package; import; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Before; /** * The base class for parsing tests which does the work of setting up the environment for parsing * * @author <a href="">Kabir Khan</a> * @author <a href=">Stefano Maestri</a> */ public abstract class AbstractSubsystemTest { /** * Use {@link AbstractSubsystemTest#getMainSubsystemName()} */ @Deprecated protected final String mainSubsystemName; private final SubsystemTestDelegate delegate; protected AbstractSubsystemTest(final String mainSubsystemName, final Extension mainExtension) { this(mainSubsystemName, mainExtension, null); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected AbstractSubsystemTest(final String mainSubsystemName, final Extension mainExtension, final Comparator<PathAddress> removeOrderComparator) { this.mainSubsystemName = mainSubsystemName; this.delegate = new SubsystemTestDelegate(this.getClass(), mainSubsystemName, mainExtension, removeOrderComparator); } public String getMainSubsystemName() { return delegate.getMainSubsystemName(); } @Before public void initializeParser() throws Exception { delegate.initializeParser(); } @After public void cleanup() throws Exception { delegate.cleanup(); } protected Extension getMainExtension() { return delegate.getMainExtension(); } /** * Read the classpath resource with the given name and return its contents as a string. Hook to * for reading in classpath resources for subsequent parsing. The resource is loaded using similar * semantics to {@link Class#getResource(String)} * * @param name the name of the resource * @return the contents of the resource as a string * @throws IOException */ protected String readResource(final String name) throws IOException { return ModelTestUtils.readResource(getClass(), name); } /** * Parse the subsystem xml and create the operations that will be passed into the controller * * @param subsystemXml the subsystem xml to be parsed * @return the created operations * @throws XMLStreamException if there is a parsing problem */ protected List<ModelNode> parse(String subsystemXml) throws XMLStreamException { return delegate.parse(subsystemXml); } /** * Parse the subsystem xml and create the operations that will be passed into the controller * * @param additionalParsers additional initialization that should be done to the parsers before initializing our extension. These parsers * will only be initialized the first time this method is called from within a test * @param subsystemXml the subsystem xml to be parsed * @return the created operations * @throws XMLStreamException if there is a parsing problem */ protected List<ModelNode> parse(AdditionalParsers additionalParsers, String subsystemXml) throws XMLStreamException { return delegate.parse(additionalParsers, subsystemXml); } /** * Output the model to xml * * @param model the model to marshall * @return the xml */ protected String outputModel(ModelNode model) throws Exception { return delegate.outputModel(model); } /** * Initializes the controller and populates the subsystem model from the passed in xml. * * @param subsystemXml the subsystem xml to be parsed * @return the kernel services allowing access to the controller and service container * @deprecated Use {@link #createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization)} instead */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected KernelServices installInController(String subsystemXml) throws Exception { return delegate.installInController(subsystemXml); } /** * Initializes the controller and populates the subsystem model from the passed in xml. * * @param additionalInit Additional initialization that should be done to the parsers, controller and service container before initializing our extension * @param subsystemXml the subsystem xml to be parsed * @deprecated Use {@link #createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization)} instead */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected KernelServices installInController(AdditionalInitialization additionalInit, String subsystemXml) throws Exception { return delegate.installInController(additionalInit, subsystemXml); } /** * Create a new controller with the passed in operations. * * @param bootOperations the operations * @deprecated Use {@link #createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization)} instead */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected KernelServices installInController(List<ModelNode> bootOperations) throws Exception { return delegate.installInController(bootOperations); } /** * Create a new controller with the passed in operations. * * @param additionalInit Additional initialization that should be done to the parsers, controller and service container before initializing our extension * @param bootOperations the operations * @deprecated Use {@link #createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization)} instead */ @Deprecated protected KernelServices installInController(AdditionalInitialization additionalInit, List<ModelNode> bootOperations) throws Exception { return delegate.installInController(additionalInit, bootOperations); } /** * Creates a new kernel services builder used to create a new controller containing the subsystem being tested * * @param additionalInit Additional initialization that should be done to the parsers, controller and service container before initializing our extension */ protected KernelServicesBuilder createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization additionalInit) { return delegate.createKernelServicesBuilder(additionalInit); } /** * Gets the ProcessType to use when initializing the parsers. Defaults to {@link ProcessType#EMBEDDED_SERVER} * To tweak the process type when installing a controller, override {@link AdditionalInitialization} and pass in to * {@link #createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization)} instead. * * @return the process type */ protected final ProcessType getProcessType() { return ProcessType.EMBEDDED_SERVER; } /** * Checks that the result was successful and gets the real result contents * * @param result the result to check * @return the result contents */ protected static ModelNode checkResultAndGetContents(ModelNode result) { return ModelTestUtils.checkResultAndGetContents(result); } /** * Checks that the result was successful * * @param result the result to check * @return the result contents */ protected static ModelNode checkOutcome(ModelNode result) { return ModelTestUtils.checkOutcome(result); } /** * Checks that the subystem resources can be removed, i.e. that people have registered * working 'remove' operations for every 'add' level. This cannot be called after the * kernelServices have been shut down. * * * @param kernelServices the kernel services used to access the controller */ protected void assertRemoveSubsystemResources(KernelServices kernelServices) { delegate.assertRemoveSubsystemResources(kernelServices); } /** * Checks that the subystem resources can be removed, i.e. that people have registered * working 'remove' operations for every 'add' level. * * @param kernelServices the kernel services used to access the controller * @param ignoredChildAddresses child addresses that should not be removed, they are managed by one of the parent resources. * This set cannot contain the subsystem resource itself */ protected void assertRemoveSubsystemResources(KernelServices kernelServices, Set<PathAddress> ignoredChildAddresses) { delegate.assertRemoveSubsystemResources(kernelServices, ignoredChildAddresses); } /** * Grabs the current root resource * * @param kernelServices the kernel services used to access the controller */ protected Resource grabRootResource(ModelTestKernelServices<?> kernelServices) { return ModelTestModelControllerService.grabRootResource(kernelServices); } /** * Dumps the target subsystem resource description to DMR format, needed by TransformerRegistry for non-standard subsystems * * @param kernelServices the kernel services for the started controller * @param modelVersion the target subsystem model version * @deprecated this might no longer be needed following refactoring of TransformerRegistry */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void generateLegacySubsystemResourceRegistrationDmr(KernelServices kernelServices, ModelVersion modelVersion) throws IOException { delegate.generateLegacySubsystemResourceRegistrationDmr(kernelServices, modelVersion); } /** * Checks that the transformed model is the same as the model built up in the legacy subsystem controller via the transformed operations, * and that the transformed model is valid according to the resource definition in the legacy subsystem controller. * * @param kernelServices the main kernel services * @param modelVersion the model version of the targeted legacy subsystem * @return the whole model of the legacy controller */ protected ModelNode checkSubsystemModelTransformation(KernelServices kernelServices, ModelVersion modelVersion) throws IOException, OperationFailedException { return checkSubsystemModelTransformation(kernelServices, modelVersion, null, true); } /** * Checks that the transformed model is the same as the model built up in the legacy subsystem controller via the transformed operations, * and that the transformed model is valid according to the resource definition in the legacy subsystem controller. * * @param kernelServices the main kernel services * @param modelVersion the model version of the targeted legacy subsystem * @param legacyModelFixer use to touch up the model read from the legacy controller, use sparingly when the legacy model is just wrong. May be {@code null} * @return the whole model of the legacy controller */ protected ModelNode checkSubsystemModelTransformation(KernelServices kernelServices, ModelVersion modelVersion, ModelFixer legacyModelFixer) throws IOException, OperationFailedException { return checkSubsystemModelTransformation(kernelServices, modelVersion, legacyModelFixer, true); } /** * Checks that the transformed model is the same as the model built up in the legacy subsystem controller via the transformed operations, * and that the transformed model is valid according to the resource definition in the legacy subsystem controller. * * @param kernelServices the main kernel services * @param modelVersion the model version of the targeted legacy subsystem * @param legacyModelFixer use to touch up the model read from the legacy controller, use sparingly when the legacy model is just wrong. May be {@code null} * @return the whole model of the legacy controller */ protected ModelNode checkSubsystemModelTransformation(KernelServices kernelServices, ModelVersion modelVersion, ModelFixer legacyModelFixer, boolean includeDefaults) throws IOException, OperationFailedException { return delegate.checkSubsystemModelTransformation(kernelServices, modelVersion, legacyModelFixer, includeDefaults); } /** * Compares two models to make sure that they are the same * * @param node1 the first model * @param node2 the second model */ protected void compare(ModelNode node1, ModelNode node2) {, node2); } /** * Resolve two models and compare them to make sure that they have same * content after expression resolution * * @param node1 the first model * @param node2 the second model */ protected void resolveandCompareModel(ModelNode node1, ModelNode node2) { ModelTestUtils.resolveAndCompareModels(node1, node2); } /** * Compares two models to make sure that they are the same * * @param node1 the first model * @param node2 the second model * @param ignoreUndefined {@code true} if keys containing undefined nodes should be ignored */ protected void compare(ModelNode node1, ModelNode node2, boolean ignoreUndefined) {, node2, ignoreUndefined); } /** * Normalize and pretty-print XML so that it can be compared using string * compare. The following code does the following: - Removes comments - * Makes sure attributes are ordered consistently - Trims every element - * Pretty print the document * * @param xml The XML to be normalized * @return The equivalent XML, but now normalized */ protected String normalizeXML(String xml) throws Exception { return ModelTestUtils.normalizeXML(xml); } public static void validateModelDescriptions(PathAddress address, ManagementResourceRegistration reg) { ModelTestUtils.validateModelDescriptions(address, reg); } /** * Validate the marshalled xml without adjusting the namespaces for the original and marshalled xml. * * @param configId the id of the xml configuration * @param original the original subsystem xml * @param marshalled the marshalled subsystem xml * @throws Exception */ protected void compareXml(String configId, final String original, final String marshalled) throws Exception { ModelTestUtils.compareXml(original, marshalled); } /** * Validate the marshalled xml without adjusting the namespaces for the original and marshalled xml. * * @param configId TODO * @param original the original subsystem xml * @param marshalled the marshalled subsystem xml * @param ignoreNamespace if {@code true} the subsystem's namespace is ignored, otherwise it is taken into account when comparing the normalized xml. * @throws Exception */ protected void compareXml(String configId, final String original, final String marshalled, final boolean ignoreNamespace) throws Exception { ModelTestUtils.compareXml(original, marshalled, ignoreNamespace); } /** * Uses {@link org.junit.Assume#assumeTrue(boolean)} to check that -Djboss.test.transformers.eap is set AND the EAP repository is reachable. If those two conditions are not true, * an {@link org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException} is thrown causing the test to be conditionally ignored. The purpose of this method is to be called at the beginning of transformers * tests against legacy EAP versions. If the internal EAP repository is not available to the caller, the test is conditionally @Ignored if running with the standard JUnit test runner. * This means that no special setup is needed for being on the VPN or not. The {@code -Djboss.test.transformers.eap} is required to not add unnecessary time to every day builds. * * <p> * Normally you should not have to call this method, tests involving EAP do something similar as part of calling * {@link KernelServicesBuilder#createLegacyKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization,, ModelVersion)} if the * passed in ModelTestControllerVersion is an EAP version. */ protected void ignoreThisTestIfEAPRepositoryIsNotReachable() { Assume.assumeTrue(EAPRepositoryReachableUtil.isReachable()); } }