package org.jboss.windup.graph.traversal; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Vertex; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.DuplicateProjectModel; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.ProjectModel; import org.jboss.windup.graph.model.resource.FileModel; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * This allows a {@link ProjectModel} to be traversed in a way that is aware of {@link DuplicateProjectModel}s. * * This should make it easier to calculate the actual path within the application without regard to where the original * project was actually stored. * * Cases where this is used include: * <ul> * <li>Listing all of the files in the application with accurate paths, regardless of how they are stored in the graph</li> * <li>The application details report, which traverses the applications in a hierarchical manner.</li> * </ul> * * @author <a href="">Jesse Sightler</a> * @author <a href="">Ondrej Zizka,</a> */ public class ProjectModelTraversal { public enum TraversalState { /** * Traverse this node and all children. */ ALL, /** * Skip the current node, but do include the children */ CHILDREN_ONLY, /** * Do not traverse this node and also do not traverse the children. */ NONE } private final ProjectModelTraversal previous; private final ProjectModel current; private final TraversalStrategy traversalStrategy; /** * Builds an instance with a reference to the previous {@link ProjectModelTraversal}, and the given parameters. * * NOTE: This would generally only be used by {@link TraversalStrategy} implementations. {@see DefaultTraversalStrategy} */ public ProjectModelTraversal(ProjectModelTraversal previous, ProjectModel current, TraversalStrategy traversalStrategy) { this.previous = previous; this.current = current; this.traversalStrategy = traversalStrategy == null ? new AllTraversalStrategy() : traversalStrategy; } /** * Creates a new {@link ProjectModelTraversal} based upon the provided {@link ProjectModel}. The {@link ProjectModel} * should be a "root" model (an application) rather than a subpart of an application. * * {@link TraversalStrategy} will default to {@link AllTraversalStrategy}. */ public ProjectModelTraversal(ProjectModel current) { this(null, current, null); } /** * Creates a new {@link ProjectModelTraversal} based upon the provided {@link ProjectModel}. The {@link ProjectModel} * should be a "root" model (an application) rather than a subpart of an application. * * The provided {@link TraversalStrategy} will determine how the ProjectModel's subprojects tree will be traversed. */ public ProjectModelTraversal(ProjectModel current, TraversalStrategy traversalStrategy) { this(null, current, traversalStrategy); } /** * Recursively crawls this {@link ProjectModelTraversal} and adds all of the {@link ProjectModel}s to a * {@link Set}. The exact projects returns will be affected by the {@link TraversalStrategy} in use by the * current traversal. */ public Set<ProjectModel> getAllProjects(boolean recursive) { if (!recursive) return Collections.singleton(getCanonicalProject()); else return addProjects(new HashSet<ProjectModel>(), this); } /** * Recursively crawls this {@link ProjectModelTraversal} and adds all of the {@link ProjectModel}s to a * {@link Set}. The exact projects returns will be affected by the {@link TraversalStrategy} in use by the * current traversal. * * This is the same as {@link ProjectModelTraversal#getAllProjects(boolean)} except that it returns a Set of vertices * instead of frames. */ public Set<Vertex> getAllProjectsAsVertices(boolean recursive) { Set<Vertex> vertices = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (ProjectModel projectModel : getAllProjects(recursive)) vertices.add(projectModel.asVertex()); return vertices; } private Set<ProjectModel> addProjects(Set<ProjectModel> existingVertices, ProjectModelTraversal traversal) { TraversalState nodeTraversalState = traversal.getTraversalState(); if (nodeTraversalState == TraversalState.ALL) existingVertices.add(traversal.getCanonicalProject()); if (nodeTraversalState != TraversalState.NONE) { for (ProjectModelTraversal child : traversal.getChildren()) addProjects(existingVertices, child); } return existingVertices; } /** * Implements the Visitor pattern with a callback that receives each {@link ProjectModelTraversal} * instance. This can be useful for implementing algorithms that need to operate over all of the data within * this traversal. * * Note that the children visited will be affected by the current {@link TraversalStrategy} selected for this traversal. */ public void accept(ProjectTraversalVisitor visitor) { visitor.visit(this); for (ProjectModelTraversal child : getChildren()) child.accept(visitor); } /** * Gets all child projects of the current project. */ public Iterable<ProjectModelTraversal> getChildren() { return traversalStrategy.getChildren(this); } /** * Gets the path of the specified {@link FileModel} within this traversal. The file must be within the * current {@link ProjectModel} for this method to return an accurate path. */ public String getFilePath(FileModel fileModel) { FileModel rootFileModel = getCurrent().getRootFileModel(); FileModel canonicalRootFileModel = getCanonicalProject().getRootFileModel(); String base = ""; // get the path from the chain up until this project if (previous != null) base = combinePaths(base, previous.getFilePath(canonicalRootFileModel)); // get the path of the root file within its project if (current.getRootFileModel().getParentFile() != null) base = combinePaths(base, current.getRootFileModel().getParentFile().getPrettyPathWithinProject()); String rootFilename = rootFileModel.getFileName(); base = combinePaths(base, rootFilename); // if this is the root file, then just return the base if (getCurrent().getRootFileModel().getFilePath().equals(fileModel.getFilePath())) return base; String relativePath = fileModel.getPrettyPathWithinProject(); return combinePaths(base, relativePath); } private String combinePaths(String path1, String path2) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path1) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(path2)) return path1 + "/" + path2; else return path1 + path2; } /** * Returns a status indicating whether or not this should skip certain parts of the traversal for this node. */ public TraversalState getTraversalState() { TraversalState calculatedState = traversalStrategy.getTraversalState(this); return calculatedState == null ? TraversalState.ALL : calculatedState; } /** * Gets the canonical Project by unwrapping any {@link DuplicateProjectModel}s wrapping it. */ public ProjectModel getCanonicalProject() { return getCanonicalProject(current); } /** * Gets the current {@link ProjectModel} without unwrapping. */ public ProjectModel getCurrent() { return this.current; } private ProjectModel getCanonicalProject(ProjectModel projectModel) { if (projectModel instanceof DuplicateProjectModel) { DuplicateProjectModel duplicate = (DuplicateProjectModel) projectModel; return getCanonicalProject(duplicate.getCanonicalProject()); } else { return projectModel; } } @Override public String toString() { FileModel rootFileModel = current == null ? null : current.getRootFileModel(); String checksum = rootFileModel == null ? null : StringUtils.substring(rootFileModel.getMD5Hash(), 0, 8); String name = rootFileModel == null ? current.getName() : rootFileModel.getFileName(); String projectInfo = current == null ? null : checksum + " " + name + " (" + current.getProjectType() + ')'; String strategyInfo = traversalStrategy == null ? null : traversalStrategy.getClass().getSimpleName(); return "Trav@" + this.hashCode() + "{cur: " + projectInfo + ", strategy: " + strategyInfo + ", prev: " + previous + '}'; } /** * Resets the internal state of this traversal, so it can be reused. */ public void reset() { this.traversalStrategy.reset(); } }