/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2011, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.as.jmx; import static java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.ADD_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.CREATE_MBEAN; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.DESERIALIZE; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_ATTRIBUTE; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_ATTRIBUTES; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_CLASSLOADER; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_CLASSLOADER_FOR; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_CLASSLOADER_REPOSITORY; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_MBEAN_COUNT; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_MBEAN_INFO; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.GET_OBJECT_INSTANCE; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.INSTANTIATE; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.INVOKE; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.IS_INSTANCE_OF; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.IS_REGISTERED; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.QUERY_MBEANS; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.QUERY_NAMES; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.REGISTER_MBEAN; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.SET_ATTRIBUTE; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.SET_ATTRIBUTES; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.MBeanServerSignature.UNREGISTER_MBEAN; import static org.jboss.as.jmx.SecurityActions.createCaller; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.security.AccessControlContext; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.Principal; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.security.PrivilegedActionException; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.function.Supplier; import javax.management.Attribute; import javax.management.AttributeList; import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException; import javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException; import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException; import javax.management.IntrospectionException; import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException; import javax.management.ListenerNotFoundException; import javax.management.MBeanException; import javax.management.MBeanInfo; import javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo; import javax.management.MBeanParameterInfo; import javax.management.MBeanRegistrationException; import javax.management.MBeanServer; import javax.management.MBeanServerDelegate; import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException; import javax.management.NotificationFilter; import javax.management.NotificationListener; import javax.management.ObjectInstance; import javax.management.ObjectName; import javax.management.OperationsException; import javax.management.QueryExp; import javax.management.ReflectionException; import javax.management.RuntimeOperationsException; import javax.management.loading.ClassLoaderRepository; import javax.security.auth.Subject; import org.jboss.as.controller.AccessAuditContext; import org.jboss.as.controller.access.AuthorizationResult; import org.jboss.as.controller.access.AuthorizationResult.Decision; import org.jboss.as.controller.access.JmxAction; import org.jboss.as.controller.access.JmxTarget; import org.jboss.as.controller.access.management.JmxAuthorizer; import org.jboss.as.controller.audit.AuditLogger; import org.jboss.as.controller.audit.ManagedAuditLogger; import org.jboss.as.controller.security.InetAddressPrincipal; import org.jboss.as.core.security.RealmUser; import org.jboss.as.jmx.logging.JmxLogger; import org.jboss.as.server.jmx.MBeanServerPlugin; import org.jboss.as.server.jmx.PluggableMBeanServer; import org.wildfly.security.auth.server.SecurityIdentity; import org.wildfly.security.manager.WildFlySecurityManager; /** * An MBeanServer supporting {@link MBeanServerPlugin}s. At it's core is the original platform mbean server wrapped in TCCL behaviour. * <em>Note:</em> If this class name changes ModelCombiner must be updated. * * @author <a href="kabir.khan@jboss.com">Kabir Khan</a> */ class PluggableMBeanServerImpl implements PluggableMBeanServer { private static final Object[] NO_ARGS = new Object[0]; private static final String[] EMPTY_SIG = new String[0]; private final MBeanServerPlugin rootMBeanServer; private final MBeanServerDelegate rootMBeanServerDelegate; private volatile ManagedAuditLogger auditLogger; private final Set<MBeanServerPlugin> delegates = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<MBeanServerPlugin>(); private volatile JmxAuthorizer authorizer; private volatile Supplier<SecurityIdentity> securityIdentitySupplier; private volatile JmxEffect jmxEffect; /** * If no suitable delegate is found in the set of delegates, the rootMBeanServer will handle the JMX operations. * @param rootMBeanServer JMX root MBeanServer (can not be {@code null}) * @param rootMBeanServerDelegate can be {@code null} if the {@link PluggableMBeanServerBuilder} is not used */ PluggableMBeanServerImpl(MBeanServer rootMBeanServer, MBeanServerDelegate rootMBeanServerDelegate) { this.rootMBeanServer = new TcclMBeanServer(rootMBeanServer); this.rootMBeanServerDelegate = rootMBeanServerDelegate; } void setAuditLogger(ManagedAuditLogger auditLoggerInfo) { this.auditLogger = auditLoggerInfo != null ? auditLoggerInfo : AuditLogger.NO_OP_LOGGER; } void setAuthorizer(JmxAuthorizer authorizer) { this.authorizer = authorizer; } void setSecurityIdentitySupplier(Supplier<SecurityIdentity> securityIdentitySupplier) { this.securityIdentitySupplier = securityIdentitySupplier; } void setNonFacadeMBeansSensitive(boolean sensitive) { authorizer.setNonFacadeMBeansSensitive(sensitive); } void setJmxEffect(JmxEffect effect) { this.jmxEffect = effect; } @Override public void addPlugin(MBeanServerPlugin delegate) { delegates.add(delegate); } @Override public void removePlugin(MBeanServerPlugin delegate) { delegates.remove(delegate); } @Override public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { // findDelegate does not work for a pattern ObjectName delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, ADD_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); delegate.addNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).addNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } } } @Override public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, ADD_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); delegate.addNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).addNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } } } @Override public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException { params = nullAsEmpty(params); signature = nullAsEmpty(signature); Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, CREATE_MBEAN, null, JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); return checkNotAReservedDomainRegistrationIfObjectNameWasChanged(name, delegate.createMBean(className, name, params, signature), delegate); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException) throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException) throw (NotCompliantMBeanException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).createMBean(className, name, params, signature); } } } @Override public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { params = nullAsEmpty(params); signature = nullAsEmpty(signature); Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, CREATE_MBEAN, null, JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); return checkNotAReservedDomainRegistrationIfObjectNameWasChanged(name, delegate.createMBean(className, name, loaderName, params, signature), delegate); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException) throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException) throw (NotCompliantMBeanException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).createMBean(className, name, params, signature); } } } @Override public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, CREATE_MBEAN, null, JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); return checkNotAReservedDomainRegistrationIfObjectNameWasChanged(name, delegate.createMBean(className, name, loaderName), delegate); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException) throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException) throw (NotCompliantMBeanException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).createMBean(className, name, loaderName); } } } @Override public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, CREATE_MBEAN, null, JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); return checkNotAReservedDomainRegistrationIfObjectNameWasChanged(name, delegate.createMBean(className, name), delegate); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException) throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException) throw (NotCompliantMBeanException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).createMBean(className, name); } } } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectInputStream deserialize(ObjectName name, byte[] data) throws OperationsException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, name, DESERIALIZE); return delegate.deserialize(name, data); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof OperationsException) throw (OperationsException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).deserialize(name, data); } } } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectInputStream deserialize(String className, byte[] data) throws OperationsException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = true; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, DESERIALIZE); return delegate.deserialize(className, data); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof OperationsException) throw (OperationsException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).deserialize(className, data); } } } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectInputStream deserialize(String className, ObjectName loaderName, byte[] data) throws OperationsException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = true; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, loaderName, DESERIALIZE); return delegate.deserialize(className, loaderName, data); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof OperationsException) throw (OperationsException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).deserialize(className, loaderName, data); } } } @Override public Object getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute) throws MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, GET_ATTRIBUTE, attribute, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); return delegate.getAttribute(name, attribute); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof AttributeNotFoundException) throw (AttributeNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getAttribute(name, attribute); } } } @Override public AttributeList getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); if (delegate.shouldAuthorize()) { for(String attribute : attributes) { authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, GET_ATTRIBUTES, attribute, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); } } return delegate.getAttributes(name, attributes); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getAttributes(name, attributes); } } } @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoader(ObjectName loaderName) throws InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegate(loaderName); //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, loaderName, GET_CLASSLOADER); return delegate.getClassLoader(loaderName); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getClassLoader(loaderName); } } } @Override public ClassLoader getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName mbeanName) throws InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(mbeanName); //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, mbeanName, GET_CLASSLOADER_FOR); return delegate.getClassLoaderFor(mbeanName); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getClassLoaderFor(mbeanName); } } } @Override public ClassLoaderRepository getClassLoaderRepository() { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = true; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, GET_CLASSLOADER_REPOSITORY); return delegate.getClassLoaderRepository(); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getClassLoaderRepository(); } } } @Override public String getDefaultDomain() { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = true; try { //No authorization needed to get the name of the default domain return delegate.getDefaultDomain(); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getDefaultDomain(); } } } @Override public String[] getDomains() { Throwable error = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { //No authorization needed to get the names of the domains ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { String[] domains = delegate.getDomains(); if (domains.length > 0) { result.addAll(Arrays.asList(domains)); } } } result.addAll(Arrays.asList(rootMBeanServer.getDomains())); return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { //This should always audit log new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getDomains(); } } @Override public Integer getMBeanCount() { Throwable error = null; final boolean readOnly = true; boolean shouldLog = false; try { int i = 0; if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { //Only include the count if the user is authorized to see the beans in the domain if (authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, ObjectName.WILDCARD, GET_MBEAN_COUNT, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY, false)) { i += delegate.getMBeanCount(); if (delegate.shouldAuditLog()) { shouldLog = true; } } } } if (authorizeMBeanOperation(rootMBeanServer, ObjectName.WILDCARD, GET_MBEAN_COUNT, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY, false)) { //Only include the count if the user is authorized to see the beans in the domain i += rootMBeanServer.getMBeanCount(); shouldLog = true; } return i; } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (error != null || shouldLog) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getMBeanCount(); } } } @Override public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException { return getMBeanInfo(name, true, false); } private MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name, boolean logAndAuthorize, boolean nullIfNotFound) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); if (logAndAuthorize) { authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, GET_MBEAN_INFO, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); } return delegate.getMBeanInfo(name); } catch (Exception e) { if (nullIfNotFound) { return null; } error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof IntrospectionException) throw (IntrospectionException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (logAndAuthorize && shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getMBeanInfo(name); } } } @Override public ObjectInstance getObjectInstance(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, GET_OBJECT_INSTANCE, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); return delegate.getObjectInstance(name); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).getObjectInstance(name); } } } @Override public Object instantiate(String className, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException { params = nullAsEmpty(params); signature = nullAsEmpty(signature); Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = false; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, INSTANTIATE); return delegate.instantiate(className, params, signature); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).instantiate(className, params, signature); } } } @Override public Object instantiate(String className, ObjectName loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { params = nullAsEmpty(params); signature = nullAsEmpty(signature); Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = false; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, loaderName, INSTANTIATE); return delegate.instantiate(className, loaderName, params, signature); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).instantiate(className, loaderName, params, signature); } } } @Override public Object instantiate(String className, ObjectName loaderName) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = false; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, INSTANTIATE); return delegate.instantiate(className, loaderName); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).instantiate(className, loaderName); } } } @Override public Object instantiate(String className) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = rootMBeanServer; final boolean readOnly = false; try { //Special authorization authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, INSTANTIATE); return delegate.instantiate(className); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).instantiate(className); } } } @Override public Object invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { params = nullAsEmpty(params); signature = nullAsEmpty(signature); Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = findDelegate(name); boolean readOnly = false; try { //Need to determine impact of the operation readOnly = isOperationReadOnly(name, operationName, signature); delegate = findDelegate(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, INVOKE, null, readOnly ? JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY : JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); return delegate.invoke(name, operationName, params, signature); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).invoke(name, operationName, params, signature); } } } @Override public boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className) throws InstanceNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, IS_INSTANCE_OF, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); return delegate.isInstanceOf(name, className); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).isInstanceOf(name, className); } } } @Override public boolean isRegistered(ObjectName name) { Throwable error = null; Boolean shouldAuditLog = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { if (delegate.accepts(name) && delegate.isRegistered(name)) { authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, IS_REGISTERED, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); if (delegate.shouldAuditLog()) { shouldAuditLog = true; } return true; } } } // check if it's registered with the root (a.k.a platform) MBean server shouldAuditLog = true; authorizeMBeanOperation(rootMBeanServer, name, IS_REGISTERED, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); return rootMBeanServer.isRegistered(name); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog == null || shouldAuditLog) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).isRegistered(name); } } } @Override public Set<ObjectInstance> queryMBeans(ObjectName name, QueryExp query) { Throwable error = null; final boolean readOnly = true; boolean shouldAuditLog = false; try { Set<ObjectInstance> result = new HashSet<ObjectInstance>(); if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { if (name == null || (name.getDomain() != null && delegate.accepts(name))) { //Only include the mbeans if the user is authorized to see the beans in the domain if (authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, QUERY_MBEANS, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY, false)) { result.addAll(delegate.queryMBeans(name, query)); if (delegate.shouldAuditLog()) { shouldAuditLog = true; } } } } } //Only include the mbeans if the user is authorized to see the beans in the domain if (authorizeMBeanOperation(rootMBeanServer, name, QUERY_MBEANS, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY, false)) { result.addAll(rootMBeanServer.queryMBeans(name, query)); shouldAuditLog = true; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (error != null || shouldAuditLog) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).queryMBeans(name, query); } } } @Override public Set<ObjectName> queryNames(ObjectName name, QueryExp query) { Throwable error = null; final boolean readOnly = true; boolean shouldAuditLog = false; try { Set<ObjectName> result = new HashSet<ObjectName>(); if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { if (name == null || (name.getDomain() != null && delegate.accepts(name))) { //Only include the mbeans if the user is authorized to see the beans in the domain if (authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, QUERY_NAMES, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY, false)) { result.addAll(delegate.queryNames(name, query)); if (delegate.shouldAuditLog()) { shouldAuditLog = true; } } } } } //Only include the mbeans if the user is authorized to see the beans in the domain if (authorizeMBeanOperation(rootMBeanServer, name, QUERY_NAMES, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY, false)) { result.addAll(rootMBeanServer.queryNames(name, query)); shouldAuditLog = true; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { error = e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (error != null || shouldAuditLog) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).queryNames(name, query); } } } @Override public ObjectInstance registerMBean(Object object, ObjectName name) throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, REGISTER_MBEAN, null, JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); return checkNotAReservedDomainRegistrationIfObjectNameWasChanged(name, delegate.registerMBean(object, name), delegate); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceAlreadyExistsException) throw (InstanceAlreadyExistsException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanRegistrationException) throw (MBeanRegistrationException)e; if (e instanceof NotCompliantMBeanException) throw (NotCompliantMBeanException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).registerMBean(object, name); } } } /** * This method gets called after {@code createMBean()} or {@code registerMBean()} has been called. Its intent is to make sure that an MBean with an ObjectName calculated by {@code MBeanRegistration.preRegister()} * which gets registered in the {@code rootMBeanServer} does not belong to one of the 'reserved' domains coming from the {@code MBeanServerPlugin} delegates. * <p> * If the bean does belong to one of the 'reserved' domains, an attempt is made to clean up the wrongly registered MBean by unregistering it before throwing a RuntimeOperationsException * * @param name the name used in the {@code createMBean()} or {@code registerMBean()} call ending up here * @param createdInstance the {@code ObjectInstance} returned by the {@code createMBean()} or {@code registerMBean()} call ending up here * @param usedDelegate The delegate used by the {@code createMBean()} or {@code registerMBean()} ending up here * @return * @throws RuntimeOperationsException if the {@code ObjectName} calculated by {@code MBeanRegistration.preRegister()} causes the MBean to get * registered in a 'reserved' domain which should be handled by one of the {@code MBeanServerPlugin} delegates. */ private ObjectInstance checkNotAReservedDomainRegistrationIfObjectNameWasChanged(ObjectName name, ObjectInstance createdInstance, MBeanServerPlugin usedDelegate) throws RuntimeOperationsException { ObjectName registeredName = createdInstance.getObjectName(); if (registeredName.equals(name) || usedDelegate != rootMBeanServer) { //MBeanRegistration.preRegister() did not change the name or we did not end up in the root MBeanServer (which should have been handled by the current delegates) return createdInstance; } //Find the MBeanServerPlugin delegate which should have been used for the registered delegate MBeanServerPlugin shouldHaveUsedDelegate = null; for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { if (delegate.accepts(registeredName)) { shouldHaveUsedDelegate = delegate; } } if (shouldHaveUsedDelegate != null) { //We have a MBeanServer delegate which should have been used for registeredName's domain. //We want to throw the badDomainInCalclulatedObjectNameException, but first we want to clean up the //MBean registered in the rootMBeanServer, which should never have made it there try { //Attempt to unregister usedDelegate.unregisterMBean(registeredName); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { //The MBean we want to unregister could not be found. Someone else must have unregistered it, but who cares. The //end result is that the MBean we want to get rid of does not exist, which is what we want. } catch (MBeanRegistrationException e) { //The only reason this would happen is a problem in a custom MBeanRegistration.preDeRegister() method. //This could perhaps be handled better but there isn't really a lot we can do apart from log an error. JmxLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.errorUnregisteringMBeanWithBadCalculatedName(e, registeredName); } catch (RuntimeException e) { //No idea why this would happen? //This could perhaps be handled better but there isn't really a lot we can do apart from log an error. JmxLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.errorUnregisteringMBeanWithBadCalculatedName(e, registeredName); } throw JmxLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.badDomainInCalclulatedObjectNameException(registeredName); } return createdInstance; } @Override public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ListenerNotFoundException) throw (ListenerNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).removeNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } } } @Override public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ListenerNotFoundException) throw (ListenerNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).removeNotificationListener(name, listener); } } } @Override public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ListenerNotFoundException) throw (ListenerNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).removeNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } } } @Override public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = true; try { delegate = findDelegateForNewObject(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, REMOVE_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER, null, JmxAction.Impact.READ_ONLY); delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ListenerNotFoundException) throw (ListenerNotFoundException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).removeNotificationListener(name, listener); } } } @Override public void setAttribute(ObjectName name, Attribute attribute) throws InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, SET_ATTRIBUTE, attribute.getName(), JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); delegate.setAttribute(name, attribute); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof AttributeNotFoundException) throw (AttributeNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof InvalidAttributeValueException) throw (InvalidAttributeValueException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanException) throw (MBeanException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).setAttribute(name, attribute); } } } @Override public AttributeList setAttributes(ObjectName name, AttributeList attributes) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); for( Attribute attribute : attributes.asList()) { authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, SET_ATTRIBUTES, attribute.getName(), JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); } return delegate.setAttributes(name, attributes); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof ReflectionException) throw (ReflectionException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).setAttributes(name, attributes); } } } @Override public void unregisterMBean(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanRegistrationException { Throwable error = null; MBeanServerPlugin delegate = null; final boolean readOnly = false; try { delegate = findDelegate(name); authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, UNREGISTER_MBEAN, null, JmxAction.Impact.WRITE); delegate.unregisterMBean(name); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; if (e instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) throw (InstanceNotFoundException)e; if (e instanceof MBeanRegistrationException) throw (MBeanRegistrationException)e; throw makeRuntimeException(e); } finally { if (shouldAuditLog(delegate, readOnly)) { new MBeanServerAuditLogRecordFormatter(this, error, readOnly).unregisterMBean(name); } } } private MBeanServerPlugin findDelegate(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException { if (name == null) { throw JmxLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.objectNameCantBeNull(); } if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { if (delegate.accepts(name) && delegate.isRegistered(name)) { return delegate; } } } if (rootMBeanServer.isRegistered(name)) { return rootMBeanServer; } throw new InstanceNotFoundException(name.toString()); } private MBeanServerPlugin findDelegateForNewObject(ObjectName name) { if (name == null) { return rootMBeanServer; } if (delegates.size() > 0) { for (MBeanServerPlugin delegate : delegates) { if (delegate.accepts(name)) { return delegate; } } } return rootMBeanServer; } private boolean shouldAuditLog(MBeanServerPlugin delegate, boolean readOnly) { if (auditLogger != null) { if (delegate == null) { return true; } return delegate.shouldAuditLog(); } return false; } private RuntimeException makeRuntimeException(Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { return (RuntimeException)e; } return new RuntimeException(e); } private boolean isOperationReadOnly(ObjectName name, String operationName, String[] signature) { MBeanInfo info; try { info = getMBeanInfo(name, false, true); } catch (Exception e) { //This should not happen, just in case say it is not RO return false; } if (info == null) { //Default to not RO return false; } for (MBeanOperationInfo op : info.getOperations()) { if (op.getName().equals(operationName)) { MBeanParameterInfo[] params = op.getSignature(); if (params.length != signature.length) { continue; } boolean same = true; for (int i = 0 ; i < params.length ; i++) { if (!params[i].getType().equals(signature[i])) { same = false; break; } } if (same) { return op.getImpact() == MBeanOperationInfo.INFO; } } } //Default to not RO return false; } void log(boolean readOnly, Throwable error, String methodName, String[] methodSignature, Object...methodParams) { AccessControlContext acc = AccessController.getContext(); if (WildFlySecurityManager.isChecking()) { doPrivileged(new LogAction(acc, auditLogger, readOnly, error, methodName, methodSignature, methodParams)); } else { LogAction.doLog(acc, auditLogger, readOnly, error, methodName, methodSignature, methodParams); } } private void authorizeMBeanOperation(MBeanServerPlugin delegate, ObjectName name, String methodName, String attributeName, JmxAction.Impact impact) throws MBeanException { authorizeMBeanOperation(delegate, name, methodName, attributeName, impact, true); } private boolean authorizeMBeanOperation(MBeanServerPlugin delegate, ObjectName name, String methodName, String attributeName, JmxAction.Impact impact, boolean exception) throws MBeanException { if (authorizer != null && delegate.shouldAuthorize()) { JmxTarget target = new JmxTarget(methodName, name, isNonFacadeMBeansSensitive(), jmxEffect, jmxEffect); JmxAction action = new JmxAction(methodName, impact, attributeName); //TODO populate the 'environment' variable SecurityIdentity securityIdentity = securityIdentitySupplier != null ? securityIdentitySupplier.get() : null; AuthorizationResult authorizationResult = authorizer.authorizeJmxOperation(createCaller(securityIdentity), null, action, target); if (authorizationResult.getDecision() != Decision.PERMIT) { if (exception) { throw JmxLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unauthorized(); } else { return false; } } } return true; } private void authorizeClassloadingOperation(MBeanServerPlugin delegate, String methodName) throws MBeanException { authorizeClassloadingOperation(delegate, ObjectName.WILDCARD, methodName); } private void authorizeClassloadingOperation(MBeanServerPlugin delegate, ObjectName objectName, String methodName) throws MBeanException { if (authorizer != null && delegate.shouldAuthorize()) { JmxTarget target = new JmxTarget(methodName, objectName, isNonFacadeMBeansSensitive(), jmxEffect, jmxEffect); JmxAction action = new JmxAction(methodName, JmxAction.Impact.CLASSLOADING); //TODO populate the 'environment' variable SecurityIdentity securityIdentity = securityIdentitySupplier != null ? securityIdentitySupplier.get() : null; AuthorizationResult authorizationResult = authorizer.authorizeJmxOperation(createCaller(securityIdentity), null, action, target); if (authorizationResult.getDecision() != Decision.PERMIT) { throw JmxLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unauthorized(); } } } private String[] nullAsEmpty(String[] array) { if (array == null) { return EMPTY_SIG; } return array; } private Object[] nullAsEmpty(Object[] array) { if (array == null) { return NO_ARGS; } return array; } private boolean isNonFacadeMBeansSensitive() { return authorizer == null ? false : authorizer.isNonFacadeMBeansSensitive(); } MBeanServerDelegate getMBeanServerDelegate() { return rootMBeanServerDelegate; } static final class LogAction implements PrivilegedAction<Void> { final AccessControlContext acc; final ManagedAuditLogger auditLogger; final boolean readOnly; final Throwable error; final String methodName; final String[] methodSignature; final Object[] methodParams; public LogAction(AccessControlContext acc, ManagedAuditLogger auditLogger, boolean readOnly, Throwable error, String methodName, String[] methodSignature, Object[] methodParams) { this.acc = acc; this.auditLogger = auditLogger; this.readOnly = readOnly; this.error = error; this.methodName = methodName; this.methodSignature = methodSignature; this.methodParams = methodParams; } @Override public Void run() { doLog(acc, auditLogger, readOnly, error, methodName, methodSignature, methodParams); return null; } static void doLog(AccessControlContext acc, ManagedAuditLogger auditLogger, boolean readOnly, Throwable error, String methodName, String[] methodSignature, Object...methodParams) { if (auditLogger != null) { Subject subject = Subject.getSubject(acc); AccessAuditContext auditContext = SecurityActions.currentAccessAuditContext(); auditLogger.logJmxMethodAccess( readOnly, getCallerUserId(subject), auditContext == null ? null : auditContext.getDomainUuid(), auditContext == null ? null : auditContext.getAccessMechanism(), getSubjectInetAddress(subject), methodName, methodSignature, methodParams, error); } } private static String getCallerUserId(Subject subject) { String userId = null; if (subject != null) { Set<RealmUser> realmUsers = subject.getPrincipals(RealmUser.class); if (!realmUsers.isEmpty()) { RealmUser user = realmUsers.iterator().next(); userId = user.getName(); } } return userId; } private static InetAddress getSubjectInetAddress(Subject subject) { InetAddressPrincipal principal = getPrincipal(subject, InetAddressPrincipal.class); return principal != null ? principal.getInetAddress() : null; } private static <T extends Principal> T getPrincipal(Subject subject, Class<T> clazz) { if (subject == null) { return null; } Set<T> principals = subject.getPrincipals(clazz); assert principals.size() <= 1; if (principals.isEmpty()) { return null; } return principals.iterator().next(); } }; private class TcclMBeanServer implements MBeanServerPlugin { private final MBeanServer delegate; public TcclMBeanServer(MBeanServer delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } @Override public boolean accepts(ObjectName objectName) { //Will never be called return true; } @Override public boolean shouldAuditLog() { return true; } @Override public boolean shouldAuthorize() { return AuthorizingMBeanServer.isAuthorizing(); } public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.addNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public void addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.addNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException { return delegate.createMBean(className, name, params, signature); } public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoaderByName(loaderName); try { return delegate.createMBean(className, name, loaderName, params, signature); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoaderByName(loaderName); try { return delegate.createMBean(className, name, loaderName); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, ObjectName name) throws ReflectionException, InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanException, NotCompliantMBeanException { return delegate.createMBean(className, name); } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectInputStream deserialize(ObjectName name, byte[] data) throws OperationsException { return delegate.deserialize(name, data); } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectInputStream deserialize(String className, byte[] data) throws OperationsException, ReflectionException { return delegate.deserialize(className, data); } @Override @Deprecated public ObjectInputStream deserialize(String className, ObjectName loaderName, byte[] data) throws OperationsException, ReflectionException { return delegate.deserialize(className, loaderName, data); } public Object getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute) throws MBeanException, AttributeNotFoundException, InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { return delegate.getAttribute(name, attribute); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public AttributeList getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { return delegate.getAttributes(name, attributes); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public ClassLoader getClassLoader(ObjectName loaderName) throws InstanceNotFoundException { return delegate.getClassLoader(loaderName); } public ClassLoader getClassLoaderFor(ObjectName mbeanName) throws InstanceNotFoundException { return delegate.getClassLoaderFor(mbeanName); } public ClassLoaderRepository getClassLoaderRepository() { return delegate.getClassLoaderRepository(); } public String getDefaultDomain() { return delegate.getDefaultDomain(); } public String[] getDomains() { return delegate.getDomains(); } public Integer getMBeanCount() { return delegate.getMBeanCount(); } public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, IntrospectionException, ReflectionException { return delegate.getMBeanInfo(name); } public ObjectInstance getObjectInstance(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException { return delegate.getObjectInstance(name); } public Object instantiate(String className, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException { return delegate.instantiate(className, params, signature); } public Object instantiate(String className, ObjectName loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoaderByName(loaderName); try { return delegate.instantiate(className, loaderName, params, signature); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public Object instantiate(String className, ObjectName loaderName) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException, InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoaderByName(loaderName); try { return delegate.instantiate(className, loaderName); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public Object instantiate(String className) throws ReflectionException, MBeanException { return delegate.instantiate(className); } public Object invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName, Object[] params, String[] signature) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { return delegate.invoke(name, operationName, params, signature); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public boolean isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className) throws InstanceNotFoundException { return delegate.isInstanceOf(name, className); } public boolean isRegistered(ObjectName name) { return delegate.isRegistered(name); } public Set<ObjectInstance> queryMBeans(ObjectName name, QueryExp query) { return delegate.queryMBeans(name, query); } public Set<ObjectName> queryNames(ObjectName name, QueryExp query) { return delegate.queryNames(name, query); } public ObjectInstance registerMBean(Object object, ObjectName name) throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException { return delegate.registerMBean(object, name); } public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener, filter, handback); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public void removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ListenerNotFoundException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.removeNotificationListener(name, listener); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public void setAttribute(ObjectName name, Attribute attribute) throws InstanceNotFoundException, AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { delegate.setAttribute(name, attribute); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public AttributeList setAttributes(ObjectName name, AttributeList attributes) throws InstanceNotFoundException, ReflectionException { ClassLoader old = pushClassLoader(name); try { return delegate.setAttributes(name, attributes); } finally { resetClassLoader(old); } } public void unregisterMBean(ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanRegistrationException { delegate.unregisterMBean(name); } private ClassLoader pushClassLoader(final ObjectName name) throws InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader mbeanCl; try { mbeanCl = doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<ClassLoader>() { public ClassLoader run() throws InstanceNotFoundException { return delegate.getClassLoaderFor(name); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { try { throw e.getCause(); } catch (RuntimeException r) { throw r; } catch (InstanceNotFoundException ie) { throw ie; } catch (Error error) { throw error; } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(throwable); } } return WildFlySecurityManager.setCurrentContextClassLoaderPrivileged(mbeanCl); } private ClassLoader pushClassLoaderByName(final ObjectName loaderName) throws InstanceNotFoundException { ClassLoader mbeanCl; try { mbeanCl = doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<ClassLoader>() { public ClassLoader run() throws Exception { return delegate.getClassLoader(loaderName); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { try { throw e.getCause(); } catch (RuntimeException r) { throw r; } catch (InstanceNotFoundException ie) { throw ie; } catch (Error error) { throw error; } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(throwable); } } return WildFlySecurityManager.setCurrentContextClassLoaderPrivileged(mbeanCl); } private void resetClassLoader(ClassLoader cl) { WildFlySecurityManager.setCurrentContextClassLoaderPrivileged(cl); } } }