package org.wildfly.core.testrunner; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.exporter.ZipExporter; /** * @author Tomaz Cerar (c) 2014 Red Hat Inc. */ public class ServerController { private static final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static volatile Server server; /** * @deprecated use the startMode variant instead */ @Deprecated public void start(final String serverConfig, boolean adminMode) { start(serverConfig, adminMode ? Server.StartMode.ADMIN_ONLY : Server.StartMode.NORMAL); } public void start(final String serverConfig, Server.StartMode startMode) { start(serverConfig, startMode, System.out); } public void start(final String serverConfig, Server.StartMode startMode, PrintStream out) { if (started.compareAndSet(false, true)) { server = new Server(); if (serverConfig != null) { server.setServerConfig(serverConfig); } server.setStartMode(startMode); try { server.start(out); } catch (final Throwable t) { // failed to start server = null; started.set(false); throw t; } } } public void start() { start(System.out); } public void start(PrintStream out) { start(null, Server.StartMode.NORMAL, out); } public void startInAdminMode(){ start(null, Server.StartMode.ADMIN_ONLY); } public void startSuspended() { start(null, Server.StartMode.SUSPEND); } public void stop() { if (server != null) { try { server.stop(); } finally { server = null; started.set(false); } } } public boolean isStarted() { return (server != null); } public ManagementClient getClient() { return server.getClient(); } public ServerDeploymentHelper getDeploymentHelper() { return new ServerDeploymentHelper(server.getClient().getControllerClient()); } public void deploy(final Archive<?> archive, final String runtimeName) throws ServerDeploymentHelper.ServerDeploymentException { getDeploymentHelper().deploy(runtimeName,; } public void deploy(final Path deployment) throws ServerDeploymentHelper.ServerDeploymentException, IOException { final ServerDeploymentHelper helper = getDeploymentHelper(); try (InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(deployment)) { helper.deploy(deployment.getFileName().toString(), in); } } public void undeploy(final String runtimeName) throws ServerDeploymentHelper.ServerDeploymentException { final ServerDeploymentHelper helper = getDeploymentHelper(); helper.undeploy(runtimeName); } /** * Reloads server and wait for it to come back */ public void reload() { server.reload(false, 30 * 1000); //by default reload in normal mode with timeout of 30 seconds } public void reload(Server.StartMode startMode) { server.reload(startMode, 30 * 1000); //by default reload in normal mode with timeout of 30 seconds } public void reload(int timeout) { server.reload(false, timeout); } public void reload(boolean adminMode, int timeout) { server.reload(adminMode, timeout); } public void reload(boolean adminMode, int timeout, String serverConfig) { server.reload(adminMode, timeout, serverConfig); } public void reload(Server.StartMode startMode, int timeout) { server.reload(startMode, timeout); } public void reload(Server.StartMode startMode, int timeout, String serverConfig) { server.reload(startMode, timeout, serverConfig); } public void reload(String serverConfig) { server.reload(false, 30 * 1000, serverConfig); } public void waitForLiveServerToReload(int timeout){ server.waitForLiveServerToReload(timeout); } }