package org.jboss.windup.rules.general; import org.jboss.windup.config.condition.GraphCondition; import org.jboss.windup.config.exception.ConfigurationException; import org.jboss.windup.config.parser.ElementHandler; import org.jboss.windup.config.parser.NamespaceElementHandler; import org.jboss.windup.config.parser.ParserContext; import org.jboss.windup.util.exception.WindupException; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.joox.JOOX.$; /** * An {@link ElementHandler} for {@link IterableFilter} * * Example: * * <pre> * <iterable-filter size="3" > * <hint ...../> * </iterable-filter > * </pre> */ @NamespaceElementHandler(elementName = IterableFilterHandler.ELEMENT_NAME, namespace = "") public class IterableFilterHandler implements ElementHandler<IterableFilter> { public static final String ELEMENT_NAME = "iterable-filter"; public static final String SIZE_ATTRIBUTE = "size"; @Override public IterableFilter processElement(ParserContext context, Element element) throws ConfigurationException { // Read & Validate String sizeAttr = $(element).attr(SIZE_ATTRIBUTE); List<Element> children = $(element).children().get(); validateAttributes(sizeAttr); validateChildren(children); Element firstChild = children.get(0); Object wrappedCondition = context.processElement(firstChild); validateWrappedCondition(wrappedCondition); // Create the condition IterableFilter iterableFilter = new IterableFilter(Integer.parseInt(sizeAttr)); for (Element child : children) { Object condition = context.processElement(child); iterableFilter.withWrappedCondition((GraphCondition) condition); } return iterableFilter; } private void validateWrappedCondition(Object wrappedCondition) { if(! (wrappedCondition instanceof GraphCondition)) { throw new WindupException("The <" + ELEMENT_NAME + "> element must wrap GraphConditions only." ); } } private void validateAttributes(String size) throws WindupException{ if(!Pattern.matches("[0-9]+",size)) { throw new WindupException("The <" + ELEMENT_NAME + "> element's '" +IterableFilterHandler.SIZE_ATTRIBUTE + " attribute is not a valid number." ); } } private void validateChildren(List<Element> children) throws WindupException{ if(children.size() != 1) { throw new WindupException("The <" + ELEMENT_NAME + "> element must have exactly 1 child." ); } } }