package org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.forge.furnace.Furnace; import org.jboss.forge.furnace.addons.Addon; import; import org.jboss.forge.furnace.util.Predicate; import org.jboss.windup.config.ConfigurationOption; import org.jboss.windup.config.RuleProvider; import org.jboss.windup.config.furnace.FurnaceHolder; import org.jboss.windup.exec.WindupProcessor; import org.jboss.windup.exec.WindupProgressMonitor; import org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration.options.ExportCSVOption; import org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration.options.InputPathOption; import org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration.options.OnlineModeOption; import org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration.options.OutputPathOption; import org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration.options.UserIgnorePathOption; import org.jboss.windup.exec.configuration.options.UserRulesDirectoryOption; import org.jboss.windup.graph.GraphContext; import org.jboss.windup.util.PathUtil; import org.ocpsoft.rewrite.config.Rule; /** * Configuration of WindupProcessor. * * @author <a href="">Ondrej Zizka</a> * @author <a href="">Lincoln Baxter, III</a> */ public class WindupConfiguration { private static final String DEFAULT_USER_RULES_DIRECTORIES_OPTION = "defaultUserRulesDirectories"; private static final String DEFAULT_USER_IGNORE_DIRECTORIES_OPTION = "defaultUserIgnorePaths"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_ONLINE = false; private Predicate<RuleProvider> ruleProviderFilter; private WindupProgressMonitor progressMonitor = new NullWindupProgressMonitor(); private final Map<String, Object> configurationOptions = new HashMap<>(); private boolean alwaysHaltOnException; private GraphContext context; public WindupConfiguration() { } public void useDefaultDirectories() throws IOException { Path userRulesDir = PathUtil.getUserRulesDir(); if (userRulesDir != null && !Files.isDirectory(userRulesDir)) { Files.createDirectories(userRulesDir); } if (userRulesDir != null) { addDefaultUserRulesDirectory(userRulesDir); } Path userIgnoreDir = PathUtil.getUserIgnoreDir(); if (userIgnoreDir != null && !Files.isDirectory(userIgnoreDir)) { Files.createDirectories(userIgnoreDir); } if (userIgnoreDir != null) { addDefaultUserIgnorePath(userIgnoreDir); } Path windupHomeRulesDir = PathUtil.getWindupRulesDir(); if (windupHomeRulesDir != null && !Files.isDirectory(windupHomeRulesDir)) { Files.createDirectories(windupHomeRulesDir); } if (windupHomeRulesDir != null) { addDefaultUserRulesDirectory(windupHomeRulesDir); } Path windupHomeIgnoreDir = PathUtil.getWindupIgnoreDir(); if (windupHomeIgnoreDir != null && !Files.isDirectory(windupHomeIgnoreDir)) { Files.createDirectories(windupHomeIgnoreDir); } if (windupHomeIgnoreDir != null) { addDefaultUserIgnorePath(windupHomeIgnoreDir); } } /** * Sets a configuration option to the specified value. */ public WindupConfiguration setOptionValue(String name, Object value) { configurationOptions.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Indicates that we should always halt on a {@link Rule} failure, regardless of whether or not we would normally bypass the failure. * * This can be useful in test scenarios where we don't want errors to be ignored at all. */ public boolean isAlwaysHaltOnException() { return alwaysHaltOnException; } /** * Indicates that we should always halt on a {@link Rule} failure, regardless of whether or not we would normally bypass the failure. * * This can be useful in test scenarios where we don't want errors to be ignored at all. */ public void setAlwaysHaltOnException(boolean alwaysHaltOnException) { this.alwaysHaltOnException = alwaysHaltOnException; } /** * Returns the configuration value with the specified name. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getOptionValue(String name) { return (T) configurationOptions.get(name); } /** * Returns all configuration options as an immutable {@link Map}. */ public Map<String, Object> getOptionMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(configurationOptions); } /** * Returns all of the {@link ConfigurationOption} in all currently available {@link Addon}s. */ public static Iterable<ConfigurationOption> getWindupConfigurationOptions() { return getWindupConfigurationOptions(FurnaceHolder.getFurnace()); } /** * Returns all of the {@link ConfigurationOption} in all currently available {@link Addon}s. */ public static Iterable<ConfigurationOption> getWindupConfigurationOptions(Furnace furnace) { List<ConfigurationOption> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (ConfigurationOption option : furnace.getAddonRegistry().getServices(ConfigurationOption.class)) { results.add(option); } Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<ConfigurationOption>() { @Override public int compare(ConfigurationOption o1, ConfigurationOption o2) { return o2.getPriority() - o1.getPriority(); } }); return results; } /** * Returns all of the {@link ConfigurationOption} in the specified {@link Addon}. */ public static Iterable<ConfigurationOption> getWindupConfigurationOptions(Addon addon) { IdentityHashMap<ClassLoader, Addon> classLoaderToAddon = new IdentityHashMap<>(); for (Addon loadedAddon : FurnaceHolder.getAddonRegistry().getAddons()) { classLoaderToAddon.put(loadedAddon.getClassLoader(), loadedAddon); } List<ConfigurationOption> results = new ArrayList<>(); Imported<ConfigurationOption> options = FurnaceHolder.getAddonRegistry() .getServices(ConfigurationOption.class); for (ConfigurationOption option : options) { ClassLoader optionClassLoader = option.getClass().getClassLoader(); Addon optionAddon = classLoaderToAddon.get(optionClassLoader); if (optionAddon.equals(addon)) { results.add(option); } } return results; } /** * Contains the path to the input file (or directory) to be processed */ public WindupConfiguration addInputPath(Path inputPath) { Set<Path> inputPaths = getOptionValue(InputPathOption.NAME); if (inputPaths == null) { inputPaths = new LinkedHashSet<>(); setOptionValue(InputPathOption.NAME, inputPaths); } inputPaths.add(inputPath); return this; } /** * Contains the path to the input file (or directory) to be processed */ public Collection<Path> getInputPaths() { Collection<Path> inputPaths = getOptionValue(InputPathOption.NAME); return inputPaths; } /** * Contains the directory to put the output to (migration report, temporary files, exported graph data...). */ public Path getOutputDirectory() { File file = getOptionValue(OutputPathOption.NAME); return file == null ? null : file.toPath(); } /** * Contains the directory to put the output to (migration report, temporary files, exported graph data...). */ public WindupConfiguration setOutputDirectory(Path outputDirectory) { setOptionValue(OutputPathOption.NAME, outputDirectory.toFile()); return this; } /** * Gets all user rule directories. This includes both the ones that they specify (eg, /path/to/rules) as well as ones that Windup provides by * default (eg, WINDUP_HOME/rules and ~/.windup/rules). */ public Iterable<Path> getAllUserRulesDirectories() { Set<Path> results = new HashSet<>(); results.addAll(getDefaultUserRulesDirectories()); File userSpecifiedFile = getOptionValue(UserRulesDirectoryOption.NAME); if (userSpecifiedFile != null) { results.add(userSpecifiedFile.toPath()); } return results; } /** * Gets all the directories/files in which the regexes for ignoring the files is placed. This includes the file/directory specified by the user * and the default paths that are WINDUP_HOME/ignore and ~/.windup/ignore. * * @return */ public Iterable<Path> getAllIgnoreDirectories() { Set<Path> results = new HashSet<>(); results.addAll(getDefaultUserIgnoreDirectories()); File userSpecifiedFile = getOptionValue(UserIgnorePathOption.NAME); if (userSpecifiedFile != null) { results.add(userSpecifiedFile.toPath()); } return results; } /** * Contains a list of {@link Path}s with directories that contains user provided rules. */ public List<Path> getDefaultUserRulesDirectories() { List<Path> paths = getOptionValue(DEFAULT_USER_RULES_DIRECTORIES_OPTION); if (paths == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(paths); } /** * Contains a default list of {@link Path}s with directories/files that contains files having regexes of file names to be ignored. */ public List<Path> getDefaultUserIgnoreDirectories() { List<Path> paths = getOptionValue(DEFAULT_USER_IGNORE_DIRECTORIES_OPTION); if (paths == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(paths); } /** * Contains a list of {@link Path}s with the directory that contains user provided rules. * * This method does guard against duplicate directories. */ public WindupConfiguration addDefaultUserRulesDirectory(Path path) { List<Path> paths = getOptionValue(DEFAULT_USER_RULES_DIRECTORIES_OPTION); if (paths == null) { paths = new ArrayList<>(); setOptionValue(DEFAULT_USER_RULES_DIRECTORIES_OPTION, paths); } File userSpecifiedRulePath = getOptionValue(UserRulesDirectoryOption.NAME); if (userSpecifiedRulePath != null && userSpecifiedRulePath.toPath().equals(path)) { return this; } for (Path existingPath : paths) { if (existingPath.equals(path)) { return this; } } paths.add(path); return this; } /** * Adds a path to the list of default {@link Path}s with directories/files that contain files with regexes of file names to be ignored. * * This method does guard against duplicate directories. */ public WindupConfiguration addDefaultUserIgnorePath(Path path) { List<Path> paths = getOptionValue(DEFAULT_USER_IGNORE_DIRECTORIES_OPTION); if (paths == null) { paths = new ArrayList<>(); setOptionValue(DEFAULT_USER_IGNORE_DIRECTORIES_OPTION, paths); } File userSpecifiedIgnorePath = getOptionValue(UserIgnorePathOption.NAME); if (userSpecifiedIgnorePath != null && userSpecifiedIgnorePath.toPath().equals(path)) { return this; } for (Path existingPath : paths) { if (existingPath.equals(path)) { return this; } } paths.add(path); return this; } public Predicate<RuleProvider> getRuleProviderFilter() { return ruleProviderFilter; } /** * A filter to limit which rule providers' rules will be executed. */ public WindupConfiguration setRuleProviderFilter(Predicate<RuleProvider> ruleProviderFilter) { this.ruleProviderFilter = ruleProviderFilter; return this; } public WindupProgressMonitor getProgressMonitor() { return progressMonitor; } /** * A progress monitor which will get notification of the rule execution progress. */ public WindupConfiguration setProgressMonitor(WindupProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { this.progressMonitor = progressMonitor; return this; } /** * Sets the {@link GraphContext} instance on which the {@link WindupProcessor} should execute. */ public WindupConfiguration setGraphContext(GraphContext context) { this.context = context; return this; } /** * Gets the {@link GraphContext} instance on which the {@link WindupProcessor} should execute. */ public GraphContext getGraphContext() { return context; } /** * Set Windup to run online or offline (with respect to an internet connection). */ public WindupConfiguration setOnline(boolean online) { setOptionValue(OnlineModeOption.NAME, online); return this; } /** * Returns true if Windup is operating in {@link OnlineModeOption} == true. (with respect to an internet connection) */ public boolean isOnline() { Boolean online = getOptionValue(OnlineModeOption.NAME); return online == null ? DEFAULT_ONLINE : online; } /** * Set Windup to export CSV file containing the migration information (classifications, hints). */ public WindupConfiguration setExportingCSV(boolean export) { setOptionValue(ExportCSVOption.NAME, export); return this; } /** * Returns true if Windup is operating in {@link ExportCSVOption} == true. */ public boolean isExportingCSV() { Boolean export = getOptionValue(ExportCSVOption.NAME); return export == null ? false : export; } }