otherProvider = getByID(depID); if (otherProvider == null) { errors.add("RuleProvider " + provider.getMetadata().getID() + " is specified to execute before: " + depID + " but this provider could not be found."); } else graph.addEdge(provider, otherProvider); } if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw new WindupMultiStringException("Some rules to be executed before or after were not found:", errors); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void linkRulePhases() { // Go through all of the RulePhases and link tail-to-head-to-tail // Basically this just makes sure that each phase has both an executeBefore and an executeAfter, linked // to the next phase in the execution cycle. This isn't strictly necessary, but it does make debugging easier, // and makes the execution order more predictable. for (RuleProvider provider : providers) { if (provider instanceof RulePhase) { if (provider.getMetadata().getExecuteBefore().isEmpty()) { // find any that should execute after this one for (RuleProvider otherProvider : providers) { if (otherProvider instanceof RulePhase) { if (otherProvider.getMetadata().getExecuteAfter().contains(Proxies.unwrap(provider).getClass())) { ((RulePhase) provider).setExecuteBefore((Class<? extends RulePhase>) Proxies.unwrap((RulePhase) otherProvider) .getClass()); } } } } if (provider.getMetadata().getExecuteAfter().isEmpty()) { // find any that should execute before this one for (RuleProvider otherProvider : providers) { if (otherProvider instanceof RulePhase) { if (otherProvider.getMetadata().getExecuteBefore().contains(Proxies.unwrap(provider).getClass())) { ((RulePhase) provider).setExecuteAfter((Class<? extends RulePhase>) Proxies.unwrap((RulePhase) otherProvider) .getClass()); } } } } } } } private void addExecuteBeforeRelationship(DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> graph, RuleProvider provider, List<String> errors, Class<? extends RuleProvider> clz) { RuleProvider otherProvider = getByClass(clz); if (otherProvider == null) { errors.add("RuleProvider " + provider.getMetadata().getID() + " is specified to execute before: " + clz.getName() + " but this class could not be found."); } else graph.addEdge(provider, otherProvider); } private void addExecuteAfterRelationship(DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> graph, RuleProvider provider, List<String> errors, Class<? extends RuleProvider> clz) { RuleProvider otherProvider = getByClass(clz); if (otherProvider == null) { errors.add("RuleProvider " + provider.getMetadata().getID() + " is specified to execute after class: " + clz.getName() + " but this class could not be found."); } else graph.addEdge(otherProvider, provider); } /** * Use the jgrapht cycle checker to detect any cycles in the provided dependency graph. */ private void checkForCycles(DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> graph) { CycleDetector<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> cycleDetector = new CycleDetector<>(graph); if (cycleDetector.detectCycles()) { // if we have cycles, then try to throw an exception with some usable data Set<RuleProvider> cycles = cycleDetector.findCycles(); StringBuilder errorSB = new StringBuilder(); for (RuleProvider cycle : cycles) { errorSB.append("Found dependency cycle involving: " + cycle.getMetadata().getID() + "\n"); Set<RuleProvider> subCycleSet = cycleDetector.findCyclesContainingVertex(cycle); for (RuleProvider subCycle : subCycleSet) { errorSB.append("\tSubcycle: " + subCycle.getMetadata().getID() + "\n"); } } throw new RuntimeException("Dependency cycles detected: " + errorSB.toString()); } } private RuleProvider getByClass(Class<? extends RuleProvider> c) { return classToProviderMap.get(c); } private RuleProvider getByID(String id) { return idToProviderMap.get(id); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Class<T> unwrapType(Class<T> wrapped) { return (Class<T>) Proxies.unwrapProxyTypes(wrapped); } }